Adrammalech and Frostlich1228: The Doves of Parting
Moscow Zoo
Moscow, Russian Federation
January 12th, 2019 - 12:45 PM
Jack moved over the decorative pathways of the Moscow Zoo, smiling at the marsupial exhibit on either side of them, a couple of kangaroos hopping around on the left and...
I know, was jesting. :P I recommend trying to distract yourself, watch some silly youtube videos or play a singleplayer game. Even if you can't focus on it, engaging your mind in something else tends to alleviate it.
The chaos would be more comparable to the Cold War rather than a WW. Lots of borders being consumed, uncertainty, espionage, weapon hoarding, proxy wars. I think it'd be fun, but meh, too late to really convince anyone on it anyway.
They wouldn't be compatible. It was a two-stage story, the first stage being a dramatic shift in country borders with various dignitaries in all of the new nations that could be controlled/characterized/worked for/killed and usurped/etc., then there would be a crisis at the midway point where...
Emily Fischer / Jack “Dallas” Stewart
Novyy Meditsina Klinika
Moscow, Russian Federation
January 11, 2019 - 5:30 AM
Jack was within a shallow dream, going through the minor details of life in his sleep. A loud clatter shocked him awake and he jumped off the thinly-cushioned...
Dr. Benjamin Ceymotch
XCOM Safehouse #16
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
January 9, 2019 – 8:32 PM
Ben looked around the large wood table, all of the patients seated in various stages of worry and excitement, looking down at plates of real food and clad in ordinary...
Sorry, I know I'm behind, but between the car being dead and job hunting, I'm spending far too much time outside and feeling blocked when I have time. I hope to have Emily's fate posted tonight but I might not be able to...
Jack “Dallas” Stewart / Nika Orlov
Novyy Meditsina Klinika
Moscow, Russian Federation
January 8, 2019 - 9:15 AM
Jack sighed sadly, reading the one magazine imported to the clinic from America. Even then, the 11th read of the October edition of rock climbing and survival...