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  1. ZombieSlayer85

    X-COM Season 2 - Journals

    Name: Joseph Andrews Rank:Trainee Written Log #11 98 minutes after Operation Devil's King After talking to the base shrink, I am relieved he didn't take me right off the active list. He said I have OCD and depression, which I could have told him. He did show great concern, and said that I...
  2. ZombieSlayer85

    X-COM Season 2 - Journals

    Name: Joseph Andrews Rank: Trainee: Status: Depressed Written Log #10 63 minutes after Operation Devil's King Shortly after the mission was over, Tyler came up to me for seemingly no other purpose then to tell me he had my back, and he hoped I had his. I could see in his eyes that he was...
  3. ZombieSlayer85

    X-COM Season 2 - Journals

    1) I agree. Trying to follow such an unpredictable timeline would get confusing, so I'm just going to number my logs from now on. 2) Again, I agree. Everyone would have their own opinion of what we should call ourselves. 3) The grammatical issues do make some posts difficult to read.
  4. ZombieSlayer85

    X-COM Season 2 - Journals

    From the Audio Diary of Jessica Andrews, age 9, Excerpt #1 March 7th, 2015 I love this new speaking diary. My big brother Joey still uses a pencil and paper. You'd think he would no how to use better tech, techny, um better machines since he's fighting the monsters that took my Mommy, Johnny...
  5. ZombieSlayer85

    X-COM Season 2 - Journals

    Name: Joseph Andrews Rank Trainee: Status: Relieved March 7th, 2015, 8:30 am It, its that alien again. The one from that night. It can't be, your dead. ..... What do you want from us? Why are you here, what did we do to you? ..... NO! I can't let you. WE can't let you! ..... Oh...
  6. ZombieSlayer85

    X-COM Season 2 - Journals

    Name: Joseph Andrews Rank: Trainee Status: Worried beyond belief 12:24 am I knew it was a little late, but I wanted to talk to Anna one last time. I was sure I could see the alien that was like the one our soldiers had to fight a week ago, only bigger and more frightening, but she claimed...
  7. ZombieSlayer85

    X-COM Season 2 - Journals

    Name: Joseph Andrews Rank: Trainee Status: Concerned At the end of today's training, our instructor mentioned something about LPMs for us trainees. I'm not really good with acronyms, so I'm not sure what LPMs are, but if it gives us something to do, I'm game. My nightmares have been getting...
  8. ZombieSlayer85

    X-COM Season 2 - Journals

    Name: Joseph Andrews Rank: Trainee Status: A tad bit better March XX, 2015, After a day of questioning, I made little headway in discovering the events of the other night. Anna apologized for hitting me, which I appreciated, but then asked if I slept with Ayame, which only made me worry...
  9. ZombieSlayer85

    X-COM Season 2 - Journals

    Name: Joseph Andrews Rank: Trainee Status: Head is Spinning March XX, 2015, I.....I don't even know what to write. ..... I barely got to morning role call in time. My head hurt some much, and I just wanted to pass out from the moment I woke up. I didn't even feel hung over, or at...
  10. ZombieSlayer85

    X-COM Season 2 - Journals

    Name: Joseph Andrews Rank: Trainee Status: Hopeful I talked to Jessica this morning, and found out she's doing alright. She says her foster parents are okay, but her foster brother is kind of a jerk, and seems to remind her that this isn't her real family at every opportunity. I assured her...
  11. ZombieSlayer85

    X-COM Season 2 - Journals

    Name: Joseph Andrews Rank: In training Status: Frustrated but Enthusiastic Personal Log: March 2nd, 2015 I've been walking around the base on my off time, trying to get to know everyone I can. If I'm going to trust my life to these people, I should at least learn their names, and who says...
  12. ZombieSlayer85

    X-COM Season 2 - Journals

    Name: Joseph Andrews Current Rank: In Training Mission Name: N/A Mission Objective: N/A Kills This Mission: N/A Total Kills since joining XCOM: 0 Status: Healthy Journal Entry: March 1st, 2015: We had our first major encounter today. Well, not me personally. I'm still stuck in basic...
  13. ZombieSlayer85

    X-COM Season 2 Recruitment Centre

    Heya, Commander Odd, I had this great idea for a character. I know I've already posted a character, so feel free to ignore this, but this is so far back, it probably won't matter, and this character isn't designed to be used until after my other character dies anyway. You'll see why. Its mostly...
  14. ZombieSlayer85

    X-COM Season 2 Recruitment Centre

    Bio Template Name: Joseph "Zombie Slayer" Andrews Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois Military Background: Rookie in the Marines Worst thing witnessed in any previous battle before XCOM: Death of Family Weapon of Choice: Sniper Rifle Additional Background Story: Having accomplished little in...
  15. ZombieSlayer85

    X-COM Recruit Biographies and Journals

    Bio Template Name: Joseph "Zombie Slayer" Andrews Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois Military Background: Rookie in the Marines Worst thing witnessed in any previous battle before XCOM: Death of Family Weapon of Choice: Sniper Rifle Additional Background Story: Having accomplished little in...