Recent content by ShadowHounder

  1. ShadowHounder

    "No More Room in Hell" Think Tank

    *Boops the lurker's snoot*
  2. ShadowHounder

    "No More Room in Hell" Think Tank

    A homeless shelter in Bellingham called Base Camp
  3. ShadowHounder

    "No More Room in Hell" Think Tank

    Also all of my convos are gone, so anyone trying to DM me will have to make a new one, sorry
  4. ShadowHounder

    "No More Room in Hell" Think Tank

    That goes for you too, B0... don't think I don't see you lurking in the background lol
  5. ShadowHounder

    "No More Room in Hell" Think Tank

    Yeah... currently trying to find a place to rent... so if ya know anyone here in the States that could help me find a place, let me know
  6. ShadowHounder

    "No More Room in Hell" Think Tank

    Quick update on me (though I doubt anyone is here to read it anymore): Am now officially homeless... again... Also disowned my "parents" because they are the reason I'm even in this mess to begin with. They decided I was "no longer contributing to the household" despite cleaning their house...
  7. ShadowHounder

    "No More Room in Hell" Think Tank

    Yep... and their not the only talent I have the pleasure of working with ^.^
  8. ShadowHounder

    "No More Room in Hell" Think Tank

    It seems I am still extremely impatient and fast going as what started as a webcomic has very quickly blossomed into a mini-company as I decided one day to make a comic dub... and now have Brandon Winckler voicing the MC of said dub XD So, yeah... turns out putting all of your eggs in one...
  9. ShadowHounder

    "No More Room in Hell" Think Tank Attempt number 2 on webcomics (because burnout is a bitch lol)
  10. ShadowHounder

    "No More Room in Hell" Think Tank

    Guess there wasn't much interested... either that or people are forgetting that this website is a forum, not a messenger app. Kind of defeats the purpose of having public topic threads if no one uses them :/
  11. ShadowHounder

    "No More Room in Hell" Think Tank

    I'd be willing to give it a shot... I just can't guarantee I'll be able to be consistent or stick around towards the end
  12. ShadowHounder

    "No More Room in Hell" Think Tank

    24 years of existence successfully achieved lol
  13. ShadowHounder

    "No More Room in Hell" Think Tank

    Pretty certain you need to call them if you want to reschedule or ask for a new counselor...
  14. ShadowHounder

    "No More Room in Hell" Think Tank

    But on the other, other hand... deep fake technology is already becoming a problem due to the advancement in voice AI
  15. ShadowHounder

    "No More Room in Hell" Think Tank

    Day "God I don't wanna know." of the AI discourse bullshit... lost multiple friends and left several communities. It's fucking tiring how little people seem to realize or care about the unethical and illegal abuse AI is used under (AI bros don't seem to understand what Intellectual Property...