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  1. Frostlich1228 (Alt)

    Knights of the Roundtable Think Tank

    Oh. I actually missed this alert.
  2. Frostlich1228 (Alt)

    Knights of the Roundtable Think Tank

    Oh. Did your parents kick you out again!? I'm so sorry. That's horrible. Pleas please keep in contact with us.
  3. Frostlich1228 (Alt)

    Knights of the Roundtable Think Tank

    Don't worry. It's okay!
  4. Frostlich1228 (Alt)

    Knights of the Roundtable Think Tank

    God. It's like hearing people talk about JoJo before I watched JoJo.
  5. Frostlich1228 (Alt)

    Knights of the Roundtable Think Tank

    I'm pretty decent any day on the weekend
  6. Frostlich1228 (Alt)

    Knights of the Roundtable Think Tank

    No one can avoid the Quad Laser!
  7. Frostlich1228 (Alt)

    Knights of the Roundtable Think Tank

    Ah. Se La Vie. Well. That's okay.
  8. Frostlich1228 (Alt)

    Knights of the Roundtable Think Tank

    Oh no! Howest shall I ever recover from thine scaling rebuke!?
  9. Frostlich1228 (Alt)

    Knights of the Roundtable Think Tank

    Same! What's the sitch yo?
  10. Frostlich1228 (Alt)

    Knights of the Roundtable Think Tank

    No idea. It's not happening to other sites I visit, it's not happening to Zombie on his phone or his computer. I think that something weird is happening between Google Chrome, which is the browser I use, and Gami. Maybe a stealth update or something doesn't like something with the site.
  11. Frostlich1228 (Alt)

    Knights of the Roundtable Think Tank

    I'm fine although my Gami is being weird with visual bugs
  12. Frostlich1228 (Alt)

    Screen Tearing and Visual Glitches?

    Is anyone else getting strange visual glitches, like tv static looking backgrounds, screen tearing, and big black bars when you're browsing the site? I just noticed it today and I was wondering if it was affecting anyone else. I am currently using Chrome and an on Phone. Have tried restarting...
  13. Frostlich1228 (Alt)

    Website Screen Tearing?

    Moving this over to the customer support thread.
  14. Frostlich1228 (Alt)

    Website Screen Tearing?

    Is anyone else getting strange visual glitches, like tv static looking backgrounds, screen tearing, and big black bars when you're browsing the site? I just noticed it today and I was wondering if it was affecting anyone else.
  15. Frostlich1228 (Alt)

    Knights of the Roundtable Think Tank

    Honesty. Maybe that would be fun. Just like a big old mission
  16. Frostlich1228 (Alt)

    Knights of the Roundtable Think Tank

    XD Yeah that sucks pretty bad