Oh my god! I just had an idea for a curtail character moment for Persephone, but it involves this Charles McAfree person you and Prismacube brought up in that last entry if that's alright with you and him. It pretty much involves him getting the crap kicked out of him by Persephone after he tried to move in on her!
Hey! I'm going to be working on another post tomorrow morning but I was thinking the day after if not earlier I thought I'd write a personal conversation between Persephone and Ayame if that were okay with you.
Can John follow Ayame and talk with her, I think it would help expand the incident, and It really help characterize John when he's not nervous when He isn't nervous, you can say no if you don't like the Idea
My character, Joel, is about to go to the shooting range and i noticed Ayame said she is too. Was wondering if you could write up some kind of encounter, or i could if you want.
you did great making my guy sound like I wanted, and you did great making every thing in the fight sound real.
I also would like to see if stevie, ayame, and anna meet some were to... um... make up for what happened.
Yo Zombiesplitter53, I wanna have Axton continue training Ayame in using different weapons, but I want your permission first, before I write any more training journals.