X-COM Season 2 - Journals

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Base Journal 5
Name: William Aronus Davin
*Audio Log Booting up*
The mess hall's been busy. The recent death has seemed to have left everyone's minds. I still see people paying their respects at the memorial though. Its good to know that the soldiers won't be forgotten even though this is a secret military project and information most likely will never be released to anyone. RIP Huey. Alex and Anna seem to be getting along fine. I've seen them sitting at a table together talking about something. Joseph still hasn't said anything about what happened but he seems to be doing alright. I told him I'm here if he ever needed somebody to talk to that wasn't a therapist. I passed Zatch on my way from medbay after paying Foulke a visit. Foulke was recovering nicely but I still wonder how he got his ass handed to him. He won't say. Ah well. I thought Zatch was MIA or something. haven't seen his face around base for a while now. He seemed to be doing fine. The death didn't hit him nearly as hard as most of the others I guess. Haven't seen Nukey around base in a bit either. Last I saw of him was when i dragged him off to the gym after the booze ban had been lifted. I'm sure the kids doing well. I haven't seen the Commander recently either. I think he's just tied up with higher-up issues. Damn. is it that time already? I gotta get to Medbay! I promised to help them organize the new shipment of supplies! *hurried footsteps and the sound of a door opening can be heard*
*Audio Log deactivation process initiated*


Well-Known Member
Name Alex Alcatraz
status tired
audio journal
Yawn man am i tired after the drama i had this morning and, working on the officer training school i'm beat i'm just gonna grab some food and go to bed. wow the mess hall is booked i guess people are still upset about that soldiers death, thy should know that's gonna get worse saw Anna talked to her for a little before i gave her the book of face merchants before Ayame came to talk to her. then i saw this new face his name said Zach I saw him eating by his self so i decided to join him. he seemed nerves didn't want to talk so i decided to talk to him and we had a pretty good conversation i'm not sure if i made a friend or not i told him about Huey he seemed,un phased buy it i guess not knowing him made it easier for him to accept. you know after all the crap i been through to day it wasn't so bad.


Game Master
Staff member
(OOC): I'll keep this as brief as possible, as I'm sure anyone who has followed me here knows I tend to be long winded. If you don't care about the character of Ayame Kasagi, feel free to ignore this post.

So, what is Ayame Kasagi? As hinted in her last historical account, Ayame's undead body is based heavily on a Jiangshi, a reanimated corpse from Chinese legends and folklore. Also known as a "hopping" zombie or vampire, they incorporate elements of both, much like wampyres from western folklore. There a various accounts of jianshi throughout Chinese mythology, with how they are created ranging from supernatural arts to spirit possession to infection by another jiangshi. Some have a purpose, such as exacting revenge or causing trouble, while others act like mindless zombies or wild animals. They usually sustain themselves by absorbing life force (known as qi, or essence as Ayame calls it) from living creatures, though western influences have led to stories in which they suck blood instead. The reason they are known as hopping vampires is because it is believed they cannot bend their limbs or body, and thus have to hop to get around, though I didn't incorporate this into Ayame's character, for obvious reasons.

For a quick analogy for anyone who has ever played Darkstalkers, think Hsien-Ko without the skin discoloration.

As for Ayame specifically, she believes the poison that killed her was largely responsible for her resurrection, but that isn't entirely true. The reason she came back stems from three things. First is the large amount of spiritual energy she generated through her years of intense martial-arts training, known as her essence pool. Second, the dozens of evil lives she took during her short life tainted her soul, binding her spirit to her body. The final ingredient to her resurrection was the intense hatred she felt at the moment of her death. The only factor the poison had in this was the incredible agony she felt intensifying her anger, as it was the equivalent of a lifetime of pain in a manner of seconds. Ironically, the poison actually helped keep her from turning into a ravenous zombie by manipulating the chemical structure of her blood (but don't worry, the poison has lost its potency long ago, so she can't kill you by bleeding on you).

One final note. Much like the jiangshi she is based on, she sustains herself by absorbing essence, which is used here. As far as supernatural powers, however, they haven't been mentioned in dialogue because they will likely never come up. In her original version, Ayame knows many essence-based martial-arts skills. She also has abilities that took centuries to refine that come from combining essence with her unique body. These include the ability to extend the her finger bones into claws, her regenerative abilities, the ability to manipulate her hair like another limb, and her undead flexibility. Most interestingly, she has a defensive ability that allows her to collapse into a bloody mass of blood, bones, and sickening ooze, during which time she is fully animate and immune to damage, but she just can't attack anyone without spending half a minute reforming. Obviously, there is no use for such abilities here, but they're a fun little tidbit about her.

That's about it. I realize that the supernatural aspect to Ayame has thrown many people off, as I've even been informed individuals specifically avoided her just because on this, but that's okay. I expected as much, and I don't blame you. To each his own, as they say. But to those who either liked this aspect of her or looked past it entirely, I thank you. I was actually surprised by how many people were willing to communicate with her, and as I have a fondness towards Ayame, almost (but not entirely, I'm not completely crazy) like looking at a child of mine, I'd especially like to thank one character in particular for bringing Ayame such joy (you know who you are).


Active Member
Name: Rick Warren
Rank: Rookie
Status: Healthy

What a night, forgot how tiring performing was. Was good to see some smiles again as we gained some lighter heads for our heavy hearts. Didn't get the smile I wanted though, can only do so much I guess. Think I'm going to try and get more activities started down here. Seems to be a lot of business and drama, which can't be good for morale.

From: RickWarren@XCOMhq.un
To: XCOM-Staff
Topic: Underwear retrieval

Somehow a bra ended up in my violin case at the wake. Please pick it up sometime this week or I'm going to have to toss it.


New Member
Name: Johnathan Harrow
Rank: Trainee
Audio Log 2.0

I'll probably make another audio log later in the day, but the docs wanted me to go ahead and make one since I'm in the medical wing.
I fainted while I was in the gym. I woke up here and... I keep hearing the voices.... I ah, I mean I... oh (explicative deleted) it, yeah I heard voices.
My squad mates from the army...

A man is standing in front of me. "Tell me what you know of the American defense plans."
"Go (explicative deleted) yourself." I said.
He turned and nodded to his comrade, who shot one of my squad mates in the kneecap. "Now tell me, I know you had access to files detailing the defense plans of your nation."
"I never read any of the files!" I said.
He nods to one of his men, who starts a blowtorch and brings it close to face. "I don't know anything!"
He nodded again and the man put the blowtorch close enough to my face to burn me.
I said....
(End of flashback)

Audio Log 2.1
Docs woke me up, apparently I fainted again and my heart beat elevated to dangerous levels or some such, I'm a soldier not a doctor. Well they want me to try and sleep so that's it for now.

End of Audio Logs 2.0 and 2.1.


Well-Known Member
Name: Aribeth Dusk

Physical Status: Healthy

Mental Status: Confident

Non-combat log 14:

Log Type: Audio

Well, apparently there was supposed to be a mission today in Argentina, but looks like the local law enforcement has it secured.

Speaking of that, where are the armies of each country? What is the UN doing? These aliens seem to be just as reactive to bullets as us squishy humans, so I ask, so. Where in the high (expletive deleted) are our battle tanks?

Oh well, I guess there are reasons for such things that I don't understand.

In other news, the wake last night was really fun, at first I felt like something I had to do, but it turned out to be pretty interesting. One sec, I just got an email.

Heh, something from Rick.

Oh lord.


IIIII... think I may want to send an E-mail, maybe later.

Anyways, a new plane of trainees seem to have arrived, a man named Johnathan caught my eye. Well, it was pretty much necessary, because he had fainted right in front of me while I was in the gym. I checked his heart rate and they were at dangerous levels, so I got Ayame who was standing nearby to help me move him to the Infirmary.

Hope hes doing OK.

Anyways, that's all the time I have for today.

As always, Aribeth out!


Well-Known Member
Name Alex Alcatraz
Status tired
Audio log
Sigh.... got a message from commander odd today, said well be taking on the aliens tomorrow, and after that I couldn't sleep so I went back to work, working on the officer training school,met a guy named magaman x19 also working on it to he doesn't talk mach, but we finally got the damn training school done and it looks great, he also got the news about the delay mission but i can't tell if hes mad or not, because hes wearing a helmet. but after the school was done I decided to make some more weapons, and then i saw this new design called beam weapons it looks cool but making it will be a challenge,so after working on the weapons i realized that our weapons have a very short clip, especially the machine guns we drastic lee need to change that. we have a new recruit who came in last night I think his name was Jonathan but I only saw him for a few seconds, and not even ten minutes later hes going to the med bay, poor bastard .whelp later :audio log off line


Active Member
Medical Log of Chief Psychiatric Officer James Parker, PHD
March 17th, 2015

The following is a review of the status of several of the individuals I or one of my on-bass therapist have had sessions with the soldiers in the past weeks.


This contains confidential information about the individuals named herein. It is to be viewed only by those with a Medical Clearance Level of Four (LVL4) or Higher, or by XCOM's Commander Odd while under the supervision of one with a Medical Clearance Level of Four or Higher. Violators of this restriction will be subject to severe punishment, including, but not limited to, immediate termination from XCOM.

Joseph Andrews:
Subject shows vast improvement since medication began after our initial session. He still shows major signs of an inferiority complex, though, and puts himself down constantly and often without provocation. I have encouraged him to increase his contact with others, particularly with the female recruits, as he seems to have socialization phobias with them.

Aribeth Dusk:
After the lose of Squadee Huey Kruthas, subject showed severe signs of survivors guilt, and after I was sure she had no suicidal tendencies, I feared that, because of remorse and guilt over the death of a comrade she believes "died in her place", she would throw herself into every battle possible with reckless abandon, unconcerned with her own safety as some means to penance. However, she has followed the advise of counsel and has sought support from her fellow soldiers, and one such comrade [who shall not be named] has given her the confidence she needs. I will, however, keep an eye on her, just in case her self-destructive mind-set returns.

Richard Foulke:
Mr. Foulke is an interesting case. His medical charts show he has been very resistant to psychiatric assistance, which is the main reason I was only planning to call on him if an incident occurred. To my surprise, he came to me shortly after an injuring occurred, which either shows signs of improvement in this respect, or that his previous doctors handled his case poorly. However, he shows signs of suppressed depression caused by a traumatic incident he doesn't like to talk about, only stating that it involved the loss of all of his comrades, and that he only survived because he is a coward. I have attempted to assure him that he wouldn't be here if he was truly a coward, but his sarcastic response tells me he doesn't agree. On a positive note, the anti-social behavior he has been documented for has improved, and I've encouraged him to talk to and confide in others more. As we ended our session, Mr. Foulke worriedly asked my if I was going to make him to right happy thoughts in a notebook or force him to take medication, but I informed him that I was only here to help him feel better, and not to force him to do anything he didn't want to do. This is an obvious sign that his previous doctors were too pushy for his liking.

Anna Stone:
Subject has only had one meeting with one of my other therapist, Rebecca, for a routine evaluation. Rebecca described Ms.Stone as extremely insightful, showing wisdom beyond her years, and "an easy person to talk to" who puts the other person's feelings into consideration when talking to them. Indeed, she has been shown to get along with nearly everyone she meets, and has been spoken of highly by other patients. Rebecca, however, informed me that Ms. Stone showed a degree of hesitation when questioned about her past, and what Rebecca described as "the faint look of sadness in her eyes". While Rebecca has a flair for the dramatic at times, I trust her medical intuition, and have sent a request to Ms. Stone asking for a private, more in-depth session, either with myself or, if it makes her more comfortable, with Rebecca.

Ayame Kasagi:
Like the previously mention subject, Ms. Kasagi has only had a single routine evaluation, this time with myself. I got little out of her, however. She seemed well-rounded, and she too seems to get along well with others, but the way she spoke made me feel that, not only was she a skilled liar, lying is something she does, or has had to do, all the time. Her records show little insight into her past, as they are so perfect they don't even seem real, though I doubt such a young woman would have the connections needed to falsify XCOM records. I am also concerned with the incredible temper she has been reported to have. Accounts [by individuals who will not be named] have had her doing outrageous actions while enraged, and while many of them are likely exaggerations, they should still be addressed, especially in light of a recent altercation she had with another soldier [who will not be named]. I have again requested a private session.

Alex Alcatraz:
Subject shows signs of extreme aggression barely contained below the surface. During his routine evaluation, Mr. Alcatraz's therapist noted that the subject was quick to change moods, talking in an extremely un-empathetic way one minute, showing little care for others and expressing violent thoughts towards those who cross him, then suddenly being remorseful and stating that "he will change his ways." This is a clear sign of an advanced a bipolar disorder, and possibly schizophrenia. What's more, his opinion of women also varies, from having high respect for them to having violent thoughts about them, likely caused by some past trauma, and he has supposedly already had at least one unpleasant altercation with a female soldier [who will not be named], which was told to me by another soldier [who will not be named]. I am unsure how he was assigned to XCOM, making me wonder how secure our systems really are. I will be monitoring him closely.


New Member
Name: Zatch vilochev
Psy stat/ Healthy: Ment state/ confused yet happy
well commander odd has delayed their mission op i say their because i have very little doubt i will ever get to go on a mission. ( not to be passive sympathetic or anything). i'm happy that the mission got delayed because it just means i get another day i get to hang out with my....... acquaintances. entyway i saw a couple people actually pick up on my advice. good job!. (no sarcasm intended.) well i got to sit next to a guy named Alex. he seemed really cool. he didn't even say anything about my tail or ears*. it was a little bit awkward at first but then we got into a conversation and then we couldn't stop. he eventually left but, i did see him pass a sideways glance at my tail. i still haven't heard from any body else. i wish i could cut this tail off (believe me I've tried when i was a kid ". entway i saw PFC. Davin while coming back from visiting PFC.anna. He also looked at my tail but i didn't care or say anything he looked like he had a lot on his mind. i also don't know why everybody thought i am new I've been here for a long time if you look through the order of VL's (video logs). Any way i was walking down to the armory to field strip my gun when i saw SQ. Aribeth complaing about where were the army was it was pretty suspicious. why are we the only ones fighting this god damn war. * fist slams roughly on desk. is it cause most of us are screw ups...... or who did nothing wrong and was just born that way ........ or were abandoned as children parents killed by the aliens....... but it doesn't matter now we are all here and now and were all going to have to stick together we are going to make it out of this alive. oh and as always please *10000 (Times sign=* ) keep me in your converstions it gives me more material to write. thanks. *Click

:( ( i Don't know if this is allowed or anything but if you want to start a side story about a alien assault in the base you may continue on to my next page.) Commander odd has complete permission to stop this at any time. please don't start until commander gives approval. but of course no one can die, only incapacitated. just thought it would be cool to start something to pass time away. it's fine if it's not allowed. like if you approve and want in.

*P.s if you look in my Bio i had a tail and ears the whole time. p.s.s. don't stroke me like a puppy. even though i like it.Jeez That was awkward.


Well-Known Member
Name: Zatch vilochev
Psy stat/ Healthy: Ment state/ confused yet happy
well commander odd has delayed their mission op i say their because i have very little doubt i will ever get to go on a mission. ( not to be passive sympathetic or anything). i'm happy that the mission got delayed because it just means i get another day i get to hang out with my....... acquaintances. entyway i saw a couple people actually pick up on my advice. good job!. (no sarcasm intended.) well i got to sit next to a guy named Alex. he seemed really cool. he didn't even say anything about my tail or ears*. it was a little bit awkward at first but then we got into a conversation and then we couldn't stop. he eventually left but, i did see him pass a sideways glance at my tail. i still haven't heard from any body else. i wish i could cut this tail off (believe me I've tried when i was a kid ". entway i saw PFC. Davin while coming back from visiting PFC.anna. He also looked at my tail but i didn't care or say anything he looked like he had a lot on his mind. i also don't know why everybody thought i am new I've been here for a long time if you look through the order of VL's (video logs). Any way i was walking down to the armory to field strip my gun when i saw SQ. Aribeth complaing about where were the army was it was pretty suspicious. why are we the only ones fighting this god damn war. * fist slams roughly on desk. is it cause most of us are screw ups...... or who did nothing wrong and was just born that way ........ or were abandoned as children parents killed by the aliens....... but it doesn't matter now we are all here and now and were all going to have to stick together we are going to make it out of this alive. oh and as always please *10000 (Times sign=* ) keep me in your converstions it gives me more material to write. thanks. *Click

:( ( i Don't know if this is allowed or anything but if you want to start a side story about a alien assault in the base you may continue on to my next page.) Commander odd has complete permission to stop this at any time. please don't start until commander gives approval. but of course no one can die, only incapacitated. just thought it would be cool to start something to pass time away. it's fine if it's not allowed. like if you approve and want in.

*P.s if you look in my Bio i had a tail and ears the whole time. p.s.s. don't stroke me like a puppy. even though i like it.Jeez That was awkward.

Eh... maybe later, when we are developing plasma tech, or during the final mission, it could happen.


Sir Aroun

(OOC: so I've been gone so long but the site stopped giving me alerts for some reason)


Systems Check:

> Hardware Status

Nano-X-Drive: 98% - Fully Operational

Nano-X-Console: 97% - Fully Operational

Hard-Console: 10% - Nonoperational (Can Be Repaired)

Tape-Reel Drives: 0% - Nonoperational

Punch-Card Reader: 0% - Nonoperational

Punch-Card Printer: 0% - Nonoperational

Printer: 70% - Operational

Up-link Cables: 75% - Operational

Automatic Turrets: 70% - Operational (Offline)

Self-Repair: 80% - Operational (Offline)

Trip-Wire Black-Box: 99% - Operational (On)

> Software Status

A.I. Core - Ok

Program Corruption: .1% - Acceptable

Memory Corruption: 98% - WARNING!

Other Systems - Ok

> External Body

Combat Frame: No

Other Frame: Yes (Repair Bot)

Systems Check Done


Legion Crynet

New Member
Name: Zhang
Current Rank: Lieutenant
Mission Name: Operation Flying Dirge
Mission Objective: Rescue me
Kills This Mission: N/A
Total Kills since joining XCOM:
Status: Healthy
Promotion: Heavy. Perks: Rocket, Bullet Swarm, Suppression, HEAT Ammo.
Journal Entry: At last I was saved by the XCOM team, *pfft*..there Entrance could of been better but hay live and learn. Also what the hell was that commander thinking making a pink ass Rookie to save my ass?. Unspeakable. However they did lose a man sadly..saving me. Mr. SQ.Huey Kruthas I will wear a dog-tag with his name on it to honor him.
Shooting my Ex-Wife who turned into a normal freak was hard but not so when killing a man. Also this device I have is now my commander I hope he gives me alot of thanks for it.
Also I sent a email to our commander wanting to give me a spare Seciod body's and any aliens that have PSI powers to me. Because I like to eat them.


Active Member
Name:Trevor Conan
Current Rank:Squaddie
Mission Name:N/A
Kills This Mission:1
Total Kills since joining XCOM:1
Status: Healthy
Promotion: None

March 17th 2015
today a new alien attack in Russia and i hoped he will sent me to make up for the triad mission yesterday but sent scruffson, Witkowski, Dusk and a rookie X19 who i think he a robot for some odd resin so the team was sent to russia and most of today i was working out at the gym and sharping my skills for my next mission and i hope it comes very soon and help on the training school again.

when the team got back everyone was fine and dandy and everyone on that team got a promoution and we got a new assault to the team and she is a Sergeant too called Momma Bear i hope she does well in a fight and i hope i get a chance to make up for the triad mission soon and the training school is coming well and be done in a week and try a 5 man team that is good news but we lost South America to the aliens. i will just have to wait and see soon.

End of Recording........


Active Member
Name: Rick Warren
Rank: Rookie
Status: Healthy

Alarms go off and I pay attention, it's the whole point of them. Names get read, I listen, and then go back to my business when mine isn't called. But today is different. Today, my heart was in my throat and I could barely watch. Today was better, a lot better, for everybody.

Now I've got all this energy and nothing to do. Guess its time to head to the gym. Might have to re-evaluate things...
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