Search results

  1. Sarge

    Checking-in 2025

    Yearly check in. Seeing how things are going. Issues or problems or stuff breaking or need to be done? Site will get a new xenforo upgrade here but want to see whats going on.
  2. Sarge

    Are you guys still here?

    Are you guys still here? if so I want to make major clean-up overhaul effort. LEt me know asap
  3. Sarge

    So what's the situation?

    Spam out of control. God knows why we can't get it fixed. I only added a million different captcha and questions.. Do you guys still actively use forum? if so I was thinking of moving us to a modern forum tech like or Thoughts feedback?
  4. Sarge

    Bots man..

    Ok so changed registration shit so maybe now bots will go away? and also deleted like 2000+ bot accounts from forums. Are you guys still here?
  5. Sarge

    Gamigon Offical Discord

    Gamigon has an official discord where you can find all of us.
  6. Sarge

    Site update 7-29-18

    Few important changes have been made to the website. * Site has been updated from Xenforo 1.3 to 2.0.9 * Site email registration approval is fixed and people can properly register for the site! * New theme installed, but yet to be customized. Expect changes coming soon. * Major bug and security...
  7. Sarge

    Site is way overdue for some work

    Guys, The site is way overdue for some work to fix it. Sadly when I upgrade the site and finally do the work we will lose some of the gamigon design. The new version of Xenforo i am pretty sure is incompatible. I am also partially surprised its still working properly and all. Hopefully when...
  8. Sarge


    Heads up, been a long time since i posted. In the next few weeks i will be upgrading the site, nothing will change beside newer version of xenforo, and we will switch to using https so the connection between you and site is encrypted. If there are any other complaints or issues please let me...
  9. Sarge

    New webhost

    I have moved the site to a new host. (we went from a collocation where we owned the equipment to a DigitalOcean instance). Site should load much faster. Thanks
  10. Sarge

    You guys are so creative

    i love your posts guys. I do read many of em. Really creative. Thank for being part of the community for so long.
  11. Sarge

    Lets start a video RP

    So i was thinking, there are plenty of games I play and stream that could be great candidates for Video RP. I thought maybe gamigon can have a official youtube channel which we can do that. Similar to Odds videos. Thoughts feedback?
  12. Sarge

    String of bad luck

    I am not one to believe in bad luck, but it seems like were having it a little. I had a strange issue occur Friday evening that lead a service to go into constant looping state. That caused me to be unable to login to server via RDP anymore, which at first only caused our space engineers service...
  13. Sarge

    Server Guidelines

    Basic guidelines below for Gamgion Space Engineers as follows. Shipping ramming is not allowed in any shape or form. Griefing is allowed. Its part of the game. Please have adequate defensive position to protect from griefing. Just like military escorts are very difficult to capture have the...
  14. Sarge

    Small Role Playing rules?

    Anyone have ideas to come with some very simple and basic rules for small role-plays?
  15. Sarge

    Free Steam Holiday Games from Gamigon!

    First come first serve. One game per person. Best games on the list are probably Civ5, World Of Goo, and Limbo. I will be making random game give out contests thoughout the holiday. Stay tuned in the thread and let everyone know who hooked you up with free games :) Sid Meier's Civilization® V...
  16. Sarge

    We must grow!

    Fellas, have you looked around recently? As much as I like everyone here growth is a very important factor for us. Growth will allow for larger more in-depth role-playing. Understand gamigon isnt just about role playing. Our main focus still is gaming. Help the community out so we dont die...
  17. Sarge

    Does anyone play minecraft or tekkit?

    I am going to setup a dedicated server. Thought I would ask if there are any players here?
  18. Sarge

    Were on the new server

    Gamigon has transferred over the site to our new server. Hopefully you should see a improvement in loading times. I am already seeing huge improvements.
  19. Sarge

    New Dedicated Server

    To my fellow Gamigoners, When Gray Lines Gaming launched in 2012 it was a result of a merger between an existing community I had run before called Oasis Gaming Network and 2 well known Youtubers by the name of Linus and ChristopherOdd. At the time of the merger OGN/GLG was wealthy in funds so...
  20. Sarge

    Whos excited for Star Citizen?

    Star Citizen is an upcoming space trading and combat simulator video game for Microsoft Windows and Linux.Star Citizen will consist of two main components: first-person space combat and trading with first-person shooter elements in a massively multiplayer persistent universe and customizable...