Quazer Flame
Actually, you all died via crysallid. That means you all became zombies, then sprouted into alien monsters. At least those of you who weren't gunned down while still in the zombie state.
You, gorefest and caroline became aliens. me and winters turned into zombies.Well not exactly if we go by game mechanics, sliced corpses dont make good egg hosts.
hey screw u buddy at least i was on the front line but considering i was fucked up by those things i am jelous i wasnt on top of the truckAlso also! Anyone find it funny that the guy in red died first?.... Again?
Hey hey, only one of us got egg'd!
Soooo, after watching that, I am changing my opinion on a reboot. At the risk of inspiring the ire of the roleplayers who are yet to come, seriously don't think that with home team nearly dissolved, and several members of the council almost gone, that this game is going to last much longer.
However, i propose that we start again, with the lessons learned from this game to be carried to the next. Open up the posts to everyone, keep the one post limit, and include more of the RP in the videos. I think the game, at least on the RP side, will have a much better time staying fresh and consistent.
But that's just me.
I'd also like some RP posts from ChristopherOdd during the season, if for no other reason to discuss handing out medals and why or sending accolades or admonishments for some of the angles RP takes. But I know his plate is full with making videos, just a humble suggestion fearless leader.
hey screw u buddy at least i was on the front line but considering i was fucked up by those things i am jelous i wasnt on top of the truck
Maybe you shouldn't tell people how they should play their characters, yeah?As a roleplayer, that's something you shouldn't be ever saying about your character.And that still doesn't prevent you from having him do other stuff anyway.