"No More Room in Hell" Think Tank


Well-Known Member
So... have you guys had a chance to read the first chapter of Astra? If so, whatcha all think of it so far? If not, it's oki
Ayo sorry it took so long xD Very busy man but I finally found the time to take a look. It looks really good. I really like the angels you got going, the one where it looks like the dude is stepping on his own head I found really funny. What confuses me is why is the dude in the beginning floating in the air, or sitting on an invisible chair and also in the middle of the street? xD

But other than that keep up the good work, you are really talented, I can't even imagine to come close to your skills, but I hope to someday :D


Well-Known Member
Ayo sorry it took so long xD Very busy man but I finally found the time to take a look. It looks really good. I really like the angels you got going, the one where it looks like the dude is stepping on his own head I found really funny. What confuses me is why is the dude in the beginning floating in the air, or sitting on an invisible chair and also in the middle of the street? xD

But other than that keep up the good work, you are really talented, I can't even imagine to come close to your skills, but I hope to someday :D
Ummm... I don't do any of the artwork for the comic...


Well-Known Member
Same man, imma keep you guys updated once I get working on it. But first I gotta restore and old shed where the roof caved in. My buddy and I are gonne build a new roof so convert the shed into a workshop. He also recently bought a old motorcycle to restore. Gonne be a good year :)

Frostlich1228 (Alt)

Well-Known Member
Same man, imma keep you guys updated once I get working on it. But first I gotta restore and old shed where the roof caved in. My buddy and I are gonne build a new roof so convert the shed into a workshop. He also recently bought a old motorcycle to restore. Gonne be a good year :)
How cold is it over there btw?


Well-Known Member
Oooo. I like the little lady in the dress with the crown. What are their names?
Oh boi xD Get ready, these characters were created when I was still new here. ( I will cut out unimportant stuff and keep it short xD )

From left to right: Hanano, Sayuri, Yui, Kyoko

And incase you are interested, here is a little background to each character. :D

Hanano Shimada: Middle Sister, Princess and Warrior of the Shimada Empire, next in line to inherit the crown. She is one of the most experienced Commanders in the army, despite her skills she is quite lazy and would rather always do things tomorrow. If she would put the effort in she could be as powerful as the Walking Deity on their planet right now.

She is also a Masochist, she enjoys battle, it fills her with pleasure. Her greatest desire is to die in battle for her Empire.

Hanano likes to Slander her big sister, she loves her sisters dearly but they can be so annoying sometimes, according to her. One is a Smart know it all, and the other is a shy quite politician. Nothing that she cares about, so she tries to annoy her sisters more than try to spend time with them. If anything she is the annoying one of the family.

Since she is lazy she also loves being Carefree and go out to drink with her Soldiers, despite being known as a devil on the battlefield, her unit loves her and are glad they are on her side.

Aside all that Hanano wishes to meet her true match on the battlefield one day and marry them, or kill them. Someone who can fix her.

Sayuri Shimada: Oldest Sister, Princess and War General of Shimada Empire, third in line to inherit the crown. Sayuri is quite an ambitious woman and hopes to one day restore the old boarders of the Empire and maybe take even more, take revenge upon the old enemies of the Empire. Despite not being the Queen of the Empire she has no intent to backstab her Sisters despite her ambitious nature.

Knowledge is Power and Sayuri knows this, when she isn't over a map planning her next battlefield she spend her time in history books reading of the old legends and about her enemies history. Due to this she has no Combat experience at all, but that is no concern of her, she is suppose to look menacing, power through force comes from her Sister.

Her second in Command Kyoko is her most precious friend in more ways than just one. When Sayuri can not be found you can be sure that Kyoko also wont be around.

Yui Shimada: Youngest Sister, Queen of Shimada Empire. After her father who founded the Empire with his last breath, leaving no male heirs to inherit the Throne, Regent and Mother of the three Sisters Mitsuha Shimada decided to pass the Law that Female Rulers may inherit the throne. To keep the Empire long living, the youngest child would always inherit and older siblings must ensure to teach everything and protect the youngest. Mitsuha steeped down as Regent and let her daughter take the throne.

Innocent, caring and shy is what the people of the Shimada Empire would describe their Queen as. Nothing like her older Sisters, as it should be. Yui's goals in life are to get married, bring children, carry the legacy and rule the Empire. Boring political talk for a young child as her leaves her with a lot of stress she tries to endure. Not even 18 years old yet and she is to be wed to her Cousin of the Tanji Clan and soon bring a child to this world.

Kyoko Ikari: Despite being a Dragon born, Kyoko was born in the City as a slave of the Tanji Clan. When the Shimada Clan inherited the throne Kyoko was transferred from her Master to the Youngest daughter at that time Sayuri. Sayuri treated Kyoko not as a slave but as a friend which made Kyoko very happy, spending much time together the two developed feeling for each other whilst spending long nights in the library together, despite being a forbidden love, no one can do much with Sayuri being the princess of the Empire.

In order to stay close to her Lover Sayuri, Kyoko learned to become a Strategical Powerhouse to the Shimada Army, when it comes to where to fight and when, she is the right woman for the job. The battles she lost can be counted on one hand, the battles she won will forever be attributed to Sayuri and Kyoko wouldn't want it any other way. She is forever grateful to Sayuri to be treated as Equal in public and private.

If anyone cares more xD

Aside from Hanano, all of these characters will die. Hanano will meet her match during a battle, before she can be killed, the current goddess of this world becomes corrupted and goes insane killing her own friends. In this chaos the supposed killer of Hanano decided to spare her and try to help his friend (The goddess). This leaves Hanano stunned and she falls in love with the one person who managed to beat her in battle. She will later marry this person and have children, becoming the next Queen of the Shimada Empire.

Yeah that is about a nice short background of each character xD
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