Starstream Think Tank


Well-Known Member
Super late response, I know, but thankfully Tax was my intercessor for that. Semester has been hellishly busy to the point where I haven't been able to write, and have just been playing Stellaris and Ace Combat 7 in-between readings, exams, and essays. I'm safe at home though, and my father's a great cook so I've been doing alright.
Best of luck to you on those exams (if you still have any left)


Well-Known Member
On a scale of one to ten: how terrifying/unsettling is Tiamat's character?
She can be brutal, but what inspires fear isn't always brutality. It's unpredictability. Some of Entertainment's greatest villains (The Joker is a great example) weren't people who could kill you viciously or even threaten you well, although most if not all of those characters could; they made you fear the fact that what they might do to you could be worse than death. Ghost I had to tone back a bit, because one of the things I was gonna have her do, to showcase that there were no lines that mattered to her, was I was going to have her abduct and experiment on Baichi's sisters with cybernetics.

A villain like Tiamat is good as a villain, but she doesn't quite bring the terrifying fear factor of unpredicatability to the table, at least for me. I do rate her at 7/10, because she is intimidating, terrifying and unsettling in her own right, just not enough to give me chills. Still a great villain that I do like reading about. :)
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Well-Known Member
She can be brutal, but what inspires fear isn't always brutality. It's unpredictability. Some of Entertainment's greatest villains (The Joker is a great example) weren't people who could kill you viciously or even threaten you well, although most if not all of those characters could; they made you fear the fact that what they might do to you could be worse than death. Ghost I had to tone back a bit, because one of the things I was gonna have her do, to showcase that there were no lines that mattered to her, was I was going to have her abduct and experiment on Baichi's sisters with cybernetics.

A villain like Tiamat is good as a villain, but she doesn't quite bring the terrifying fear factor of unpredicatability to the table, at least for me. I do rate her at 7/10, because she is intimidating, terrifying and unsettling in her own right, just not enough to give me chills. Still a great villain that I do like reading about. :)
What makes her a great villain compared to Ghost or Master? What do you guys like about her?