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  • I don't mean to ruin your fun, bit the Scarlet posts are getting to be a bit much. One every now and then, maybe, but every other day? The story is supposed to be about X-Com and it's soldiers, and your causing inconsistencies byfight aliens where X-COM doesn't detect them. I think you should be focusing on Eva.
    I'm trying but but Scarlet is just so much fun to write for, she is very different and I had more time to work on her then Eva, and Eva is just an ordinary solder and i'm trying to think of ways to make Eva interesting but it's kinda hard to think of ways to make her interesting.
    And you're gonna have a hard time doing that by spending so much time on Scarlet. And how does being an EXALT spy with super strength make Eva an 'ordinary soldier'? And most of the RPers have 'ordinary soldiers, and it works for them.
    ill work Eva don't worry.
    Alright, I'll see Scarlet in the Commander's office tomorrow morning.
    Wait what time do you want to do this.
    I'll be up around 10 a.m., est, but it might be later. And bring your war face, 'cause you'll need it. Trust me, it won't be pretty.
    I'm sure scarlet could handle anything the commander throughs at her, but she'll be ready for anything.
    I may be a monster, but the things about being a monster is that I will do the things that you are terrified to do.
    I'm glad to see you finally using Eva beyond her just showing up, but would you like to tell me how she knows about Jessica/Alexia. I think I've made it clear that they're condition is not common knowledge.
    Whelp when I wrote the first post for Eva I mentioned that she raided a x-com recruiting base, or a base x-com was using to recruit it's people and of course when the base had all the interviews with every soldier,including Jess who did mention that she was in synced with her other half.
    Alright, but I hope you remember that if she just comes out and tells Jessie she knows about her, it won't end well. Jessie didn't say anything about Scarlet because that was a matter of someone with a similar condition, but if she found out Eva knew, she'd question how Eva learned confidential info.
    Don't worry Eva will not mention Jessica secret out loud, or to her in general, that will rune the fun.
    Don't you think it's a bit out of character for Scarlet to be upset that people are talking about her behind her back since she doesn't care what they think. Plus, the definition of a sociopath is a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.
    Scarlet is not angry that people are talking about her behind her back, She's more like the commander when people keep asking her why is scarlet still in x-com she is very annoyed by it.
    Just making sure you know that Scarlet started outuniversally antagonistic, and now she is reaping what she sows.
    Hey, sorry again for ducking out the way that I did. But I think it went well. Scarlet mentioned wanting to bring rockets into battle. She'll need to go in without them for the first mission, but then she'll get promoted. Do you want her to be a EW Heavy or a Long War Rocketeer?
    You no what, I think every class have a ability that no one else has will make there soldier that much special. Also I just saw a video on the scout, and it fits scarlet perfectly
    Okay, I'll mention the new rule either tomorrow or Friday.
    Works for me, hope the others like it.
    So what you doing next season?
    that was my idea entirely, to have my character steal X-COMs research of weapons armor and of course the meld and alien,tech, and of course to warn the EXALT commander when X-COM is sending spy's of there own so the commander can give X-COM false data to were there base is.
    Good idea. It would explain why the X-COM spy is always found out. Of course, you'd have to be prepared for when EXALT is eventually dealt with, as well as the fact that people will eventually grow suspicious of EXALT's technology and start looking for a spy.
    My idea was to have the virus that my character uploaded earlier in X-COM destroy it self,and if X-COM starts looking for spys my character is a very good liar, and will try to destroy all evidence that she was a spy.
    Poor axton! He never got to meet Jasmin! R.I.P Axton, you will be rememberd :(
    I was looking forward to have Axton meet Jasmin. She probably would have liked him.
    I don't doupt it. R.I.P Axton, Jasmin very sadly probably won't be even knowing of axton, she usually does not honor the dead she never knew. It just feels too odd to her.
    A quick note on your last post. Ayame's sister's name is Guì yīng Takahashi, she lives in Japan with her husband and daughter, and 911 in China is 110.
    OK,I changed it now the only thing left is,for Axton to take Ayame to meet her sister.
    Well Anna wouldn't say " You're not like most americans here"... She doesn't know you're a nice guy yet, she would still not trust you.

    And Anna would not " Turn Red" as she would think he is lying about all the compliments axton is saying to her, but wouldn't just call you out on it.

    I hope that helps :)
    I was wondering if you could change the interaction with Anna you put up, Anna wouldn't be so accepting of your character so fast, it would take a lot longer than usual because your character is an American and she thinks that Americans are untrustworthy, she would still be pretty wary of him.
    I have a minor request in regards to your last post. Ayame suffers from minor Heterophobia (as well as major Agraphobia), so while she would try to be friendly, do you mind changing your post slightly to show how uncomfortable she would be.
    History will remember, those who stood there ground,and fought,not the ones that cower and flee.
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