OOC X-COM Think Tank (part 4)


Well-Known Member
Been thinking about VoF today. Don't ask me how that dumpsterfire of a plot would have ended, but unless I ever came back to it I have one thing to state:

Kallpa's death is not canon if the series is unfinished, fuck that shit.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for my... depression in the early mornings. I'm about to post a solo mission. Well, 'mission'. I hope you guys like.
It was very enjoyable. Interesting to note you forewent the appetizer and went straight to the main course, as it were. Kept it short and sweet. And oh, was it sweet. Excellent action description.

Frostlich1228 (Alt)

Well-Known Member
Just a note from a... depressed, scared man on the verge of tears. I got a letter the other day which I just noticed and opened before going to bed that, come Jan. 1st, my medical benefits under my insurance are going to stop. Not change, not lesson. Just... stop. The note just says because my income is over the limit.

So... yeah. Gonna call them to see why exactly. Gonna call these other numbers with the letter. But, if I can't figure something out... there goes my Psychiatrist. There goes anti depressants. Anti anxiety meds. Sleep meds. Blood pressure meds. Diabetic medication. Everything just... gone.

When the site stops notifying me about posts...

God Zombs I'm so sorry...

So, you're making too much money? Couldn't you ask your parents for some help? I'm sure if they knew they'd give you a hand.

Frostlich1228 (Alt)

Well-Known Member
And AWESOME mission Zombs...

Seeing him beg was really satisfying... I'm not a good person I know :p

You know why Morrigan didn't join Advent though? XCOM has cookies... Does Advent have cookies? Probably shit cookies...


Game Master
Staff member
Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. I worked really hard on it.

And no, my mother can't afford to get her own insurance. My work has just screwed me over and my boss doesn't even seem to care.

Frostlich1228 (Alt)

Well-Known Member
Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. I worked really hard on it.

And no, my mother can't afford to get her own insurance. My work has just screwed me over and my boss doesn't even seem to care.

I really wish there was something I could do... That's awful... You know, one of my teachers told me that High School would be the last time in my life any adults would actually care about me, I really hoped he was wrong but... Shit like this...


Well-Known Member
I really wish there was something I could do... That's awful... You know, one of my teachers told me that High School would be the last time in my life any adults would actually care about me, I really hoped he was wrong but... Shit like this...

No you're teacher was right, nobody cares for anyone.

Now ass for zombie, I really hope you find some way to fix your situation. Also fuck your boss for not carrying for your situation.