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  1. jasper.vth

    Firstlook 2012 - Utrecht, the Netherlands

    Wow, nice job man. You've made a complete review :D Even from the pictures you can tell that AC3 looks good. I already heared that the combat was changed, pretty excited about that. Glad to hear from a person who actually saw it in person that it looks amazing, can't wait for it. Thanks for the...
  2. jasper.vth

    A suggestion to Linus and his buddies.

    Just imagine them three in that world, the conversations and Odd hasn't even played it. If they do this I believe that it would be really entertaining
  3. jasper.vth

    Firstlook 2012 - Utrecht, the Netherlands

    Oh sorry, I misread that. Just curious about info on games like AC. Apologies ;)
  4. jasper.vth

    GLG Vlog # 2 -Its for you guys

    I already kinda guessed that, mine was a failed attempt to be funny ;)
  5. jasper.vth

    Firstlook 2012 - Utrecht, the Netherlands

    How has it been? (just curious ;) ) Which games have you seen?
  6. jasper.vth

    A suggestion to Linus and his buddies.

    I think that would be hilarious with them three :D
  7. jasper.vth

    GLG Vlog # 2 -Its for you guys

    Oh no, they're on here as well?!
  8. jasper.vth


    Yep, subbed again :D So you're not going to post anything on your old channel anymore? Just wondering why there is a link on your new channel to your old channel? ;-)
  9. jasper.vth

    Cool Game coming out. Contrast

    Oh it's already for sale then? (but not on steam obviously ;-) )
  10. jasper.vth

    Cool Game coming out. Contrast

    Just read that it is some kind of puzzle game so I don't know if it will look this good in-game as it does in the trailer. But if it has the same level as unmechanical it would already be pretty good.
  11. jasper.vth

    What's your favourite console of all time?

    I only had a playstation 1, after that there was nothing else but pc for me :-)
  12. jasper.vth

    Problems with battles (crashes) at Napoleon TW

    Didn't work, I also trew the problem on the steam-forum for Napoleon TW. I really was suprised to see so many people with the same issue. I started to think when I first expirienced this problem (because it has worked just fine for quite some time) and I came to the conclusion that a lot of...
  13. jasper.vth

    Problems with battles (crashes) at Napoleon TW

    Thanks man, I will try it. Still learning ;-) Appreciate the help and the patience :D
  14. jasper.vth

    Problems with battles (crashes) at Napoleon TW

    No, have it on steam, I just don't understand what you meant with the second one ;-)
  15. jasper.vth

    Problems with battles (crashes) at Napoleon TW

    Reinstalling is on top of my list if something fails. Tried that 4 or 5 times already. Drivers should be allright, my laptop isn't even a year old. And I don't get what you're saying with the middle one (like I said, I'm a real noob at pc stuff, I'm just like: put the disk in, install, press...
  16. jasper.vth

    Resident Evil 6 Let's Play

    Not the type of game I would play, but fun to watch
  17. jasper.vth

    Problems with battles (crashes) at Napoleon TW

    Just a question, so I tried what Grelite said and changed the zero to the correct number. But I have noticed that there are standing some other zero's, like texture, unit, water, terrain qualities. These also all stand at zero, could this have something to do with the issue? Thanks
  18. jasper.vth

    Problems with battles (crashes) at Napoleon TW

    I already figured that out ;)
  19. jasper.vth

    Problems with battles (crashes) at Napoleon TW

    It didn't work. But thanks for helping me anyway. I saved it but as soon as I start a battle it crashes again and the video-memory changes back to zero... Don't know how to fix this. But thanks anyway ;-) it was really appreciated En ik zie nu juist dat je uit Nederland komt, dat had het...
  20. jasper.vth

    Left-Handed Gamers

    You could change it to ZQSD, Z is forward and you can go right and press shift (= just a suggestion, you are probably already used to W as forward for a very long time ;-) )