Anyone into Twitch?


Hey there! I was just curious as to witch of you if any are into watching streams and the like on twitch? I've been broadcasting some games on my own personal channel, also gamigon has a channel as well. If any of you happen to stream link your channels here!


Well-Known Member
I enjoy livestreams from time to time. What times will there be streaming taking place (+timezone)?


well right now on my channel its whenever I stream.... Usually in the mornings or at night I guess the normal times is 9-11am and or 4-11pm is around the usual times. Havent broadcasted in a week as I've been busy with other things. but I wanted to reach out and see who was interested for when I do stream again. who knows, I may stream some IceWind Dale later on today. Once I get a schedule down for it I'll post the actual times here.


Well-Known Member
Alright. I was mostly asking because I'm in Europe and often miss out on America-based livestreams because of the time difference, but if you're streaming in mornings every once in a while, I might be able to catch it.


I followed the Gamigon channel, but I'm bad about joining livestreams. In the evening (eastern time) when a lot of livestreams go on, I'm usually spending time with my pet hedgehog, showering, and/or playing games. Generally not conducive to my schedule, but I'll try to drop by if I can.