RP XSDF Roleplay Thread: Vanguard of Forseti


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Taxor the First and DarkGemini24601
Operation Hidden Stranger, Part 5

A peek from behind the trees on the island confirmed Samantha’s fears. “Cat’s onto us,” she said. “Keep the trees between us and the other guys at all times, unless you can get a shot off on them. Dolores, I want you to hunt that Sectoid down. Everyone else…” she turned in time to see the beast cross the threshold, appearing from the other side of the island with an animal scowl on it’s face. “... let’s put this one down.”

The hulking beast leaped forward, claws outstretched. Samantha rolled out of the way, discarding her Novagun as she did so. Hope he doesn’t step on it, she thought, pulling out her shotgun. Not breaking stride, the Incubator continued forward, swinging it’s deadly paws.

“Whoah!” Nick said, also rolling out of the way. He took a reaction shot with his shotgun, though the creature, predicting the shot, easily weaved away, straight towards Spyridon. It swiped at him, his reaction time saving him for the time being from being disemboweled. But the Incubator did not relent, pushing at the scout with a flurry of paws. One swat got through, striking the scout on the side and shattering his personal shield.

“The hell?!” Spyridon said, getting up and backpedalling. “One hit! One hit!”

My strength is unparalleled, the Incubator’s voice boomed. Certainly none of you could hope to match it.

“Sure about that?” Samantha taunted, standing in the open. “Come on. You, me, fisticuffs, let’s go.”

The Incubator snorted. Surely you jest? When she didn’t back down, it growled. Very well! Allow me to demonstrate why my species is used in melee combat and yours is not! It pounced, sailing through the air towards the Huntress, who remained unmoving. Midway through it’s pounce, the Incubator read an unfamiliar term in her mind. Hyperdrive? What?

The familiar blue shell enveloped Samantha’s form, air hardening around her armor. She swung her left fist at the Incubator, impacting it’s snout and causing a severe concussion. The blow was not without cost, however. With the punch came the sound of cracking bone, not from the Incubator. With the creature lying stunned on the ground, Samantha winced in pain, the latent self-biokinesis in her ability slowly going to work repairing her now shattered left knuckles. With her remaining arm, she lifted her truncated shotgun and fired, executing the beast where it lay. The shell simmered away, and she exhaled heavily. “I never want to do that again,” she said, flexing her fingers.

Seeing their Incubator fall was a blow to the Packmaster’s morale. It only got worse when Dolores, having finally found the lurking Sectoid, filled it’s bulbous head with plasma. The Sectoid Commander, outraged, launched a mind-control thread at her, wresting control of the shadow operative’s mind. A suitable trade, it said, as Dolores turned towards her former allies.

“Oh, no you don’t,” Tornada muttered, fixing her sights on the now exposed Commander and firing, the plasma splitting the creature’s head in two. Flores fell to the ground, holding her head and whispering something under her breath.

Now alone, the final human stepped out into the open. With a suicidal roar, he pulled out a plasma grenade and began running towards the soldiers, having discarded everything else he had been holding. His kamikaze run was stopped short, however, as he tripped over something on the ground. He turned around to see a Seeker, which had flattened itself on the ground, decloaking. He howled in rage as he was summarily executed by Oritz, unable to resist without his weapon.

Samantha exhaled. “Alright,” she said. “Do you think we can actually go upstairs without being ambushed this time?”

“Allow me to save you the trouble,” a voice called out. It belonged to a suited man striding towards them from the staircase, with several other suited men looking far more menacing in tow. “XSDF, I presume?”

Samantha nodded, retrieving her Novagun. “That’d be us, Mr. Gouwel,” she said. “Where were you?”

Peng pointed back at the restaurant. “Thing about teleimagery,” he said, “Is that you can portray anything. Like, for example, a waving curtain where in fact there are six huddled people.”

“I only see five,” Samantha noted.

Peng shrugged. “My date had a bit too much excitement. Thought it safer to wait with everyone else then charge at the people with guns like I did.”

Dolores stood up, frowning. “Uh, guys?” she said. “I think we’ve got company.”

“Still?!” Samantha said. “Godammit. Peng, get behind cover. You suits too.” Confused but not wanting to question their saviours, the engineer obliged, taking cover behind the trees in the centre of the food court. “Don’t mind the dead cat.”

A single man approached, brazenly walking into the center of the circle. (Dolores, however, was able to discern two cloaked allies approaching from the sides.) He was wearing jet black titan armor with red designs in Chinese characters, a faint diffused particle field visible around him, indicated a personal shield. He was armed with a fusion marksman rifle, as well as a pistol of the same deadly fission energy. “I’d ask you to leave,” the man spoke, his accent not Chinese at all but faintly German, “But I’m sure my associates already tried that. All I ask of you now is that you make peace with whatever gods you might worship.” With that simple declaration, he raised his sunspot rifle and fired at Samantha.

Her reactions far from the same level as Spyridon’s, dodging the shot was no option. Instead, thanks to the Vortex Armor she wore, Samantha was able to trigger her ability again, the fusion bolt striking the shell just in front of her face. To her surprise and horror, the bolt continued through, weakened but not fully dissipated by the protection. It hit her personal shielding instead, shattering it but failing to pass through aside from a few licks of energy. “Two shields are better than one,” she said triumphantly, spinning up her Novagun. “Squad, I don’t know who this asshole is, but I’d say he’s made his intentions pretty clear.” The XSDF soldiers all readied their weapons, eyes flicking between the Chinese-German and his flanking entourage. “Let’s make ours equally clear.”

As one, they moved. Dolores, Spyridon and Nick sprinted forward, shotguns and rifles at the ready. Samantha began moving backwards to some semblance of cover, but not before releasing an imbued volley of plasma at her foes. The other two - Oritz and Tornada - both fell back, though the Replitan searched for an elevated position while the medic wanted cover. The Seekers, too damaged to act aggressively, simply remained cloaked, awaiting opportunity.

The two shadow operatives decloaked themselves, taking cover and firing at Spyridon and Nick, while their leader ducked down, his shield wavering violently but staying up as it was grazed by the powerful shot. “Psionics, hm? Allow me to return in kind.” Raising up a hand, he conjured a massive blaze that surrounded Samantha. He didn’t expect it to burn her with her sealed armor taken into account, but it was enough to force her to switch to internal oxygen supply and obstruct vision. Following up that attack quickly, he created two red spheres by the cover of the XSDF scout and assault, blowing their defensive positions to bits.

“Wha- Bullshit!” Nick said, taking the sudden lack of cover in his stride and continuing the sprint forwards. Spyridon ran in front of him, attempting to draw fire from the assault as they weaved back and forth. Once he’d successfully done so, he pulled a smoke grenade from his hip and chucked it ahead of him, providing a wall of obstruction. With a swing of his hand, a wind puffed behind him, pushing the gas forward, towards their enemies. The two used it as cover, moving forward and hoping their enemies didn’t start firing through randomly.

“Sorry Tornada,” Spyridon said softly.

Floating above the battlefield, the Seekers spotted the opportunity they’d been waiting for. As they had done before, they marked the location of the enemies, broadcasting it to their allies. Samantha, unable to see properly past the flames around her, decided this was probably the best shot she would get and began spraying towards the indicator, hoping that something would hit.

The plasma indeed landed home, the Triad Elite not having moved much from his initial position. His shield spiderwebbed before shattering completely. A few bolts hit his armor before the rest that came with the last vestiges of the attack died off as they approached, burning through the fog as their heat swirled around the German. “Not bad…” he muttered, before concentrating a burst of telekinesis to clear the mist around him. “What’s your name?” he addressed Samantha calmly, almost lazily. Distortions from the intense heat swirling around him were moderately visible.

“Samantha Steele,” she responded, defiance in her voice. She ignored the flames licking at her armor for now. “Some called me the Iron Huntress a few years back.”
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Well-Known Member
Operation Hidden Stranger, Part 6

“Steele… no wonder it’s hard to melt you,” the Triad Elite replied. “I may or may not have heard that title before. And since you were so courteous, I’ll introduce myself, though I don’t have a title.” His helmet’s glass, previously tinted, lit up so his face was visible, the features strikingly… nigh-identical… to those of someone Samantha knew. “I’m Geralt Carson. And your time is up.” The bottom of the faceplate slid up momentarily, and he placed a cuban cigar in his mouth. “Vulcan.” It burned from his lips to it’s end, and the flames swirled aggressively, starting to form into a humanoid shape. The being had a clawprint-shaped face with two burning eyes, and the flames over the telekinetic basis of the Geralt’s Reflection appeared red-orange. It had no legs, merely a swirling tornado of fire for a lower half.

Around the hands of ‘Vulcan’, whips of flame formed, tipped with red soulfire flames as opposed to their orange length. With a flick of its wrists, it launched the burning lassos at Samantha, while Geralt used the heat his thermokinesis had stolen to fire a burning psi lance of his own off.

“Shit,” she said quietly, resorting to rolling out of the way. That’s ridiculous! I can’t tank that. I need… She abandoned her Novagun, at this point reasoning that something that heavy would only get her killed. The flames around her were weakened by the smothering, enough now that she could see clearly again. A quick scan of the field revealed nothing of use, except for -

A smile broke the sides of her mouth. Yes, that might work. But first, those supporters of his needed to be dealt with. Glancing at her own support, they clearly had the same idea. With now absolutely no option but to attack, the scout and assault charged through the last wisps of smoke, directly at one of the supporting enemy snipers. With a Reflex rifle in hand, the enemy was powerless against a shotgun and assault rifle, falling to the combined plasma assault. Tornada, seeing the smoke clear, poked her head out again from the second floor of an opposite restaurant and fired, the bolt impacting the chest of the other sniper. With only Shadow Armor in the way, the shot was enough to tear straight through, killing the unfortunate man almost instantly.

Geralt narrowed his eyes, seeming to take the situation seriously for the first time. A red glow surrounded Samantha’s discarded Novagun, lifting it into the air, and the glow intensified as the plasma was superheated to the point of explosion as it was hurled at her. Vulcan fired off a pair of explosive, flaming psi lances at the two who had killed his bodyguards.

The psi lances were, though oncoming fast, fairly simple to dodge. The exploding Novagun, however, was not. Spyridon knew this. He also knew he could at least minimize the damage. Whipping up a wind, he blew against the projectile weapon, causing it to land short of his leader and explode relatively harmlessly in the middle of the road. Turning his attention back to the flaming spheres accelerating towards him, he jumped away as Nick had a moment earlier. He could not have been aware that the flames were explosive, or that once he’d committed to helping Samantha that he’d ruined any chance of getting out of the fatal range.

Nick was thrown backwards by the explosion, flames licking his armor and leaving burns across it. Landing on his back, he raised his head in time to see a charred body, formerly belonging to the scout, being thrown elsewhere. “You sonofabitch!” he yelled, picking up his shotgun and charging back at Geralt. “You’ll pay for that!” Dolores, upset by the death of her comrade, uncloaked nearby and added her own fire, resulting in a push towards several parked cars on the street.

“‘You’ll pay for killing my friends. How dare you’,” Carson muttered. “I’ve heard it before, but it long ago ceased to move me.” He drew his fusion pistol, firing at Nick while using his other hand to maintain thermokinesis as strongly as he could, though a few shots impacted his armor, the man not seeming to have total control over the master red ability. However, Nick approaching was not the wisest move he could have made, as Vulcan rushed forward to defend his master, delivering a powerful punch in the assault’s direction.

Faced with losing his life, Nick instead decided to lose a limb, raising a prosthetic leg to block the blow. The leg was decimated, parts melting and parts simply shattering under the force. He fell on his back, but his job was done. Not only was Geralt now near the parked vehicles, but his Reflection had left him, for as brief a time as it might be. Samantha grinned to herself as she climbed atop one car, shotgun in hand and Hyperdrive having reached its critical point. Psionic energy spilled out of her, reinforcing her shield but preventing her from shutting the ability off. It was all or nothing, now.

“Geralt!” she yelled, attracting the pirate’s attention. He noticed then how close to the vehicles he had gotten, and therefore how close to Samantha. “You ever hear about car bombs?” With a manic smile, she fired the shotgun straight down, the heavily imbued plasma burning through the car hood and striking the fuel, which, even after years of advancement, was still quite flammable.

I underestimated you, Geralt conveyed telepathically before being surrounded in an explosion of flames. The immense, plasma-charged detonation was enough to blow away Vulcan, shattering the Reflection into shards of telekinetic energy and merging with its flames. The Triad Elite mustered everything he had simply to cloak himself in opposing fire and drain anything that got through with thermokinesis, but the sheer force blasted him backwards and into the air. Titan armor cracked, shattering in some places, and the man crashed into a brick wall, creating a vertical crater where he impacted.

Out of the flames came Samantha, though there was an odd gait to her step, and the cyan-blue shell was cracked in multiple places. Even then, some of the force seemed to have gotten through - her own armor was clearly damaged, though still functional enough to offer protection. She and the rest of the squad bar Tornada approached the Elite, guns raised. “That’s not going in the ‘proudest moments’ book,” the Huntress muttered, largely to herself. “Luka must have rubbed off on me more than I thought.”

A red glow faintly wavered off of Geralt, indicated that he had not hit the wall himself, though he hadn’t had time to completely summon Vulcan again. He glanced up at Samantha. “I won’t forget you… but I’m survived for too long… to die here!” His eyes flashed orange, and a set of three psi panic threads screamed out at the other three with Samantha, while he exhaled a blast of soul fire at Samantha, knowing that even if it didn’t burn her the flames tied to his powerful will would still affect her mentally.

Without Mind Shields, the other three recoiled instantly, their minds being overcome by fear. Whilst Samantha herself did have a Mind Shield, the physical flames were far too much for her weakened state and she was forced to back down, her shell close to breaking point. They also had the convenient effect of blocking Tornada’s vision from the other side of the plaza, preventing her from attempting an assassination. Samantha growled through the flames, holding her shotgun back for fear it would explode like the Novagun. “What’s the matter?” she yelled. “Going to run away like a messenger of the gods?”

Geralt paled as he stood to his feet. “You… know Hermes?” he practically whispered in surprise. A broken, crackled buzz sounded in his ear, and he clenched his teeth in frustration. “We’ll meet again, Steele…” About 400 meters above them, a ship briefly decloaked, and a pillar of light claimed the Triad Elite. “and I expect an answer then in exchange for sparing your life,” his voice echoed as he disappeared from view, and the light faded.

The Huntress resisted the urge to shake her fist at the retreating ship. “Motherfucker!” she cried, punching the wall as the last vestiges of psionic energy drained from her, and her cracked shell finally fell away. “Godammit…”

Jesus, having since gone over to the charred form of Spyridon, shook his head. “No good,” he whispered solemnly, patting the dead soldier on the back.

From behind the island, Peng and his guards poked out their heads. “I assume you have transport out of here,” he said quietly.

Samantha nodded. “Yeah.” She raised a hand to her helmet, hoping that her communicator still functioned. “Peddler, you there? I want you to land near us.”

The pilot responded immediately. “I thought instructions were not to land in the middle of the city? We don’t want to cause a panic-”

“Fuck that,” Samantha said roughly. “If there isn’t a goddamn panic by now these people have no ears. Mason can court martial me later if he wants.” She shook her head, closing the channel and staring into the sky where Geralt had disappeared. “Who the hell are you?” she wondered, continuing her stare.


Well-Known Member
Dahlexpert and DarkGemini24601: “Rural Origins, Part 1”

High Orbit over Forseti (April 26th, 2044)
The Einherjar (10:08 A.M., A.S.T.)
Floor 5: Gym 2

Cassia was in the gym, for the first time in what seems like forever to her. ”Sigh, I’m glad to be out of the hospital, but this damn arm.” Cassia looked at her new limb “It’s not the arm I was born with, it dosen’t have the scars and such on it, but…” Cassia looked at her left shoulder “At least I still have my family's banner on my shoulders.”

“Family pride is important to you?” A Hispanic-Incan man asked, walking over with a towel slung over his shoulder. “Van Dam, right? I’ve heard quite a bit about you, and I saw your heroics on the mission feed.” He glanced down at his left arm, a T1 prosthetic like Cassia’s. “Lost mine in a similar way, so I suppose you could say that makes us kindred spirits or something like that,” he noted with a smile.

“While my family pride is important to me, make no mistake I lost my arm for being foolish. Saving people I don’t even like, and being on this ship is like being in a insane asylum.” Cassia started to twitch her eyes. “Sigh, but since I’m stuck here, might as well be nice to you people.”

Kallpa raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think it’s foolish to get hurt protecting allies, and I kind of doubt you really do if you were willing to do that. But maybe I’m wrong.” He shrugged. “My name’s Kallpa Vizcarra, by the way. Nice to meet you, Cassia.”

Cassia looked at the man. “Nice to meet you Kallpa, as you already know my name is Cassia. So is there a reason you sought me out or are you just being friendly?”

“Mostly the latter, and a little bit of the former,” Kallpa answered. “I figured that, from what I’d heard about you, not many people would try to make you their friend. So I figured it was my duty to break that mold,” the Gunner said with a grin.

“You should listen to people, once this mission is over I’m going to take the first ship off this planet and go back to what I was doing before I came here. Only on a much greater scale.”

Kallpa sighed. “I’d like to believe that this war would be over soon, but I doubt it will be a month or two down the line. Considering the capabilities of the enemy, it’s going to be awhile before we can best them and drive them back. That said, you might as well get used to being here for the time being.”

“Ugh, as much as I’m enjoying battling these pirates... and once this is over I think I might have found a new profession, but I don’t need any more friends, I didn't join to make friends nor am I here for people to like me. I’m just here to take out the enemy and get as much as I can from scalvage.”

“Well, the problem is, if you want to be efficient in fighting the TFD, you’ve got to be able to work with a team. Act like a lone wolf, and you might end up down an arm or a leg,” Kallpa warned. “But what do you mean about a new profession?”

“Don’t you worry about that, it won’t affect the XSDF at all but I think I will make a new line of enemies’ clients.” Cassia got a wicked smile of excitement for what she has planned once this mission is over. “Off topic, you said you lost your arm in a similar fashion than me; what happened to you?”

“Now there’s what makes us a bit different.” Kallpa chuckled. “I was a police officer before coming here, whereas you were a mercenary. A more orthodox man of the law versus a less orthodox vigilante, to sum it up. But around when I was the deputy of Mediotierra, we had a rare incident, a bank robbery. Guy had an autolaser and hostages, so me and the sheriff charged in there. My superior lost her leg, and I lost an arm, but the criminal in question lost his freedom. And none of the civilians lost their lives.”

“Hum” Cassia walked up to the man and grabbed his metal arm Hum a police officer huh, and a good one at that, hum you gave your arm to save a group of civilians. Not bad not bad at all.

Kallpa shifted it a bit to reveal a set of markings that formed the appearance of a coyote. “I could try and get it upgraded to Tier 2 when there are enough of those available, but I’m a little hesitate to leave behind my ‘metal paw’, so to speak. Would feel like I’m giving up the old title the Aztecs in Mediotierra gave me: The Coyote with the Metal Paw. One of them did the design.”

“Then keep it as a memento, you don’t have to get rid of this arm. You can keep it as a trophy as a reminder of that day, hell I keep most of my enemies armor as a trophy.”

Kallpa smiled. “Impressive… and that’s probably worth a lot of money if you ever fall on hard times. Though I doubt someone like you has ever experienced that problem.”

“You’re right: making money has never been a problem. As a vigilante of the law, it’s no problem for me to make money, but I never cared about money; I just care about capturing criminals. Doesn't matter how much they pay me. So yes, I’m a mercenary but at least I have a conscience.”

“And there’s your reason for putting yourself in danger to save others,” Kallpa offered. “You’re not about to let people on your side that aren’t criminals get hurt, that would act against your interests.”

“My interest is my own, but yes I refuse to have people that are on my side die for nothing. Even if I have to put myself at risk, though I won’t do it often. I see it as my job to get my team back home alive. I already lost my old comrades I won’t lose anymore.”

“Lost comrades, huh?” Kallpa leaned against a punching bag. “I’m guessing you went through something like the Dragomirovs and Walker went through in the past.”

“Let’s not get into how I lost my old friends. Anyway, since you had that metal arm longer than my what’s it like having that?”

“Well, as you’ve probably gathered, you can’t feel as much through it,” Kallpa began. “Though it means you have heightened strength in your left arm now. Doesn’t mean you can lift things too much heavier than before without putting strain on the rest of your body.” The Gunner smirked. “It’s also, at least in my case, a chick magnet.”

“For the love of Artemis, this is why I don’t like most women... too easily swooned. But you're right I can’t feel much from this thing. Wish I had my old arm back but it can’t be helped; now I have to find a way to us my psi powers with one hand now.”

“Well, I wonder if the cybernetics and psionics team couldn’t find a way to fix that. I mean, I know that Desmond Walker could channel some of his more physical abilities around his metal arm, at least.” Kallpa’s expression became curious. “You have psionic powers, though? Which ones?”

I’m a blue in psi powers; it fits my home, I’m from Alaska. So blue psionics are perfect for me.”

Kallpa nodded. “So you have cryokinesis then?”

“No not yet, I haven't gotten to ice powers yet, though I have hope I just need to train my other powers. I need to use my mindfray more. My animal empathy I’m a master of... I just gotta use mindfray more.”

“There’s that assault from Greenland that has cryokinesis… you could go to him for training, potentially,” Kallpa suggested. “And I imagine your mindfray will just get better through practice.”

“There is someone on this ship that has cryokinesis? Hum I never trained with a blue psionic other then my mom, but if someone does have cryokinesis then maybe I could learn from them.”

“As for the other two abilities… I think the Lieutenant has ESP, and there’s the daughter of Eva Aegerter onboard, so she has physical enhancement I’d bet,” Kallpa continued.

“Ou I know she’s my roommate, and I’m training her to get over her hatred of her power and fully accept it. And when she does ou boy we're going to have a living tank just like her mom. Well she’s weaker than her mom but she will be able to handle the enemy.” Cassia looked nervous for a moment “And if I get ESP it will be payback time for Noire.”


Well-Known Member
Dahlexpert and DarkGemini24601: “Rural Origins, Part 2”

“Why’s that?” Kallpa asked, seeming a bit amused by the rare expression from the mercenary.

“The kind of training I’m doing to Noire is one that exceeds normal human training, Noire can do the ranger’s training without breaking a sweat. So I have to get creative. And in that creativity I had some interesting methods.”

“Care to share? You’ve only heightened my curiosity,” Kallpa prompted.

“Well training in below freezing weather, having her fight a small army by herself swimming in a ocean wearing her heavy armor. Lifting things that weigh hundreds of pounds beyond most human limits who aren’t in the world strongest competition and having her run from one state to the next.Yea she’s going to kill me if I get ESP.”

Kallpa chuckled. “Some of those things make sense in simulations, but others… would require interesting implementation, I’ll say that much.”
“Because of Noire’s enhancements she needs a different workout method, so creativity was needed though she’s pretty anxious now. She’s been on the ship since Novum so she’s kinda anxious to fight again.”

“Well, with the TFD hitting us time and again I’m sure she’ll get her chance soon,” Kallpa responded. “Do you mind if I meet her? I’m interested in seeing what she’s like.”

“Sure. Knowing her she’s probably in the holo room training.” Cassia leads Kallpa to the holo room, where Noire is training.

Noire was in the training room fighting a small group of aliens with her shotgun. From the results of her mission Cassia saw that Noire took out 5 seekers 3 cyberdisc and 3 mutons.

“Well you're in luck she seems to be working on her paratrooper skills, since most of the enemy's she killed are flying enemies.”
Kallpa waited until Noire was finished, and then waved over to her. “Nice job there, Noire.”

“Huh?” Noire turned around to see an hispanic male. “Hello... um... how do you know my name?”

“That’s because I told him.” Cassia entered the room “Hay Noire, how are you?”

Noire looked at Cassia and charged at her and then hugged her. “Do you have any idea how worried I was about you, you fucking dumbass how could you give your arm up like that?!”

“Well talk about that later... anyway, Noire, this is Kallpa. He wanted to meet you.”

Kallpa nodded. “It’s an honor to meet you. I’m someone who was interested in learning up on the history of the war, and your mother was undeniably badass. It seems you are as well.”

“Yea I have a lot to live up with her. She was very useful in the war; now I’m trying to help the XSDF with my strength. Though I’m a little nicer than her.”

Kallpa smirked. “I imagine so… from what I saw of it she and Desmond had a love-hate relationship going on throughout the course of the war… maybe a bit more of the latter, at least on the surface.”

“Yea her and my uncle couldn't stand each other in the earlier part of the war, but they grew closer and became friends. So much so that I call him uncle even though he’s not really.”

“The Exalt family tree is more complicated than a spider’s web… let’s not drive ourselves insane trying to figure it out,” Kallpa warned jokingly.

“Yea if I were to get into that... it’s nuts. Was there a reason you wanted to meet me? Or did you just want to see the daughter of a legend.”

“That, and I figured if I was going to be friends with Cassia…” Whether she acknowledges me as such or not. “...I should know her roommate as well.” Kallpa rubbed the back of his neck. “By the way… I’d like to know, off the battlefield, what is it you two do for fun? I can’t imagine you care about nothing but combat.”

“Well Casia there likes hunting and exploring the planet, whereas me, I just enjoy walking around town enjoying the fresh air. I mostly buy souvenirs to bring back home, and a few sketchbooks and play some instruments if I can. I also dabble in art and writing.”

Cassia looked at Kallpa “Whereas me, I enjoy hunting talking to/studying the wildlife and mostly explore the planet's jungles and such.”

Kallpa smiled at Noire. “An artist of different types… not bad. I wouldn’t mind seeing some of your work sometime. And Cassia did mention that you were getting cabin fever, so I’d just point out that you can take excursions to the surface if you need to.” Turning his gaze over to Cassia, he went on, “And I can appreciate a bond with animals. When I was growing up in Cuzco my parents were farmers and ranchers. Mainly, our livestock consisted of alpacas… have you ever met one of those?”

“No I haven’t - being born in Alaska, my tribe were also farmers and such. Though we had buffalo and a few wolves and huskies in our camp.”

Noire looked at Kallpa. “I've seen a few when I was a kid but not much when I am an adult.”

Kallpa shrugged. “Well, we had a few on Mediotierra… and there might be some on Forseti that the small towns use for hauling according to what I’ve heard.” He nodded towards Cassia. “And I heard about efforts to increase the range of the buffalo again. Nice to know you can find them further than just Yellowstone again.”

“Yea I heard and I’m glad to hear about it, finding buffalo in places other than yellow stone will make things easier for both hunting and taking care of them.”

Kallpa smirked. “See? We’ve found common ground. That’s the basis for a good friendship.”

“Don’t get carried away... that’s one thing. We both like animals, but it’s a start for a friendship.”

“Well nice to see you two getting along,and nice to see Cassia expanding to people other than Brigid.”

Kallpa smiled. “I hope we’ll get more chances to talk in the future, but for now, I need to go finish up my training. We’ll meet again,” he said with mock-ominousness before ducking out of the holo-room.

Noire turned her gaze towards Cassia “Nice to see that you expanding your range of friends Cass.”

“Yea yea, anyway let’s get to training... if you're up to it.”

“Of course, nice to have you back Cass.”


Well-Known Member
MarineAvenger and DarkGemini24601: “Genesis of the Domineer”

In Orbit around Forseti (April 25th, 2044)
The Einherjar (1313 Hours)
Cybernetics Lab

Nicholas Cauthon walked through the cybernetic division of engineering, now freshly released from his time in the infirmary, dead set on finally finishing what he had started. He carried his sleek, gray laptop in his right arm, ignoring the glances he got from the occasional engineer in a lab coat and just kept pushing forward until he reached the door to the head of cybernetics.

Reaching up, Nick knocked hard on the door, waiting anxiously for it to open, hoping his nerve didn’t lose him. When the door opened, he was met with the sight of Mark Exalt, the engineer having been getting ready to go to his shift in the labs. “Excuse me, but do I know you?” Mark asked, slightly caught off guard by the person in front of him.

“I need to show you something.” Nick said, going to walk inside but being stopped by Mark’s arm.

“Not so fast, you did not answer my question. Who let a kid in engineering?” The Exalt asked with a raised eyebrow.

Nick let out a sigh, knowing he had to keep his cool. “Not a kid…” He mumbled, looking back up. “My name is Nicholas Cauthon.”

A hint of acknowledgement touched Mark’s features. “So what brings you here then? A ways away from your office, are you not?”

“Look, I have a new design for you to look at… unless you would rather me go directly to the Commander to tell him this new tech that could help a whole lot was denied by the same person who is supposed to be researching this stuff.” Nick stated, his annoyance showing slightly.

A small smirk of amusement spread on Mark’s lips. “Alright… I shall indulge you.” Mark stepped to the side to let Nick enter, the lead of the cybernetics division letting out a sigh as he closed the door.


Mark sat with his chin in his hand, looking over the schematics with analytical eyes. “So you have been using your implants for a while now… and you now want to make the improved design available for our troops?” He asked as if the entire thing seemed a bit far-fetched.

“In… basically a nutshell. I also have Clunker to show to the robotics division to see if I can get him circulated as well, but for now, this is my top priority.” Nick explained, his hands sweaty as he rubbed his hands together.

Mark was silent for a few moments, looking at the designs as if he tried to find something wrong with them, some way to see a problem, but from his perspective, the designs were innovative, not that he would ever say it out loud. Closing the screen, Mark sighed. “They are alright… I will see if I can get them approved, but I will promise you nothing.”

Nick nodded his head. “There actually is something I want you to promise me though…” Mark raised an eyebrow and waved his hand for the teen to continue. “I want to be the first one to get the surgery… I have my own custom design I need put in, since my old ones are basically useless.”

That fact made Mark’s eyebrow raise high. “You have a more complex design and yet you would keep that away from the troops as the standard?” Mark asked.

“What can I say? I’ve been using these for a while, not them, so the interface is too complicated for the regular troops and they are my design, I should be allowed to keep the best one for myself.” Nick said, wondering if he was asking for too much.

Mark merely chuckled, grabbing the laptop and standing. “I will inform you if your design gets approved, and then we will see about your own surgery.” Without another word, Mark left through the door, leaving it open for Nick as instead of going to the labs, he was heading to the Commander’s office. Kid’s got talent.

Back in the office, Nick let out the breath he had been holding in and jumped in the air with glee, excited beyond belief. After a bit, he stopped and let his hand fall. I’m going to die for not telling the girls I am getting surgery… aren’t I? Being slightly less enthusiastic than before, he left the head office, closing the door behind him.

In Orbit around Forseti (April 27th, 2044)
The Einherjar (1542 Hours)
Cybernetics Lab

After the plans were approved, there were four initial volunteers: one for each robotic unit the bionic link would connect them to. The first was a LCPL, a support by the name of Nyo-Kwang Metharom. She had seen death on the battlefield before, and wished to enhance herself to prevent this. To do so, initially, she had received a manipulator receptor to allow herself to use her medkits mid-combat, but she figured being able to control one of Delanor’s C-mu’s would further her goal of minimizing casualties.

The other three were specialists. Kaylee Thompson was a medic interested in controlling a Hover SHIV. Nikedemos Papadopoulos was a recently-promoted engineer that wished to participate in the new initiative by controlling the model - the SA-34 Fenrir - he had fought alongside on his first mission. Rolf Ignaborg was one of the new recruits from Forseti, being promoted straight to specialist due to the creation of the new class and his service as part of Forseti Security during Operation Incipient Barricade, and would be controlling an Alloy SHIV.

The four entered together, knowing full well what they were getting into, but not willing to back down. It was a less intimidating process than the one that gave rise to MEC Troopers. These four would mark the beginning of a new generation of cybernetic soldiers: the Domineers.

Mark stood with a tablet in hand, a couple of assistants from the cybernetics lab standing off to the side, the teenage engineer Nick standing a bit behind Mark, looking just as nervous as the recruits. “Welcome. All four of you are here for the same reason, and that is to try and bring in this new breed of soldier. Now, our troops will be able to directly connect with our combat units, the sync created between man and machine making both parties more effective. After your surgeries, there will be a slight waiting time for your body to get used to the new external connection, in which after that, you will go train with your new companions on the field in order to get used to them.” Mark explained, tapping on his tablet to bring up four holographic images of each drone the person would be controlling.

“The procedure will be minimally invasive as possible, and with the help of the notes we received from the original surgeon who performed this operation, everything will go smoothly, if that at all calms your nerves. Any other questions you would like to ask before being directed to the infirmary for your operations?” The engineer asked.

Kaylee raised a hand. “When we’re off-duty, is there a safe way to disconnect from our companions, or are we linked to them consistently?”

This time, Nick stepped forward next to Mark, taking in a deep breath. “You can connect and disconnect with your drones freely, there is no constant connection. You will all be given devices that will directly connect you to your companions at the press of a button, and when your battling is done, you just press the button again and you are disconnected until you connect again. You won’t even notice the implants during off duty.”

“Well, unless we’re doing shirtless training,” Rolf pointed out.

“Shut up, Ignaborg,” Nyo-Kwang muttered.

Nick rubbed the back of his neck. “The new design as well is more compacted, so unless someone was staring at the back of your neck for a prolonged time, they wouldn’t notice unless they touched it.” He explained further.

Mark cleared his throat. “Will there be any more riveting comments from you, Ignaborg?” The engineer asked with deadly seriousness.

“N-No, Dr. Exalt,” the Norwegian affirmed.

“Good,” Mark stated.

Nyo-Kwang held up a hand. “One last question.” Her gaze settled on Nick. “Dr. Cauthon, have you removed the risk of lethal feedback that damage or shutdown of the implants could have caused in the past?”

“If you're asking if you will drop dead from having the things… no. That possibility has been worked out, and they are not completely safe… just...don’t go expecting yourself to be impervious to EMPs… those still hurt a lot, for obvious reasons.” Nick said, unconsciously rubbing his neck being reminded of the pain he felt.

Mark nodded. “Please follow my assistants. We have work to do.”


Well-Known Member
Black0ut and DarkGemini24601: “Restoration, Part 1”

High Orbit over Forseti (April 23rd, 2044)
The Einherjar (1329 Hours, A.S.T.)
Holodeck 1 ( Santiam State Forest, Oregon)

The virtual forest sprung to life, various animals adding their own sounds, the cacophony of noise bringing a much needed peace to Thomas. How long has it been, since I saw the Western States? 10? 8? the medic thought, Regardless, it's been too long. Hopefully, I'll survive this war and get to actually visit the U.S. again.

The door opened with a quiet ‘woosh’, and Hermes stepped into the simulation. He paused to admire the accuracy of the scenario the room had captured before approaching his companion. “I hope I’m not disturbing anything, but I believe it’s been awhile since we last talked. I meant to visit you after you got out of the medical ward, but I was met with… other distractions,” the android explained.

"It's alright. You owe no loyalty to me. We are... good acquaintances, talking to one another when we have no important duties to attend to. In all honesty, we're strangers to one another." Wolfe said softly, opting to close his eyes, and relax, regardless of the android standing near him.

Hermes sat down nearby. “I’d hope the correct word would be ‘friends’. ‘Acquaintances’ implies we are merely partners when it comes to our line of duty, and that doesn’t sound very enjoyable,” he said with a slight smile.

"That would implicate that we know a bit about each other. I know your name, I know you're an AI, and I know you fight well. Besides that, I know nothing about you. And I'm pretty sure the opposite applies." Wolfe responded, opening his eyes to reveal a humorless and cold gaze that drifted towards the forgetful Android.

Hermes nodded. “That is something I wished to tell you. In the time between our last meeting and now, Cauthon assisted me in looking through the fragments of my memory data. Something… odd happened. He pieced together brief scenes, nothing more, but then I… had an instance of perfect recall. And now there is a lucid memory in my data banks that I can’t account for where it came from… nor how I can recreate the process to piece together more information about my past.”

Thomas tilted his head slightly, intrigued by the news the Android had brought, but still retaining his cold demeanor. "Probably a random bit of your binary code was still intact, which would give you your memory." Standing up and moving to a tree, Wolfe leaned against it and closed his eyes, to try desperately to calm down.

“Is something the matter?” Hermes asked, getting the feeling that Tom was trying to brush him off.

"Nothing's wrong. I just realized my stupidity. How I tried to acquire certain individuals to become people I could trust. Friends. Something idiotic that I tried in order to fit in better." Wolfe said, his eyes shut tight in order to control his emotions, "And out of 10 people I confided in, trusted, only one person became something more than a friend. Something akin to a daughter. And of those ten people that I attempted to befriend, attempted to reach out to, you were one of them."

Hermes tilted his head slightly. “And what would pushing me away accomplish? This one that you believe you are truly close to… would she want you to be virtually alone?”

The cyborg opened his eyes, his emotions showing on his face. After a few moments of glaring at the Android, Wolfe said slowly, through gritted teeth, “No. She wouldn’t want me to be alone. However, I generally dislike interacting with people. Too many chances for them to betray you…” Wolfe’s eyes slightly glazed over, a distant memory coming into focus.

“I don’t have any intention of betraying anyone.” Hermes folded his hands together. “The data I was able to gather from the retrieval Cauthon was able to cause indicated that I was once part of the Slipstream Hijackers, actually, but I have no reason to return there now. Those that I knew as friends then… they are gone now. My loyalty is to the XSDF at this juncture. That hasn’t changed.”

Snapping back to reality, Wolfe gave a humorless laugh. “ That’s not what I was talking about. You wouldn’t have to join another group besides the XSDF to betray me. I’m talking, about the possibility that you’ll do something. Influence someone to turn against me, regardless if we have a good relationship. Or, say you lose faith in the XSDF. How do I know that you won’t join a pirate faction?”

Hermes raised an eyebrow. “Need I remind you that I am property of the XSDF? I could not depart if I wished to, not that I have any reason to at the moment. I don’t believe I’ve done anything to suggest that I would turn an ally against you, either. If the ‘daughter’ you speak of is who I think she is, then she is a squadmate to both of us. I have nothing to gain from instigating discord between you two.”

“I was giving personal examples for you and for those occurrences, the people who betrayed my trust were some of my closest friends. So...if people I’ve known for years betrayed, what’s to say a stranger won’t?” The cyborg insinuated.

“There is the argument that I’m not human like those you’ve met in the past, but I won’t use that as a crutch,” Hermes replied. “However, I’d turn that question back at you. What is to say Korra isn’t playing you? There is no evidence either way… but if you live in the shadow of paranoia you will never be happy.” Hermes’s right optic narrowed for a moment as if he was viewing something, and then unwinded back to a regular width. “‘It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.’ I… have to believe that is true, as I begin to uncover memories of someone I deeply cared for that is likely lost forever.”

“It’s true that I don’t know if she’s toying with me. If she is, well then congrats to her for fooling me. If that is the case, I’ll get over it in a few years, but it will work to further my claim. And what you call ‘paranoia’ is about 13 years of dealing with people. Some kind, some rude, most people who just got too greedy and ended up taking everything that I had left. I used to have two cybernetics labs that I owned. WolfeTech. Because I didn’t cave in to someone’s demands, they stole the livelihood of my company. I donated the remains of what my small business became to charity. I have nothing left. I don’t even have a home to return to. So, if you don’t like how I have a cynical, ‘paranoid’ view on things, too bad. I’m the way the Earth decided to make me.” the medic growled, debating whether he should leave or not.

“If you truly believe in the Legalist mindset that humans are inherently evil,” Hermes intoned, “then why donate to a charity? Why fight along the XSDF for a species you have no faith in? Certainly you can see the contradiction there.”

“I didn’t say they were evil or that I have no faith in them. I said that people generally screw me over for a variety of crooked reasons. People don’t become cruel unless they are exposed to cruelty. That starts out when people are kids. I donated what little I had left because I hope that they would be able to change, where I could not. That they can grow up, and become kind, respectable individuals. Regarding your view that I deem the human race as evil, I don't. I believe that there are some good individuals, just not many.”

“Be that as it may, I speak not for myself but for any others you have met in your time here…” Hermes took a deep breath even though he did not require oxygen to function. “Who are you to judge the character of someone before getting to know them? By doing so you become as cruel as those you despise.” The android sighed. “I realize I may be jeopardizing any chance I would have to be your friend by saying these things, but if I can stop you from going down a path that leads to emptiness, then I am willing to sacrifice our friendship to ensure your happiness.”

Wolfe closed his eyes, his anger having faded into mild irritation. Why does he persist? I’ve already told him to ,effectively, fuck off… and yet he still tries to convince me that my current attitude is flawed… The cyborg mentally sighed. Opening his eyes, Wolfe said, softly, “I don’t have a right. I never did. That is my second biggest crime: I judge others before I know them. It’s a defense mechanism, one that helps prevent anyone from damaging me mentally. I… am already a shadow of my former self. The only reason I am able to even function is because of a friend who passed, who took care of me for 19 years. I joined to avoid having to face his death.”

“I believe you are capable of moving on and bettering yourself,” Hermes spoke quietly. “I wouldn’t do all of this for your sake if I didn’t believe that. I cannot and will not compare my hardships to yours, but even if it is overly optimistic of me I do hope that you can find your way. It seems that Korra is helping with that, and I will do whatever I can do assist as well.”

The cyborg looked up, memories that had occurred long ago in the ancient forest resurfacing. After a few seconds, the medic looked back at Hermes. “She is. I don’t know how she got me out of my shell, but she did. I owe her greatly for that. And I’ll spend the remainder of my life trying to repay her for it.”

Hermes smiled slightly. “It is my duty to tell you, if you aren’t already aware, that your daughter has a boyfriend. My roommate, actually.”


Well-Known Member
Black0ut and DarkGemini24601: “Restoration, Part 2”

Thomas’ right eye began twitching. “What’s his name, Hermes, so that I may have a pleasant chat with him?” The medic asked.

“He’s an honorable, agreeable fellow,” Hermes reassured Tom. “His name is Kallpa Vizcarra.”

“What was his profession before coming to the XSDF?” Wolfe inquired, the twitching in his eye now stopping.

“A sheriff on Adamantem,” Hermes answered. “His graduation from police officer to defense soldier is not unexpected.”

The cyborg relaxed, his eye stopped twitching. “Alright. He is safe from my wrath. For now.” Thomas said in a deadpan voice.

Hermes smiled, glad that the worst of the conversation was over. Looking over Thomas, he noted that his cybernetic limbs were not completely standard. “Did you gain some attachments to the cyber arms? They appear to have openable panels on the hands.”

Thomas smiled, his gauss pistols appearing through the two slots. “Yeah, they inserted gauss pistols inside my ‘robo-arms’ and medspray into the biceps. I think I’ll be a better combat medic.” The pistols retracted back into Thomas’ hands. Thomas recalled an old Earth show where this man fought off mannequins which had guns built into them, specifically into their wrist. The mannequin's hands went up to allow the gun to shoot, making them terrifying to look at. Ahh...Memories. Wish that series still ran on the BBC still. The medic mentally sighed.

Hermes nodded, seeming impressed. “Of course, I have these.” He held up his right hand, and his fingers folded backwards, his palm opening up and a pulse weapon extending out. “Equivalent to a carbine in strength, and I can draw heat energy from them.”

“So that’s what you did during the bomb mission. I thought it a little weird that they couldn’t shoot you.” Wolfe said, walking back over to Hermes.

Hermes nodded. “It’s the strongest of my psionic abilities. Thermokinesis is both an effective offense and defense, and I have psi lance to supplement… I’m working on a tertiary ability as well at the moment.”

“That should make you a bigger badass on the battlefield. Our enemies will flee from you, running away from the ‘Droid of Death’.” Thomas joked.

Hermes chuckled, but his smile faded slightly. “By the way… I was going to see someone about my memories, and the possibility of uncovering more. You’re… welcome to come if you wish, but if not I won’t trouble you to accompany me.”

Wolfe scratched his head, the nervous gesture signifying his hesitance. “ Uh… sure?” the medic responded meekly.I mean, psionics are cool but… well, there is reason why people like Atka Wiewiora are terrifying. In a more confident voice, Wolfe said “Why, the hell not? I’ll go with you.”

Seeming somewhat reassured, Hermes nodded. “Let’s go see Dr. Exalt, then,” he declared, standing straight and walking out of the simulation.


After reaching Floor 7, they were escorted by two security guards from the main labs to the psionic labs, which was located the furthest towards the ship’s bow relative to the rest of the laboratories. Waiting for them was a woman with hair dyed white and natural light blue eyes, having a complexion that seemed immaculate. “Welcome back, Arcwright,” Vindicta began. “What brings you here today? More training?”

“Not… exactly.” Hermes rubbed the back of his neck unconsciously. “I was hoping for your help in relation to my memories... during my visit to Dr. Cauthon I experienced a vivid recollection that his systems had no part in piecing together… and I’m left unsure of how I accessed it in the first place. I still can, strangely enough… though it is painful enough that I haven’t revisited it.”

Vindicta rubbed her chin. “That is curious… but it was smart of you to come to me. You assume it may be something solvable with psionics?”

“And related to whatever provides my psionic abilities,” Hermes echoed. “My friend is here for… moral support, primarily.”

Vindicta chuckled briefly. “Understandable. Prying into one’s past isn’t an easy thing to do... I suggest we revisit the memory, but hopefully we can do it in a fashion that I can witness, as well as your friend if that is acceptable to you.”

Hermes nodded. “It is.” He shuddered involuntarily, one of the many things that set him apart from less humanoid androids, despite his odd appearance. He walked into the testing room with his companion and tutor, and was instructed to sit down across from Vindicta.

Vindicta closed her eyes for a moment before beginning. “It stands to reason to me that if you are a psion, you should also have the basic abilities and attributes of one. We’ve already confirmed that you have telepathy, an ability shared by all psionic users… but there’s another commonality we could use to pry into the recesses of your mind.” Allowing them only a brief moment to process what she had said, she went on, “It’s called the dreamscape. An illustration of the mind. If you have one - and I imagine you do - we can use it to explore your mind. It might expedite the recovery of your memories, since that now seems possible.”

Hermes glanced over at Thomas. “He isn’t a psion, though. Would that be a problem?”

Vindicta shook her head. “Only one of us needs to be. Two is more than enough to compensate for any power drain we might experience if we have to fight past mental barriers.” She opened her eyes, now rimmed in a corona of gold. “Are you ready to begin, you two?”

The forgetful android nodded. “I am.” He shut his eyes.

The cyborg murmured, “Yes.” Glancing over at Hermes, The big man closed his eyes as well.

Vindicta nodded slightly, and then reached out with her mind. Allow me into your mind… show us just what goes on in your head, Hermes…

Slowly, the three felt themselves opening their eyes, and a landscape was revealed to them. Or, at least, it partially was. They stood in a circle emblazoned with images representing the greco-roman god Hermes was named for; the winged boots, for instance. Around it were gears of various sizes, some small and some larger than the three. Beyond the immediate vicinity of this, however, was darkness, obscuring their view beyond a short distance. Hermes glanced around, seeming at a loss for words. “This is…”

“Your dreamscape. It’s not surprising that so much isn’t visible… you barely know yourself.” Vindicta’s eyes settled on a set of two gears balanced against a window, the glass tinted beyond any visibility that would suggest what was beyond. “Perhaps this is the doorway to the memory you felt in engineering.” She knelt down beside it, and Hermes seemed to fade from view as she did, being drawn into the memory while the other two witnessed the final minutes of the Megaladon through Hermes’s eyes. When the memory was completed, Hermes faded back into view, seeming slightly paler than he normally was.

Again, it felt so real… it’s exactly as I experienced it when it really happened… Hermes thought to himself.

Wolfe went silent, the shock of seeing Hermes’ memories and the dreamscape stunning him. I feel...intrusive. Going through someone else’s memories feels...wrong, somehow. And an area this massive feels like we left the ship. And that memory, experiencing it as Hermes. Damn...I don’t even know what to say for once.The medic thought.

Vindicta seemed to. “I… feel like I might have a guess as to what’s going on. Somehow… your memories are buried in your subconscious. I feel the resistance from things that are hidden beneath conscious thought. So they aren’t gone, merely suppressed… or perhaps, they’re copies in some hidden backup that you couldn’t access until a trigger like Grazia was activated.”

“So you… think I can will myself to remember more?” Hermes said hesitantly.

Vindicta nodded. “But you have to will yourself to.” She allowed some sadness to show on her features. “I know… going further back to see someone that important to you might be painful, but if you really want to uncover the truth about yourself…”

Hermes returned the head gesture. “Then I have to bear it.” He closed his eyes, clearing his thoughts. Like being drawn towards it, he walked to another set of gears, these ones partially broken as if they had crashed into each-other, and opened up another memory.


Well-Known Member
Recollection II - Stepping into the Light

Somewhere in Subspace (April 3rd, 2043)
The Megaladon (2:12 P.M., Earth Standard Time)
Main Engineering

There were two things in the world. Darkness, and voices. The former offered no useful data, so he listened to the latter.

"I can't believe they were willing to sell an android of this quality for the starting bud they set. Jeez, were they really that worried?" a woman with an almost melodically beautiful voice spoke.

"Doesn't matter to me. We've got ourselves a welcome ally. Say goodbye to raids giving us any trouble," a man with a slightly Japanese accent stated.

"Don't get overconfident. That killed Daniel," the third, cold woman warned. "We need to see how this thing can perform. If it really has psionics..."

"I'm no expert, but isn't that impossible?" The now slightly irritable Japanese man shot back. "I think they were just playing the bot up."

"We'll have to see, won't we..." the melodic voice suggested. "Oh! Hey, he's online."

"You mean it," the jaded woman corrected.

The melodic voice took on a tone of sarcasm. "Don't be an edgelord." The darkness suddenly gave way to the bright lights of the room. The android was forced to adjust his optics to compensate for the sudden brilliance, and an engineering bay with numerous workstations strewn around the interior of the large room. Adjusting his eyes, the android estimated a length of 90 meters and a width of 30. The items being constructed appeared to be laser weaponry, alloy suits, and conventional grenades.

"Where is this?" Hermes inquired.

"The Megaladon's engineering bay," the pleasant woman - having golden hair arranged in a wavy fashion, with three cylindrical curls on the back of her head that ended in gelled triangles - said without hesitation. "Welcome to Captain Root's Slipstream Hijackers."

Hermes nodded, glancing away from the blue-eyed Italian woman to taken in the other two. The Japanese man was wearing red armor, as was his friend - possibly of Armenian descent, and in her forties as opposed to his twenties.

“Android,” the Armenian woman prompted. “Do you remember anything?”

Hermes’s optics swiveled as he paroused his databanks and considered the question. “I… do not. My data is empty, save for a name.”

“Huh…” The Japanese man mumbled. Raising his voice, he said, “Well, that’s fine. What’s your name, buddy? You’re going to be our partner from now on in some grand schemes!”

“Hermes Arcwright. Like the messanger god,” Hermes answered. “And you are?”

The blond Italian woman bowed dramatically. “Grazia di Mercurio, at your service. Like your name, matches my surname.”

The Japanese hijacker smirked. “Jishin Fukumoto. And our resident ‘edgelord’, if you heard that, is named Manishak Manassian. A harsh yet flowing name. Almost like bad poe-”

“Oh, give it a rest already,” Manishak growled.

“Sorry, sorry,” Jishin muttered, waving his hands defensively. “In any case, welcome aboard the Megalodon, and welcome to the Slipstream Hijackers. You’ll be raiding with us.”

Grazia walked up with a deactivated laser rifle in hand. “You know how to shoot, right?”

Hermes took the weapon, aiming it in several directions with snapping, swift movements. “My databanks indicate that I have combat knowledge. I can adapt to this ‘raiding’ function.”

“Suppose we won’t need to train you that much, then,” Manishak deadpanned. “Just follow our lead when the time comes.”

“And lighten up a little,” Grazia added with a smile. “You’re our partner, so it stands to reason you’d be our friend as well.”

“Making friends with robots… you really do want to piss off Root, don’t you?” Manishak complained.

“You can… anger a tree’s root? But aren’t trees non-sentient life forms?” Hermes asked, clearly confused.

Jishin chuckled loudly. “No, no, that’s our captain. We call ‘em by his last name. He’s Captain Root, Dutch.”

“Dutch… acknowledged. I will memorize that information for later use.”

Grazia’s smiled wavered. “Eh… we’ll teach you what it’s like to live. Guess it’ll take some time though.”


Black0ut and DarkGemini24601: “Restoration Outro”

Hermes drew back from the memory, seeming a bit shaky from reliving a second one so recently after the first. “My… memory was wiped before I fell into the hands of the Slipstream Hijackers?” he whispered. “Then… perhaps I can find out what came before!” He tried to access another memory, but fell back as if he had touched the surface of the sun.

Vindicta knelt down beside him. “Don’t rush things. I think you need to come to terms with this section of your past before you can break down any more barriers… that’s enough for today.” Her eyes flared, and the three returned to reality. “You need to rest… believe it or not. You’re draining your psionic energy by doing this, and it’s wearing you down mentally as well.”

Hermes gave her a pleading look. “Please, I need to know! The circumstances of my birth, who I am… what I am!”

Vindicta shook her head solemnly. “Come back to me another today. You aren’t going to be able to recover anything else today.”

The medic nodded, “Hermes, listen to her. If she says you need to wait in order to recover your memories, then you need to do so. I’m pretty sure since she made it into the top position for the psionic research lab, she probably knows what she’s doing.” The medic glanced over at Vindicta, to see if he had offended her.

Hermes seemed to finally calm down. “I… I understand. But I will be back.” He stood to his feet, shakily despite his servomotors not being impaired by any physical force or damage. “I do appreciate your presence for this… though I think the rest I’ll have to do on my own.”

The medic nodded his head again, “That’s understandable. Do what you gotta do, Hermes.”


Game Master
Staff member
ZombieSplitter53 and DarkGemini24601: “Falsehoods Versus Verity: Part One”

High Orbit over Forseti (April 27th, 2044)
The Einherjar (3:08 P.M., A.S.T.)
Floor 12: Soldier Bar

Kallpa held up a hand dramatically. "And then the chryssalid yells something at me, but Luna and I are going to have no part of it. We aren't about to let him finish his speech, so we just blow the damn thing away, just like that. It was stupid of them to hold back, but I guess they thought they were too good to get involved."

Geming raised an eyebrow, his prosthetic eye following the movement in a strictly vertical fashion. "Not bad at all, Vizcarra," he congratulated. "Though your girlfriend was badass as well with that electrokinesis... too bad her last lightning blast got reflected by that cat person."

Kallpa shrugged. "Well, she did well regardless. Taking on someone with only a sword and no armor... that takes ba...er...guts." He opened his mouth to say something else, but glanced over his left mechanical shoulder, seeing a Tamearin man approaching him.

"Quite the amusing tale, my good man," the alien with fiery red hair commented, standing next to Kallpa. "You are quite the story teller. I dare say, you presented it better than even the video feed."

Kallpa chuckled. "Are you saying I'm playing it up? Because I might be, but I didn't fabricate anything. All of that actually happened, it just varies from person to person about how badass the events were."

"I... see. Humans are quite interesting in their capacity to... exaggerate. It is intriguing." The Tamearin smiled. "May I sit down?"

Who is this guy? Kallpa nodded. "Go ahead."

Sitting down, the Tamearin said, "Your name was Kallpa, yes? I read that, when trying to be friendly, many humans prefer surnames. If that is so, my name is Geshtal."

Kallpa flinched, if only slightly. "I... see. So you're Korra's brother, then."

Geshtal flinched as well, though his was a bit more subtle. "Yes... I am Geshtal Devolina. Do you... know my sister well?"

"You could say that," Kallpa responded neutrally.

"I see." Geshtal folded his hands. "Well, I represent all of the Tamearins on board the Einherjar on behalf of the Forseti-based embassy. Do you mind if I ask you a few question in that regards?"

I don't have a choice, do I? "What might those questions be?"

"Just questions in regards to Human-Tamearin relations." Geshtal pulled out a pen and pad of paper. "How do you feel, working with my people here? Do you get along with them, hit heads with them, or simply avoid them?"

"I've met two Tamearins thus far, and I've found both of them to be pleasant individuals," Kallpa replied. "That would be your sister and Tabitha Le'talla."

"Le'talla..." Geshtal thought for a moment. "Ah, another Pon-taer. Would you say you tend to... gravitate towards Pon-taers, or is it just a coincidence?"

Kallpa raised an eyebrow. "Maybe, maybe not. Those with the syndrome tend to behave more akin to how humans are, whereas those without it are a bit... you'll forgive me... robotic in how they carry themselves."

"I see." The Tamearin ambassador notes down a few notes. "Would you be opposed to working with, or interacting with, a normal Tamearin. For instance, does our interaction make you uncomfortable?"

"I wouldn't be opposed, and I can deal with non-emotional Tamearins just fine. I just haven't had a reason to as of yet."

"That is good to hear, Mr. Vizcarra." Geshtal jotted down a few more notes. "Tell me... to your knowledge, a the Tamearin POWs being treated fairly?

"I imagine they are. Our brig isn't inhumane, and we do not need to resort to torture to get information," Kallpa replied. "We've got a Humiliata that can scan a prisoner's mind for any useful data."

"Is that so," Geshtal muttered without looking up. "Thank you for informing me of that." After a few more notes, he asked, "Are you aware, personally or from word of mouth, any Tamearins engaged in or showing interest in activities including cybernetic enhancement, genetic manipulation, or anything related."

"No," Kallpa answered, not even bothering to consider whether his answer was truthful or not.

General's eyes darted up for a moment, but he said nothing more on the subject. "And do you know of any major confrontations between Tamearins and non-Tamearin crewmen or soldiers, regardless of who started them?"

Do you understand how the XSDF works at all?
Kallpa wondered to himself. You're not the nanny of every member of your race on the Einherjar, you arrogant bastard... "I'm not aware of any altercations, no."

"None?" Geshtal flipped through some notes. "Not even... and this is just random... a female Pon-taer who apparently for into a big brawl involving psionics and was thrown in the brig. Or another involving a Pon-taer and three Engineers?"

"If you really are part of a Forseti consulate, then I can only assume you've been looking through video feeds... I wasn't aware that an outsider to the XSDF has access to those," Kallpa said, his neutral tone giving way into suspicion.

The Tamearin gave a smile that contrasted with his apathetic eyes. "All from word of mouth, I can assure you. Handling matters involving Tamearins is my job, should they need it. These matters are already resolved, but knowing the facts revolving around them can help assure they do not repeat themselves. It is not only a matter of hostile humans. As I have been told, the Tamearin involved has displinary problems."

"Besides gathering data that is only tangentially your concern, what do you want?" Kallpa asked in an exasperated tone.

Geshtal stared at him for a few moments longer, the same creepy smile on his face. Finally, he put away his notebook and folded his hands again. "Alright. I suppose it time to stop... beating around the shrubs, as you humans say. As it so happens, I already knew about my sister's relationship when I approached you."

"And? What of it?" Kallpa asked, straightening his cowboy hat.

"I simply wish to know more about the alien man my sister has chosen to fornicate with," Geshtal responded with a straight face. "Is that not the duty of a big brother?"

Kallpa raised an eyebrow. "Forlorn-what-now?" He seemed pensive for a moment, and then grinned. "Alright, English grammar teacher in my head is reminding me of what that means." He shook his head. "You know, Geshtal, if you want to not sound like a mixture of a scientist and a xenophobe, you could have said, 'I simply wish to know more about the man my sister is dating', or 'I wish to know more about the man my sister slept with'. No one uses the word 'fornicate, native English-speakers or not."

"I see. Thank you for the grammar lesson." Geshtal's tone and expression made it surprisingly hard to tell if he was being condescending or not. "On that note... I wish to know more about one of the men my sister sleeps with."


Well-Known Member
ZombieSplitter53 and DarkGemini24601: “Falsehoods Versus Verity: Part Two”

Kallpa's eyebrow twitched. "Well, you certainly need to learn more if that's what you think. Korra and I are exclusive," he growled, narrowly refraining from adding a rather derogatory title for Geshtal.

"Ex... clusive?" Geshtal having a look that kinda looked like concern. "My good sir... perhaps there is some information I should make you privy to. As... one concerned man to another."

Kallpa crossed his arms. "What, that she had an affair with Cayden Walker before we became an item? I know. That she was with another man before I came to the XSF? I'm aware," he reiterated dryly.

"Another man? Korra has had many other men. Honestly, I have not bothered to keep track of all of them." The Red headed Tamearin leaned forward. "I only wish to help. I know how sensitive you humans can be, and I can assure you, there will be other men."

Kallpa smiled slowly, and then chuckled quietly, the laugh reverberating in his chest. "Honestly, Geshtal. You can't even keep your own story straight. First you say you want to learn about Korra and me, out of "concern for her", and the next thing I know you're telling me that your sister is... in human terms... a skanky whore. You're not doing this for her well-being, you're trying to destroy her romance." He pushed up the brim of his hat to show an intensity in his brown eyes. "I was under the impression that non-emotional... excuse me, 'normal'...Tamearin's weren't so... driven by emotions like jealousy and hate, but it seems that's a facade."

Geshtal, who was by no means a small man, still had little to compete with Kallpa physically, and worry flashed on his face for a brief moment before returning to apathy. "Alright, Mr. Vizcarra. You are right, to a degree. I am concerned, though. I could care less what Korra does on her own, but Korra Devolina? I am not sure how I feel about a member of my prestigious family being so closely associated with an alien Vuns-ceh." His eyes not so subtly darted towards Kallpa's arm.

"Well, if you're not going to be politically correct..." Kallpa shook his head. "I lost this arm to save people. And I could have gotten a prosthetic that looked normal like that Rurushu, but I wanted a reminder of what I lost and why I lost what I did. I chose an improved version to help people more effectively, without having some idiotic taboo to hold me back." Kallpa leaned forward. "And I'll try to be gentle since you're still stuck in the monarchical age, but I personally don't give a shit about your royal family, and I doubt Korra does either."

"And that fact has been a problem since the day of her birth," Geshtal stated bluntly. "And I would ask that you address me with a bit more respect, sir. Whether you care about it or not, I am Geshtal Devolina, son of Foranda Devolina and Neiro Devolina, ambassador of Tamear, keeper of the Sacred Chalice of Belora, tenth in line to the Crown of the Nation of Ferisanto, and I will not be spoken to in such a manner."

"Or what?" Kallpa replied with an equally frank tone. "You'll have me kicked out of the XSDF? Somehow I think the Commander has more pressing things to worry about that require all of the Einherjar's roster. Things more important than calling someone by a long-winded, meaningless title, or showing 'proper respect'." The Incan leaned back in his chair. "Like it or not, Korra is a part of the XSDF. As an ambassador you ought to know that means that her first allegiance is to the organization. The politics of Tamear are secondary."

Geshtal tapped his fingers on the table. "You are... correct. Her duties to the XSDF come first... and I can respect that. But as her relationship to you had little to do with her duties..." He leaned forward a bit. "Are you aware of the exact nature of her relationship before coming here? How honest has she truly been?"

"I know that that officer was a scumbag that deserves to lose his position if he still has it," Kallpa said icily. "That he manipulated Korra and did things no good man would ever do."

"So that's the story she told you, huh?" Geshtal sighed as he sat back again. "What is the expression? If I had a nickle for every man I talked to that she had told that to?"

Kallpa rubbed his forehead. "And why do I have any reason to believe you over her?"

Geshtal shrugged. "Because I have little reason to lie, when the truth is so damning. I suppose she told you that she had a falling out with her CO after her little... pregnancy scare. I know because she informed our parents, both when it happened, and when she found out it was a false alarm, and did some digging. Did she tell you what happened... after?"

“Not explicitly, but I think I understand what went on. And if not for the shame it would put on her to have to admit to what happened I wouldn’t have a second thought about bringing that man to the attention of the XSDF tribunals for court martial,” Kallpa uttered harshly.

Geshtal shook his head. “I do not think you understand, my friend. She acts like she was ashamed, but she visited him almost every… single… night. With very few exceptions, after her little fright, she was spotted by entering his room on a constant basis, and I am sure you can guess why, given her reputation. She sure didn’t act like a woman who was traumatized…” He jumped slightly at the sound of someone dropping a mug on the floor behind him, the glass shattering.”

Kallpa glanced over to his left, but Geming had long since departed. Don’t tell me… “I have a feeling things are being fabricated or misinterpreted at this point,” Kallpa muttered audibly.

Geshtal shook his head and raised his hand. “Not at all. On my honor, until the day he departed from that base, she was there. You would think, with how much she seemed to like him…”

“How… how could you?” asked a familiar voice approaching behind him.

“I’m not buying anything this asshole is saying, you know,” Kallpa defended, glancing back at Korra. “I don’t trust ninety-nine percent of what comes out of the mouths of politicians…”

“Tell him I’m lying, Korra.” Geshtal turned to give his sister a blank look. “Tell him you did not have sex with the man you claimed to hate almost every day for months.”

Korra’s eyes watered as she stammered. “I… I-I… Kallpa, he’s not… i-it isn’t…”

Kallpa’s eyes simmered with anger, and he grabbed Geshtal by the collar of his shirt. “I don’t give a damn who’s lying and who’s not here? What sort of brother makes his own sister cry, huh?!”

“Y-you can’t… unhand me!” Geshtal looked over to his sister as if asking for help. “I will not be manhandled by some brute that can not handle the truth. I am Geshtal Devolina! Son of…”

“Will you shut UP!” Kallpa’s nonmetallic fist connect with his jaw, the gunner immediately realizing his error but no longer able to correct it.


Game Master
Staff member
ZombieSplitter53 and DarkGemini24601: “Falsehoods Versus Verity: Part Three”

Geshtal’s eyes spun a bit in his head. Despite taking care of himself, it was obvious this was the first time he had ever taken a punch. Trying to regain his composure, he said, “I… I will have you expelled from the XSDF for this. Now unhand me, or I will have your head on a pike!” Several other soldiers and staff members stepped forward, two Tamearins ahead of the group.

Kallpa let go of him, his expression pale but his pride not allowing him to show his misgivings about what he had done. “You’re a worthless son of a bitch,” he muttered under his breath.

“Just you wait!” Geshtal stepped back, his face clearly showing that Tamearins might have their emotions suppressed, but they were still there, just below the surface. “You think you can just…” One of Tamearins behind him put a hand on his shoulder. “What?” The blue haired woman whispered something to him, and he gave Kallpa one last look before walking off without another word.

The other Tamearin, a man with violet hair and the same apathetic look as Geshtal, walked up to Kallpa and Korra. “Kallpa Vizcarra?”

Unclenching his fist, he nodded. “That would be me…”

The Tamearin offered his hand. “I am Tendo Korophant. I am in charge of security in regards to VIPs, which in this case, includes Mr. Devolina. I… wanted to apologize for my inaction.”

Kallpa shook his head. “No… I was out of line. I just hope I haven’t caused a diplomatic incident.”

“I very much doubt it.” Tendo folded his arms. “It is unbecoming of a Tamearin to have such an emotional outburst, and the look on Korra’s face makes it look like how you reacted was justified. My colleague and I will convince him, for the sake of his pride, to keep this to himself.” He looked and Korra, then back at Kallpa. “We… aren’t all like that, you know. Pon-taers… may not be treated as well as they should be, but we would never fail to recognize what she has done for the XSDF or Forseti.”

The tension in Kallpa’s muscles relaxed. “I’m… glad you’re understanding, then. I’ll do my best to avoid your charge in the future… to prevent further incidents like this one. All I ask is that he keep his distance from Korra unless it’s absolutely necessary…” Kallpa raised an eyebrow. “And that you’re the one that verifies necessity, not… him.”

Tendo bowed his head. “Agreed.” He bowed his head towards Korra, and walked off.

Without looking at Kallpa, Korra crouched down and started picking up the shards of the shattered mug.

Kallpa straightened his hat, not meeting her gaze either. “if you… want to talk about this somewhere private we can. Otherwise, I won’t pry further. The past is the past, nothing more.”

“He… wasn’t lying about what happened, Kallpa,” Korra said flatly. “That is why what he said hurts so much. But he didn’t explain the circumstances, if he even knows…” She gasped, dropping a large shard. A few drops of blood fell from her hand, and she only looked at it in apparent shock. “I… I’m sorry…”

Dammit. “Let’s get you to a doctor… we can talk after that,” Kallpa urged.

Korra nodded, grasping her hand and letting Kallpa lead her to the infirmary.


High Orbit over Forseti (April 27th, 2044)
The Einherjar (3:08 P.M., A.S.T.)
Floor 5: Private Holo-room

Keeping the simulation blank for now, Kallpa stepped into the small room with Korra, only requesting a bench for them to sit on. He kept eying her hand worriedly, as if the healed tissue would suddenly break again, but was otherwise calm. Korra’s eyes stayed glued to the floor, darting back and forth. “I… Kallpa, I… I thought he… loved me at first. That is why… I did it initially. But after he told he was using me…”

“That’s when you broke away… right?”

“That’s… that’s when I tried to break away.” She looked into Kallpa’s eyes. “I wanted to. With every fiber of my being, I wanted to. But he… but he wouldn’t let me…”

“So he took advantage of you!” Kallpa insisted. Quieter, he continued, “Then… why did you say Geshtal was telling the truth?”

“Because I still went to him,” Korra muttered, looking down again. “I… I didn’t have to. I could have told on him. I could have risked it. And even… even if he won, I could have accepted being discharged over… letting him… use me. But I was afraid. Afraid that I’d have nowhere to go if I lost the XSDF. So… so I…”

Kallpa shook his head, taking in a shuddering breath. “That’s still manipulation… whether he realized it or not. You were afraid! That’s not… that’s not wrong. That isn’t unnatural in a situation like that.”

“Geshtal obviously doesn’t think so… I doubt anyone in my family…” Korra sighed. “C-can I… tell you a secret? Something personal. Something I’ve… never shared with anyone… because I was sure they’d laugh at me.”

“You know you can,” Kallpa said gently.

“Growing up, the only one I felt like I could depend on was my Grandmother,” Korra explained. “I had an aunt here or a cousin there that was nice. Even my uncle, King Gerhart, was kind to me the couple times I met him. But… but at the end of the day, it was only my grandmother that I could depend on.” She looked up at Kallpa again. “Which is why I never understood why, deep down… all I’ve ever wanted to do is make my family proud. Make them happy, make them… want me to be around. To impress them so much, they don’t just see the… the Pon-taer that soils the family name.”

“To honor her memory, maybe.” Kallpa sighed. “But you don’t have to impress your brother. We both know he’s a scumbag that doesn’t understand you in the slightest.”

“I know… I know.” Korra shook her head. “But… but when you talk about your siblings, there is this… light in your eyes. This happiness that radiates off you, even when you talk about them picking on you or embarrassing you. What I… wouldn’t give to have that. What I wouldn’t give to have a brother… who loves me.”

Kallpa shook his head. “My family is your family now,” he insisted. “When this is all over you can meet them all in person… and they’ll love you, I know that much.”

Korra sobbed lightly, and leaned against Kallpa. “You’re so good to me, Kallpa. Even after all the trouble I’ve brought you, I… I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Kallpa hugged her tightly. “I’m just caring for someone I love… there’s nothing more to it than that.”

Korra let out a shuttering breath. “Thank you, Kallpa.” She closed her eyes. “I… know you’re just going to say it isn’t my fault, but I’m sorry about my brother. I should have warned you he was looking for you. I guess I was just hoping he’d respect my wishes for once and leave you alone.”

“After seeing him, I doubt he respects anyone’s wishes but his own,” Kallpa mumbled, kissing Korra lightly on the forehead. “But I’m over it. I just don’t want either of us to have to deal with him again.”

“Me too,” Korra agreed, though she kept her doubts about that to herself. “Can I… can I ask you a silly question?”

“What might that be?” Kallpa asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I… I was surprised when you hit Geshtal. If… if my old Commanding Officer was here right now…” Korra smiled. “...what would you do?”

Kallpa sighed. “Hit him with the metal arm. And accept whatever consequences might follow.”

Korra chuckled, and snuggled against his side. “I love you, Kallpa.”

“Love you too, Korra,” he replied without hesitation.


Operator 21O
Staff member
MarineAvenger & ZombieSplitter53
Being a Father: Part One

In Orbit around Forseti (April 26nd, 2044)
The Einherjar (0930 Hours)
Room of Connor Karo

Connor reached into his drawer, taking out an old t-shirt and throwing it over his head and pulling it down, looking back at his bed to look at the sleeping form of his 8-year old daughter still sleeping, bringing a smile to the father's face. He walked back over to the bed and bent down, putting an arm on Tracey's and putting a kiss on her forehead, which caused the girl's eyes to open slowly, opening her mouth wide as she yawned. "Are you going on a mission again, Daddy?"

Connor shook his head. "No sweetie, but today is the day."

Tracey looked momentarily confused. "The day?"

"Mhmm... don't tell me you forgot, we have been planning this for a while after all." He told his daughter, running his thumb over her cheek.

The little girl's eyes widened, and she quickly threw off the blanket and got on her knees, her face bright with glee. "Today is really the day?"

"Yep, but if you don't get dressed, we aren't going." Connor said to Tracey.

"Okay!" The little girl said, running over to the dresser and undoing the buttons to her pajama top as there was a knock on the door.

"Wasn't expecting any visitors..." Connor stated, walking to the door and opening it a sliver only to show his eye and part of his body to whoever was outside.

"Hey, Connor," the petite Irishwoman on the other side said. "It's been a while, and I wanted to check in on you... and... um..." Brigid trailed off, mumbling something.

Connor raised an eyebrow and looked back in the room. "Look, Brigid... can we make this kind of quick? I got stuff to do today, and not a lot of time to do it."

"Y-yeah, I just..." Brigid rubbed her hands together nervously. "I'm just... a friend of Atka Wiewiora, and I heard about... your case. I... I-I wanted to apologize again."

Connor froze and he looked down at the woman and sighed. "Don't worry about it... it's over now, and I know my fiance is truly at peace now..."

"I just... feel so bad," Brigid muttered. The sound of shuffling from within the room made her raise her head. "Who..." She gave Conner an apologetic look. "Oh... she with you, right? Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything..."

"It's fine..." Looking back, Connor stepped from the door and opened it full way, allowing the woman to enter.

Brigid slowly stepped inside, rubbing her hands nervously again. "I don't want to intrude, especially if you've got a lot of stuff to do "

Brigid could feel a pair of arms around her, the currently brunette (As the dye in her hair still hasn't come out) looking at Brigid with wide eyes. "Are you a friend of Daddy's?"

Brigid laughed lightly as she looked at the child, nearly as tall as she. "Um... yeah, sort of. You must be Tracy."

"Mhmm... you're pretty short for an adult, aren't you?" She asked innocently.

Brigid's eye twitched, her smile twisting a bit. "A... actually, I just... think you're... tall for you age, kid."

"Thank you." Tracey said genuinely. "And you are very pretty too. I had hair like that until the bad men made my hair like this..."

Brigid's smile quickly faded. She looked between Tracey and her father. "What... what bad men?"

"The detective didn't tell you? The people who murdered Louise, they kidnapped Tracey and were planning to use her to get away." Connor told Brigid.

"They were going to kill me... but Ms. Atka was super fast, I blinked and she was there, and she saved me!" Tracey explained.

"Are you okay?" Brigid asked urgently, looking her up and down. "Did they hurt you? Why did they color your hair?"

"They tried to escape to the Moon, so they needed to get me on a ship." Tracey said, looking a bit embarressed being inspected when she was clearly fine. "They didn't hurt me much."

"Last I heard they were on a one way trip to New Alcatraz." Connor said to Brigid. "Name Bruno Di Marci ring a bell? Seeing as you followed me so closely, it should make a lightbulb go off."

Brigid folded her arms. "Yeah... Atka mentioned he was involved. Wasn't he that guy who's a... butt you were supposed to kick?"

"Yeah, he was the champ... And he took everything I had so he could keep it that way." Connor said sullenly. Tracey walked over to her father and hugged him, causing the man fo reach down and pick her up.

Brigid looked away, a sudden appreciation for her family washing over her. "Well... I know it'll never be the same, but... you have each other now... and that's what counts, right?"

"Yeah... It seems like a saving grace." As Tracey put her head on her Dad's shoulder, he said, "We will be heading to the surface soon. I promised I would take her."

"Oh, that should be nice Korra is down there now." Brigid hesitated, looking like she wanted to ask something. "Well, I... shouldn't hold you up any more..."

"You wanna come don't you?" Connor asked.

"What? No. No, it is your private time. Who am I to intrude. I... I was... just hoping to spend some time with you as a friend before... you know..."

"Just speak your mind. At least give me the courtesy of thinking of me as a normal person." Connor smiled lightly. "If you want to come, just ask."

"May I?" Brigid smiled. "I just thought we could hang out a bit before you have to leave."

"Why not just come down to the surface with us? Could use the extra company after all." Connor told Brigid.

Brigid nodded, and stepped over to the door. "Alright than. I will meet you in the bay when you are ready. They owe me a favor down there, so I should be clear to leave by the time you get there."

"Alright." Connor said, putting down his daughter.

"Bye Ms. Brigid... be sure to wear something pretty!" Tracey told the woman.

Brigid gave the girl a quick salute, and quickly dashed down the hall towards her room. After a while, Connor and Tracey walked down to the transport bay hand in hand, the little one looking around frantically excited that they would be getting a companion for the day.

Brigid stood by the transport ship, wearing a sundress with sunflower designs that somehow made her look even more like a child then her petite form usually did. She waved them over and said, "Come on, you two. They're ready to depart."

"You look pretty Ms. Brigid! You look just like a little girl too." Tracey said, running up to hug Brigid.

Brigid hugged her back, trying with all her might not to squeeze a little too hard. "Ah, childhood honesty." It frigin' sucks... sorry, Ellie.

Connor chuckled as he stepped into the ship. "Leave her alone, Tracey. You look fine Brigid."

"Thank you, Connor. I hope it wasn't too much." Brigid stepped into the transport, taking an empty seat with two empty ones next to it.

The little girl sat next to Brigid, putting her hands on her knees anxiously as her father took his place next to her. "You said you had a friend on the surface, did you not?" Connor asked, leaning back. "It was Korra, correct?"

"That's right. I was going to go with her, but I wanted to check on you." Brigid tapped her lips. "She wanted to check out a rumor. Something about Quin... fruit punch?"

Connor shrugged his shoulders, not knowing anymore than she did but Tracey poked Brigid in the side. "I like fruit punch... though I think grape is my favorite. Me and Fraser had a couple of fruit drinks when our parents went to the bar after some training."

"Well, they probably have a variety of punch. I'm just not all that familiar with Quin fruit." As the shuttle departed, Brigid asked, "So who's Fraser?"

"A boy of Avril Charbonneau's. He is the closest person to Tracey's age and the two like to play when they can." Connor explained with a smile.

"He likes to color with me. Plus Daddy is good friends with his Mommy." Tracey added.

"Oh?" Brigid's smile widened a bit. "What about Fraser's father?"

Tracey shook her head. "He said he doesn't have a father."

"Oh, he doesn't, huh?" Brigid's eyes darted up to Connor. "That's a shame. Good thing your pa is there to keep his ma company."

"Your playing a dangerous game, O'Brien." Connor warned in a low tone, looking away as he crossed his arms. Even Tracey seemed to stay quiet now.

Brigid chuckled for a moment, intentional at first, than nervously as she dropped her head. "I... wow, I... that was really insensitive of me, wasn't it?"

"Yes, it was..." Connor said in a low voice.

Tracey looked between her father and Brigid for a moment and tugged on Brigid's dress. "He isn't mad at you... he just really misses Mommy. He says he never loved someone like her."

"I understand." Brigid rubbed her hands. "Which is to say... I understand that I don't understand. The love you had for her must have defied what someone with my relationship experience could understand. I... I'm sorry. It was presumptuous of me."

"It's fine Brigid." Connor said after a long period of silence.

Brigid nodded, and shot the breeze with Connor's daughter during the rest of the trip.


Game Master
Staff member
MarineAvenger & ZombieSplitter53
Being a Father: Part Two

After touching down and making their way out of the launch station quickly, a perk of coming straight from the Einherjar, Brigid stretched her arms and took a deep breath. "It... is... amazing. You think you've gotten used to being on the ship, but the moment you get back to terra firma, you can tell the difference."

Tracey nodded her head. "My grandparents took me on a cruise once but I hated it because I got sick easily, but the spaceship is different because you don't feel it." The little girl said.

"There is a difference though. Makes you feel heavier on the ground." Connor added.

"Does it?" Brigid hopped up and down a bit, her hair bobbing with her. "Guess I'm too light to notice."

"You also have no boobies... Fraser's Mommy has big ones." Tracey said innocently.

Brigid's slowly stopped bouncing, and gave Tracey a 'seriously?' look as her cheeks reddened. "Are you always this blunt, dear?"

"Fraser says I should be if I don't want to act like a little kid all the time." She admitted honestly.

Brigid patted her on the head. "Sometimes... acting like a little kid is just fine with me..."

"O-Okay..." Tracey smiled widely. "But since you like my Daddy's love life so much, do you love someone?"

Brigid's cheeks turn a bit more red, and she started walking ahead a bit. "Oh... you don't want to hear about that. The boring, icky love life of a grown up..."

"Of course I want to hear!" The little girl exclaimed, going after Brigid. "I love hearing about love stories, Mommy used to tell me some of how she met Daddy until..." The girl stopped.

Brigid frowned, and slowed her stride to match Tracey's. "Well, Tracey, the man I love is strong, smart, and independent. We had a little trouble at first, mostly because I was too silly to admit how I felt, but now we are together, and every day is special to me."

"That's so sweet." Tracey said, reaching up and taking Brigid's hand. "I hope I meet a boy like that when I am an adult."

"You will. I'm sure you will, some day." Brigid perked her head up a bit, hearing the sound of a familiar voice yelling in the distance. "Do you hear that?" she asked Connor.

He shook his head and tried to listen in a little closer. "I don't think so."

Brigid led them along for a bit, heading towards the voice. As they approached the area Korra said she'd be in, they found the Tamearin woman shouting at a Quin in an oversized waiter's uniform.

"Yna oui vilgehk gettehk sa? Oui'na cibbucat du ryja dra pacd Quin cdnyfpanno bihlr drec ceta uv dra kymyqo! E fuimth'd keja drec fydanat tufh, cdnyfpanno vmyjunat becc du y kuyd! Cu silr vun lydanehk du dra Einherjar cumteanc bnudaldehk oui cunno ycc..."

In what could only be described by a human as a Scottish accent, the Quin shouted back, "If ye don't like it, yer free te piss off! But yer net gettin' yer money back after drinkin' the whole thing!"

Connor glanced at Brigid and he ran with her to the Tamearin woman, Connor being the one to pull Korra's arm to drag her to the side. "What in the hell are you doing?"

"I... was promised... gold!" Korra insisted, shoving her glass into Brigid's hands. "Does this taste like gold to you? Because it taste like common swill to me!"

Noting the growling pachyderm man behind her, Brigid took a sip and shrugged. "It taste fine to me."

"Yes... fine..." Korra folded her arms. "If I wanted fine, I would have stayed on the ship."

"What your being is a spoiled brat." Connor growled at her, seeming annoyed at the woman's state. He turned to walk over to the Quin and asked, "How much is the drink?"

"It is only 13.50 quaid ($4). It is a fair price for the best..."

"...the average..." Korra muttered.

"... the BEST Quin berry punch you have ever had. You want some? I will give the child one for free. She will be honest, I'm sure."

"Your offer is generous, and I would happily accept it." Connor reached into his pocket and pulled out a ten dollar bill, handing it to the Quin. "This should pay for hers with a little tip as well as mine. You also have my apologies for any offense." Connor said diplomatically to the Quin, though the look Connor gave warned the alien any more fuss and there would be trouble.

"You are very kind, sir. Very understanding, especially when compared to some." Brigid handed him some money as well, and he walked behind the outside counter. "And what flavors do we want. The little girl gets hers first."

"Do you have grape!" Tracey asked excitedly.

"Do I have grape?" The Quin laughed. "She asks if I have grape! What a... a silly question to ask me. I... I, um..." He ducked down, an odd action for such a big being, and pulled out what looked like an oversized English to Quin translator. After a minute, he quickly stood up again and laughed. "Of course I have grape! One grape punch, coming up. I will make it extra special for you."

"Thank you Mr. Rhino Man!" Tracey said excitedly, Connor smiling as he rubbed her head, but the Latvian man quickly turned his gaze to Korra as he approached her.

"What the fuck do you think you were doing there?" He asked in a barely contained whisper.

Korra's eyes widened a bit, and she looked back and forth as if he might be talking to someone else. "Me? Whatever happened to customer satisfaction!" She folded her arms. "I... I'll pay you back..."

"It is not about the money, you do not just go up and insult someone's livelihood just because you weren't exactly pleased with something you paid for." Connor shook his head. "That was very childish of you, and I expected more from you, Korra." For a few moments, Connor was acting like he was scolding a child.

"I... but I... he..." Korra raised her arms, than quickly lowered them again. "But I didn't... come on, really? You're going to... really? Come on, Connor... really?"

Connor was silent, just staring at Korra with a look of a father, and he put a hand on her shoulder. "You will apologize to the alien, and you will ask his forgiveness. I do not want an argument from you, you will do it, and you will mean it, are we clear?"

Korra's jaw dropped a bit. "But... b-but... but I..."

"No... buts." He let go of Korra's shoulder and stepped to the side, jerking his head to the Quin.

"UGH!" Korra stomped her foot and walked over to the shop, just as the grey man was handing Tracey her drink. He gave her a cautious glance, and she said, "I'm... sorry."

His eyes darted back and forth. "I... dinit catch that. Do ye mind repeating it?"

"I said..." She shuddered a bit, and clenched her teeth. "I'm s... I'm s-s-s... I'm sssss..."

Tracey reached up and pulled on Korra's shirt. "It's not that hard to say... you can do it. It is easy."

Korra sighed. "I. I-I'm sss..." She noticed Brigid opening her mouth to say something, and quickly blurted out, "I'm sorry, okay?!" She shook her head. "I shouldn't have insulted your business like that. It... it wasn't even that bad, I just..." She reached into her pocket, pulling out some money and offering it to the Quin. "Can I have another? Grape?"

The Quin nodded, and took the money, moving to make the rest of the drinks.

Korra would feel a hand press against the back of her shoulder, Connor standing behind her with an approving look. "That was a good thing you did, whether you want to admit it or not. But you must realize your outbursts effect people, and almost always not for the better. You don't need that sort of trouble."

Tracey took a sip of her drink and made a 'Mmm' sound. "This is really good."

Korra took her drink once it was ready, sipping it and nodding in approval. "Y... yeah... it is. I... I'm sorry, guys. I guess I still have a bit of work to do when it comes to my temper, huh?"

"I would say more than a bit." Connor said.

Tracey nodded her head. "Wait... Who is this woman?"

"What do you mean? I'm Korra." Korra tilted her head. She raised an eyebrow and scratched the top of her head with her tail. "Wait... who the heck are you?"

"I'm Tracey." The little girl said.

Connor went over and kissed Tracey on the top of her head, causing her to giggle. "Korra, this is my daughter."

"Really?!" Korra bent down and lifted Tracey up, hugging her tightly. "It is so good to finally meet you! I've heard so much about you!"

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" Tracey exclaimed.

"Alright, alright, don't kill her out of excitement." Connor said with a slight grin.

"Oh... sorry." Korra put Tracey down. "I don't get to see many children on the Einherjar. I guess I just... hi. I'm Korra." She offered her hand.

"I like hugs... Just not when they hurt." Tracey laughed, reaching out and shaking Korra's hand. "You are a strange... Lady..." Tracey slowly reached, mesmerized by the appendage, forcefully grabbing the tip of Korra's tail hard.


Operator 21O
Staff member
MarineAvenger & ZombieSplitter53
Being a Father: Part Three

Korra's eyes widened, and her entire body shook a little. "U-uh... T-T-Tracy... can you..."

"What?" Tracey asked confused, gripping the tail a bit more.

Korra shook like her entire body was being electrocuted. "H-honey, my... my tail is v-v-very sensitive. Gripping it th-that hard i-is like... s-s-sticking your hand on a g-g-giant... tesla ball..."

"O-Oh..." Tracey let go of the tail, looking a bit sad. "I didn't know I was hurting you... I just really like cats."

Korra took several deep breaths, trying to rub the goose bumps away. "No, no. It didn't hurt... well, it hurt a little, but it mostly felt weird." She waged her tail in front of Tracey. "You can play with my tail any time you want. Just... don't squeeze too hard." She smiled. "And I like cats, too. Big and cuddly. Perfect guards. Always loyal."

Tracey giggled. "I like the lazy ones who let you pet them all the time and lay on your lap." Tracey admitted, taking a sip of her drink. "Could we get a cat today Daddy?" The little girl asked.

"I... I don't know sweetie..." Connor responded hesitantly.

"I think we'd have to check to see if animals are allowed on the Einherjar first," Brigid offered. "Better do that before anything else."

"Yeah. Besides, isn't a cat a bit to big for the Einherjar?" Korra laughed. "I still remember how my cat would rub against me when I got home, usually knocking me down and climbing on me. I'd just let her lay there, no matter how big and heavy she got."

"Aw... But... B-But I can get a small one... I just want a kitty is all... Grandma only had those annoying dogs of hers, but she was allergic to cats..." Tracey looked down with a pouty face.

"A... small cat?" Korra scratched her head. "Even kittens are..." She moved her hands to show the size of an animal much larger than the others were expecting.

Brigid gave her a confused look, then smiled at Tracey. "I'm sure your father would be glad to get you a cute little kitty. We just need to check in first." She glanced at Conner. "Of course... we could always... look?"

Connor looked between the three girls, clearly outnumbered in the decision so his shoulders slumped in defeat. "Fine... We can look. That's it for now." He said, crossing his arms.

Brigid clapped her hands together excitedly. "Come on. I think I know where a pet store specializing in Earth animals is."

"Yay!" Tracey quickly finished her drink, shuddering as she got brief brain freeze and waved to the big Quin. "Thank you again Mr. Rhino Man." She hopped out of her seat and went to follow Brigid as the other two fell in behind them.

"So what kinda of kitty are we going to talk your dad into getting you?" Brigid asked while pulling out her computer pad and bringing up the XSDF policies and rules.

"Hm... I like the black cats, they have cool eyes but I've heard they are bad luck... Oh! I also like the white fluffy ones, but usually they get big... A-And the orange ones! They are so funny to watch because they are so energized." Tracey explained excitedly.

"Well, remember, we're only..." She fell silent as they reached the pet store. Opening the door, she said, "Go on and check 'em out. They should be near the back." Tracey raced off, and Brigid turned to face Connor. "I'm pretty sure the rules allow for you to bring a new pet on board as long as it is vaccinated and screened when going up. You can get her a cat if you'd like."

Connor sighed, knowing he had enough money, but still... "A pet is a big responsibility, and I don't really want to wake up to a crap covered room."

"Well, it's your choice in the end." Korra placed a hand on his shoulder. "But a pet makes for a good companion when you're alone. And I can give her tips. I know a thing or two about kitty's."

"Alright... But I won't be the one to end up taking care of it." He warned, walking through to look around.

Korra and Brigid exchanged an ammused look, and walked around themselves.


Operator 21O
Staff member
The Tamearin woman eventually wondered towards the back kennel, raising an eyebrow as she lifted a European Shorthair up. "How... old is this cat?"

A nearby worker smiled and answered, "He is two years old."

Korra looked taken aback, looking the cat up and down. "Wow, really? That old? How do you make 'em so small?"

The salewoman blinked several times. "I beg your pardon?"

Korra walked to the next cat, then the next. "They're all so tiny! Oh my Goddess, I've never seen so many cuties! Are they... genetically modified? I should be appalled, but they're too cute."

The woman learned close to Connor and whispered, "What is she talking about? We can't have any drunks handling the animals, sir?"

"She is Tamearin, not human." He explained, raising an eyebrow himself. "Korra, you do realize that is a normal size for a domesticated Earth cat... don't you?"

"It is?!" Korra laughed. "Well... how the neck is something so small supposed to make a guard cat? I guess it would be easier for it to rest on your lap, but... don't you have any Tamearin cats?"

"I'll, uh... check with the manager." The woman smiled nervously and walked towards the front of the store.

"Korra, we use dogs for guard animals, not cats. I mean, we have big cats on Earth but they are wild, not domesticated." Connor chuckled, looking at Brigid. "You never had to explain this?"

"It never came up. She discussed her old pet cat before, but I always figured it was like our cats."

"No," Korra insisted, stepping out of the way as the saleswoman walked to the back. "Normal cats a big, like... that animal you just said, I guess. What... what's a dog?"

"Well..." Connor looked around and waved his hand for Korra to follow, bringing the alien woman over to the kennel for Earth dogs. "These are dogs on our planets." The dogs themselves were all breeds apart, there being Shih Zus, Collies, German Shepards, a Bull Dog or two, and even a Siberian Husky.

Korra smiled as she crouched down in front of the husky. "Oh, wow! You have domesticated canines! So cool..."

"There are a lot more breeds than this, trust me. Some are used for hunting, some are guard dogs, some are work ones and some are just there to be cute pets. So your... cats are like our dogs?" Connor asked with an amused look.

"Yeah. They have a lot of breeds. My cat..." She noticed movement in the corner of her eyes, and her eyes out up. "He looked like that!"

The saleswoman walked in with a large feline, 100 centimeters long with a 30 centimeter tail length, probably weighing 16 to 18 kilos. It resembled a dwarfed leopard or ocelot. It looked between the trip with curiosity. "This is the only one we have hear. I believe it is called... a feverent?"

Tracey's eyes widened when she laid eyes on the cat, quickly walking up to it and rubbing it on the head.

It purred loudly, liking her hand with its tough tongue. Korra scratched the back of its neck and said, "You'll never find a more loyal friend. They can be a little lazy, but also playful. You could..." Her smile dropped, and she stepped back, sending Connor an apologetic look. "Sorry... it isn't my place."

"Hey, you would have the most knowledge about these animals, so your opinion is really needed." He informed the alien girl.

Korra smiled brightly. "Well, these animals are super easy to care for as long as you are attentive and respectful. They make these automated sandbox for them, and they don't eat as much as they look like they would. They can be a bit sensitive, but as long as you're kind to them, they'll be kind back. The only problem is they become very guarded of the person they spend the most time with, but that just means he'd defend Tracey no matter what. And of course, if you ever need help or someone to watch him... I know someone you could ask that would say yes every time."

Connor sighed. "It's you, isn't it?"

Korra folded her hands and have him an innocent look. "Mmmmmaybe..."

"Can we please get it Daddy?" Tracey asked with an excited tone.

"I don't..."

"Pleeeeeeeeeeease!" The 8-year old asked.

Connor looked at Korra again. "You said it gets defensive right? So this thing won't just up and attack me every time I walk into my room, right?"

"No no no. Nothing like that," Korra assured him. "He's only be like that if he though she was in danger, like if it saw you hurt her. Which, of course, you'd never do."

"Alright..." Connor turned to the saleswoman. "And how much will everything come out to in order to get the pet squared away today?"

"Let me see." She pulled out a calculator. As she typed, she said, "You're lucky this is the only one we have. The shop a few miles away specializes in Tamearin animals, so we can't sell him at the prices they would." Her eyes darted up. "Not... not that they're any better then us, or that their feverents would be any better, j-just... more expensive. I-I'll even give you a discount on a start up kit, with food and dishes and the works." She handed Connor the calculator with the displayed price.

"Well... that isn't too bad... even if it takes a big chunk out of my budget." Sighing, he handed th calculator back. "Deal."

The squeal Tracey let out was almost unbearable. "I'll gather everything for you." The saleswoman handed Tracey the leash and walked to the front of the store, looking pleased about the sale."

Tracey went to Korra and wrapped her arms around the woman. "This is so exciting! Thank you for telling us about this!"

"Of course! Anything for my newest little friend." Korra smiled pleasantly. "Got any ideas for a name?"

"Uh... no... but I don't want it to be something stupid..." Tracey said, looking to the adults.

Korra laughed. "Now, how could anything you think of be silly?"

Brigid nodded. "She's right. Just think on it. Not like you have to name him right now, right?"

"Of course I do, it is important to name your pet right away!" Tracey pressed, crossing her arms.

Connor looked at the Tamearin cat and he rubbed her head. Bending down on one knee in front of Tracey, he smiled warmly. "How about Lani?" He asked softly.

Tracey's eyes widened, and she looked down, smiling as she rubbed her eyes. "That's... that's perfect Daddy..." As Connor opened his arms, Tracey ran into them and he patted her on the back comfortingly, taking in a deep breath.


Well-Known Member
Recollection III - The Captain's Initiation

Somewhere in Subspace (May 19th, 2043)
The Megaladon (6:51 P.M., Earth Standard Time)
Upper Hallway

"What is our purpose here?" Hermes inquired as he walked with with his blond Italian partner. "You have a habit of explaining things later than is the standard for the majority of people I have met aboard this ship."

Grazia chuckled. "Is that so, H.M.?"

"And you shorten names to pet forms, even when they are of a reasonable length for pronunciation already," the android additionally analyzed.

Grazia smirked this time. "Was that a bit of humor there?"

Hermes tilted his head a few degrees. "It was?"

The Italian waved her hand. "Oh, you just don't realize it, but it most certainly was."

Hermes shrugged. "Regardless, I still await your answer to my previous inquiry."

Grazia clanked her gloves together, which were bronze-colored and used for both her engineering work and fashion. "Right. The cap'n wanted to meet you." She frowned. "Which is both a good thing and a bad thing."

"Clarify your reasoning?"

"Well, he asked to see you because he's impressed by your combat skills that you've shown in our training exercises, buuuut..." Grazia tapped her index fingers together a single time. "He doesn't appreciate synthetics like I do. Distrusts your kind."

"So to ensure my own safety I will need to convince Captain Filip that I am trustworthy, correct?"

"Yep. And tolerable." Grazia wagged a finger in a cautionary manner. "First of all, Address him as Captain Root. He is used to me calling him 'Cap'n', but even I know better than to call him by his first name."

"Acknowledged. And the other advice?"

Grazia seemed confused. "Other advice?"

"Your word choice suggested there was more to follow."

"Give me a break..." Grazia scratched the side of her head. "Other than that, really, you just should be your formal self. He used to be in a navy... Dutch, I think... so he'll appreciate you acknowledging chain of command and all that jazz."

Hermes nodded as they arrived at the doors to the bridge, and opened one for Grazia to step through first. When Hermes followed her through he was met with a dark, somewhat gloomy room that was only brightened by assorted computer lights, screens, and a central light cast on the lavish chair of Captain Root. It's occupant was present, and lifted his hat to observe the machine in his presence.

"This is the one you convinced me to buy?" Filip uttered, narrowing his eyes. "Glad to see that his creators had the decency to avoid the uncanny valley, but he looks like a Roman art project gone wrong."

Grazia raised an eyebrow but bobbed her head. "This is Hermes."

Root snapped his fingers. "Android! What is your primary directive."

"To protect and serve my owner in whatever way they require," Hermes answered.

"And who do you ultimately answer to?"

"You, sir."

The Megaladon's captain nodded. "Good." He reached to his side pulling out a pulse pistol. "Now, Hermes... the reason I bought you off the Triads is because they boasted that you had some psionic ability of heat manipulation... but you've yet to show any evidence of this. Do you know if they were lying or not?"

Hermes shook his head in a negative response. "As my memory of my time in service to my previous masters is wiped, I cannot locate an answer to that question."

"Then we go with the secondary option."

Grazia's eyes widened. "Cap... captain! I realize psi abilities can be triggered like that, but he's... he's valuable pr-"

Root ignored her, lifting his pistol and firing st Hermes. The android's eyes spun tight in register of the threat, and he reflexively snapped a hand forward to protect himself. The laser didn't reach his body, dispersing into a warm red glow around the android's hand. Hermes, Grazia, Filip, and the bridge crew all turned their heads in astonishment over what the robot had done.

Root put away his pistol, pulling out a cigar and popping it into his mouth. His first officer lit it. "Well, I'll be damned."

"They weren't fucking with us after all" the man next to Root remarked.

"It would appear so..." Root shook his head as the energy dispersed. "A psionic android... that isn't something you see every day. Well, Hermes..." Filip gave a brief 'harrumph'. "...welcome to the crew officially. I look forward to seeing that you can do on a raid."

High Orbit over Forseti (April 26th), 2044)
The Einherjar (0930 Hours, A.S.T.)
Floor 7: Psionic Labs

Hermes came to with a start, back in the dreamscape. He noted Vindicta looking around in astonishment, and soon realized why. Small holoprojectors had risen out of the metal floor between his first memory on the Megaladon and the most recent one. And Hermes could feel why. "My memories between the two are restored...?" He whispered.

"As if we are connecting the dots. That's certainly progress," Vindicta remarked. "And it would appear that there is a connection between you and that man Steele ran info."

"I know... and not only do I need to learn more about him, but I want to know more about my time with Grazia." Hermes knelt down to try another memory, and the dreamscape shattered, Hermes feeling an acute mental pain.

Vindicta quickly went to his side. "Dammit, Hermes... what did I say about not rushing things?" She sighed, seeing that Hermes was clutching his head as the pain became a dull throb. "If you're in pain from that you might have damaged your neural pathways. Go ask for a Dr, Sumana... she might be able to assist in a recovery."

Hermes quickly stood up, stumbling off, and Vindicta shook her head, honestly starting to worry about the forgetful android's well-being.


Well-Known Member
Unknown Location
April 28th, 2044
1400 Hours Local

The Black-hearted Queen of Red Diamonds crossed one leg over the other, tilting a glass of violet Keishay wine to her lips and savoring the taste. Only after finishing the drink did she look down upon the Summoner. "What do you think of Carson's performance?" she inquired of the Replitan.

"I believe that he has potential but has grown complacent against lesser enemies than the best the XSDF has to offer," the Summoner replied in an unfeeling tone. "I believe you concur, Juggernaut?"

The Draeconian crossed her four arms, the lower two being polished, high-quality cybernetics. "Indeed. If a warrior doesn't have his mettle tested by worthy opponents or a reasonable number of worthwhile enemies, he cannot improve himself. There is a reason I spar with Uruyago."

"Hah! As if you stand a chance against that behemoth! What's the song? 'The itsy bitsy spider crawled out of the drain, only to fi-ind that he'd be smashed!" The Trickster slammed down his heel, making a crushing motion and cackling at his poor excuse of a joke.

"I would take pride in being compared to an elegant and deadly creature such as an arachnid," the Juggernaut said proudly, flexing the four cybernetic arms attached to her back, giving her a total of eight. "If I am a spider you are nothing but an annoying mosquito."

Trismegistus tapped a pointed boot against the base of her chair. "A rather astute choice, considering dear Ikolo's taste for blood."

"I do hope he will be wiser in his combat choices now that the XSDF is fielding plasma weapons consistently..."

"Oh, is that you in there looking out for me from the great beyond, brother?" The Trickster leaned forward with a grin, while the Summoner gave him a 'don't start a fight you can't win' look.

"And the XSDF has researched the particle weapons," the Pirate Queen interrupted, drawing the eyes of her four royal guardsmen.

"Really?" the fourth royal guardsman in attendance spoke up. "Now there's a change in fate..."

"Oh, must everything be a fate metaphor for you, Sobekir?" Ikolo whined.

"Must I always remind you that I could crush you like a bug?" the Fatemaker shot back, the Seikron's extra two eyes contracting to regard 000 in crimson contempt.

"If you were in one of your fancy suits maybe!" The Trickster drew one of his fusion heavy pistols, illuminating the room in an orange glow as he pointed it at the cyber-frog.

Sobekir returned the sentiment with a fusion carbine. 010 voiced a sound of rumbling discontent similar to a growl, but wetter in texture. "Try me, frankensteined human!"

Trismegistus rolled her eyes, not seeming at all concerned. "Children, please. Save it for the XSDF pawns."

The two immediately concealed their weapons again, and bowed humbly. "Apologies, my Queen," they said in unison.

Trismegistus smiled, and turned to regard the Juggernaut. "How do you reason the Controller took my amusement, Kadra'Velozzat?"

011 chuckled. "Need you even ask that, your majesty? Poorly, of course. You know how Yayando's pride is."

"That is to say as weak as a Keishay," 001 added helpfully, sitting down and steepling his fingers.

Trismegistus nodded to the Replitan. "Speaking of which, bring me more wine. The rest of you are dismissed."

As they filed out, Tris brought up a plethora of video screens, the Pirate Queen's eyes darting between pieces of information. "Hm... outposts have been established in he specified locations in the Dapsilis system undetected as planned. Though I'm sure you'll find them eventually, Avenging Angel."

The woman considered the Overseer, and a sly grin spread across her face. "Oh, he may be one of the most amusing players in this game... and one of the most dangerous. It's an odd contrast, really. He's contemptible for daring to believe he is the greatest information gatherer in galaxy... Overseer. Hah!" Trismegistus shook her head. "You cannot rule from a renowned position... one who knows it all must be cloaked in the shadows. An Underseer is a more fitting collector of knowledge."

Speaking of collectors of knowledge... The Summoner returned with more wine, and Trismegistus took it gracefully. "How is the Data-Collector doing in the home systems? He was off the grid the last I heard."

The Summoner nodded in affirmation. "He was hunting down a beast on one of the more inhospitable worlds of the Wedjakal System. A rare irradiated creature, and a semi-sentient one at that."

Trismegistus chuckled. "You know, Ikolo may be a sadist, but Adrasteia is a refined one. A hedonist after my own heart, that one." And that's why I have to keep an eye on him. "I hope he remembers to bring back some DNA for me. Can't have something going extinct without a sample of its genetics for later use."

"I reminded him. And speaking of reminders, you were going to visit the other four present here, correct?"

"I know," Tris chided. "I would like to visit with the Silencer and the Berserker during our off-time... those two combined with the Controller make for an entertaining trio. Though I have my other considerations as well."

"Such as?"

"I have bigger plans involving cats and lions as you well know..." Trismegistus folded her hands together. "I intend to put them into action soon, but I want to maintain the focus on Forseti for just awhile longer... It's best if parties such as the Humiliata stay out of this. Can't have them interfering and playing this grand game wrong."


Game Master
Staff member
DarkGemini24601 & ZombieSplitter53
Mending Memories: Part One

In Orbit around Forseti (April 26th, 2044)
The Einherjar (1000 Hours)

Having felt more down recently after a certain brief but tense encounter, Volupta had spent more and more time in her favorite little hiding place on the ship, surrounded by the colorful beauty that was Hydroponics. She hovered over a bushel of red Earth roses, caressing the head of one as she transferred some of her own energy into it. It was odd, to be in here after so long in seclusion, but to her, the plants were as much company as anyone else.

Hermes stepped into the agricultural room, frustrated at the results of his latest visit to Vindicta. The memory link I established is important but... every time I feel closer to understanding myself it feels like my way is barred by a wall of fire! He paused upon seeing the doctor he had been directed to, having to ask where the Humilita had dissapeared to after reaching a dead end in the medical ward. The sight of elegant alien encouraged the android to relax the tension in his servos and aproach more calmly. "Dr. Sumana? I trust I am not intruding upon anything?"

"No... of course not. I'm here to..." The Humiliata turned towards Hermes and jumped a bit. "Oh! Um... hello. Um... please, call me Volupta, Mr..."

"Hermes. My apologies if I've startled you," the android said tiredly.

"No, no. I... I just wasn't expecting you. I have met a few androids, though I am used to them looking more like the humans who made them." Her eyes darted back and forth. "You... you are an android, right? Because if not, what I just said was rude... probably rude. Is it would to think someone is an android when they're not?"

Hermes shook his head. "To a few, maybe. But you are correct. I am an android, though my mysterious creators likey had different tastes when it came to design, and probably created me for a combat role; hence why my armor is locked on."

"Is it? Well... that seems like a silly design. Why would they design it so it couldn't come off? Unless it can, and you've tried, in which case I am once again... being... rude, I sorry. I tend to... to ramble." Volupta bowed her head. "I am at your service. How can I help you, Mr. Hermes?"

"It isn't a problem," Hermes said neutrally. "Your speech, that is. People that restrict themselves tend to be unhappy." He shook his head. "In any case, I require some of your biokinetic assistance. I may have dealt some damage to whatever circulates psionic energy through my body by attempting to recover lost memories buried in my subconscious."

"A psionic android. How fascinating." Volupta nodded. "I would be happy to help. Let me take a look at you... within you. You know... without the mess process of cutting you open. Not that... anyone... ahem..." She lowered herself into a sitting position, beckoning Hermes to join her.

Familiar with such a practice from his sessions with Vindicta, Hermes sat down across from Volupta.

Volupta closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. A stand of green energy flowed from the tall, ebony woman to the android, and she giggled a bit. "So exciting. New territory for me to..." She paused, her expression turning to confusion. "Oh... oh my. This is much more complicated than I thought. You system isn't just some base imitation. I dare say, it is as complicated as any organic psion. And... this... this is most... unusual..."

"What is?" Hermes queried, raising a metallic eyebrow.

"Your heart... huh, a heart... it receives the same amount of neural traffic as your brain. I've never seen this before. It is quite fascinating. And unexpected. Maybe that is why you would have trouble finding a solution to your problems. Most would look around the brain. Let me... check the heart..."

"Perhaps that is... The subconscious backup from where I am recovering my memories?" Hermes surmised. "I doubt anyone would have thought to wipe data they didn't know about... but for some reason I'm having to recover it in a lengthy and arduous process..."

"Maybe... that has something to do with all this damage?" Volupta slowly shook her head. "I... I know you said you caused some of it recently, but this goes beyond that. You must have been in some nasty accident because it is pretty messy here. Though... though there does seem to be a bit of healing as well."

"I crashed onto a planet in an escape pod a few months ago... but it appears that around nine months before that my memory was wiped, so I imagine that accounts for what you are seeing." Hermes closed his eyes for a moment. "And perhaps the recovery of memories in my dreamscape is what is slowly restoring the connections."

"It would appear so. It might only be a small comfort, but it appears to be working, if slowly." Volupta opened her eyes. "I could attempt to... expedite your healing. I have never do so with an android, naturally, but I do not see any harm in trying, even if I failed."

Hermes nodded quickly. "If there's a chance that you could, I will take it. Especially after... the most recent mission. That Triad enforcer... I do not remember him but facial recognition suggests that he is my basis. He even had Thermokinesis as i do."

"Thermokinesis?" Volupta smiled. "How interesting. I've never met someone with that ability. Just as I have never met an android with psionics. Or one with such a unique construct. You are a most fascinating..." She trailed off, and scratched her chin nervously. "Sorry. I got a little side tracked..."

Hermes smiled slightly. "Again, it is no problem. I find you unique, since most of the other Humiliata I've met have been... perhaps too serious in way they carry themselves."


Game Master
Staff member
DarkGemini24601 & ZombieSplitter53
Mending Memories: Part Two

"Good to hear." Volupta closed her eyes again, delving into Hermes' psionic pathways. "I doubt very much I can restore you memories, but I can at least open up some road blocks caused by the damage to make it easier for you to do it yourself. This... this is quite interesting though. Not a week passes on this ship that I do not find something I could spend two cycles studying. When this war is over, I would recommend finding a scientist who could do so. We could learn a lot from you, and you could become quite famous."

"I would need to find one in which I could place enough trust to not take advantage of me in a vulnerable state," Hermes replied. "I do not yet know anyone on this ship that intimately."

"Well, perhaps I could assist in that manner. Though, if I do not earn that trust by the time this is over, I have read about a few individuals who you might be able to trust." Volupta took a moment to remember the names. "Humans I believe. Exalt and Randolf... maybe."

"I have met one of the Exalts and am aware of Randolf through another. I will... Have to see." Hermes sighed. "Although my quest to regain my memories is still paramount, there is a bitterness in it. Those that I called friends in the past are no more, and my basis appears to be an irreconcilable enemy."

"I can see how that could be overwhelming." Volupta lowered her head a bit. "I, too, have friends who I have lost. Most long ago. There are times that I wish I could forget them. But then I remember the good times with them. And so will you. The good will come with the bad. As for your enemies... well, I don't know about you, but I find these XSDF sorts to be quite helpful."

"I do have the Greyhounds, at least," Hermes acknowledged. "What about you? Do you have anyone aboard this ship that you hold dear?"

"I do, actually." Volupta smiled. "He's my oldest friend, and Sectoid named Tee. He is..." She sighed. "He is unusual in his choice to stay by my side. But I am grateful for him."

"Well, I appreciate your assistance, so I am grateful at least. And it would likely be beneficial for both of us if we were to be friends." Hermes glanced down at his gloves in absent thought. "Would you mind if I asked you a question? I am unsure of if you could accurately answer... but I fear that those that would know better would find the question insensitive. So I will not bother them, even if it runs counter-intuitive to my interest."

"Sure," Volupta responded. "I can try and answer it, or attempt to help you find out if I do not know."

"How does one overcome the loss of someone important to them? Especially a lover," Hermes asked sincerely. Explaining his predicament, he specified, "In my first recollection I became aware of a woman who I was that close to. And in memories leading up to the point in which I lost her I have become acutely aware of why I loved her... but I know that in all likelihood she perished that fateful day."

Volupta's connection to him faltered for a brief moment, and she let out a shuddering breath. "You're right. I don't think I could accurately answer that. Because... when it happened to me, I ran away for fifty of your years." She took in several more deep breaths. "Unfortunately, the best thing I can suggest for that is time. Eventually, with time, the pain dulls. In the meantime, confiding in friends helps more than one realizes."

Hermes's expression fell. "My apologies. I should have been aware of the fact that you might have gone through similar experiences."

Volupta shook her head. "If you did, I believe that would make you what the humans call a stalker. And... I am happy to help. As I have said before, what is the point of living as long as I have if I do not use some of the knowledge I have gained over the cycles to help others?"

"Perhaps... there is something I could do to return the favor?" Hermes offered.

"I can't think of..." Volupta fell silent for a moment. "A-actually... there is something I could use some help with. I need some names, but I do not know where to look, or who I could trust to ask."

"Names for what?" Hermes asked curiously.

"Names of... other Humiliata. Ones that work for the Einherjar." Volupta steepled her fingers. "I am... not going to lie and act like I'm just looking for friends. I'm not planning on killing anyone either, of course. I just... need to know who they all are, but the Humiliata on this ship do not advertise much."

Hermes nodded slowly. "At the moment two come to mind... there is a destroyer pilot named Caeling'ingum and a special forces agent - the one that is responsible for interviewing the prisoners - named Innovo'trayate."

Volupta's eyes darted around. "I... I believe the two I am looking for would be one's in less respectable positions. One's where they might want more then they get. I am sure it is no surprise that there are members of my race that tend to... expect more then they deserve, and do things they shouldn't to get them. Could you find their names for me, and where they work?"

Hermes nodded. "I can do that much."

Volupta smiled at him, and cut their link. "Thank you. For my part, I believe I have made it easier for you to access you neural pathways. Should you encounter anymore blocks you can not get past, or damage yourself again, please do not hesitate to come to me. I rather enjoyed this to be honest."

Hermes smiled gently. "As did I. Even if I require no further assistance in the future, we should speak again sometime."

"Agreed." Volupta bowed her head. "You are a pleasant man to talk to. I look forward to our next meeting."


Well-Known Member
Adrammalech and DarkGemini24601: “Families and Legends”
In Orbit around Forseti (April 28th, 2044)
The Einherjar (2044 Hours, A.S.T.)
Floor 12: Soldier Bar

Mikhail looked between Zoya and Karolina with an expression that combined disappointment and pity in a melancholy amalgamate. “You really should have warned me that she’s a lightweight…” he said to the latter, shaking his head at how quickly two shots of vodka had gotten to the former.

Karolina smiled innocently. “Sorry… but she’s terrible admitting it,” she whispered even though Zoya could still hear, even in a drunken stupor. “I’ll look away for a couple of seconds and she’ll down a whole shot.”

Vy ne nindzya chertovski mudak vy!” Zoya snapped, prompting Karolina to lightly grab her shoulder and start leading her away.

“I’ll take care of this… next time we should meet somewhere else in the bar.” Karolina waved as she dragged her smaller Russian friend out of sight, and Mikhail turned to head out another door.

Standing by the door was the imposing frame of Khorochar, dressed in an accessorized outfit of furs from his ambassador days, cradling the papers that Tess had traded him underneath the box of trinkets he carried with him most places. Although his slight movements gave away that he wanted to approach Mikhail, he simply stood and stared, trying to think of a way to start the conversation.

Mikhail peered up at the Balmadaar, his blue eyes only visible from under his ushanka while gazing up, at least from Khorochar’s vantage point. “Something I can help you with?” the Russian heavy asked, the temptation to add ‘big guy’ safely suppressed.

“You are Mikhail Dragomirov, correct?” he asked slowly, staring down at him.

“I am.” Mikhail nodded. “What about you? What’s your name?”

Khorochar’s eyes went wide upon his confirmation, and he quickly bent down before him. “It is an honor to meet a warrior from such a noble clan! A true honor,” he said with an almost childlike enthusiasm. A couple moments later, he tacked on a quieter statement. “My name is Khorochar, sir.”

“A noble clan?” Mikhail’s brow furrowed for a moment, but he quickly understood Khorochar’s meaning. “Oh, you mean my family.” He adjusted his hat. “Guess it gives that away… not that I mind, of course. Dragmirovs are proud of their heritage, after all. It’s nice to meet you too, Khorochar.”

Khorochar returned to his towering posture, simply nodding and beaming a large unfamiliar smile like a starstruck teenager.

Mikhail attempted to keep his eyebrows level, but his right rose slightly at this. “So… was there something you wanted, other than meeting me?”

“O-oh, yes, of course.” The Balmadaar visibly calmed himself. “I was hoping you’d be willing to share a story about your parents. I have learned much about the old ‘XCOM,’ but one can only discover so much from silent ruins.”

Mikhail rubbed the back of his neck. “Huh… sure, I can do that. Would you mind if it’s over a drink?”

“Of course not,” he said, moving aside and gesturing towards the door.

Mikhail led them back in, and sat down at the bar, ordering a beer for himself. “Is there any point in the war you’d like to hear about? Early on, later on, towards the end?”

“Anything you would share, I would hear,” he nodded, sitting down with his hand on his box.

Well, that’s helpful. Mikhail rubbed his chin. “Let me think…” Pick a flattering story for dad. “Well, I do remember his story from the siege of New Delhi… he and his team were supposed to raid this stadium where the aliens had set up a small outpost. They took out the enemies that showed up before they got inside without too much trouble… dad blew them away with a rocket, if I recall correctly.” Mikhail shook his head. “But the tough part came when he blew them a hole through the stands to make a break for it.”

Mikhail held up his hands to mime a narrow alleyway. “So there the squad was, a bunch of Indian guys with lasers and Modya Dragomirov with his gauss heavy rifle. No real cover, just a straight run forward before they could hunker down. And in front of them, a cyberdisc unfolds. My dad at the time was afraid of being in the frontlines, so you can only imagine his terror when he sees this thing. But he realizes that he’s wearing heavier armor than the Indian troopers, and if he moves to hide one of them is going to die. So my dad stands there, and fires upon that cyberdisc with another rocket. He manages to hit a drone and catch the disc in the blast, but it isn’t down, and he takes a gauss cannon to the chest.”

The heavy shook his head. “He survived, of course, but it was a close call. And it was one of the bravest things he had ever done. Yet, it was hard to get that story out of him because of how humble he is. I had to piece it together from what I could get him to say and the gap-fillers Alex gave me.”

Khorochar exhaled loudly as the story finished, smiling widely again. “What a tale of battle, to stand up to those odds with so little support. You must be proud to come from such a prestigious line. They would hold you in exaltation back home, along with the rest of the squad. Well, those that wouldn’t want to fight you to sap that prestige, anyway.”

Mikhail nodded with a chuckle. “Yeah, I hear it is that way. Learned a bit about the Balmadaar from my parents, since they knew Ogedei… before he was the Warlord of the First Balmadaar State and all of that.”

“Ah, yes…I didn’t live there, but I heard about him. My wife hated the idea of what he was doing, and I suppose I gave into that a little too.” Khorochar looked away for a moment, then snapped back. “It wasn’t until I came to Earth that I came to respect XCOM.”

“Why was that?” Mikhail inquired.

“I settled in Siberia,” he replied. “I came across what was once the base and explored it, and then I wanted to learn more about what had caused such destruction. Learning other’s history and customs was sort of my specialty, you see, and the stories I found were fascinating. I took a lot of things that managed to survive and I carry it with me,” he said, patting the box, “I would like to meet the owners or heirs of everything, though it would be a lie to say it’s not a bit of hoarding as well.”

Mikhail shrugged. “Nothing wrong with having some trinkets. I’m surprised there was much left of the base after a bunch of plasma bombs were dropped on it and some fusion cannons battered the ruins from that. I guess it was sturdier than anyone realized.”

“It’s certainly not in good condition,” he said, opening the box to reveal a lot of blackened fragments of metal and plastic mixed with toys, sign pieces, and jewelry. “Still, they did have to bomb through the earth itself.”

Mikhail nodded. “I’m glad everyone made it out… did you ever hear the story behind the bombardment? I was told it firsthand, and it still took me awhile to accept.”

“Just that everyone escaped and they counterattacked,” Khorochar replied.

“Well, that’s true,” Mikhail prefaced before finally receiving his drink and taking a swig of it. “But the circumstances are crazy. Apparently, originally, we never knew about it in advance. The Eth...Humiliata fleet came in and blew up the base, and only a couple of people survived. They managed to send Buniq back in time to warn my mother about what was coming, and changed the timeline because of that. That’s how we knew to flee to the Jupiter in advance.”

Khorochar stared at him with disbelief before giving a tepid smile. “Ah, is this a human joke?”

Mikhail chuckled, scratching his head. “It sounds like it, but I’m being serious.”

“I can’t speak for science, but I think that’s impossible,” he said. “It would be impressive if it was true, though.”
Mikhail sighed. “That’s fine… a lot of people on Earth either don’t know or wouldn’t believe that story anyway.” He took another drink of his beer to hide his embarrassment.

“As you can imagine, there are a lot of rumors in Balmadaar society like that, so I’m sorry for my doubt,” he offered.

Mikhail waved his hand. “Think nothing about it. Let’s just move on to a different topic.”

“As you wish,” Khorochar said, ordering a drink of his own. “How about...”