Jhon Markith
Active Member
like I said, trapped but not blind to the outside world
Cool I can work with thatSorry for all the questions btw, just dont want to do anything wrong
Last season everybody just defaulted into 2 man. Nothing was ever decided, it just fell into place. Bathrooms never came up, but I assume it'd be a poor use of space to have a bathroom for every two soldiers.The rooms.
How many are that for? 2 man? 4 man? More?
Toilet and bath for each room? Or one big shared one?
How a the defrend teams spread out in the rooms? Do the pilots share quaters with the soldiers? Or do the pilots use seperate rooms from the footsluggers?
The flags on our back dont really matter do they? Cause I want my character to be from Germany, and I know there is a mod that can change the flags, but if I want a change everbody else want's one too, aint nobody got time for that. So just asking if its ok if I ignore it, or should I change my charaters bio?
Ok but before I post the journal entry,are there any weapons Ayame is good with.
Standard military organizations would likely have everyone in one big room together, but X-COM isn't exactly "standard". I'd assume such an organization would anticipate a need for different sized rooms for the needs of such a diverse array of soldiers. Thus, rooms would vary from two to eight, depending on how well soldiers get along with others (as well as gender, obviously).
Bathrooms and showers would likely be public. This hopefully goes with out saying, but there would obviously be a schedualed time of woman only, so no peaking, anata henshitsu-sha no taba.
Standard military organizations would likely have everyone in one big room together, but X-COM isn't exactly "standard". I'd assume such an organization would anticipate a need for different sized rooms for the needs of such a diverse array of soldiers. Thus, rooms would vary from two to eight, depending on how well soldiers get along with others (as well as gender, obviously).
Bathrooms and showers would likely be public. This hopefully goes with out saying, but there would obviously be a schedualed time of woman only, so no peaking, anata henshitsu-sha no taba.
Well put, ZombieSplitter. Though the bathrooms and showers could just as well be co-ed. Then it'd be up to the soldiers whether they feel shame or tension, how they would time their hygienic situations.