Hunters of Terra Dolor (Role Playing Section)


Game Master
Staff member
Epic of an Exasperated Youth

June 24th, 3336
9:43 p.m.

Mina awoke to the smell of ash and burning wood. Lucky for her, laying on the floor had protected her from the smoke billowing throughout the house. She slowly pushed herself up, but cringed from the pain. She gripped her chest, pushing her hand against the small, bleeding hole. He had missed. Her heart and lungs were unpunctured. In his haste, he didn't realize Mina had merely passed out from the combination of shock and the sudden loss of blood pressure.

"U-uncle..." Could it be true? Surely, she wasn't remembering correctly. Surely, her own beloved uncle would not try and kill her. But then, she would not have opened the door for anyone else.

No time to think about that now. She quickly looked around. The fires were picking up steam. Where were the servants? She shook her head, and rushed for the stairs. "Mom! Dad!" She ripped off a sleeve and wrapped in around her face, the only thing she could do to protect against the smoke. She moved as quickly as she could, light headed from blood loss but motivated by determination and fear. Dodging around fire, flames nipping at her legs and threatening to ignite her dress. Eyes watering from the heat and smoke. Was that a body she saw, smoldering under a flaming dresser? No time to think about it.

Her parents door. It was closed! They must have been asleep, protected from the flames in their room. She reached for the doorknob, and screamed in pain. The knob was smoldering hot, and it only took a moment of grasping it to leave second degree burns. Tears gripping her eyes, she looked around for a means to open the door, all while her mind raced. Fear from the burning manor. Anguish from her burn. The heart crushing realization that the knob was so hot because the room beyond must be on fire.

Just as she was about to grab something thick to wrap around her hand so she could try again, she remembered something she had read about fire in her studies. She instead ran to a rather heavy dresser nearby. She was not sure how she found the strength, but she was able to position it across from the door. She pressed herself against the wall and pushed the dresser with all the might in her legs.

As she suspected, the moment the dresser crashed into the door, a mighty backdraft blasted out, one that would have surely killed her had she been standing at the door. Instead, it merely flung the girl back into the wall, knocking the wind out of her. She wouldn't stop, though. She hacked and heaved for air as she crawled along the floor. She was half aware of a small piece of wood that had been shot into her thigh, but she couldn't worry about that. She didn't have time for rest. No time for pain. No time to bleed.

She finally had enough of the precious little oxygen left in her lungs to climb up at the foot of her parent's bed. She would have been horrified to the point of shock had she not been so tired at that point. The bed was on fire, her parents on top of it. They didn't look like they were there naturally. Rather, it seemed someone had killed them ahead of time, then thrown them on the bed to make it look like they died in their sleep. Assuming there would anything left of them when the fire was done to identify them.

Mina simply stared at them with tired eyes while the fire raged around her. For a while, it seemed as though she had given up. A pop of some embers made her jump, drawing her back to reality. She couldn't stop now. Her parents were dead. Their summer home burned. Servants slaughtered like animals.

And the man who did it was still out there.

Mina limped out of the room and down the hall. She reached her room, one of the few places yet to be up in flames. She grabbed a bag and quickly shoved some clothes, bandages, snacks, some money, and a few personal effects into it. She opened her window and dropped the bag out of it, then stared down at the pool below and readied herself. The floor beneath her creaked from the fire below eating away at it, and that was enough to push her to jump.

The pain in her thigh spiked as she did, however, and it wasn't a clean jump. She just barely made it into the water, and she landed on her side. The pain in her thigh. The pain in her chest. The new pain in her side. The chlorine in the water making her wounds feel so much worse. Blood leaking out, staining the water red. Again, it seemed like she would give in. Let the embrace of Taydar overcome her.

She rolled out of the side of the pool a minute later, hacking and coughing. Things happened slowly at this point. She rested, then made her way to her bag to pull it away from the building, now fully engulfed. She rested, then treated her hand and her chest wound. Another rest followed, then yanking out the shard of wood and tending to that. She just barely finished before the pain knocked her out. She awoke thirty minutes later from the sound of something crashing, likely the piano in her room falling through the floor.

She needed to get away. Needed to run. People would be coming soon, if they hadn't already arrived. She couldn't let them find her. They could be people working with her uncle. Even if they weren't, she couldn't risk her uncle knowing she was alive. He would send assassins to finish the job, or at the very least know she was coming. She was alone, and had to be. So she forced herself away from the mansion, and walked to the stables. After freeing the animals, she took her own horse to the nearby town and went to the most inconspicuous inn she could find.

It was only then, when everything had settled down and she laid in a bed, staring at the roof, that the grief was finally allowed to seep in. It was only then that the tears were allowed to come.


Operator 21O
Staff member
Tragedy Befalls A Blessing Part One

New Vento City
March 17th, 3349
4:56 p.m.

Mina nodded to a young man she had been questioning, and walked down the steps of his home. "Nothing," she said. "No sight of him before, during, or after. Not surprising though, considering how he seems to kill. And he doesn't remember someone with C... the killer's description."

The two escorting constables nodded. "You other Hunters have reported in," one of them said. "They haven't found anything either."

"This is a waste of time," Mina muttered to herself, looking at her notes. "But... I only have the family of one more victim to talk to. Might as well see them." She walked off, not bothering to see if the two followed. "After that, there are a few pubs I can get some info with."

"Aye, m'lady," the pair said in tandem.

Mina scoffed. "You know, I don't need the escort. And the point of me going to the pub is there is info I can get without the constable uniform that you can't."

"We will wait outside when we reach a pub," the second officer said. "But there is a killer on the loose, one that knows you are investigating him. We will not leave you alone."

"Whatever," Lady Havenbrook responded, sure there was no reason to try and argue.

As it turned out, the lead on the last family led nowhere as well, with their wild tales of how the man bust down the door yelling and raving despite that not being the killer's M.O. and the door still clearly intact. With that done and finally over with, it was time to move onto the pubs. On her way there, a dirty child ran up to Mina, probably no older than ten, likely a chimney sweep from the brush resting on his shoulder. "I was asked to deliver this to you ma'am."

"What's that?" She asked, kneeling down before him.

He held out a folded note. "I-I uh... Got a little soot on it. Sorry."

"No trouble, kid." Mina took it and reached into a pocket, pulling out and handing her a silver piece. "For your trouble."

"Thank you missy." the young boy said with a bow as he went prancing off, leaving Mina and the two constables. When she opened up the folded piece of paper, it said, Stop looking. I'm taking a bath. With no name or anything else written.

"Taking a..." Mina frowned.

"What's it say?" one of the constables asked.

"Nothing. Just a... Something from the others. Let's go." She continued towards the bar, wondering if it could be from him, though who else could it have been from. With a confused sigh, she stepped into the bar, leaving the officers outside so she could ask questions without tongues clamping up.

Despite what Mina believed, not many even of the more seedier wanted anything to do about the murders going on. They knew at any moment they could be the next ones to die without any warning whatsoever. The only small bit of information that Mina could get was that no matter what, they stayed away from the east side of the city, where many of the murders happened. That made some sense with many of the nobles and rich folk living in the east. What Mina knew of Janne, he would never live there. That left the west side of the city, where she first got lost and met them. Where they spent the night together after he carried her to an abandoned house.

She took a long swig from a mug, rapping her fingers against the counter. "No clues as to where I should look exactly. I... he wouldn't go back there, knowing I was looking for him... would he?" She dismissed it as silly, but decided to go there anyway to rule it out and as a starting place. She glanced at the door, realizing that if she did run into him, she could end up with more dead constables on her conscious. With a shake of the head, she gave the bartender a silver coin to let her out the back, and headed to the abandoned house.

The place hadn't changed except for a layer of dust that had settled over the place. The floorboards creaked under every step she took and there were plenty of cobwebs and holes where they shouldn't be. There was a sound though, if a very calm and soothing one. The methodicalness of it sounded like a music box that chimed softly. Skeptical though she was that she might actually find anyone there, Mina was nonetheless cautious as she moved about. Seeing no one immediately, she slowly made her way towards the source of the sound.

The sound led her to the end of a long corridor with the doorway being slightly ajar. When it was pushed open, she found a dingy room lit merely by candles. There was a bed in the middle of it where the music box rested, and immediately she was flooded with memories. This was where she woke up expecting to be molested by cultists.

Mina approached the bed, mumbling, "Maybe he has been here recently." She leaned over the bed, picking up the small music player.

It chimed along a sweet, calming melody. It looked rather expensive if not plainly made. "You did come. Why Wilhemina?" an all too familiar voice asked from the rafters above.

Mina slowly put the box down. "You practically invited me with your little note. I figured you wouldn't be using any washroom to take your bath. Guess I should be grateful I didn't catch you in the middle of it, huh?"

"I told the boy to write 'stop looking', did I not?" her childhood friend asked gruffly.

"And you thought that would actually work?" Mina turned around. "Why don't you just put a big, red, shiny button in front of a child and tell them Not to press it?"

"I will remember that I am dealing with a child then and not a sensible grown woman." Janne dropped down from the rafter and slowly stood erect. "Go away. I don't want to have to kill the one person in this world I care about.”

"I'm not going to stop until you do," Mina stated, placing her hands on her hips. "Surely, you realize that. Surely, you realized that at the manor. So why not kill me and get it over with?"

"Because... it is too much of a hassle. You are too important now. Killing you would put... too much heat on me. I cannot have that until my list of names is crossed off." Carth answered stubbornly.

"I see." Mina his a smile. His refusal, possible inability, to kill her told her there was still a small amount of light in him. "And how many names are left on that list?"

"Like I would tell you!" he outbursted childishly.

Mina didn't flinch. "Oh, come on. Is that anyway to treat an old friend? Besides... maybe someone I don't like is on that list..."

"Well then if they die, you can be happy." Crossing his arms, the flustered blind man let out a growl. "You are trying to confuse me with semantics. Leave me alone Mina, that is final! I don't want to hurt you, but I will do what I must in order to make my dreams come true!"

"Dreams?" Mina scoffed. "What dreams could possibly come out of all this death? It won't make what happened to you go away. It won't make you feel better. You'll just get a temporary high from the killing and have to find a reason to get revenge on someone else to kill your kicks."

"Not true. I only take my aggression out on those who wronged me and those who deserve to die. I get no pleasure out killing. Only out of the fact bad people will not hurt others again. Nobles are despicable people. They think they are so superior. Superior that they have money. Superior that they can see. Superior that they can feel!" Carth cried out in anger. "They are horrible people. All nobles deserve death, and anyone who acts like them. Everyone else is innocent. Is good."

"That is a completely arbitrary and subjective view! Mina stepped up to him. "Anyone who acts like them? Who's to say you won't come across a good person who just so happens to cross you and you decide they are acting like a noble just because they ignored you or bragged about something they have? You got your revenge on the one who truly wronged you. It is nobody else's fault you are the way you are!"

"I am a very good judge of character! Just because that old bag is dead does not mean my job is done! There is much to do! I have to stop the problem at the roots so the weeds can't grow again. So another me isn't created! You don't understand at all what it is like! You are nothing but... but an idiot girl who doesn't know anything! Just like back then!"

Mina fell silent for a moment. She grit her teeth, and suddenly slapped him across the face. "Don't presume to think you know what I do and do not know! You have no idea what my life has been like! What happened to me! What happened to my family, or... o-or the hell I had to endure to seek my revenge! You... you are more childish now then you were as a child, you bastard!"

Mina could tell from the way his body tightened that he was taken aback, especially when he stepped backwards slowly and falling to the ground on his rear. He couldn't feel well but he could still get some things. The fact Mina of all people slapped him set in slowly. Not being able to cry, he began to constrict himself into a trembling ball.


Operator 21O
Staff member
Tragedy Befalls A Blessing Part Two

Mina herself was surprised by his reaction. He acted so innocent. How could this man be a serial killer? She slowly knelt down and say next to him. "C... Janne... you know why I came here?"

"I... I won't... Can't. You have to understand." he whispered in a scared voice.

"I came here... because I care for you. It's the reason I didn't tell anyone about this place. Because I want to help you. Help you... like I failed to do fourteen years ago."

"You cannot help me. No one can. Especially now." He whispered.

Mina leaned her head against his. "Janne? What do I... mean to you? You said I had changed so much. Is anything of the girl you saved... still in me?"

"Everything is. Everything I sorta... Liked. Your power has changed. Your body. But not you." the man stated with a sigh, leaning back into her.

"And so much of you is the same." Nina sighed deeply. "This would be so much easier if you were some ruthless murderer.

Suddenly, Carth became very silent. "You... Came to kill me. I see. It is best to put down a dog before he can bite again, especially a stray. If it was anyone else, I would kill them. Dying by your hand seems almost a mercy by now." he whispered.

Mina gave him a surprised look, followed by a giggle that turned into a loud laugh.

"W-Wha... Maybe I was wrong. You must be crazy..." Janne said with such great surprise.

"I'm not here to kill you," she said. "I meant it would be easier if you were just some mad dog killer I could hate. But you're not... and I don't. I came here to convince you to come home with me. Forget the people that did wrong by you and finally accept that help I offered you so long ago."

"Mina... I... I would like nothing more than to be with you. But... I cannot. I have killed too many. I would be killed myself. That... Would only cause you greater heartache. The time for me to live with you has... Must have long since passed." Carth said sadly, putting a hand on his face.

Mina let out a long breath. "So... what happens now? I suppose we could fight... but I'm not sure I have the heart for it right now."

"I do not wish to fight you either." Janne reached out, putting his arms around the slim woman, "Could we just stay this. I have not held you for more than a decade. I enjoyed it when we were kids."

Mina smiled. "I enjoyed it too. You know... I think you were the first boy I ever... you know..."

"Kissed?" Carth asked with a chuckle. "I also 'saw' you naked." Scratching the top of his head, he let out a sad sigh, "Too bad I can never truly know what you look like."

"Well, I am incredibly attractive," Mina said confidently. "Not, like... Stormrend pop idol attractive, but head turner attractive."

"I imagine you are being too modest." His fingers moved lightly over her cheek.

Mina chuckled. "You know... you're not so terrible yourself. Just a little... overcooked."

"That isn't exactly... Comforting hearing from a woman you... Um..." Carth did not finish.

"A woman you what?" Mina nudged him. "One you like?"

Carth groaned and shook his head, "One I love."

"Love?" She let out a small, surprised laugh. "You don't... y-you don't love me. I... y-you barely got to know me, remember?"

"That doesn't matter. I felt closer to you than anyone else ever in my life. You cuddled next to me. Showed me kindness. We kissed. And I always dreamed that I... I would be worthy enough..."

Mina sighed, and wrapped an arm around her. "Well, considering all you are doing, you more than anyone else should know you don't have to be rich or anything like that to be worthy of me. I'm no better than you. I didn't think that back then. I... think that even less now."

"Maybe it was a mistake to not spend those 14 long years with you. But it is out of my control now. I have prayed to the gods, trying to seek guidance but have gotten nothing in response. No wisdom. I find everyday a struggle now. Killing bad people is the only reason I function."

"Maybe you can join us when you're done," Mina half joked, a smile on her face and a year in her eye as her voice slightly cracked. "You would make one hell of a Hunter."

"M-Mina... Do not cry. Please, I refuse to have you cry at my expense." Janne quickly said, lowering his head, "I... I want to make it up to you. Do something to... To try and make you happy."

Mina nodded. "Only if it is something that would make you feel better too."

"I... I think it would. For both of us." he whispered, slowly pushing her to the ground.

Mina's body trembled ever do slightly. "You... you want to..."

"I thought... You would like to. There isn't much else I can offer." He conceded depressingly.

"No, it isn't you. I just... the last... only time I ever..." Mina looked away sadly, glad he couldn't see the grief on her face. She took a deep breath and said, "If you... really want to... I'm okay with it."

What Mina forgot was that despite him not having eyes, he could still see. He could see her heartbeat quicken. Could hear her tone. And he could feel the gooseprickles of terror spread across her body. "Please... Tell me. I must know."

"I... I-I..." Mina closed her eyes. "When I was fifteen, my... uncle burned my summer home down after murdering my parents. Hell bent on revenge, I foolishly trekked across the Duchy of Kemar to seek my revenge on him. I was barely a third of the way through when I was taken captive by a band of Ophidians, and... and taken as the personal toy of the leader... for several weeks."

"They... Damn them to hell..." Janne said in anger, a very cold fury. "I... If I had been with you..." Suddenly, Janne grew very silent, trembling in fury, "If I had not been so stupid..."

"Stop." Mina placed her hands on his cheeks. "Nothing can be done about it. And besides, even if you had been with me back then, you might have been murdered like everyone else in the building, or killed when the Ophidians got me. We can not change the past, no matter how much we wish we could. Best not to dwell on it, however much it tries to plague us."

"Mina..." Carth said somberly, taking her into his arms. "I'm sorry... I am so sorry..." He pleaded with her as if trying to make her believe if she didn't already. His voice kept breaking up and the urge to cry had never been more great. "I... I love you."

Mina held him tight. "I... I-I... I love you too, Janne. I wasn't sure before... but now."

"I... I would like to help wipe that... Horrible memory from your head. I don't know if... If you felt any pleasure from those... Snakes." Janne noted curiously.

Mina shook her head. "Never. And I certainly wouldn't mind having a pleasurable experience with it."

"I... I promise to try and... Be gentle. You can go however you like. Wherever. I am doing this to make it up to you. To try and do... Something right." Janne admitted weakly.

Mina smiled at him. "Why don't we agree to both enjoy ourselves?"

"Yeah. Agreed." the man said softly, working at her clothing but being blind made it hard, and there were no electrical impulses in fabric. Mina helped him along, but gently and patiently. She didn't want him to feel bad for needing help. Once everything was more or less removed, his wrinkled hands moved over bare mounds, her flat stomach and down between creamy legs, the odd texture almost enticing, the skin rough but the touch gentle.

Mina let out a content sigh. "You're so gentle... I like it."

"That... Makes me glad." Janne said, smiling as he went further.


Operator 21O
Staff member
His fingers moved over her entrance, pressing against them to try and elicit a reaction from the grown woman, his other arm wrapped around her back to hold her up for support.

Mina let out a soft gasp, looking down at him as he did so. Her heart rate rose ever so much, sparks of energy flowing throughout her body.

Despite the pleasure of it, Mina was thrust into a past memory, one that was all too vivid.

(12 years previous, Dutchy of Kemar. Middle of the Dead Dune Sea)

The tent of the Ophidian captain was the largest in the camp that was spread out across the cold desert night. The tanned skins swayed softly in the brief breeze, but the leather and torches inside kept out the deadly cold. Mina however was forced to walk through that breeze. Her skin gooseprickled as it was barely covered at all. Her non-developed breasts were covered in nothing but a single roll of animal leather with a burlap lioncloth covering her hips. Her clothes had been confiscated along with everything else. She had been here a week and a half already, and still she had no means of escape. She kept her best behavior in hopes of lying low, but for the first time she had been summoned by the chief. When she entered the tent, he sat on not a chair, but a large red, tassled cushion in the middle of a floor decorated with rugs. He had powerful, scaly arms that were a dark yellow and brown color, his natural crown large and resembling that of a cobra. Behind him, a tail swayed back and forth with a slight rattle. Incense burned the air.

Mina was forced to her knees and made to bow before her guard before he stepped outside to guard the door. That left the teenaged Havenbrook and the chief alone. "Welcome to my abode. Have you been enjoying our hosssspitality?" He asked in a slithery, conniving voice.

"I-I... it h-hasn't very hospitable, to be honest," Mina stated, afraid to be defiant but equally afraid to show weakness. "Why are you keeping me? Just... just let me go."

"We Ophidiansss... we own thisss dessssssert. We trade, we live, and we pillage in thisss place. Thossse who travel the dunesss are tresssspasssserssss. And it isss not often we get... hoo-mansss here." The leader smiled wide, "My underlingsss are not like me. They are cruel becaussse they are young and brassssh. Come here my dear. You look cold. Come sssit with me. My ssscales are quite warm. They act like a natural torch to sssstave off the cold."

Mina considered her options. His cold blooded scales would indeed retain the heat, and refusal would likely test how patient he really was. So, reluctantly, she walked to his side.

As she laid against his side, his tail slowly wrapped around her rather full hips. Despite not much growing, puberty was changing her. His arm went around her shoulder, and indeed, he was quite warm. "How isss that my dear?"

"It... i-it is much better. Thank you... sir."

"You know my dear, you ssshould feel quite lucky. Ophidian women are sssstrong willed, but their ssscalesss are rough asss well asss their personalitiesss. You hoo-mansss are soft. And ssso obedient. I find you mossst preciousss."

Mina's eyes shifted back and forth in worry. "Th... thank you. Though... n-not all... humans are soft. Some are cold and hard willed."

"Right. But not you my dearessst. I wisssh for sssome entertainment. Do you know how to dance properly for a man?" The bandit leader asked coyly.

"U-um... I-I know how to dance, but I don't know if it is dancing you would like," Mina answered honestly.

"I can inssstruct you deary. It isss an exotic dance, one we Ophidiansss find very dear to our culture. Firssst, you must disscard all clothing while in the middle of the room. When you are done, you girate your hipsss, and slowly turn in place. The most ssskilled dancersss use their handsss. Moving them over the chessst and between the legsss in slow motionsss. Usssually this dance isss sssacred. But for sssuch a ssspecial hoo-man, I feel an exception isss in order. The dance would pleassse me greatly. It will alssso be an experience for you in our rich culture. A once in a lifetime opportunity."

"Um... o-okay." Mina slowly stood up and walked to the middle of the room. The last thing she wanted to do is something seductive for the snake man, but maybe this was all he would want. After all, he was nearly three times her size, and could have done whatever he wanted to do by now. She trembled a bit as she took off her flimsy clothes, both from the cold, and from embarrassment. "I-I must be... s-so scrawny compared to the woman you are used to... a-and desire."

"Noo my dear. In fact, you are perfect. Ssso perfect. I feel sssomething ssspecial with you girl. An assstute connection that I do not feel with my women." The leader got up and added more fuel to the torches, the room heating up, "You may begin my love."

Mina nodded, and began her dance. She was clumsy at first, moving awkwardly as she tried to follow his motions to the letter. But as she continued on, she closed her eyes and tried to think of nothing but the dance. Her motions became more natural, her actions more sensual. She was swept back in a memory. A friend of her brother's was have a party before his marriage, and they had an unknown woman over. She remembered watching from a top the stairs, mesmerized by her dancing, and the attention it garnered. She held on to that memory, and tried to remember what that woman had done.

The bandit leader smiled widely, enthralled by how much of a natural she was. "Your handsss dear, your handsss. Thisss iss a dance of visssual and ssself pleasssure. Indulge your body my love."

Without missing a beat, she slowly ran her hands up and down her body. Across her chest. Over her hips. Along her inner thighs. It was easier by pretending she was alone. Or she was doing it for someone she cared about. A face came into her mind, but she pushed it away. On second thought, she wouldn't want to see her doing something like this.

The leader chuckled greedily, and watched her for the longest time. Slowly, he noticed the signs of horniness she felt from her self service, the most obvious being a moist spot under where she stood on the rug. After ten minutes, he approached and offered her a golden cup. "Exemplary work. Quench your thirssst. Bravo deary."

Mina panted heavily, so lost in the dance that she didn't realize how tiring it was. She took the cup, greedily drinking from it. Suddenly, everything changed. Time sped up simultaneously slowed. Her body tightened up and relaxed at the same time. Everything became much more vivid yet dull. Cognitive thought was an impossibility for Mina. She was reduced to the mindset of a giddy child, one who acted on only wants. Right now her greatest want was to scratch a sudden intense itch her abdomen, one that made her quiver from the intensity. She found herself sitting on something large and rigid, though she could not decipher what it was. All she knew was that it would scratch her extreme itch and it would make her happy. She laughed drunkenly, drool rolling down her chin as she let what happened happened with no protest, or any knowledge that she should protest.

Time was a concept Mina could not understand. When she slept, she dreamt pleasant dreams. When she was woken she was given drink from a golden chalice. As to before where was beaten and mistreat, now she never felt pain. She felt itchy a lot, but never pain. She danced like a little ballerina, and then her itch came and she took care of it gratefully. A week passed and then she found out she was married and they news made her giddy. When she felt something slender and slimy enter her mouth, she knew her love was kissing her greedily. It was a paradise.

Unbenkownst to her, weeks passed. She spent most of her time bouncing up and down on the member of her 'husband' and when he went raiding, Ophidian females played with her, nibbled her and satisfied her itches while she drank from a golden cup.

One day, her senses came back slightly, but the damage had been done by this point as she was little more than a brainwashed slave. She knew she was in the middle of sex by bulge that came from her torso and her want to slam the thing into her with wanton abandon. Her husband kissed her, holding her firmly at her full waist. "My goddesssss, I am honored to be graced by you everyday of my life." He told the brainwashed slave.

"I am... too..." she said. No, she whispered in her mind. She was in the worse possible state of awareness, enough to know it was wrong, that it was hated, but not enough to fight back, or even will her body to want to fight. On the surface, she smiled, the only glimmer of her true feelings being a single tear that rolled down her cheek.

Later that week, the Ophidian's camp would be attacked by an opposing tribe. The bandits were slayed, and Mina escaped capture once again by the virtue of being hidden by the chaos. Days past as her addiction slowly started to come down and reality set in. Her pleasant dreams she had at night were truly actually nightmares. Every pleasurable feeling she had was wiped away and the true pain beneath it all came back in full force as her fake memories vanished. After that, she was left with nothing but anger and despair.


Operator 21O
Staff member
Tragedy Befalls A Blessing Part Three

(Present day; the morning of the next day)

Mina's crying had been quite a fit as the painful memories flooded her mind. Janne had stopped immediately and comforted her, waiting as long as was necessary before she was brought back into reality. Despite her painful encounter in the past, the strong willed woman persisted, not letting anything ruin potentially her one chance to be with the person she truly loved. It lasted all throughout the night, and by the end of it, her painful memories were replaced with bliss. This time, there was no drug involved, and these wonderful memories were real. That night, her sweet dream was real, and when she woke, there were no tears in her eyes, just the arms of Janne wrapped around her as he softly slept after their long and passionate night of love together.

Mina softly ran her hand across his face. Despite all she had lived through, she felt week at times. She saw someone just like her beneath his leathery skin. She was sure it was only her position in life that kept him from ending up like her, and she would do all she could to save him from himself.

The stroking slowly brought the man out of slumber, and when he was conscious, he reached over and pulled her close. "I enjoyed that. I hope you did as well."

"Absolutely," Mina whispered back. "Like you wouldn't imagine. And I mean that."

"Your Hunters must be losing their minds. You've been gone a whole day." He teased tiredly.

"Oh crap," Mina muttered, her tone implying she had completely forgotten about them. "They probably are."

Janne chuckled lightly, moving some of her sweat matted hair off her forehead. "Is there... anything else I can do for you before you leave?"

Mina thought about it. "Can you... try something for me? Just consider it?"

"What... is that?" Carth asked as he sat up slowly.

Mina sat up with him. "People are afraid of you now. From every corner of life. And there is a lot of heat on you. What if you... held off on the killing, just to seeing how things change? See if the people left on your list realize how horrible they have been, and start acting differently?"

Janne's face fell slightly, his features contorted as much as they could be. "I... I will hold off. For now at least. But if any escape..." he began slowly.

"They won't." Mina smiled. "How could they from you? I'm sure there is nowhere they could go that you couldn't track them down."

"You are a dangerous woman to love Wilhemina." Janne complained.

She giggled, slipping on her clothes. "I wouldn't know. You're probably the first... in every way that counts, anyway."

"What will you tell your friends when you go to them?" Carth questioned cautiously as he slowly slipped on his own clothing.

"That's an easy one," Mina answered. "I was following a lead, and staked out someone supposedly connected to you. Turned out to be a waste of time."

"Alright." Janne reached across to a table, taking the music box and placing it in Mina's hand. "Keep it."

Mina gave him a sad look. "Please, Janne... I'm touched, but how could I take one of your few possessions?"

"Take it. I want you to have it. If things do not end well... I wish to give you more than a memory." the man told her softly, offering Mina a weak smile.

Mina slowly nodded. She walked over, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I hope to see you again under more favorable circumstances."

"So... do I..." Janne admitted in a soft tone, touching her cheek. "Goodbye."

"Bye." Mina lingered for a moment longer before taking off, moving quickly once out of sight, else she might find herself unable to leave at all.

*A week and a half later. Havenbrook Manor Lab*

Mina sat silently, patiently waiting for Erin to finish her blood test. Erin herself slowly weaved a few spells through the sample she was given. Eliza sat on a nearby stool, watching curiously. “Are you sure it isn’t too early to tell?” Mina asked quietly.

“Well, I’m sure if you went to the doctor, he would tell you to wait another week. Luckily, I have my ways, ways I am sure he is quite jealous of.” Finished, she carefully put in a single drop of white liquid into the blood vial. It slowly turned a shade of blue, and Erin smile. “Well, looks like someone should be seeking Pendener’s blissing. So who is the lucky…” She looked up to find Mina completely flabbergasted. “I take it this wasn’t… expected.”

“No… no, it wasn’t… wasn’t… I-I… I have to go…” Mina quickly stood up and walked out without another word.

Erin scratched her head in confusion. Eliza crawled over, saying, “Haven lady leave. Maybe belly hurts.”

“If it isn’t now… it soon will be.” Erin grabbed the other vial of blood to run the test again, just to be sure.

Frostlich1228 (Alt)

Well-Known Member
Frostlich1228 & Black0ut: "Picnic with Lovers"

March 15th, 3349
Havenbrook Hunters Guild

Jay nervously paced outside Sylvie's room, a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He was dressed in fairly nice clothes, and had taken some effort to make his hair seem mildly presentable. Oh gods... I look ridiculous! And I couldn't figure out her favorite flower, or what she likes in terms of presents... Titania, why did I let you help me...

Jay heard some shuffling inside the room, indicating that the huntress may have sensed his presence. "Hello? Who's there?"

"U-umm... it's me. Uh, Jay." The Light Elf stammered, stopping in front of her door with a smile, which hid how nervous he was.

"Jay! Please, come in. Let me unlock the door..." Sylvie replied as Jay heard the click of the door unlocking. The Huntress pulled open the door, revealing her state of dress.

The human woman had no clothes on whatsoever, from her head to her feet. The only thing covering her being intricately painted lines of what seemed to be a dark green pigment that curved and swirled up and down her body. The lines had been carefully painted to cover her parts elegantly, and the paint she used was thick enough that very little of the details of what was under them could be seen. Finally, the lines ended at her face, curving up alongside her cheekbones and stopping at her eyes, giving them a mysterious eye shadow effect.

The Light Elf's face turned bright red, but instead of ogling his girlfriend's curves, he opted to focus on her face. "U-umm... I wanted t-to ask you if you'd like to g-go out? Perhaps the town o-or the forest?" Jay tried to ask, presenting her the flowers, whilst cursing himself for his shyness. That was the best I could do? Oh gods... I'm so stupid...

Sylvie smiled, bending over in order to smell the flowers. "The forest sounds nice. Especially today."

"G-great! So, um, nice, uh, paint." Jay commented, not knowing what to say.

"Thank you. It's the day of my village's Festival of Renewal." The Green-Haired woman replied. "We celebrate it every year on the first day of spring."

"What is the festival about?" Jay asked, feeling he may know what it was.

"It celebrates the growth of new life and a new cycle of the forest." The Huntress elaborated. "The women paint ourselves like this to honor Ahusirra and be closer to her."

"I see. Are they usually in such a state of... undress?" The Light Elf asked, his face still beet red.

Sylvie nodded. "Ahusirra is depicted as naked in our statues and stories. In these festivals we temporarily cast off our ties to civilization. But uh... Only the women undress like this."

"I suppose that makes sense. So, uh, are you able to wear, um, clothes for today? Or is it not allowed?" The Elven mage asked, four water orbs appearing, each with his various emotions, one orb showing Jay blushing.

"Well... I can, but... The Festival only happens once a year." Sylvie replied, feeling a little homesick.

"I-if that's the case, t-then don't worry about it. S-so, um, are you ready to go then?" Jay asked, moving his hand so she could take it.

The huntress smiled contently, grabbing his hand. "Yes. I think I am."

Jay nodded, and led her out, making sure to steer clear of the less populated passageways, and to use his magic to conceal Sylvie.

Eventually, the two escaped the manor, and ended up somewhere in the surrounding forest, and soon they came upon a spot that had a wide range of flowers growing. In the center of the flowers was a picnic blanket that had a bottle of wine and a basket of food waiting for the couple. With a tilt of Jay's head, dim light orbs appeared acting as mood lighting. "S-so... what do you think?"

The huntress smiled brightly, sitting down on the blanket. "I love it. When did you set all this up?"

"A couple hours ago. But I didn't know if you wanted to come here or if the town was a better option, so... I guessed which one you would want to go to." Jay answered, sitting down as well. So far so good... I got this. I'll make this date the best date ever!

"You know... You can look anywhere you want right? I don't mind..." Sylvie said with a sultry tone, scooting closer to him.

The Light Elf blushed, but kept his gaze on Sylvie's face. "I, uh... um." Jay failed to say, Sylvie's advances proving effective.

"Look as much as you want..." She grinned slyly, pressing her lips against his for a moment. "You are my boyfriend after all..."

Looking down, Jay did admire Sylvie's curves, before returning his gaze back to her face. I... this has been the most forward she's ever been... I wonder... The Light Elf thought briefly, before he promptly forgot as he returned her kiss with a more passionate one of his own.

"There. Wasn't that nice?" The Huntress asked. "There's no need to be so shy around me you know. Do you expect me to judge you?"

"N-no! Nothing like that. It's just... I'm a little new to relationships. And so... I'm being how I usually am, when no one is around. I-I'm not as h-hardened like I try to make myself look." Jay replied quietly, opening the basket to reveal the food he had cooked prior to arriving. Noting the rustling of the trees, he smiled. Thank you Titania for guarding this area for me until we could arrive.

"Right... You are new..." Sylvie replied. "I guess I don't have much experience either... Tell me honestly, am I being too forward?"

The Light Elf didn't say anything at first, as he considered what he could say. After a moment or two of hesitation, he responded, "M-maybe a little. But that's okay... we'll learn as we go, right?"

She scratched her neck lightly. "Right... It's just... Romance where I come from isn't usually this big thing like it is here... Neither is uh... Seeing someone naked really... The first goal of romance there is for children, love is something that comes later if at all. Men usually go for the women with the best... Body first, then if love comes it comes and if it doesn't it... Doesn't."

The Huntress looked down at Jay's flowers. "That's how it works for everyone mostly... Everyone except me..."

"Well... I do think that most guys here, including me, think that way. And there are some Hunters that will agree with how your village does things. But to me... I believe you deserve way more than a quick fling, as does every woman. And so... I try to show you how much I love you." Jay said quietly, grabbing ahold of Sylvie's hand, before realizing his last words. Too late to take the 'L' word back, but... I don't think I would if I had the chance. Because that's how I feel.

Sylvie looked down at her hands, then back at him. "My father told me that I had to pick someone special to be with... Someone I cared about a great deal..."

"I think that person is you Jay..." The Huntress added, "I... I love you too."

Jay said nothing, instead offering her a gentle kiss coupled with a hug.

After a few moments, Sylvie pulled away from the kiss. "Well... Now what?"

"In truth, I have no idea. But we could still talk about whatever we think of." Jay offered lamely, cursing himself internally.

"I should take you to see my hometown some day..." The Huntress sighed. "But first... Understanding this increase in monster activity. I had thought originally that this was only a problem in Neren'teva, but it seems to be happening everywhere..."

"We'll solve it. Even though things may look more hectic, us two can handle it. After all, I think we're pretty unstoppable after all." Jay replied, yawning slightly as he reached his arm over Sylvie's head so his hand was on her shoulder.

Sylvie leaned into him, relaxing as she took in the scenery around her. "Jay... Thank you for all of this..."

"No problem. You would do the same for me." Jay leaned over and kissed Sylvie's cheek, moving so he could hold her better.

"Oh... I spoke with Erin earlier... I heard you went on a mission?" Sylvie confirmed.

"Yeah. I, uh, got shot. With a crossbow bolt." Jay replied, moving his free hand to the new scar.

Sylvie shot up, her eyes widening as she looked at it. "What!? Are you okay? I didn't hear about this!"

Frostlich1228 (Alt)

Well-Known Member
"Picnic for Lovers" - Part 2

"Yeah, I'm okay! I'm okay. Erin, the lab head and my new boss, was going to get shot by a bandit, so I may have... jumped in front of her and took it instead, so she wouldn't die." Jay explained sheepishly, knowing Sylvie would react poorly to his words.

"That... Was brave of you. Selfless..." Sylvie's face grew a frown. "I... Don't know If I can be upset at you... I may have even done the same thing..."

"If you hadn't done that, Betty might be in my place right now..." The Huntress continued, running a hand of over his scar slowly.

"Betty? Ho- oh... I see. Erin and Betty hooked up? Well, I'm happy they found each other." Jay replied, before he recalled the broken staff he'd hidden nearby. Using his water magic, he conjured two hands to grab the broken pieces and brought them close.

"Although, on a more darker note, If I hadn't acted...Betty wouldn't have been in your shoes. It would have been far worse and I... well, let's not dwell on it. But.. I do have a question for you."

"Your Staff? What happened to it?" She questioned, looking it over.

"It was damaged in the mine, and broke after I went on the caravan mission." Jay answered, looking sadly at it. "However... It was carved from an oak tree, and I was wondering... could it return back to nature?"

"You want me to... Have a tree take it back?" The Huntress asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah, the reason being that it has served me well, but Erin has offered me a new staff, I just need to cleanse it first of it's water corruption." Jay replied, as the water hands disappeared, dropping the staff pieces to the ground.

"This is a good thing Jay." Sylvie stood up, her intricate designs still unsmudged. "I should be able to do it... And I think I know just the Tree..."

"The one you saved me with?" Jay asked, standing as well.

"Yeah..." Sylvie looked around, then pointed at a large tree a few yards away. As it so happened, they weren't far from the place they had found eachother. "That's the one there."

"That seems fitting. Poetic even." Jay agreed.

"Then follow me." The green-haired woman replied, beckoning him over.

Jay did as she requested of him, and began to follow her, but not before grabbing her hand.

As they reached the old tree, Jay could see that the trunk was still grey and slightly withered, however the grass near it had already began to regrow. Sylvie placed the staff fragments in front of the tree before sitting in front of it with Jay. "You can help too actually. Could you try and use your magic to heal the tree while I meld your staff into it?"

"I don't know if it'll work... but I'll give it a shot." Jay replied, as he put his hands on the tree. After a moment, his hands started to glow, showing his magic was working.

Sylvie registered that and gathered the fragments of the staff. She raised them up and placed them against the treetrunk before using her magic. As her hands glowed a bright green, the bark of the tree began to wrap around the pieces of staff, and the wood of the staff began to twist into the tree.

After the fragments of staff had been fully absorbed, the huntress mage followed the melding with healing of her own, this time forgoing the transfer and simply using her mana. After another few moments, the tree had regained much of it's color and the bark seemed to be much less cracked and dry. Sweating a little, Sylvie smiled with a sense of accomplishment as she turned to her lover. "Looks better than ever, doesn't it?"

"Yup, and it's all thanks to you." Jay replied sweetly, a sharp pain in his leg dropping the mage to the ground in a sprawl.

"You did some t- Jay? Jay!? What's wrong?" Quickly looking over him, the forest girl tried to find the source of what happened.

"Just old wounds haunting me, nothing more." The Light Elf waved at her in a grumpy manner, before propping himself up, his skin paler than usual. After a moment, Jay's completion returned to normal. His eyes glanced up at his girlfriend, and he offered a sheepish and apologetic smile. "I have a feeling you're going to want to see my leg regardless of what I say, and you won't take no for an answer. Am I right?"

"Jay. If it's causing you enough pain to collapse like that, then It's serious." Sylvie stated matter-of-factly. "Now let me see your leg."

Sighing Jay rolled up his left pant's leg, revealing a leg that didn't look right. On closer examination, the leg appeared to have been broken in various places, but all had not healed correctly, resulting in the misshapen leg's appearance. "It comes and goes, my pain, at various times." But it seems to be getting worse.

Looking at it with a healer's eye, she picked up on the problem fairly quickly. "Your leg is broken... Maybe even in multiple places. It's healed but the bone is still shattered. It would take me some time to fix this, there is a lot of damage here Jay."

"They're old wounds, and I don't want to tire you out yet, considering this is supposed to be a date..." Jay replied, blushing slightly out of embarrassment.

"Swear to me that you'll go and see the healers about this after we're done here, okay?" The Huntress replied, locking eyes with him again.

"Okay, okay. I promise that I will. Just... don't treat me like a cripple. Everyone who finds out does..." Jay replied, standing up, with a grunt of pain.

"Good. Because if you don't, it'll sure be hard to have some fun later..." Sylvie shrugged, pretending like she didn't care.

"So suggestive today... fine, fine, you win." Jay replied, lightly 'booping' Sylvie's nose with his finger.

"I just want to give you some extra incentive." She grinned before blinking a few times. "Wait... Right... Too forward... uh... Sorry.

"It's alright. Besides, I get to tease you every time you forget." Jay replied teasingly, a twinkle in his eye.

"You're so cruel. You're a bad person." The huntress placed a hand on her chest, pretending to be hurt.

"What? It's not everyday I get to tease a beautiful woman such as yourself." Jay flirted, winking at Sylvie as he turned away.

"Well. I'm glad you know." Sylvie replied sarcastically once more, "C'mon, we still haven't eaten any of the food you made."

"R-right!" Jay stuttered, slightly embarrassed he forgot. He gently took her hand and began walking back to the clearing.

"This was a lovely Festival of Renewal, despite being so far away from home." She sighed contently as she tilted her head and rested it on his shoulder light as they walked, still making sure to support his back with her hand.

Jay smiled, hiding his irritation that she hadn't listened. "I'm glad I could make it good one."

Suddenly noticing her hand placement, she sighed under her breath, going against her instincts to help him by pulling it away. "I really should take you to my home someday... I could show you the library, the gardens... How does that sound?"

"That sounds wonderful, Sylvie... Just, uh, do you think your family will like me?" Jay asked, hiding his feelings with a confident expression

"They're not like other humans, don't worry. And they've seen a few elves before, the rare researcher from the city usually." Sylvie reassured. "As long as you respect the forest, everything should be fine."

"I sure hope so... yeah, I'm sure I can make a good impression on them." Jay replied, more to assure himself than to respond to Sylvie.

"I'm sure you will too..."


Well-Known Member
Dhalexpert & Frostlitch1228

Havenbrook Manor

Mar 16 3349

Charter is reading one of the books Esmerelda gave him, trying to figure out a way he can earn some money. “Ugh Lady Nichola's Day is in two days, I really need to find some money.” Charter signed in frustration, knowing that Es got him something but since he used his money on new weapons and armor. “Damn it this is frustrating, maybe I should go into the city and look for some bounties.”

Suddenly the knight could hear what sounded like tapping coming from behind the book, as he looked up, he saw Betty standing over him, his arms crossed and her foot patting against the floor.

“Um hay can I help you, misss?”

“Betty…” She said, slightly confused. “We’ve met before you know. On a mission?”

“We have i’m sorry then, I just remember people I talk to personally anyway is there something I can help you with?”

“Yeah. Zhere is.” Betty quickly looked around, thankfully the library had been pretty empty today, with Esmerelda nowhere to be seen. The Thrope leaned in closely, before speaking. “I may or may not have heard from someone zhat you went to visit Erin not too long ago? Is zhat true?”

“Yes I visited Erin, I need her to enchant my new armor once I get it we also had a nice talk. Why does that matter?”

“Because!” Betty exclaimed before toning it down in volume. “Because my little girl told me you grabbed her, zhat’s why. You tried to hurt her.”

“Y...your little girl?” Charter thought about Eliza. “You mean the demon child, didn't think that kid had a mother? So what you adopted the child?”

“Didn’t Erin mention zhis? We both took her in after the egg hatched.” Betty answered, still seeming upset. “I admit I was nervous about the egg, but when she hatched she didn’t have anywhere to go and anyone to look after her. So yes, I guess we adopted her.”

“Very dangerous adopting a demon, Erin said she was more of a project see if she can raise her right. Anyway back to what you said, yes I grabbed her not by her throat but as if she was a kid.”

“Yeah. Somehow I doubt zhat…” Betty crossed her arms. “Even if zhat’s right, you still tried to hurt her.

“Yes because she’s not a human elf or Thrope or Netzi, no matter what you think of her she’s a demon a monster something that preys on mortals like you and me. The reason I didn't kill her is because Erin convinced me to give her little project a chance.”

The Fly-Girl dug in her heels. “You know what else isn’t a Human, Elf, Thrope or Netzi? Your dog, does that make him a monster? Besides, you say she preys on mortals, but she was just born, you can’t judge her for something the rest of her kind does and you especially have no right to try and kill her!”

Charter raised his hand. “Ok first my dog is a dire wolf and yes he is a monster I know what he is you're not the first person to bring this tell me this, so unlike you I know what i’m talking about. So if you talked to Erin the reason I didn't kill the kid is because I remember what happened with me and Slone when he was fully grown and people knew what he was, that’s why I don’t bring him into villages or cities I told Erin the same thing no matter what people will see her as a demon my reaction is the normal one people will try and kill her no matter what you say. However i’m now curious to see what you can do with her, and she’s a cute little thing especially with one of Slones pups to keep her company and did not kill her.”

“I don’t know what I’m talking about? Well you don’t know what it’s like to have no idea where your parents are, to have to rely on the kindness of strangers to take you in, feed you and comfort you. I’m just as sure you don’t know what’s it’s like to have people treat you differently because of how you look either.” Betty calmed down slightly but still glared at him. “I can be presumptuous too you know.”

“You're right I don’t know what that’s like, and i’m sorry your early life was difficult. However because of how my doggy was treated and how people tried to kill him i’m giving the kid a chance I hope you two can make her something different than the typical demon , so far she knows right from wrong so it’s a good start hopefully you two can do good with her.”

“I…” Betty stuttered, trying to find something else to yell at him about to vent her anger, but after she realized he understood, she chose to wind herself down, taking a more passive stance. “Zhanks…? I guess? She just… She’s stuck in a world that has it out for her, where she has nowhere to go but into the arms of strangers who aren’t even the same race as her, let alone speak the same language… I suppose in some ways I… relate.”

“That’s sad to hear, makes me happier that I gave her Blisk. If you don’t know Blisk is the dire wolf pup that I chose to let stay with Erin to let the child have one friend atleast.”

“Yeah. I’ve seen him around Erins lab while I was visiting.” She stated, finally losing her angered expression. “He’s a cute little guy. I’m just as glad she has a little puppy to play with.”
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Well-Known Member
Part 2

“Yea i figured I give her a chance to be normal, well as normal as a demon could be and give at least one soled friend in her life someone that will stick by her side and protect her no matter who she is.”

“I’m glad she seems to be warming up to Erin more too… She didn’t really like her zhat much the first few days, but I zhink she’s growing on her.” Betty smiled thinking about it. “To zhink… I came here just looking to build stuff and help people… I didn’t expect to get a girlfriend and a child in only my first few months here…”

“Yea that sound like the gods have truly blessed you with a family of your own since you didn't have one of your own.”

“I don’t know about zhat… I feel like some gods may not have wanted us together.” She scratched her neck, thinking back on Lover’s day.

“Well you're blessed and that counts for something, not sure if I want a family of my own yet never thought of those things but glad to hear your doing well.”

“You know, I’ve heard some rumors around that you and Es…” She trailed off, sitting down next to him.

“There’s always some gods damn rumors going around about me, so what did you hear?”

“Zhey are mostly positive, don’t worry; zhey say that you two found eachother and are quite smitten.” The Fly replied.

“It’s something it feels nice having someone that I care about, it all feels weird.”

“I know what you mean. I’ve felt the same way ever since Erin and I met on Lover’s Day.” Betty explained, a little starry eyed.

“Same, Lover’s day was a very interesting day for me”

“We went to this expensive inn in town and had a lovely dinner, it was wonderful, despite the um… noise.” The Thrope dark cheeks turning a partially red.

“Yea same for us, we also went to this expensive inn once we had dinner we went to the bookstore then one thing led to another and we went back to the inn to celebrate the festival.”

Betty was suddenly reminded of the waiter mentioning something about a man and a light elf, but the Thrope brushed off the connection as mere coincidence. “It seems like everyone found a nice date on Lover’s Day, so much so that I feel like we might have an exciting Mujan’s day as well…”

“Yea, i’m currently working on that but I need money I find some way to get that though. Any way Betty I need to go and pick up my equipment from Ed, you have a good one.”

“You too… And uh… Sorry for, you know, yelling at you…” The Ebony skinned woman stood up.

“Yea, no problem anyway have a good one Betty.”


Well-Known Member
Dhalexpert & Zombiesplitter53 New armor and weapons for a new soldier

Havebrook manner

March 18 3349

10:24 AM

Charter went to forge looking for Ed. "Hay Ed you around here, it's Charter?"

"Ed?" Edminfar lifted a sodering mask. "Not old man today? It seems you are learning some manners."

"Well I know your name now, so there's no reason for me to call you old man anymore right."

"Sure, sure." Ed out his things to the side. "So... let me guess why you're here. Hmm... you found a really pretty young woman for ol' Ed to have some fun with."

"No but I will keep that in mind, i'm hear for my new gear is it ready yet?"

"Oh, yes. Had to pull a couple all nighters for this one. But you paid a pretty copper for it." Ed floated up and motioned for him to follow. "How goes your search for extra funds? Lady Nichola's Day is tomorrow after all."

"There might be a bounty on some bandits that attack a road near buy, so I might go after them. There is also a old hunter I met looking a hunting partner so there's that."

"Just remember not to get yourself hurt." Ed walked over to a table covered in a sheet. "You ready, my good man?"

"Yep lay it on me." Ed retrived Charter new armor the armor was defiantly lighter looked like his old armor only with a few differences to it, the sword was a good mediam between heave and light as well as his shield and cross bow. As for the dagger it was black and had some carvings in it. "What's this carving you wrote in it good man?"

"They're runes, good for warding off evil and such. If nothing else, they'll help with bad luck. Rely on it whenever you're dealing with anything particularly wicked."

"Heh after my night mars, yea this will help me out miraculously I very much appreciate this old man." Charter started to put his new armor over his regular close put his sword and dagger in there new holsters, and his crossbow on his back and his shield in his other arm. "Wow this does feel extravagantly lighter I might like this way more then my old armor, now I just need Erin to enchant this and all would be complete."

Ed nodded. "The armor is lighter alright, and I made certain key points stronger then the overall. But remember you are trading durability for speed. You'll have to rely more on dodging." He laughed. "Not to say my craftsmanship can't take a hit."

"Good to know that, that was the plan after all. While my shield can take the beatings for me I need to work on my dogging and kill quickly."

"The crossbow will help with that." Ed started back for his workstation. "Just make sure you work on it. It works a lot differently then a regular bow and arrow."

"I've used crossbows before Ed, but it's deftly been a while. Now as for me earning money, defiantly need to look for some bounties."

"I'll leave that to you." Ed sat back down and grabbed his equipment. "Just make sure to get Esmeralda something nice."

"Yea i'm thinking about that chocolate you mentioned, that might work for her right? I mean I want to give her more then a book."

Edminfar laughed. "Yeah, but get her that book too. You know her and her books."

"Yea but it feels just so typical, and same old same old." Charter realized what he said and is shocked by it. "Gods what is happening to me?"

"Sounds to me you're actually getting into this whole 'couple' thing," Ed answered. "Good on you."

"Ugh i'm a knight a warden, a soldier this hole love thing is weird and not becoming of me."

Ed laughed. "Keep telling yourself that..."

"Gods this is weird, anyway thanks ED i'm going to go and find some bounties to collect and earn some money.

Ed nodded to him. "Good luck, my boy. And enjoy the new equipment."

"Yea thanks Ed i'm sure I will get some use out of them."

Down in the labs, Erin was out cold from another all nighter. Her head rested against a desk, a few potions and bottles near the edge in unfortunate positions. Eliza took advantage of her caretaker's sleep to explore the many cabinets and shelves she was always told not to touch.

The demons companion howled at her, and started to sniff her leg and jump on her back.

"No, Bli-bli, shush," Eliza said. "Must not wake Erin lady. Gotta find secret candies. I know she has, I know." She pulled out a sparkling bottle. "Is. juice candy?"

A hand came over the bottle and it started to come out of Eliza hand, when she turned around she saw Character. "Kid, when you're in a place for positions and poisons and you don't know what this is it's very dangerous."

Eliza pouted an folded her arms. "Want candy. Candy for Eliza and Bli-Bli. Tall man has the candy?"

"Yep you're definitely a kid, this is called a position it's not candy it's meant for healing wounds and such."

"Oh..." Eliza looked disappointed, and started toward another drawer. "Then I find candy some else place."

"Kid I doubt that you would find candy around here, this is a place of magic kid. There's no candy here."

"But I want the CANDY!" she yelled, a demonic tinge in her voice as she turned back to Charter. "You tell me where the candy is!"

"I don't know but there's none here, look I tell you what once I come back from my job I will give you a giant bag of candy. Until then just calm down and um ah." Character gave Eliza a children's book. Read this alright.

Eliza calmed down and looked at the book, holding it up. "What is read? This is a read? I can eat this?"

No it's a pop up book." When Character opened the book a smallm hose come from out of the book.

"Oh! Is like... little paper real place." Eliza reached up. "Can have the read, please?"

"Yes I got this from the library just for you."
You better like it, because now I Got Es thinking I want kids now since I couldn't mention you.

Eliza snatched it from his hand jumped up onto a counter. After a few moments, she peaked out from behind it and said, "Thank to you."
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Part 2

"Mmm... she means thank you." Eliza lifted her head and yawned. "I've been trying to encourage to be... well, this rude."

"Might want to work on the manners part with her, hay Erin working all night?"

"That I was, but I think it was worth it. At least, you'll think so." Erin rubbed her eyes as she walked over to a counter and retrieved a small bottle holder with six concoctions in it. "Here you go. I enchanted the water within. Very good conduit for magic. Pour them on your items when you want to use them. I also put in a bit of food coloring and labelled them so you can tell them apart. The violet one will enchant your shield with protection from dark magic, which seems to be popular among monsters, and the yellow one is overall magic protection, not as strong as the first but it'll reduce the damage from all elements for a time. These only reduce damage, mind, so don't go running into a vortex of chaos magic thinking your shield will make you invulnerable, dear."

She placed the container on the table in front of him. "The two green bottles are for durability. Use them on bolts or daggers to increase their penetration power, or use it on your sword should you fight someone with a big, heavy weapon that could potentially break yours. Finally, the blue potion with enchant your weapon with water magic, and the white bottle will make it lighter, allowing for more, faster swings."

"Wow you really have been working all night on this, thanks Erin good thing Eliza didn't drink any of this."

"Eliza, none of the stuff in here is good to drink here unless I say!" Erin yelled at the demon girl, but she was too enraptured in her book to listen. Erin huffed. "Anyway, don't open the bottles until you are ready to use them. I've weaved my usual genius and unsurpassed skill on them and cast a rather potent spell of longevity. That spell will end once you open them, however, and the enchantments only last for a few hours. Three to four at the most. So do not open them until you need them, got it?"

"Right got it thanks Erin, I very much appreciate now I just need some money."

"I'm afraid I can't help you there. Most of my funds are tied into the lab, and I already have an assistant. You'll either have to wait for another hunt of your grade, find an odd job in town..." Erin shrugged. "Or ask someone for a loan."

"I'm working on it don't you worry, anyway thanks Erin this could be very useful to me."

"Yeah, no trouble. Just savor them. I did these ones on the cheap because you helped me out with the pup. Next batch I'll have to charge full price." She yawned, and walked to the back, saying, "I'm taking a nap, Eliza. For the love of the gods, do as I ask and don't touch anything."

Eliza looked up and watched her walk back. She had something of a sly smile as she looked back to Charter. "Bye, Mr. Man. Remember candy next time."

"I won't forget kiddo you just keep taking care of Blisk."

Eliza nodded. "Will do."

Insane Darkness

Active Member
Insane Darkness & Black0ut present...
Attempted Reconciliations

The training grounds seemed to have a less cheerful atmosphere, complemented with a gloomy, gray sky. Titania briefly glanced up to take in the sky, but returned her gaze to her rebellious protege, and continued to train her, but with none of the warmth she usually had. Eventually the weapon training ended, and Titania noted her student’s improvement. “Good work, you’ve gotten a bit better. Seeing as how we’re done, I’ll be leaving. Have a good day, Faith.” Titania icily said, walking off towards the manor.

“Titania, wait!” Faith flew above Titania and landed in front of her, arms outstretched to keep Titania from continuing her path to the manor. “I think we need to talk. I can tell you aren’t having any fun training me. Let’s start there. There’s a lot more I want to clear up between you and I…” Faith stared into the eyes of what would be her predator if Faith didn’t know what Titania was truly capable of.

Titania’s face remained neutral as she spoke, her tone devoid of any emotion, “Clear up? I think you already told me exactly how you felt about me. I see no reason I should stand here and talk with you.”

“Listen… I would like you to tell me how you feel about me after I have a real chance to tell you how I truly feel… Okay? It isn’t safe to let your emotions run wild like you are allowing. Let’s be civil. Please?” Faith pleaded.

“Civility. Funny… that’s the exact opposite of how you’ve been treating me. And right now… I’m constraining my emotions, ‘cause I have half a mind to hit you. But I won’t. You see, Faith, I know that whatever hell you escaped wasn’t pleasant and I’ve been trying to make life here a little nicer for you. But that shit you pulled before the Hunt? That was the first, second, and last straw. But… right now, I’m still going to train you and make you better than me as a swordswoman, but beyond that… well, you can leave me the hell alone outside of training.” Titania growled, blurring briefly before disappearing, reappearing at the door to the manor and quickly entering and slamming it shut.

Faith’s muscles all seemed to untense at once, leaving her in a weak-looking and highly-depressed state. “It seems our time together meant nothing to you, ‘mother’” Faith spat spitefully.

“Well, if one of the people I cared deeply about managed to hurt me so bad I cried for a full night, I too would still be cross at you.” A nearby voice said in Elven, as a few water orbs passed over her head, almost like miniature rainclouds.

“Titania? Cry? I doubt it…” Faith slowly collapsed to the ground. She stared at the moving water orbs, wondering if she was losing her mind.

“It’s true. She was restless, and tried to do things that would take her mind off you, but… it didn’t work. And since her close friend isn’t back, she huddled under a blanket and refused to get out of her bed in the morning. I had to call upon Lady Havenbrook to just convince her that she needed to get out of bed. She’s far more fragile than she lets on, you know.” The voice explained, the various water orbs forming a myriad of pictures to go along with the explanation.

“Are you some kind of stalker or something? Because you seem to have quite a lot of background on the situation between her and I.” Faith questioned the floating water orbs, truly thinking she had officially lost it and now accepted it as fact.

“I’m one of her best friends, and I share a room with her. How would I not know what the situation between you was like? She tells me practically everything. But I suppose if you want to call me a stalker, you can. It wouldn’t be the first time someone called me something offensive.” The voice replied, one of the water orbs showing an exasperated face of a Light Elf.

“Apologies, Mister Voice. I meant no offense by my words. Honestly.” Faith held her arms up to fix the water-created Light Elf’s face to smile instead. She then moved on to changing one of the water orbs into a duck Thrope, bowing for forgiveness in the Light Elf’s direction.

“Apology accepted, but uh, what are you doing?” the voice asked, the Light Elf water orb merely raising an eyebrow.

“Me? Just laying here… Titania was rougher on her training today. If you meant changing the looks of the little orbs in the sky, then that’s what I was doing.” Faith said matter-of-factly, dropping her arms lazily back to her side.

“Umm… why were you changing the orbs? Wait… do you think I’m one of the orbs?” The voice asked.

“Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been wrong about someone’s race.” Faith replied bluntly, giving no further context.

“Right… um… well you do know I’ve been behind you this whole time, right? It’d be a bit awkward if you didn’t. Not to say that’s a bad thing! Umm… let me start over. My name’s Jay, and if you’ll look behind you, I’m there.”

“Why would I want to do that? I’m perfectly comfortable where I am now. Why would I go out of my way to talk to someone when I can communicate through water orbs? I don’t see why I should get up to have a normal conversation… I mean, this is so much more fun.” Faith swished around one of the water orbs above her, smiling a little at the resistance it held against her wind magic.

“Well, that’s the thing. I’m not communicating via water orbs, I’m just talking to you verbally, with no magic to modify it. Plus, I kinda want to see what my best friend’s protege looks like. So… um… please?” Jay pleaded, offering a sigh.

“Ah, potato, potahto. Anyways, I guess you’re not giving me much of a choice now, are you? Fine… I suppose I shall have to rise up off of the ground eventually anyways.” Faith pushed herself into a 45 degree half-sitting position before using wind magic to propel herself to 90 degrees. She accidentally slouched down to 135 degrees before catching herself by placing her hands on the ground in front of her, sighing at the relief it brought to be in a reliable position. “This is going to be a little bit harder than I had realized…” she mumbled.

“Do you need some help up?” Jay asked, walking a few steps forward.

“It would be much appreciated, sir.” Faith replied kindly and formally.

Jay reached down and lifted the Duck Thrope up, setting her down on her feet. “Better?”

“Hey, look at that! Jay’s got himself another girlfriend!” A hunter with iron armor called out.

“Wait till Sylvie hears about this. I bet 5 gold that she rips him a new one!” Another called out.

“Don’t mind them. Petty people will be petty. Still, my apologies for their behaviour.” Jay said solemnly, keeping his eyes focused on Faith.

“Ye-yeah… ‘Girlfriend’... That’s a new one…” Faith blushed, looking at the ground to twirl her fingers. She’d never had a significant other to call her own, let alone one that would spend time with her when they had already had a significant other of their own. She almost felt… dirty.

“Look, she’s blushing! Aww, Jay must be romancing the crap outta her!” The Iron Hunter called out once more.

Turning in their direction, Jay glared at the mocking Hunters, as a couple dozen water orbs formed, taking the shapes of arrows and crossbow bolts. “Shut up, Ganz. Pick on me, but leave the newbie out of it. Besides, taunting me just lets me know how inadequate you must be. Surely there’s better ways to prove your manhood, hmm?” Jay mocked in Doloran

“Why you..!” The Iron Hunter, Ganz, growled as he started to move forward only to have a watery arrow strike near his feet.

“Now… please kindly see yourselves to a different area, preferably as far as possible.” Jay replied, watching as the two left grumbling towards the manor. “My apologies. Some people are just like to be dicks. Now, umm… where were we? No, seriously, where were we, I actually forgot.”

“Funny how you expect me to remember. You were the one who walked up to me, not the other way around. Not that I’m not appreciative of you literally and figuratively picking me up off the ground or anything. I really am. Thank you, I guess…” Faith looked into the Light Elf’s eyes for the first time, seeing nothing but the kindness his words and actions have shown her the entire time he’s been near her. She couldn’t help but smile a little at him out of kindness.

“No problem. So, I know this is rather impolite of me to ask, but how do you actually feel about Titania? Do you hate her? Do you like her? And, uh, why?” The Light Elf questioned, dispelling most of his weapon-like orbs, and keeping the ones above Faith.

Faith swished the water orbs around as she talked. “I suppose telling you is better than telling nobody… Alright, I’ll answer your question. She’s… like a second mother. My biological mother is irreplaceable, but Titania’s been here to basically raise me for the remaining two years of childhood I have left. Nobody else has shown the kindness and caring that she has. At least, up until recently, I would’ve said that I still think that she is the same person I remember… Other than that… I’ve noticed that you’ve been really awkward towards me this entire time. Is there any reason behind that? Just curious.”

“I, umm… I’m naturally very shy, and I’m trying to not cover that up anymore, Partially because I want to show Sylvie the real me, and, because I-I’m nervous about what people will say.” The Light Elf answered truthfully.

“O-oh… I see. Forgive me for my rudeness… I didn’t mean to pry. Um…” Faith ran out of things to say, so she resorted to silence instead.

The silence continued for awhile, the two not saying anything to each other and avoiding looking at each other. Finally, the Light Elf cleared his throat, intent on changing the subject. “So, back on task: talking about Titania. She cares deeply for you, and still worries about you. She’s… still hurt about that fight you two had. Speaking of which, can I get your side of that particular story?”

Insane Darkness

Active Member
Attempted Reconciliations cont.

“She had assumed that I had disrespected her and I suppose what I said had hit her harder than I had thought it would have. I don’t know if it’s my fault or not, to be honest…” Faith stared at the ground, twirling her fingers again for the umpteenth time.

“If I may be so bold, I’d say, it’s both your faults. Titania needs to grow a tougher skin and the fact that this little fight with you hurt her so bad, is ridiculous, shameful. Pitiful even. Not much of a warrior if words can take her down.” Jay said looking at the manor with some slight disdain.

“I don’t know… A warrior has to have emotion and weaknesses. I don’t see why you’d feel that way, considering I doubt you’d want one of your closest allies to turn their back on you for no reason. Would you really find yourself feeling strong if a close ally suddenly betrayed you? And if you say that you would be perfectly fine, then what I’m rhetorically asking you is completely pointless.” Faith pointed at Jay’s nose, preparing for him to completely mess with her.

“Well… I have only two close people I trust. One of them could break my heart into a million pieces if she so chose, but she’s too kind to do that. And the other, our shared friend… I’d kill her if she outright betrayed me. After all, giving someone a glimpse of hope and then taking it away would drive anyone mad, mad enough for a myriad of things. So… to answer your question, no, I wouldn’t be fine, but I wouldn’t let it stop me from doing my daily duties with the same energy I put in every day.” Jay replied, his tone serious and far more malevolent than normal. “But… the question is this; if you had to fight Titania, would you kill her or would you hope to the gods that you could find a different path to non-lethally defeat her?”

“Even though she is more or less my second mother, I lose in every possible way. She beats me predator-versus-prey. She beats me in body type and physical strength. She beats me in weapon proficiency and experience, not to mention age. There’s nothing I have on her besides magic that isn’t even lethal. So, I am only given two options, Jay. Those two options are fall by her hand like nature intended it or run away. Those are the only choices I can choose from. So the answer to your question is neither.” Faith’s tone was slightly lower than her usual semi-cheerful voice she’d been using with Jay, indicating that her answer was as serious as she could make it.

“I didn’t ask if you could defeat her, I asked if you would kill her or if you would seek a different option to defeat her.” Jay said, staring down at her with an intense eye.

“There’s no point. Why would I try to kill her? That goes against nature in the first place. If I die, it’s as nature wills it to be. If she dies, then it makes no sense. I would never seek a way to kill her because I do not wish to go against nature, no matter how stupid that may sound.” Faith stared up into Jay’s questioning gaze.

“You’re dodging the question.” Jay noted, raising an eyebrow. “Actually answer the question. Yes or no? Would you kill her or would you search for a different way to take her down?”

Faith sighed. “In a roundabout way of putting it, no. I would not kill her. I would not search for a different way to take her down. I would die to her or I would run away, as I’d previously mentioned. I’m too much of a realist of even attempt either one. Is that the answer you wanted? I honestly don’t know what you want me to say...”

Jay sighed, and proceeded to flop backwards onto the ground. “Nope. But I figure that you’ll keep avoiding the question, so let me ask a different one, and before you respond, think carefully about your answer. Titania’s been gravely wounded with swords, crossbow bolts, and a couple spears. You have nothing besides your weapons and armor. Do you try to protect her despite the risk involved?”

“I… I guess?” Faith cocked her head, unsure if there was a right answer he wanted to hear or something.

“Okay. If that’s what all of a few seconds gets me… okay. You pass kid. Mainly because you’re just as stubborn to argue with as Titania.” Jay grumbled, raising an arm over his eyes.

“Not too sure whether that’s a compliment or not in this context…” Faith grumbled before following him to the ground.

“Take it as you will. Congrats, on passing my not-so-subtle test to see how much animosity you had towards your surrogate mother.” Jay replied lazily, not moving his body from it’s position on the ground.

“Um… thanks?” Faith said, a little confused and awkward with the way he had put it.

“It’s not a compliment. I’m… I was checking the quality of your character; basically I wanted to see what you were like. But I still have one final question...” Jay trailed off, his breathing becoming rhythmic.


“Do you love Titania?”

“L-love? In what sense do you mean?” Faith blushed, before resorting to her finger-twirling again. She glanced at him in random intervals to see his reaction.

“In whatever sense you wish to take it.” Jay replied, no hint of emotion besides the kindness and the slight irritation in his voice.

“Um… Not romantically… but in a family-type way, I suppose…” Faith’s twirling became faster alongside her mental processes.

“That prompts another question, one that is pretty obvious, but I wish to hear your answer regardless. Do you consider Titania to be part of your family?” Jay asked.

“I left my family behind. If anything, Titania is the only tangible form of family left that I could even consider as such. So, in a twisted way of putting it, yes.”

“Then, I have a suggestion. You want to be able to talk to Titania again, without her storming off like she did, right?”

“I do believe that anybody would prefer that someone they loved wouldn’t just walk away from them, yes. Let’s hear what you’ve got.” Faith clasped her hands together to stop herself from twirling her fingers any longer.

“Well, I could try to calm her down on my end, ease her hurt feelings. And I suppose once that’s more or less done, I could lure her to an area where you are and force a talk between you two. Your thoughts?” Jay said, moving his arm away from his face.

“I don’t think that taming a wild beast like Titania by shoving her in a spot where she doesn’t have a choice is the best idea… But… If you think it would work, then I don’t think I can argue. You know her better than I do,” Faith admitted.

“It’ll work. The only problem is that it’ll take some time to manage, so if you get bored, come find me or my girlfriend, Sylvie, if you want somebody to talk to.” Jay offered, sitting up and yawning upon doing so.

“O-okay… If you say so…” Faith sat up slowly with Jay.

“Alright… I guess I got to be going. I work in the lab and Erin expects me to arrive early, so… I must leave you. Have a wonderful day, Faith, and keep practicing your Elvish. You almost sound like a native speaker.” The Light Elf complemented, before standing up and walking towards the manor.

“Well, I learned from actual Elves, so I suppose that’s why. Thank you, Jay. For the compliment and everything else you’ve done for me today. I hope you have a good day as well!” Faith got up and attempted to stand as tall as possible as well as give the biggest smile she could before her legs gave out and her face muscles refused to abide by her will, forcing her back into a sitting position that she felt she might fall asleep in.


Well-Known Member
HavenBrook manner

March 18 3349

12:00 PM

Charter is putting Slone armor on, but while he’s trying to Slone is struggling with him. “Boy come on I know you don’t like this, but it’s for your protection and so I’m not grabbing your fur when I’m on your back. Charter strapped the last belt on Slone and he’s faithful companion, Slone may not have liked it but he was now fully armored. “I know you don’t like it boy but this is for your own protection, this way you can take swords and maces and other weapons and not get hurt.”

Slone growled but let Charter on his back. “Well this saddle is pretty good fits you well boy, right now then let’s head into town and see if we can find some bounties.” Charter and Slone traveled to the town of Serasam were Charter left Slone outside the city as usual and traveled into the city.

Once in the city Charter saw the store Ed was talking about and decided to go inside, once inside he can see a bunch of exotic items. “Hello there do you need help with something?”

“Um I’m not used to this but, I heard that you guys specialize in this handmade mike chocolate?

“Ou yes of course please come with me.” The woman escorted Charter to the front of the store and showed Charter the chocolate. Here it is a large box is three gold pieces.

Charters jawed dropped. “Three gold pieces, that’s a hell of expensive!”

“Yes well this is our own product and the roads are not safe, so because traders are becoming expensive we have to charge more normally this would be one gold piece but we have to charge more.”

“Wait you said the road is not clear, bandits or the local wildlife?”

“Bandits there have taken over the road nearby, they have cut down so many travelers and there forced to charge more to go around.”

“Hum what if I take out those bandits, then what?”

“Then we can lower our prices, not to mention that there is a good bounty on those guys. The price on their leaders head is worth 3 fold pieces and 70 silver pieces and 4 coper pieces

Charter whistled. “That’s a lot of money, tell you what if I go after this bounty and kill their leader will you lower your prices?”

“Yep and I’m sure that the traders will be happy but, your really going to take on this gang by yourself do you have a death wish? I mean there are like fifteen of them?”

“Don’t worry I can handle I will be back soon and I will thanks.” Charter went to the bounty board and saw the bounty the woman was talking about and accepted the bounty. Charter left the city and whistled for Slone. Slone ran to his master’s side. “Right boy well back to what we do best, killing bandits, Come on.”

Charter go on Slones back and they headed south after about two hours, the came across a ruin with some bandits guarding the road. “Alright boy just like old times, but let’s try something different want to sneak and killing the one on the right while I kill the one next to it?”

Slone went into the bushes and made his way to the bandits, Charter pulled out his crossbow and looked at one of the bandit guarding the road. Slone came out of the bushes and bit the bandit’s helmet and bit into it crushing his head, the other bandit looked at Slone. Charter fired his crossbow bolt into the bandit head and reloaded.

“What the hell, hay were under attack!” The bandit on bridge pointed her bow at Slone, Charter fired his crossbow into the chest of the bandit forcing her off the bridge. Once on the ground Slone bit her throat and tore it out. Other bandits came outside and five went after Slone went after Slone. Charter looked at the green bottle that Erin gave him that would enchant his weapon, Charter opened It and poured it over his dagger.

“Were the hell did that dire wolf go? Look stick together and watch your back alright!” The bandits went into the forest sticking together looking for Slone, as they went further into the forest Charter came frome behind one of them and drove his dagger into the bandits head. The bandits turned around and saw Charter.

“What the hell bounty hunter, kill him!” As one of the bandits went after Charter Slone jumped onto the bandit and hit his head. “That wolf is his companion kill them both!” As one of the bandits went after Slone the other went after Charter, Charter fired his cross bow into the bandit hitting his chest. The bandit ignored the pain tried to slash Charter, Charter used his crossbow as a shield blocking the attack he head-butted the bandit and used plunged his dagger into the Bandits lower jaw killing him.

The other bandit went after Slone, as he tried to swing at Slone the dire wolf bit the bandits weapon and took him onto the main road. “And then there was one, I hope you weren’t expecting any mercy scum.” Charter put his dagger away and pulled out his sword.

The bandit charged Charter swinging his sword wildly at charter, Charter blocked the blows and parried the bandit and threw him on the ground. The bandit got back up and Charted pulled out his dagger and stabbed the bandit in the side of his head. “Alright that’s what seven down, eight to go now then come on boy let’s finish our work.”

Charter and Slone entered the ruin once inside the Charter ordered Slown to howl, once Charter howled Charter sat on the floor and waited for the bandits while Slone howled one more time then laid down. After a few minutes Charter and Slone were surrounded by the six remaining bandits as well as this leader.

“Who the hell are you, how did you get in here?”

“Doesn’t matter who I am, now as for your men there dead and the rest don’t have to die I’m here for you and the price on your head.”

The bandits leader started to chuckle as well did the rest of the bandits. “Heh alright it’s been awhile since I have a real challenge.” The bandit leader took out his Warhammer and readied for battle. Carter stood up and replaced his crossbow and grabbed his shield off of Slone and prepared for his fight with the bandit leader.

When charter had his back turned on of the bandit’s tried to stab him in the back, Slone then bit the bandit’s weapon arm and dragged him to the ground as Charter pierced his heart with his sword he then used one of his throwing knives and threw it at another bandit eye blinding in his eye. As the bandit yelled Slone pounced on him and bit on his head, while he was chewing on the bandit one of them charged Slone and tried attack him, but slone’s armor protected him for being gutted Charter then used his dagger stabbing though the back of his neck. “Enough!” Charter shouted pointing his sword at the bandit leader. “Are you going to continue being a coward or will you finally fight me!?”

The bandit leader Swung his Warhammer and charter hitting his shield, although Charter blocked the attack he was pushed a few inches. Charter then used his sword to try and hit his shoulder but the bandit chief backed off Charter, and started to swing his Warhammer again moving much faster than the last time. Charter hid behind his shield waiting for an opening, when he saw one he used his shield to hit him a crossed the jaw and switched to his dagger and thirsted it into his side and thanks to the enchantment it went through his armor Charter then dragged the dagger a crossed his stomach bringing him to a knee Charter then used his sword and thrusted it into his throat and cut his head off.

Charter then looked at the rest of the bandits as then ran out of the ruins terrified, Charter then flopped to the ground exhausted. Slone then came to his side and licked him. “Yep need to work on the dogging more but at least the enchantments work as well as the throwing knife, I really need to give props to the old man once I get back any way.” Carter then grabbed the bandits head and wrapped it up. “Alright let’s go back.” Charter got on Slone and rode back to town to collect his bounty, once he collected his bounty her went back to Elluviana import. “I will take a medume box of your hand made chocolate.”

The woman looked at Charter in shocked. “You.. you killed all of those bandits?”

“Yep, now then I believe I’m oued my chocolate.”

“Right I will be right back.” The store Clarke went to the back and returned with the box of chocolates.” Here you go, that would be one gold piece as a thank you for clearing those bandits.”

Charter payed the woman and left the store, he then remembered what he told Eliza and went to the candy store and bought a medium sized bag of candy. “Right then time to head home buddy, we deserve a break. Charter got on Slone and left for the manner.


Well-Known Member
Dhalexpert & Zombiesplitter53 Happy lady Nicholas day

Havebrook manner
Mar 19 3349

Character got out of bed and put on some normal clothes, and looked at his new armor and weapons. He then looked at the box of chocolates he bought yesterday." Ugh a lot of work went into buying these, was a great way to try my new gear." Character then thought about what Ed said to him a few days ago.

Character sighed." Yea maybe I should be open to her, after all I'm going to be with her all day so might as well be open with her for once."

A knock came from the door, a light one with a musical rhythm to it. "Charter? Are you awake yet?"

Charter put the chocolates in his dresser and opened the door. "Hello Es Happy lady Nichola's Day." Charter said smiling at Es.

Esmeralda was dressed in a festive yellow sweater and smooth black slacks. "Happy Nichola's Day!" She jumped forward, wrapping her arms around him, or at least as much as she could.

Charter hugged Es and kissed her forehead. "IT's good to see you your goanna love the gift I gave you, I cleared out a hole bandit camp to get the money for it."

That made Esmeralda gave him a sad look. "Charter, you... y-you put yourself in danger just to get me a gift. You didn't... you shouldn't have done that."

"Well I needed the money, I used my other funds on some new weapons and armor as well as some enchantments. Besides those bandits were killing a bunch of merchants and travelers, so it was a good thing besides I did get you something special."

Esmeralda nodded. "At least tell me you didn't get hurt."

Charter spine around to show he's fine. "Do you see any injury on me, or see me limping?"

"I guess not." Es nodded in satisfaction. "Okay. Just remember, your health and safety is the greatest gift I can hope for."

"You are to kind you know that, your generosity is to much."

"So..." Esmeralda scratched her cheek. "Wanna... exchange gifts now?"

"Yea why don't you go first."

Esmeralda nodded, and pulled out a small gift from her pocket. "First, I got you one of those, um... sharpening stone things. I asked the guy at the weapon store in town, and he said this was the best one."

Charter smiled at the stone. "Heh yep I think I know what i'm gonna do with some of my spare time, now as for what I got for you." Charter showed her a box of chocolate. "I heard for Ed that you liked these."

"Oh..." Esmeralda opened the box and looked at the chocolates. Her eyes widened in shock. "Are... are these Elluviana... i-imported...?"

"Yes they are hence the bandit killing, once I did that I got a discount. So do you like them?"

"I love them! Thank you so much!" Es frowned a bit. "I knew I should have bought you that knife holder thing too. My gift is so lame..."

"Es I do like this, thank you there is one more thing I got for you." Character went under his pillow and pulled out a book. "Here the tail of two dragons just for you."

"Oh... I remember this from when I was a teenager. I haven't read it in so long..." Esmeralda gave him the sweetest of smiles. "Thank you, Charter. I love these so much."

"No problem besides there's something I need to talk to you about."

"Oh?" Esmeralda closed the door for the sake of privacy. "What is it?"

"It's something very important, and I want to see how you handle it."

Looking a bit worried, Esmeralda asked, "Are.... you breaking up with me?"

" it's something else, i need some help." Charter escorted Esmerelda to the bed and sighed. "Look when I went home to my family I told you that I was kicked from my family military, and to tell you the truth is kinda killed me. I mean I spent my hole life being this one thing being with my family army, and to have that taken from me it left me thinking about a lot of things."

"Oh, I understand that." Es cupped his hands and held them tightly. "But you didn't act like that. Why didn't you say anything earlier if it was eating away at you so much?"

"Do I look like a guy that knows how to deal with emotions, that's one of the things I got rid of growing up. Emotions get in the way you should not pity the enemy, you don't hesitate retreat or show a moment of weakness. I was taught to be a weapon nothing more or anything else."

Charter rubbed his head. "I have lead soldiers to battle, taught by the best mentors and by my teachers they said that I was going to be one of the best generals to lead my family army that it's my birth right. And in a few words by my father it was all taken from me."

Esmeralda nodded. "I'm so sorry. I wish I had known you were in such pain. Is there... no way they can take you back?"

"No no there isn't, which is both a good and a bad thing. See my father allowed me to become a mercenary in the first place was to see if I cam make it on my own, fight the beast and whatever else plagues the land. For the nine years I was gone he probable thought I died and had a lot to think about, hence why he kicked me out he thinks that I don't need the legion.

Charter patted Es head. "And he's right, when I returned home and spoke about you he saw that I found something of my own to protect and care for and perhaps someone to help me find my emotions again."

Esmeralda smiled. "I didn't realize I was helping you so much. All this time, I just figured I lucked out with you."

"Well we both lucked out truth be told, I still don't know what to say to describe how I feel about you. Love is a very important word to and something I don't know the meaning of outside of family but I do care about you, the nightmare I had showed me that."

"Nightmare?" Es squeezed his hand a little tighter. "Tell me about it."

"A few nights ago I was dreaming I was surrounded by undead and to my surprise you came and actually helped me, then you were falling from the sky and I saved you. Then the woman I killed and fed to my wolves on my first mission appeared, and killed you then a woman I never seen before raised you from the dead and took you from me."

"Oh, th-that's... awful." Esmeralda shook her head. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I know being emotional isn't your thing, but... such a burden."


Well-Known Member
Part 2

"Yes because I want to mention to you that I say you die and brought back from the dead. How do you mention that to someone you care about, that's not even the worst part. When I woke up I awoke to a Night-gaunt in my room!"

"What! A... a-a real one? Did you tell anyone?"

"Some yes but not lady Havebrook, besides fucker ran away in a portal."

Esmeralda looked down sadly. "You... y-you have kept so much from me. Could it be your simply... do not trust me?"

"No that's not it I do trust you, it's just well I think you would worry to much over me and maybe that's a good thing."

"It isa good thing." Esmeralda cupped Charter's cheeks gently. "Tell me... if you learned I was in danger, or I did something dangerous, would you worry about me?"

"What kinda question is that, of course I would worry about you. I may not find the words to describe how I feel for you, but of course I would worry."

"Well, there you go." Esmeralda gave him a small smile. "You would worry about me. I worry about you. It is a natural part of a relationship. It shows that we care for one another. It shows that we want each other to be safe and secure. It is a good thing in its own special way."

"Hum and here I thought it was my oath making me do this, but it's nice to hear this is me carrying for you thanks Es."

"Of course. Any time." Esmeralda leaned against him, closing her eyes. "You're special to me, Sir Knight. And you'll always be my knight, no matter what. I known it must be hard, but you don't need the legion to define you. You are your own wonderful, kind hearted, courageous man, and you should try and remember that. I do."

"Yeah, I should remember something so simple. I guess I am changing in my own way, thanks Es it feels nice having someone outside of family care about you." Character wrapped his arms around Es, for once letting his guard down.

She simply stayed in his grasp for awhile, feeling safe and content in his arms. Finally, after a few minutes of silence, she said, "Come on. Lady Havenbrook might not be the biggest when it comes to holiday spirit, but she always has a huge breakfast feast on Lady Nichola's Day in the mess hall down stairs."

"Well that sound pretty good, haven't had breakfast in a while. I will go get slone i'm sure he would like some breakfast." As Charter let go of Es he also garbed a big bag of candy.

Esmeralda chuckled. "Wrong holiday. What's the candy for?"

"There for Erin to give to someone, speaking of gifts. Did you get Slone something? I know he's a dire wolf and all, but he would appreciate it."

"Oh, yes! I almost forgot. I did get the big pooch something I'm sure he'll appreciate. I should give it to him before we go eat."

"Well he's in his den, this is we're I tell you to stay close because you haven't met the other wolves except one. Or his mate who's pregnant right now, so yea stay close to me."

Esmeralda stepped to his side. "I'd want to stay close to you either way, sweetie."

"Sweetie? Well it's you so I shouldn't be surprised, thanks a lot." Charter looked at the ceiling. "Sweetness."

Esmeralda giggled, and walked out with Charter by her side, heading for the exit and the dire wolf den.

In the den One of the wolves was fighting with Slone, Slone bit the wolves neck and dragged him to the ground, once it whimpered Slone let go and started to howl at the other wolves. "Ugh damn up start, now I have to heal him, right so um welcome to the den." Es saw bones littering the ground as well as pups walking around freely, another white dire wolf came out and she rubbed her head ageist Slone.

"Who's that other one?" Esmeralda asked. "Is he, like, a rival trying to take over by beating Slone or something?"

"You could say that, as you can guess most think Slone is weak for being with a human. And Slone has no problem showing them that he's not weak, now the other white wolf if it wasn't obvious is Slone mate."

Esmeralda nodded. "She's quite lovely." She pulled out a large pouch from her side bag. "My gift is something she can share, along with the pups."

Slone saw his master and went to him, his mate also went to him smelling the woman. "So what exactly did you get for them?"

Esmeralda giggled as the wolf's whiskers tickled her. "Well, you know about cats and catnip, right?" She opened the pouch ever so slightly so Charter could gaze within. "This is anise. I have been cultivating it for a while. I've got enough to last a while." She put the pouch back in her bag and pulled out a vial, handing it to Charter. "And this is anise seed extract. You coat a little of this onto a toy or a stick or some food, and doggies go crazy! They absolutely love it. You know the little stuffed rabbits dogs chase in dog races? They cover the rabbits in this. Regular extract isn't all that strong for dire wolves, but I mixed in a little wolfsbane and already tested it on the pup you gave to Erin. Remember that day you went down there and her was super hyper? This is why."

"Well that explains why he went nuts, this should prove to be very useful to the pups I'm gonna have to try this later. As whelk as buy a few toys for the pups to chew on instead of each other, the can hunt down something useful." Character kissed Esmeralda cheek. "Thank you Es I love this."

Es chuckled. "I just hope they love it. I've never had to buy a present for something like a dire wolf before."

"I will test is put later, if this is a potant as you say it is no need to try this in the middle of the den. Once again hun thanks you for this."

"No trouble." Esmeralda took his hand. "So, breakfast?"

"Yea breakfast should work, and probable after that I could mention the night gaunt to lady havebrook."

Esmeralda patted him on the chest. "I say leave that for now. Today is about family. About community. About giving. Not a good time to talk about monsters. Today is about you and me, okay?

Charter lifted Esmeralda from her legs so she was closer to his face. "Well if today is about us, we can't take just a few minutes for ourselves?"

"Oh, trust me, I haven't forgotten about alone time." Esmeralda brought her nose close to his. "My second gift is for later. I told my sister about you, and she told me about this thing I can do with my mouth that guys really love, and I want to try it out."

"And I can't wait to receive this gift, but for now we breakfest to eat." Charter quickly kissed Esmeralda and gently put her down.

Frostlich1228 (Alt)

Well-Known Member
Frostlich1228 & Exogrim: "Counting Sheep"

Havenbrook Manor
Mar 18 3349
6:20 Pm

The sheep girl nervously stood outside the door of the corrupted elf with her hands placed behind her back. She was wearing a simple blue dress, an hand-me-down from her life on a farm. After a few moments, Betty stepped up behind her and placed on her shoulder. "It's okay... Knock. He doesn't bite."

Taking a deep breath, Magdalene brought her arm out, delicately knocking on the wood almost as if it was a prized heirloom.

Zulik yawned as he approached the door. He hadn't slept well the night before, as his corrupted state made his dreams unpleasant. He opened the door, taking note of the people in front of him. "How may I help you?"

"Hey Zulik." Betty smiled, looking over at Mags. "She said she wants to help you."

"Uhm... Yes. I've heard that you've been having some uh... Bad Dreams, correct?" The Sheep-Girl asked a little more bravely.

"Yes, I have..." Zulik responded, tilting his head. "Do you believe you can help?"

"I know a little when it comes to dreams..." The Sheep smiled.

"Well then." Zulik paused for a moment. "How exactly do you intend to help?"

"Well... I... This may sound a little strange to you... But I want to see if I can... Share a dream with you." Mags explained.

"Strange?" The priest chuckled. "Considering what magic is capable of, I'm not surprised that dream sharing is possible."

"The thing is I'm uh... Not entirely sure how it works... It just kind of does?" Mags scratched her neck awkwardly.

"Then how do we go about dream sharing?" Zulik inquired.

"Well, I use my harp to put you to sleep, then I lie next to you and go to sleep myself." The Sheep explained. "I should be able to find your dream from mine, with a few directions..."

"All right then, when do we start?" A grin touched the elf's face. "It'll be nice to get rid of these troublesome nightmares."

"Oh whenever! Are you uh... Feeling tired?" She asked before Betty chimed in.

"You said you needed me Mags... What for, exactly?" The Ebony skinned Thrope asked.

"Oh right! Uhm, Betty, you are here to watch us and wake us up if you think something is wrong. If not, you'll be waking us both up after about... Thirty minutes? That seems good." The sheep sat down on the bed.

"Seem fair..." Zulik noted. "If anything goes wrong, we would need someone to wake us up so that we are not trapped in the dream realm for too long."

Magdalene took a deep breath as she pulled her harp out of a bag she placed just inside the door. "Okay! Are you ready? Just get comfortable."

Zulik positioned himself on his bed in the most comfortable was possible. "Ready when you are."

Mags took a breath, plucking a few strings on her harp before performing the real song. Her hand danced across the instrument, soft music filling the air and making Zulik's eyelids heavy. Shortly after, Magdalene's hands began to glow a slight green, indicating the use of her magic. Almost immediately the air in the room felt hot and comfortable, as if he was covered in a warm syrup. His breaths became shorted, almost like he was on the receiving end of a loving but firm hug. His arms grew tingly and heavy, feeling as though center-blocks had been tied to them. Surely enough, Zulik was sound asleep after only a few minutes.

Mags smiled nervously at Betty before laying in bed.

The Fly-Thrope gave a reassuring smile of her own. "I'll take you out if anyzhing happens."

"Right... I know..." The Sheep-girl replied, taking a breath and closing her eyes, only taking a few moments to fall asleep.

Magdalene found herself in a dark room. There looked to be no walls, not doors, and no light except for a small lantern in the distance. Zulik was nowhere in sight and a low growl could be hear in the void... echoing every five seconds. An ominous feeling crept up the Sheep Thrope's spine, leaving a feeling that she was being watched.

"Hello? Who's there?" The Thrope asked, trying to look through the Darkness.

The growling continued, and a voice shouted. "Help! Someone please, help!"

Her ears perked up and she took off towards the sound of the voice. Where is he? He should be here...

After what seemed like an hour of nothing but running, she came across what looked to be Zulik in the distance. He was crouched over a over an old man, bleeding out on the floor. Unlike the Zulik the Mag knew, his young elf had brown hair and lively looking skin. When the elf turned to Magdalene, his eyes were normal. "Please, it's my master, he's dying... we need to get him to a healer!"

"Zulik! Calm down... Tell me what happened?" The Sheep girl crouched.

"This demon, it attacked us!" The normal Zulik exclaimed, starting to hyperventilate. "He came out of nowhere... there was nothing we could do about it."

"Demon? Did you see where it went?" Mags asked, looking around.

"I don't know..." Zulik replied. "He seemed to vanish after he attacked."

Mags grabbed Zulik's hand gently but urgently. "We need to go."

The growling got louder and louder. A dog emerged from the shadows, two red beating eyes starting down the Sheep. The dog's teeth were covered in fresh blood. The beast's gazed shifted between the Elf and the Thrope, hunger evident in it's eyes.

"Zulik! Listen to me. You are dreaming right now. You are in control of this. Your will is tangible here." The Sheep spoke, turning her head halfway towards him.

The beast's jaws began to open wide. Before it could charge, however, a chain of dark energy attached to the creature's collar. In the distance, another Zulik, the Zulik that Mags was familiar with, was attempting to hole the dog down. "Get him out of here!" The other Zulik exclaimed. "There's no telling what will happen to me if he dies!"

Mags nodded, taking the hand of the uncorrupted Zulik and leading him away as his counterpart fought.

Zulik attached the void chain to the ground and followed the two off into the distance. After a few minutes of running, the angry roars reverted back to low, echoing growls. The normal Zulik seemed to shake nervously as his corrupted counterpart walked up to him. Zulik waved his hand and a the Elf fell unconscious. The corrupted elf looked at the floor, using his mind to summon wood into his dreamrealm. He blasted the wood with fire to ignite it and sat on the empty floor. "I bet you're wondering what is going on right now, aren't you."

"Are these dreams... Normal for you?" Magdalene asked, looking behind her nervously.

"Yes." Zulik answered, looking down at the normal copy of himself. "But, I learned quickly that this is more than just a dream... it's a conflict."

"Conflict? W-What are you fighting?" The sheep asked, leaning in

Zulik sighed. "That beast back there... that's my corruption. It's been there since the day I became like this. The beast has been trying to kill him," The corrupted Elf explained, pointing at the other Zulik. "In order to further implement it's control over my body. As for him, he's what's left of my old form... the only thing keeping the corruption from setting it's roots into my mind."

"Oh... Well you are in control here, perhaps you should just confront it. Confronting your demons may be what you need." The Sheep stated.

"It's a bit more complicated than that..." Zulik explained. "The corruption is a separate entity... so I have no control over it's power."

"This is your mind though. You have more control here than anywhere. There must be... Some way to... Make it docile or seal it away." The Thrope continued, looking into the fire.

"There are some things that are even out of my hands." The priest stated, looking at the fire as well. "I can keep it at bay, but I can't trap it or remove it permanently... my corruption is too great for that to work."

"Then maybe you need something more powerful..." She suggested. "I might have an idea. If uhm... Temporary."

Frostlich1228 (Alt)

Well-Known Member
"Counting Sheep" - Part 2

"I'm listening..."

"I have a uh... Friend. Who I think could help you. He should be in here somewhere..." The Thrope said, standing up and looking around.

"And who is this friend exactly?" the corrupted Elf asked, confused on what she was talking about.

"He's my dream friend, I've known him since I was little." She explained. Suddenly, Zulik felt some nudge him in the back, when the corrupted elf turned to look at it he saw only a small lamb looking up at him.

Mags smiled widely. "There you are! I was almost getting worried."

"And how is this lamb going to help?" Zulik tilted his head in confusion as he spoke.

The lamb looked up at Zulik, it's mouth opening as it began to speak in a deep, demonic voice. "I don't know why, but he has power over the dream realm. He can close things, open them up, and fix them as well.

Magdalene looked at Zulik and spoke. "I don't know why, but he has power over the dream realm. He can close things, open them up, and fix them as well."

Zulik chuckled. "What a peculiar creature you are... May I ask how you did that?"

"I have complete control over this plane. I have also inhabited her mind for many, many years, studying her, her words are not so hard to predict." The goat spoke in it's low, sinister tone.

Magdalene meanwhile tilted her head at the two, chuckling a little. "Are you talking to him? I'm afraid you'll have a little trouble getting him to reply."

The priest looked up at Mags, then back down at the Sheep. "Is there a specific reason why she can not hear you?"

"Because I willed it so." The animal answered simply as Mags looked on in confusion.

"Fair enough." Zulik replied. "So... what exactly do you plan to do to help deal with the beast that embodies my corruption."

"Simple. Trapping it within the confluences of your mind temporarily is a paltry task. The more apt question is, what will you do to repay my favor?" It asked ominously, looking directly into Zulik's eyes. "I merely ask that you use your numerous resources to find something. A spell or pact that would allow me a foothold into the world of the tangible."

"And how can I be certain that you will not try to kill me or other people when I do so?" Zulik inquired. "For all I know, you could be a Demon or a Night-gaunt."

"You can't be. However, merely take a look at the girl. I have not damaged her or caused her strife. In fact... I much enjoy her presense..." The sheep suddenly vanished before both of their eyes, only when Zulik turned did see where it went. Hovering over Magdalene was the form of a alien-like, winged creature, with skin as black as pitch. It had the wool of a sheep obscuring it's two large horns, and poking out of the front was a goat like head with no face to speak of.

Mags stepped forward a few steps, looking all around. "Uh... Lamby? Where did you go?"

The creature knelt down, poking it's head over her shoulder and caressing her chin with a single long, twisted finger. "She is very special to me... Choose to be oblivious to it or don't, but there are dark things coming... You can feel them can't you? If she perishes, so do I, we are linked... As always, it is a simple deal... I aid you with your corruption, perhaps I could even fix your dreams permanently. In exchange, you look for ways that I can step foot outside and defend your guild and my precious girl more... Personally."

Zulik though for a moment. "Alright then... I'll see if I can do to make you physical."

Despite the creature's lack of a face, he could 'feel' it smiling. "Very good. A deal has been struck. I will uphold my end of the bargain and lock away the troublesome entity. However, I will not deal with it permanently until you find the information I need."

At that moment, the beast had found them, snarling as it stared down the corrupted elf. Both Mags and her demonic-looking friend both turned to face the creature at the same time. The large, shadowy black lamb let out what sounded like a yawn as the Thrope faced the creature. "I-I... I won't let you torment Zulik anymore! Come and... Get me!"

The Nightgaunt stretched it's gnarled hand out, reaching it through the ground and causing it to appear under the Beast. The twisted hand then shot up and grabbed it by it's body, lifting it up off the ground as more than two dozen smaller hands emerged around it, reaching up and touching each other to form an oily black cage.

"That's... one way of doing it..." The corrupted elf remarked, turning back to the demon. "Who long is that going to hold?"

"That's determined by the creature's will. Which in this case is the strength of your corruption." It spoke as the case shrunk around thr creature. "I would say around a week or two. Give or take. Should be more than enough time."

Zulik sighed. "Guess we just wait for Betty to wake us up then..."

Suddenly, a disembodied voice shook the dreamscape. "Okay! It's time to wake up!"

As she said that, the shadowy walls of the dream began to collapse as the goat reappeared, looking up at Mags. "Thanks Mr. Goat! You're the best!"

As Magdalene hugged the animal, it looked over her shoulder and locked eyes with Zulik. "The deal is struck. I shall eagerly await your return... Until then... Sweet dreams..

Zulik slowly arose from his slumber, noticing Betty voice. "How long were we out?"

"Around zhirty minutes, you were shaking for a moment there, so I felt like I needed to." The Fly-Girl replied. "What happened? Did it work?"

Mags sat up, looking around for a moment before saying. "Yeah... I think it did..."

"Yes, it worked..." Zulik assured them. "We can be sure that my dreams will not trouble me for now."

"Zhat's great news." Betty replied with a soft smile as Mags sat up.

The Bard looked over at Zulik, her fluff slightly frazzled. "I told you, Mr. Goat helped you, didn't he?"

"Yes he did..." Zulik confirmed. At a bit of a price, unfortunately.

"Then how about we all go celebrate with some lunch?" Mags sat up, offering her Elven friend a hand.

"No, that won't be necessary." Zulik said. "I have other matters to attend to... though I must thank you for you're help. Perhaps I could find a way to repay you in the future."

"No need." The sheep replied, "Just pass it forward. Although... An elf named Jay was the one who asked me to look out for you. He seems like he genuinely cares. It's not really... My place to butt into your private affairs, but maybe you should thank him too."

"Did he now..." The Elf chuckled. "I might have to do that..."

"Now zhat zhat is done with, are you sure you're not interested in food?" The fly asked, noting a rumble in her stomach.

She nodded, looking between them. "Zulik? Wont' you reconsider?"

Zulik thought for a moment. "Now that I think about it, some food would be nice."

"Then let's head to the kitchen, I think it would be nice to eat with friends for a change." Magdalene packed up her harp, carrying the bag carefully with both hands.

"You don't normally?" Asked Betty. "Well, you're always welcome to eat with me."

The Sheep blushed very slightly. "Heh... Uh, thanks..."

"A meal with friends is always a good one." Zulik mentioned. "It makes it a time to rejoice and talk about ones life or accomplishes."

"Then let's go." Mags nodded in confirmation, leading them out the door.

Frostlich1228 (Alt)

Well-Known Member
Frostlich1228 & Zombiesplitter53: "An Unusual Family"

Betty smiled as Veeti floated alongside her, the Thrope carrying a few wrapped boxes in her arms. The Netzi grinned as well, "Finally get to see storied 'little girl'?"

"Yeah. I figured it was about time I introduced you two." Betty walked, careful not to lose her boxes.

"Had suspicions... You been going down lot this week. Could not only been to see your Bunny" Veeti smirked, nudging her with her elbow.

"Zhat's not enough evidence, maybe I was just... Helping her... With... Stuff..."

"Helping with 'stuff'. Think I know kind of 'stuff'" The young Netzi engineer teased.

"Oh hush you..." The Thrope stuck out her tongue in defiance as they reached the lab, finding the door open. Betty peeked in, looking around for her love. "Erin? Are you in zhere?"

"Is that you, Betty?" Erin quickly walked from a table, quickly taking off a pair of gloves and dropping them into a bowl of water. Said gloves immediately burst into flames and evaporated in a matter of seconds like they were never there at all. "And your Netzi companion. Long time, no see, my dear."

"If it isn't little Bunny. Betty can't stop talking." Veeti replied sassily, her antennae twitching.

"I don't talk about her that much." Betty defended.

"Mile long stares when see her do all talking needed." The Netzi added.

"Oh, is that so?" Erin smiled sweetly at Betty. "It... it feels good to be appreciated. I only hope I can return the affection in turn."

"Don't worry so much. I know you're busy." The Ebony skinned woman responded reassuringly.

Erin tilted her head a bit. "What's... with all the boxes?"

"Uh... It's Lady Nicola's day?" Betty added, setting the carefully wrapped gifts down. "I was hoping to spend it with you, Eliza, and my big sister."

"Oh!" Erin placed her hands over her mouth. "I forgot! I mean... I-I am prepared, I promise. I prepared ahead of time, I just forgot it was today, I... I-I have gifts too, um... uh..."

Betty shook her hands, "Zhat's okay, you don't have to get me anyzhing. You bought me zhat dress on Lover's Day, remember?"

"Oh, nonsense, dear. Just because I did not have much growing up doesn't mean the joy of giving is lost on me." Erin smiled. "What kind of decent, upstanding, and very desirable woman would I be if I failed to get a gift for my beloved? And her sister, of course."

Veeti chuckled lightly. "Good."

Betty giggled after her. "Well, you're already very desirable, but I see your point."

Erin looked at Veeti. "Oh, you haven't had a chance to meet Eliza yet, have you? I'm sure Betty told you all about her, though. Would you like to see her now?"

"Was told she adopted. Was also told would be surprised..." The Netzi remarked.

Erin raised an eyebrow at Betty. "Surprised. Yes. Hold on, I'll go get her."

Erin walked to the back. As she was looking, Eliza slowly crept along one of the high shelves, closely eyeing Veeti. She took several seconds to line up her shot, then pounced for the Netzi.

Veeti jumped, floating higher away from the demon. "Wha- What that!"

"Zhat's Eliza..." Betty scratched her neck.

"I- what? She has horns!" The Netzi replied.

"Want the chicken." Eliza readied herself again and jumped for Veeti. "Chicken!"

"I-I'm no chicken!" She yelled floating up farther.

Betty knelt down, grabbing Eliza by the shoulder with a firm but gentle grasp. "She is Amam's friend. Sister. Not chicken, not food."

"Oh..." Eliza studied Veeti and pointed at her. "Not food. A sister. What is sister, Amam?"

"Sister is... My Amam is her Amam." Betty explained, despite knowing that wasn't actually true for the two of them. "No food."

"Yes uh... No food, listen to uh... Amam?" Veeti nodded quickly.

"Best we can tell, it simply means mom or mama," Erin explained, walking over. "Eliza hatched from an egg we were asked to care for. Either Betty was the first one she saw or the first one she connected to because she imprinted on Betty, so to speak."

Eliza continued to examine Veeti, looking a bit confused. "Sister is... demon? Strange demon... furry demon."

"Not Demon. Netzi. Amam and Erin Thrope. You... You Demon." Betty hesitated to say. "We are all different, but family. Together."

"I... Amam... not demon?" Eliza gave her an almost worried look. "But... Eliza is demon. Amam... is Amam... so also demon, yes?" She looked at the others in confusion, seaking clearification.

Betty began to sweat a little, looking up at Erin, her eyes silently pleading for help.

Erin leaned down next to the demon girl. "Amam doesn't have to be the same as you to be your mother, little one. The only thing that is needed is for you to love her, and for her to love you, and then she can be Amam. Now, do you love her?"

"Love... warm feeling, right?" Eliza asked, placing a hand on her chest. Erin nodded, and Eliza looked back at Betty. "I love Amam."

Betty sighed deeply, her brief panic subsiding. "Yes. Amam love Eliza. Eliza family. Amam love family."

Veeti was silent, her arns hanging low as she looked at the two. What seemed to be a sad, tired frown grew on her face as she watched. However as Betty turned her head back to her sister, the expression was quickly shaken off. "You can come down Veeti, I don't think she'll try to hurt you anymore."

"Uh... Right, yes." The Netzi complied.

"Veeti." Eliza giggled. "Is funny name. I like, I like." She held out her hand. "Erin says to shake had for hellos."

Veeti smiled pleasantly, holding out her hand for the girl, if cautiously. "Is... Good to meet."

Erin clapped her hands together. "Great! Now that we are all introduced, shall we eat first, or exchange gifts?"

"Gifts first!" Betty clasped her hands together, picking a small rectangular gift off the table, wrapped in red paper. "Eliza, zhis is for you."

"What this?" Eliza asked, turning it up and down.

"It is called a present, dear," Erin answered. "We give them to people we like. You take off the paper and see what is inside."

Eliza examined it for a bit longer, intrigued by the concept of giving a box to someone because you like them. She finally tore the paper away, and opened to box to find chocolates. "Candy!" she cried out, and sniffed them. "And... Eliza smells blood. Blood candy?"

"Yes, it's specially made. You should've seen the look on the chocolateer's face when I asked for zhis." Betty giggled lightly thinking about it.

Eliza giggled with her, and started to pick one up. "Ah, ah, ah!" Erin waved a finger. "Dinner first, then you can have some of your candy."

Eliza let out a groan, and pouted to Betty.

"She can have a little, can't she?" Betty asked, looking up at Erin.

Erin sighed and rolled her eyes. "So soft." She held up one finger to Eliza, and the demon girl bounced a little, popping a piece in her mouth and squealing in delight. She held out the box to her furry 'aunt'. "Sister Veeti like candy! Is rrrrrealy good."

She put her hands out. "No no. Your present. All yours."

Eliza nodded, placing it to the side before not so subtly sneaking another piece into her mouth. "I do the presents to!" she rushed off to the back.

Erin smiled as she watched her go. "Well, um... I suppose I can go next." She walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a small present and a large one. She handed the small one to Veeti. "For you, my dear."

Unwrapping it, the Netzi's antennae moved around as she examined the gift. It was a very small object, like two interlocking metal rings the same color as Veeti's fur. "Strange... What is?"

"Well, it is called a Netzi magic enhancer," Erin answered. "I actually worked on making it in college before my, um... human partner stole all the credit for herself... ahem..." She cleared her throat. "Anyway, I heard that Edminfar was helping you make your own Construct. You simply open the two rings, lock them around your antennae, and press the little button, and they will enhance the signal between you and the construct by at least double. It should fit perfectly because I measured the space when I told you I was taking random skull measurements, and the color will let you hide it under your fur."

Her eyes widened as she tried them on, the two of them being a perfect fit, not too tight, but not too loose. "I like very much! Thanks!"

"You never did tell me what animal you decided to go with." Betty pointed out.

Veeti considered for a moment before saying. "Hmm... Want secret but... Oh well. Read book on Hissy history, scientist found fossil in desert, long dead, but he think that they rode big lizard that breathe fire, razor sharp claws. Sadly, all die from wars long time ago, but it had diagram. Humie called it Proto Drake?"

Erin clapped her hands together. "That sounds delightful! A companion, a weapon, and a mighty, fearful steed all in one."

"Yeah! Erin's right!" Betty cheered.

The Netzi tilted her head, rolling her eyes as well. "It not much. I having hard time cause I only have picture to base off, but I stubborn."

"Keep with that stubbornness. Trust me, I would not have gotten where I am had I not been that stubborn. And you could always check the library to see if the is anything hidden away somewhere." Erin leaned forward and lightly touched the device on Veeti's head. "I can only hope this assists you in your endeavors."

Frostlich1228 (Alt)

Well-Known Member
"Sure it will." Veeti replied confidently.

"Okay, time for your gift Erin." Betty said, picking up what looked to be a cylindrical gift and passing it over.

Erin removed the wrapping carefully and popped the top. Removing the contents, she unfolded what appeared to be a starmap with brilliantly glowing stars. "Why, this is quite lovely. The fabric and detail show quality. But... it does not seem to show the whole sky, my dear."

Stepping behind her, Betty reached a hand over her shoulder and pressed a finger against the map. The fabric seemed to respond to this by shimmering slightly. The Thrope then slid her finger to the side across the map, causing the star designs to move in tandem, revealing more of the sky. Betty then swiped down, causing the designs to follow her, revealing more stars as they moved onto the map from out of nowhere.

Erin's eyes lit up. "That is amazing! Never did I know such an interesting and useful..." She blushed a bit at her own outburst. "Ahem... I mean, it is quite a useful and delightful item." Erin turned, and have Betty one of the brightest smiles she had ever seen on the rabbit woman. "I shall cherish it for all time, and get quite a lot of use from it. Thank you ever so much."

Seeing Erin's smile and standing this close to her made Betty's heart flutter. The Fly Thrope leaned her head in, contemplating going for the mouth for a moment, but ultimately deciding to give her a small kiss on the nose.

Erin let out a small giggle and rushed over to the table to grab the larger gift. "Now mine. I take it you're familiar with Tevernan Gillian?"

"He's a..." Betty thought for a moment before Veeti cut her off.

"Netzi Inventor? Owner of big Themosan company? Really famous, heard something happened." Veeti floated forward.

"Wasn't he the one dad said was a liar or something..." Betty responded.

Veeti brushed it off. "Dad say lot of things, doesn't make true."

"Well, I don't know about that. But shortly before his unfortunate passing, my class did a tour of his workshop. He seemed rather bored with the usual questions, but he and I hit it off because of my interest in all the item he failed to complete. I so caught his interest that he gave me this... and I think it would be the perfect gift for you."

Erin handed the gift to Betty. Opening it, she found it was a book entitled 'Success through Failure: Learning from One's Engineering Mistakes' by Tevernan Gillian. Erin gave her a wide smile. "Publishing fell through after he died. As far as I know, that is the only completed copy of his last book. He even signed inside the cover for me."

Betty and Veeti both leaned into the book, almost awestruck. "Zhat's amazing!"

Veeti nodded her head rapidly. "Yes! Yes! Best inventor of age, could be worth... Fortune now..."

"A-Are you sure you truly want to give zhis to me?" The Fly-Girl asked, looking back up at Erin.

Erin nodded confidently. "It was made for you. Oh! And I bookmarked a page in the middle. It has all his notes on his failed flamecaster weapon. I'm sure you can take those designs and do what he never could."

"You really zhink I'm good enough? Betty asked, realizing that he was a master engineer.

Erin frowned. "What kind of question is that? You must have confidence. At least believe in my confidence in you. You are, my dear, one of the smartest engineers I have ever seen. You can do so much on your own. And with Veeti by your side, there is no telling what you can accomplish." She gave Betty a look of utmost seriousness and conviction.

Betty nodded. "You're right. Besides I came here in part to get better and zhat's just what I plan to do. Thank you Erin."

"Of course." Erin bowed her head. "So... who wants to..."

"Now me! Now me!" Eliza ran up with a few items in her hands. "My turn, yes?"

Betty smiled as she saw little Eliza getting into the spirit of things. "Mmhm, you can give out presents to whomever you like."

"Yes, yes. Um... um..." Eliza looked through her items, and held up what looked to be a large lollipop hastily wrapped in construction paper. "Is secret. You open it. Have surprise."

Betty patted Eliza on the head before she carefully took it, unwrapping the gift to see what it was as she smiled. Indeed, it was a large lollipop, a swirl of colors on a stick. "Is la-la-pop! Is big. I saved, but want furry sister to have. You have surprise?"

Veeti sighed, finding her enthusiasm cute, then floating down to take it. "Yes. Very surprise. Love it."

Eliza next reached up and handed Betty a sheet of paper. "Here is for Amam. I make." It was a crude picture of Betty, Eliza, and Erin. Erin was notably shorter then Eliza and looked more like an actual rabbit then herself, while Betty towered over Eliza, an obvious symbol of the high regard she was given. They were in a simple image of the lab.

Betty giggled a little as she took the picture. "I love it, zhank you sweetie."

Eliza looked thrilled. She took he last object and raised it up. For a brief moment, she had a pained look on her face, her arm lowering ever so much. She seemed to shake it off quickly. "For bunny head."

"Oh, it's the... the thermometer I've been looking for..." Erin took it, annoyed Eliza had taken it, but only smiled at her. "Thank you, dear. That is very kind of you." She looked at the others. "So, you guys hungry?"

As Betty's gaze was between Eliza's happy expression and her gift to Erin, she noticed the pained look, but only barely. "Hey, sweetie? Are you okay...? Did you hurt yourself?" The Fly asked worriedly, leaning in closer.

Eliza blinked, and quickly shook her head. "Is okay. Not hurt. I... hungry. Yes."

"Okay zhen. Let's all go eat." Betty said, a little saddened that the demon child had gotten too big to carry comfortably, but was fine with merely holding her hand.

As was tradition, at least where the three women came from, Erin had prepared for them a turkey dinner with a variety of sides, cooked to perfection and put under a stasis spell so they would be fresh when ready to be eaten. They ate at a round table with a turn table in the center to make passing items easy.

Eliza look at the bird meat with some apprhension. "Is burned..."

"Is... I mean, it is cooked," Erin corrected. "Non-demons usually like their food warmed with fire. It makes it taste better for us, and get rid of possible parasites and other bad things that are bad for us."

The demon girl sniffed the other items. "Is not meat. No want."

"Those are carrots, mashed potatoes, green beans, gelatin with strawberries, buns, and stuffing. They are good for you, especially the vegetables. You should try them before you dismiss them. I also had some ham made if you want that besides turkey." Erin looked to 'Amam' for assistance.

"Try zhem sweetie. Besides, even if you don't like zhem, the bird still has some blood in it. Amam will help you try if you like." Betty reassured, sliding her chair closer and picking up a carrot with a fork, offering it to the demon.

Eliza looked it over suspiciously, but finally bit into it, and nodded. "Is not bad. I can eat if Amam can eat. Is good for me, so... make Eliza strong? Strong like Amam?"

Betty giggled. "Yes. It will make you strong."

Amam passed Eliza a plump strawberry, "Here try zhis one, it is sweet."

Eliza tasted it and let out a pleased cry. "It is like vegy candy!"

"See? And It's good for you too!" Betty added, rubbing her head lightly.

Veeti smirked as she watched. "Becoming real mom, huh?"

"What can I say? I love my little sweetie..." The Fly-girl replied, watching her.

Eliza continued trying different foods. She wasn't a big fan of some of it, but she ate all up, and was more of a fan of the cooked meat then she thought she would be. On occasion, however, she'd flinch lightly. Betty noticed it was whenever she would move her arms a certain way, as if something was wrong with her upper back.

The Ebony-Skinned woman took a slow bite of turkey, clearly worried about the girl. She looked up a Erin, giving her a wave. "Uh... Erin? Can we... Talk for a minute? Over there?"

Erin nodded, putting her fork down and walking to the side with her. "Yes, Betty?"

"I've been watching Eliza... And it seems almost like she's in pain for some reason... She winces every time she lifts her arm..." Betty stated, looking back over to her. "I asked her earlier and she just said she was hungry... but it's still happening. Do you zhink she may have hurt herself?"

"It is possible, though I don't know when." Erin rubbed her chin. "You know, she cut her finger the other day but wouldn't tell me about it. She tried to hide it. Maybe it is a matter of pride. At any rate, we should find up what is wrong. I hate to keep doing this, but she listens to you so much more. So, could you..."

"You want me to... I'd have to..." Betty protested, but realized that she'd have to if it meant being a good parent. "Okay... I'll... Try to convince her."

Erin nodded. "I'm here for support, okay?"

Walking back over, Betty approached the young demon, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder and leaning down. "Eliza? Amam wants to see you for a moment, okay? Don't worry, it won't take long." Walking back over, Betty approached the young demon, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder and leaning down. "Eliza? Amam wants to see you for a moment, okay? Don't worry, it won't take long."

Eliza flinched when Betty's hand brushed her shoulder blade. "Okay, Amam." She climbed down from the chair.

Betty guided her away from the others, to an area in the back of the lab where they couldn't be seen. She took a deep breath before asking. "Eliza um... I want to look at your back, could you... Show me?"

Eliza slowly shook her head. "Not want you see. You be mad..."

"I won't be mad, I promise. I'm worried. Please can I see?" Betty said softly, almost pleading with her.