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  1. Anuvis11

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    Concept done for Kuklinski. Didn't find anything to go off of, so I just did what I thought best. Any issues?
  2. Anuvis11

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    Finished character concept for Hoku-kun. Anything not right? Which is his surname? (I'm assuming Ritofuto, but not entirely sure.)
  3. Anuvis11

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    I see. I'll make note of that in the final version. I'll add the pupil as well. Thanks for the input.
  4. Anuvis11

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    Character concept for Robbinson finished. Is the scar where it should be?
  5. Anuvis11

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    Trying to decide on a character or group of characters to base the primary story off of. I like the idea of using Hoku and the other members of "the fantastic four/ home team" because they have a good balance of characteristics and backgrounds. Hoku comes from a fairly normal life and is easy to...
  6. Anuvis11

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    I intend to add some comic relief at the base, but the mood was something I had planned to be more serious.
  7. Anuvis11

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    I intended to do it this season. though it will take some time. I think I'm gonna post a page at a time, or maybe chapter by chapter. anything you would specifically want to see?
  8. Anuvis11

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    LOL. When I do my thing, this bear will be placed in the back somewhere. Just too great.
  9. Anuvis11

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    Oh shoot it's the commander. Anything you would like to see done up. Like maybe a character representation of you. Just request something if you want to see it. That goes for all of you.
  10. Anuvis11

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    I can't not see that now. Judging from you guys, people are probably okay with me going through with it. gonna wait s day or two before officialy deciding though. make sure the everyone is okay with it.
  11. Anuvis11

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    Nah. they're not that good. just rough skeches. oh and while i'm at it i might as well sectoid
  12. Anuvis11

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    For Prisma. I take special intrest in the character you've created.
  13. Anuvis11

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    I'm not near a scanner right now. Mind if I use my phone to give the illustrations?
  14. Anuvis11

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    yes, just the base augmentations. not the suit.
  15. Anuvis11

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    I certainly hope you wanted to see him as a MEC trooper.
  16. Anuvis11

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    sure I'll just draw up the character representation of anyone who want's a preview.
  17. Anuvis11

    X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

    So... How would you guys like the RP to be a Manga style graphic novel? I wont do it if you don't want me to. I want to ensure I'm not messing with you guys' funky flow. I'd be taking the RP journals and basing a story around them. with a tad bit of creative freedom of course. (character's...