OOC X-COM Think Tank (part 4)


Game Master
Staff member
Posted another thing for Terra Dolor. It's a brief history of the world, including we key events. Most of what is mentioned is or will be important to the story, so read over it if you want a clue as to what might happen.


Well-Known Member
Posted another thing for Terra Dolor. It's a brief history of the world, including we key events. Most of what is mentioned is or will be important to the story, so read over it if you want a clue as to what might happen.

Just finished reading it, very nicely done Zombie I actually can't wait to make a character for this universe.


Active Member
Posted another thing for Terra Dolor. It's a brief history of the world, including we key events. Most of what is mentioned is or will be important to the story, so read over it if you want a clue as to what might happen.
Good way to start off the story :)
Keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
Been playing Long War 2 and I had the opportunity to do a stealth facility destruction with this duo: Brigid and Yakone.

It's weird to think about that in SoD's timeline they were both relatively the same age; I think Brigid was actually OLDER.

We made it in and out safely, although there was a close call: staring down a titan.


Well-Known Member
@Frostlich1228 (Alt) I discovered what a panicking chryssalid looks like. Surprisingly adorable. (You might see a familiar person in the soldier list aswell):

The outcome of this one? Not-Safe-For-Xeno-Sympathizers:


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Well-Known Member
So I haven't been relay saying anything for the past, when ever the hell my last post was. Just feel like talking, my work has been up and down for the past week. Looking for something to do and coming up with a bunch of stores in my head, I also wish I made a vilian for LOE. But never mind that how is everyone doing since we finished the story, i'm sure you have a lot of time on your hands.

Frostlich1228 (Alt)

Well-Known Member
So I haven't been relay saying anything for the past, when ever the hell my last post was. Just feel like talking, my work has been up and down for the past week. Looking for something to do and coming up with a bunch of stores in my head, I also wish I made a vilian for LOE. But never mind that how is everyone doing since we finished the story, i'm sure you have a lot of time on your hands.

Have you considered Zombie's upcoming rp?

We also have a small rp (pun not intended) that you could join over in the Short Story section.