Active Member
Iirc, that's what Odd is waiting on.I gotta say, reading all these makes me excited for Season 5 as well. The only thing that would be more awesome is if it would be Long War.
Iirc, that's what Odd is waiting on.I gotta say, reading all these makes me excited for Season 5 as well. The only thing that would be more awesome is if it would be Long War.
What's that?Iirc, that's what Odd is waiting on.
Iirc= If I remeber correctlyWhat's that?
Iirc= If I remeber correctly
or do you mean what he is waiting on?
Sorry xD
Then that would be for Long War I guess, since it still isnt out of beta testing and such.
Well, if Odd is waiting for the long war mod for enemy with in,that will ex plane why he's taking so long.
Wow just checked when chris was last online, April 15th, maybe he forgor about us...
I don't think Chris would forget about us :/
I think Odd is just taking a break from x-com, since he did 3 separate series on it.
Makes Sense, Also I'm not surprised that he can't pull himself away from Dark Souls 2, Just finished it yesterday myself :3
You know, when it came out, I figured I'd get the first game and, if I liked it, I'd buy the second one, but know, my reason for this is gonna make me sound bad, but I can't stand it. I'm no expert, but I consider myself a pretty good gamer (I ought to be after nearly two and half decades). But Dark Souls? DAMN IT, it's hard! And I know that's the point of it, but crap, man. Maybe it's the play style, but I just plain suck at it. I try and I try, but I keep dying. And it's that frustrated kind of repeated death, the kind that makes me so angry, that after a while, I start getting worse and worse as my rage builds. I just hate gathering a bunch of souls, and then making a simple mistake on an enemy I've killed 100 times with no problem that kills me before I can reclaim them. And you know, FUCK that dragon, cause I didn't know he was gonna swoop down and flame that damn bridge right after the boss fight, before I could get to a fire.Yeah never played that, but watched a couple of vids on it and really want to play but I just don't know if it's worth it worth it? I need more detail then a simple yes.
You know, when it came out, I figured I'd get the first game and, if I liked it, I'd buy the second one, but know, my reason for this is gonna make me sound bad, but I can't stand it. I'm no expert, but I consider myself a pretty good gamer (I ought to be after nearly two and half decades). But Dark Souls? DAMN IT, it's hard! And I know that's the point of it, but crap, man. Maybe it's the play style, but I just plain suck at it. I try and I try, but I keep dying. And it's that frustrated kind of repeated death, the kind that makes me so angry, that after a while, I start getting worse and worse as my rage builds. I just hate gathering a bunch of souls, and then making a simple mistake on an enemy I've killed 100 times with no problem that kills me before I can reclaim them. And you know, FUCK that dragon, cause I didn't know he was gonna swoop down and flame that damn bridge right after the boss fight, before I could get to a fire.
...ahem, sorry for ranting there. In all, I think there is a good game in there, a great game even, but the difficulty is on a level that, for me personally, makes it just plain unfun. For me, there are very, VERY few games that I either never finish, or sell to GameStop immediately after beating, because for the most part, I always try to hold on to a game until I'm absolutely sure I'm not going to play it again. That list of games now includes Dragon Ball Z: Sagas, Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light, and Dark Souls.
You See, A lot of People Don't understand that Dark Souls is a Test of Endurance. Yeah you'll Die a lot, That was actually the game's Slogan, " Prepare to Die ", It Isn't about going through the game without getting killed, it's about Learning from your Mistakes and never Giving up when you do die 500 times on one boss. I See a lot of people say that Dark Souls is Cheap, but those people don't understand that " Cheap " and " Hard " are two completely different things, In a Cheap game you'll die over and over again when it's not your fault, say if there is a Water level that is designed really poorly, But in a Hard game, You know that if you Die, It's your fault, Not the Game's, Like you said Zombie when that Enemy you've killed a Billion times kills you, it Killed you because got mad and that caused you to make dumb mistakes. But in Dark Souls getting mad is kind of a inevitability, My best advice would be to just take breaks every once and awhile, it really helps you clear your head and play your best. I remember in Dark Souls 2, There was this Boss called the Executioner's Chariot, It killed me over and over and over again, it killed me so many times that the Enemies in the Area had stopped Spawning because I'd killed them so much, So I decided to take a break for the day and come back tomorrow, and when I came back I beat him in the first try. Yes, It's a Hard game, but people don't play it to be Masochists, People play it for that " I Finally Beat that Fucker! " Feeling, There is nothing better than that![]()
No, no, I get what you saying. I understand the whole endurance thing, and maybe my problem is a lack of patience. It's just...sometimes I do feel like some of the game is being cheap. For example, when I inch forward to draw out an enemy away from his friends (and that's tedious as all, having to move an inch at a time because the enemies are so annoying when they team up), and suddenly, two or three of the enemies run at me despite the fact that I'm standing in the same place that always caused only one to run forward. And then there was that dragon attack on the bridge, you can't deny that was cheap as hell.
Sometimes, I feel like the game is using the "your going to die a lot" to troll you, like with the dragon, or the skeletons in the graveyard, or the damn ghosts. You know, like a guy speaking into a mic, saying, "Yeah, you can go down there!", and then you attack a ghost, your sword goes right through it, but somehow it hits you. The guy covers the mic, and he and his friends laugh hysterically at you. Then, trying to hide his laughter, he say, "Uh oh, your in trouble! Look, a path, run down it. Oops, dead end, and the path is too narrow to get pastt the ghost. But that's the name of the game!"
And while they're laughing even harder at you, you say, "Well that's true, I should have known better, and you did say I'd die a lot."
And he say, "Yeah, whatever, moron."
"What did you say?"
"I said that's the spirit, champion!"
I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound cynical, I really don't, and if you like this game, despite all my bitching and moaning, I understand way you like it, I really do. It's just, at least to me, this game feels like one of those "I'm gonna piss you off" games like Default Dan or Eryi's Action, or a mod your friend makes for the original Super Mario Bros., where he adds blocks and enemies in places that add difficulty, not in a way that adds a fair challenge, but in a way that is meant to dick around with you, let him laugh when you die, and make you ask him, "Why are you making me play this? Why do I hang out with you?"
Am I making any sense, or am I just sounding like a jerk that is wining about something they find too hard, so they bash it to make them-self look better? 'Cause one never wants to sound like a winy little bitch, but sometimes, that's the only way it can possibly come out, and I'm afraid that's how I'm sounding right now.
Well, then, I will just have to concede that you are my superior in this game type of game, as well as anyone else who can rock this game.To each their own.Well, Some people like different things and I'm not about to get on you for disliking it, I was just trying to explain to you why I love the Souls Series, Wouldn't Have played through Dark Souls One 20 times if I didn't :3
Well, then, I will just have to concede that you are my superior in this game type of game, as well as anyone else who can rock this game.To each their own.
Personally, I'm just gonna stick to RPGs...and TPSs...and FPSs...and fighting games...and tactical know, things I don't suck at, and make me feel like I'm gonna pull my hair out of my head...
.....where's my Wii, I think I'm gonna play Super Smash Bros. to cheer myself up...