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  1. Adrammalech

    RP XCOM: The Story of Defiance.

    // COLD // Nika Orlov XCOM Headquarters – Medical Wing Siberia, Russian Federation 3:30 PM Nika and Dallas walked into Emily’s room, discussing the reports of the clean-up mission quietly as they entered. The door closed behind her with a thunk and a head popped up immediately from behind the...
  2. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    Not even aliens like the Kardashians.
  3. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    Between Frost's forgiveness and Gem's bloodlust, I imagine she'll be uncomfortable at a minimum. She deserves that much for sure.
  4. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    A quick heart-tug and a casual mind-fuck before I go sleepies.
  5. Adrammalech

    RP XCOM: The Story of Defiance.

    // MEMORY: SOLUS // Luxuria Ethereal Homeworld ? What is this place…why does it feel so comforting? The sky is black with green tinge, the two moons shimmering closely in eclipse on the horizon. The air is dry and smells faintly of smoke, but there are no fires to be seen. The rustling of...
  6. Adrammalech

    RP XCOM: The Story of Defiance.

    // DON’T LEAVE ME NOW // Jack “Dallas” Stewart XCOM Headquarters – Medical Wing Siberia, Russian Federation 9:58 PM Dallas walked into Emily’s room, moving with a set of crutches. He grimaced with each movement, but the pain was easily manageable for someone as experienced as him. He sat the...
  7. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    I feel like my treatment of Luxuria was pretty calm now.
  8. Adrammalech

    *laughs maniacally*

    *laughs maniacally*
  9. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    He needs more Psi to go with that Inspire. :P Luckily Nika's taking a shine to it. The question I was more curious about was, are they lads who have escaped control, or are they from the before times?
  10. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    If my name was Magnus, I would literally be pillaging right now.
  11. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    I've decided Dallas will be replaced with a progressive girl named Amelia Ammelia.
  12. Adrammalech

    (Mary's definitely a little extra frisky though)

    (Mary's definitely a little extra frisky though)
  13. Adrammalech

    Why be shy today when you could be shot tomorrow?

    Why be shy today when you could be shot tomorrow?
  14. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    :D He's still got some major injuries he has to work through, though.
  15. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    I totally never planned to do it. Literally never crossed my mind.
  16. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    Whenever we feel like, Whenever we feel like Central
  17. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    My lads weren't lewd, it was romantic and rife with character development. Or so I tried. :P
  18. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    That would certainly be more pragmatic for us. Ninja SHIVs!
  19. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    Speaking of brownie points, you get an internet if you can guess Luxuria's collected data points in Part 2. They do all mean something. :p
  20. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    Robot bug babies?