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  1. Sarge

    Happy Holidays

    Would like to wish everybody a wonderful and happy holiday season to all of our friends all over the world. This year has been an amazing year for us with the launch of our community, the nonstop growth of new members as well as the many games we play, we have come a long way in the past few...
  2. Sarge

    So I was up north in Michigan and I found a house with a swastika on it.

    So wtf is up with that? This Is in pinconning Michigan
  3. Sarge

    Support Us by becoming a GrayLines+ member

    When we created Gray Lines gaming we had one main thing in mind. Creating large awesome community with the comradeship similar to a small clan. For past 5+ years we have hosted in one form or another servers for you all to enjoy. At this time we are hosting about 10 servers. That Includes our...
  4. Sarge

    One of the best games I have ever played is coming out today

    Baldurs gate 1 & 2 including the expanions were one of the best RPG games I ever played. If not the best ever-made. The first game was released in 1998. Still holds true today even with all the Mass Effects, dragon age and all that other crap as being one the best. The game is so important to...
  5. Sarge

    PlanetSide 2 - Our server and Faction

    Join Us on Connery server with the Vanu Sovereignty
  6. Sarge

    NS2 Build 230 Out - Balanced Changes

    Guys UWE Released there first NERF patch. Be ready for game changing results from this. Both our servers have already been updated. Balance Evolving Onos eggs now requires three Hives instead of two. Onos eggs are a complex matter, and are a work in progress! Reduced Onos armor by 100 (-8%...
  7. Sarge

    Join Our Steam Group!

    GLG Now have a official steam group! Now you can stalk Linus, Ray and Chris even better then before!! (version 2.0). But seriously join our Steam group its open to public. You will be able to see fellow GLG members and get live updates on upcoming events from Steam and our forums. Gray Lines...
  8. Sarge

    Free Planetside Beta access Key - First come first serve

    I have one free planetside beta key to give away. Any account on the forums older then 5 days can get it. First person to reply gets it.
  9. Sarge

    Second NS2 Server

    Due to the crazy demand on server slot for our NS2 24 Slot server. We have been forced to create a second server just to keep up with demand! be sure to check it out. Right now the IP based server joining is broken so look for our name listed below. Server Name...
  10. Sarge

    Natural Selection 2 Launched Join us!

    Natural Selection 2 launched yesterday with great success. We saw a huge influx of players on our server. With none-stop play from launch time to 5am this morning! Hope you will join us on our server! Server Name:|v1.0|Detroit IP:
  11. Sarge

    Epic Game Trailers of all time!

    Post only the most amazing epic game trailers of all time. No weak shit! Below is my selections. Trailers you post that are epic will be prompted added to the top post. By Kordale By Sarge By Sarge By Utrax By Grelite
  12. Sarge

    GLG Tekkit Server up (Whitelist request)

    GLG has now launched a new Tekkit server. This server is a temporary whitelist only. It Is open to all GLG Members. With time we will convert this server to a open model. Please reply to this thread requesting access with your minecraft userid. IP:
  13. Sarge

    TF2 Server: Death Run

    The second of three TF2 servers we are launching. The two first servers are custom-fun style servers. Running custom mods and plugins. Our new server is Death Run, a variant of VS Saxton Hale Mode and Freak Fortress 2, which strongly involves teamwork and fast thinking. The objective in this...
  14. Sarge

    New Game Server: TF2 Saxton Hale

    I would like to announce a new server from GLG. TF2 Saxton Hale server. Its a One vs ALL mod. Our TF2 server is a fast download custom maps fun server. Make sure to check it out! We are looking for server mods at this time to help populate the server and moderate it. Let us know if your...
  15. Sarge

    Best Batman Clip

  16. Sarge

    Server Upgrade....

    Today at 5:00pm EST to 6:00pm EST the server was taken down to perform some important maintenance as scheduled. One of the listed items for this maintenance window was the upgrade of our existing server processor to much more powerful model. This upgrade did not go as planned. We ran into some...
  17. Sarge

    Amazing game you probably never heard of

    Check out this video. This is a game in development. Amazing concept, you probably never heard of this.
  18. Sarge

    What server do you want us to host?

    Since we are In the unique position of having our own server equipment we have the ability host almost any type dedicated server (beside most ranked games such as bf3 etc). At this time GLG officially hosts Team Fortress 2 and Minecraft. What server would you like us to host next?
  19. Sarge

    Welcome to Gray Lines Gaming

    Welcome to the new Gray Lines Gaming website. Please feel free to sign up and join our community! Be sure to check out are great gaming server for Minecraft, TF2, Natural Selection and more. Below is list of current servers as of 09/02/12. Teamspeak 3: Team Fortress...
  20. Sarge

    GLG Needs a logo designed

    GLG is looking for a community member to create a logo for us to be used on our forums and different functions. The logo must come with editable orignals such as PSD, have transparent background and be squre in dimensions. PNG Format preferred for transparent background. Keep in mind we need...