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  1. Taxor_the_First

    XCOM Multiplayer Tournament

    PRAISE BE TO LORD X-COM, THE ONE TRUE GOD. btw you spelt my name wrong.:confused:
  2. Taxor_the_First

    XCOM Multiplayer Tournament

    Nothing can be done, I'm afraid. Match with Taugaunt complete! Results: 2-1. Taugaunt wins! Match 1: I know exactly what I'm doing. Report has been filed to Exalt Command. Next time recommend sending own units out with mercs. There was a firefight at the local bar between a group of dinosaurs...
  3. Taxor_the_First

    XCOM Multiplayer Tournament

    General PSA: If I'm "Looking to Play" or playing a game on Steam, then it means I am available to do a match. I WANT TO FIGHT SOMEONE. WHAT ARE YOU ALL, PACIFISTS?!
  4. Taxor_the_First

    XCOM Multiplayer Tournament

    I have returned! Mwuhahahahahaha!!! In all seriousness though, I am ready and waiting. Times remain the same, hit me up if you feel like an easy win. Uh - challenge, I meant. I anxiously await challengers fresh from Victory Road. Make sure to stop off at the PC before entering the League though...
  5. Taxor_the_First

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    I actually thought that he could have salvaged it. He had enough soldiers left to do at least one more mission without reinforcements, and he had enough alien corpses and such to sell to get more soldiers. It would have been a setback, sure, but Thin Men are in everlasting supply at $5 a pop...
  6. Taxor_the_First

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    Looking for X com videos, saw one of his videos, said "that'll do" and watched. Then I went back and watched from season one to three, which he was nearly done by the time I caught up. Originally wasn't interested in the journals, until I read one out of curiosity. Been pumped to apply ever...
  7. Taxor_the_First

    XCOM Multiplayer Tournament

    Going on holidays for 4 days, very unlikely I'll be able to play until I get back.
  8. Taxor_the_First

    XCOM Multiplayer Tournament

    Sad to see you go Suryce. I was looking forward to pitting myself against you. Speaking of pitting myself against others, Pixy pls. I've already described when I'll be available earlier in this thread. My teams are itching for action. My times will remain consistent throughout the tournament...
  9. Taxor_the_First

    XCOM Multiplayer Tournament

    I find your lack of goats disturbing.
  10. Taxor_the_First

    XCOM Multiplayer Tournament

    Romeo used Explosion! It's not very effective... ... is that a new burger at McDonald's?
  11. Taxor_the_First

    XCOM Multiplayer Tournament

    So sequentially then. Got it. I personally would also vote in favor of keeping the seekers, because they are generally easily countered if not used correctly. And it's difficult to use them correctly, especially given the low health and ranged power. I like the idea of screenshot-ing our teams...
  12. Taxor_the_First

    XCOM Multiplayer Tournament

    Speaking of which, when is the actual starting date? Moreover, I noticed that I'm the one sitting the first round out. Are we doing the rounds sequentially, or are we just organizing to battle each person on the list?
  13. Taxor_the_First

    XCOM Multiplayer Tournament

    Since there's a timezone difference for me (apologies for the lag in advance, though with XCOM it's not that big an issue), there may be some clashes. As I understand it (correct me if I'm wrong), AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) is 16 hours ahead of EST. So, for you people this means I...
  14. Taxor_the_First

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    He'd have to weigh up whether it would be putting too much pressure on the writers. As already discussed, sometimes events happen, wild Pokemon are encountered, Abductions marked on the Hologlobe, or, as I heard it rather politely described today, "Excreta Occurs." Just a little side note, if I...
  15. Taxor_the_First

    XCOM Multiplayer Tournament

    I too would prefer something other than Bar, purely because I have played it at least 95% of the time of Multiplayer. The remaining 5% goes to the Graveyard map. I do have Enemy Within, all g on that front.
  16. Taxor_the_First

    XCOM Multiplayer Tournament

    Just in case I must explicitly state it, sign me up. I was singing. :/ Decently, thank god.
  17. Taxor_the_First

    XCOM Multiplayer Tournament

    Not for me there wasn't! I seem to remember something about it somewhere in the think tank recently. Not sure where exactly though. I'd look for it myself, but I'm operating on 3G here.
  18. Taxor_the_First

    XCOM Multiplayer Tournament

    Like I said in the think tank (kinda feel like I'm intruding there), I would be down for this. Not sure how well I'd do, but I'd like to be a part nonetheless. As for this whole "tile watching" thing, there's really nothing we can do about that. Honor system, really. Probably the screenshot-ing...
  19. Taxor_the_First

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    "For the odds to even out"? I see what you did there. This discussion has made me happy that my soldier didn't get in. As a scientist, I wouldn't have to worry about this trivial thing you mere mortals call "death".