Hunters of Terra Dolor (Role Playing Section)


Game Master
Staff member
The Defiant One
Part Two

The female vampire chuckled. "Maybe. You ever wonder what makes us the best?"

Alice felt something was off. It dawned on her that there was only five people in front of her, just as the mist behind her formed back into Richard, and he lunged at her with twin daggers, both coated in anti-vampire enchantments and substances.

Alice dogged the attack And dragged him to the ground, she used her mace to smash the side of Richard side, she then ordered her undead to attack the seven. "Not much time I have to bring them to my side." Alice looked down at Richard and attempted to bits him.

He grabbed her by the neck and squeezed. "Are you daft? You think you can mesmerize another vampire, let alone one as strong as me?" He threw her up and, as she fell, he kicked her hard, sending her flying into the carriage.

"Ugh well it was worth a shot, but I guess I have to kill then." Alice got out of the cart and found a ace in there, Alice charged Richard but changed her mind. Alice changed into a sworm of bats and decided to go deeper into the forest. Come and get me fools, I may not be strong enough because you had fifty years ahead of me but I got something better.

Richard scoffed. "Marlee, go after her while we mop these guys up!"

The female vampire nodded, transforming and following after the fleeing felon. Alice getting a head start hid in the forest. "Reaper i need you, I need a portal to bring some of my undead here forty at least please."

The Reaper stepped out of the shadows and pressed his hands to the ground. Straining, he opened forty smaller portals from which the undead soldiers in Alice's employ arose. Marlee landed some distance away, brandishing her swords. "Is this really the best you can do? Run and hide? I expected better..."

"Thanks reaper, I appreciate it. "Alice made her way out of the forest and commanded her undead troops to say on the ground and act like they are. Alice looked at the Marlee and just stared at her. "I'm going to give you one more chance, join me and we can take Terra and see our kind arise and be free from the city."

"And I'll give you one more chance." Marlee pointed a sword forward, slowly approaching Alice. "Give up now and I might convince the others to take you in alive, provided you don't piss me off anymore."

"Yea that's not happening." Alice charged at Marlee and the Vampire hunter quickly realized that Alice was quiet the skilled duilwelder. Alice kicked Marlee to the ground and looked at her. "Get up you, I will force you to join me.

"Fat chance, you hook nosed bitch." Marlee sprang forward and started swing her curved blades. At least, Alice assumed that was what was happening. The blades were flashing up, down, side to side and all about so fast, it was like a hurricane of blades coming her way. "I'll return you to the Elders, even if I have to in a hundred pieces!"

Alice backed up not knowing were to attack until she called apon one of her undead taking the hit, and turning into a million pieces. "Damn not bad, I will look forward to you joining me you can be useful."

"You're out of your damn head!" Hope you won't mind if I take it!" Marlee burst into bats, circled around Alice and reformed, attempting to slice through her neck in one quick swipe.

Alice ducked down and swung her ax into the back of Marlee, the ax digging into her as she's slammed into the ground. Alice pulled out the ax and licked the blood of Marlee, she then swung her mace into her constantly beating like a horse.

Marlee grit her teeth, rolling just as Alice swung. She ran forward a few feet but collapsed from the pain. She was beset upon by an dozen of the undead, who started to beat on her relentlessly.

The undead was stabbing her constantly stabbing her and biting her. "Enough!" Alice shouted as the undead parted and made way for Alice, Alice bent down and looked at Marlee put her finger into one of her many wounds and tasted some of her blood."Not bad, whelp any last cha ou who am I kidding." Alice slammed her ax into the chest of Marlee killing her. "Don't worry you won't be dead long." Alice bent down and bit into her dead body and started to drink her blood.

Time seemed to stand still as Alice's senses kicked in, heightened by the fresh vampire blood she took in. A rustling sound nearby. A slam. And the sound of air parting as a gigantic weapon swung towards her.

Alice dodged the blade with ease with her heighten senses, Alice looked at her opponent and stood her ground." I see you took care of my small distraction."

It was the extremely larger hunter, who said nothing in response. [Take care of Marlee.] The Netzi flew over to the big one, while the lanky man stood over Merlee's body. He held his hands out, and black lightning erupted from his hands and flowed into her.

The Netzi looked around as the undead gathered. [Too bad we have living allies, and all your allies are corpses.] her voice echoed in Alice's mind. She flew up, throwing her chakrams and removing a few heads as the brute lumbered towards Alice, swinging his axe down. It smashed into the ground after she dodged, leaving a huge indentation. His attacks weren't the fastest, but it was obvious that a single hit would spell Alice's doom.

Alice looked at the dead Marlee. "Ou no you don't!" Alice brought used her powers to summon another blue orb and threw it at the dead Marlee."

Richard stood in the way. With a primal cry, a torrent of fire shot out from before him, completely consuming the spell.

"You should worry more about yourself," the man with the Zanbatō announced from Alice's right. He rushed her, swinging his horse-slayer with surprising ease. Only a quick dodge was able to leave a gash in her arm instead of losing it, but the behemoth was waiting, throwing a punch that sent Alice flying.

Marlee suddenly heaved, let out a scream of terror as she returned to life, her wounds quickly regenerating. His work down, the lanky man sliced open some nearby undead, then turned his magic loose on another trio, their brains frying and their eyes melting.

Richard sliced through more zombies with daggers charged with fire as he made his way to Alice, the floating Netzi following.

Alice turned into a sworm of bats just to dodge the attack, Alice then just decided to just kill them instead of talking. Alice reemerged and looked adjudicated, Alice droped the mace and held the ax in both her hands and screamed to the top of her lungs Attack!" The zombies stood in one place for a moment and then all at once the zombies acted like a calculated horde swarming the seven at once.

Alice jumped into the air and went after the one with the giant sword, she swung her ax more fiercely the moment he blocked Alice ax Alice used he claws and drove them into the mans chest.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, but grinned fiercely. "It's been awhile since I've been injured. Gets the blood boiling!" He slammed the hilt of his sword into her head, then grabbed her arms and tossed her like a doll before performing a while wind slash that chopped seven zombies in half.

Alice rolled to a stop in front of the largest of her foes. Opting out of the slow weapon attack, he instead stomped on her back with considerable weight.

Alice yelled in pain, Alice tried to get up but her added more pressure to her back so she can't move. As Alice looked around she can see that it was over she then raised her hand up and all her undead returned to bone.

The large fighter slowly removed his foot and picked Alice up, lifting her to eye level. Looking at his helmet, she didn't see anything within except darkness and shifting red eyes.

The others walked over, Marlee at the forefront. "Let me kill her!" she cried out.

"Relax, Marlee," Richard responded. "It's over."

"The hell it is!" Marlee countered. "She killed me! I get to kill her!"

The lanky man walked up to Alice. In a monotone voice, he said, "You made her lose her cool. That's impressive."


Game Master
Staff member
The Defiant One
Part Three

Alice didn't say anything for a while, she then looked at the seven. "Heh you fools do realist that it's over for you right, there's more at play here then you think. And believe me the person in charge of my mission will not stop until the world is in madness serving me would mean that you will at least be by on my side and she will not git you." Alice said putting her head towards the ground.

The Goliath dropped her, and the large man walked over, lifting his sword. "Any last meaningful words, Ms. Valentine?" Richard asked.

"Yea I'm gonna hate admitting that bitch was right, Reaper get me out of here. This is not over between is You all will serve me."

A dark portal appeared under her, two lanky, skeletal arms reaching out and grabbing her. The large man swung, but it was too late. Alice was yanked through, and was gone. Marlee blinked. "That was a reaper." She screamed loudly. "Why does she have a reaper? HOW does she have a reaper. Gaaaaahhh!!!"

Richard rubbed the back of his neck. "Huh... damn. Everyone, fan out. See if she only went nearby. And someone see if they can find Rumi." He sighed, and muttered, "Smooth move, Alice. Looking forward to seeing you again..."

Alice returned back home. When reaper leg go of Alice she fell straight to the ground, the pain started to rush to her again. "Thank you reaper, I ou you, I promise that I will give you plenty of souls to collect. It's the least I can do for you." Alice said some depression in her voice. and her face burred in the floor.

After a while, a hand was placed lightly on her shoulder. "M-mistress?"

"Crixus lave me be, I just got done with a huge battle just lit me rest for a bit."

"I-it's me, mistress." Rumi knelt down next to her. "A-are you okay?"

Alice eyes widen and she tried to force herself up, failing horribly." What are you doing here ? I told you to be with the seven and lead them here in a trap. But why are you here, how did you get here?" Alice getting to a knee but fell back down.

"I-I got worried about you," Rumi said. "I was afraid, when you tossed me away, you would get into a fight you might lose, a-and if I stuck around they would take you away. So I ran back here to wait for you. Plus, I..." She looked away in shame. "If I went with them to lead them here, I-I'd be away from your blood."

Alice looked annoyed by that, but her heart softened at the thought that someone cared for her. Even if it was false care, Alice offers her arm to Rumi. "Fine then go ahead and drink up."

"N-no!" Rumi pull out a dagger. "Y-you're hurt! You need to heal!" She slashed her own arm and held it forward. "Quick! Drink!"

Alice crawled to Rumi and bit into her arm redundantly and drank some of Rumi blood, her strength starting to come back to her and Alice started to stand up." Um thank you kid, but you should have stuck with the plan but now that I think about it it's probably best you didn't do that."

Rumi nodded. "I'm afraid if I did..."

"...then the result would have been the same, with the six of them moping the floor with you, only in your home with nowhere for you to run." Alice turned, and Tecunte was sitting at her desk, legs up, smoking a large cigar.

"Get out of my chair and get out of my home, your not welcome here after what you did the last time you were here. Get out and never come back here!" Alice being not in the mood for the goddess of discord.

Tecunte pulled the cigar away. "Now, is that any way to talk to your partner?" She sat up and leaned forward. "Maybe I should leave and take that Reaper with me, hmm? Or perhaps I should stay, and we can start acting civil towards each other like we should have been from the start."

"Civil, we left civil days ago when you killed your sister. What do want before I start attacking you!"

"I want to help you, silly." The cigar turned into a golden apple which Tecunte shined against her chest. "You seemed to think I wanted you to fail against the Band of Seven. I didn't. I was cheering you on. Might have even helped if I wasn't afraid you would attack me right then and there. I tried to warn you. I tried to tell you to take them one at a time. And I'm still willing to help with that... if you want the help."

"Rot in hell bitch, like I can ever trust someone that killed there family."

"Master if I may." Crixus walked into the room. Master if in can contribute to this, you don't have to like her just use her the way she uses you. Seeing how this bitch of a god can't get her hands dirty."

"My hands are tied with how much I can do directly. But indirectly, through people like you, well..." Tecunte tossed the apple to Alice. "Take a bite."

Alice looked at the apple sinking her nails into it." How do I know this isn't poisoned, knowing you it is."

"Master I beg of you please just try, I'm on your side and I don't want to see you face the seven and die. Rumi please convince her, in some way."

Rumi looked around in something of a panic, unsure of what to do. Finally, she snatched the apple from Alice's hand to test if it was poison the hard way. She took a large bite, chewing carefully. After a few moments, her eyes sprang open. "Oh! My head doesn't hurt anymore from when you hit me." She looked down. "And the cut on my arm is gone too!"

Alice grabbed the apple and bit into it, her eyes widen and she could feel herself getting better. Alice continued to eat the apple until her wounds felt healed, she finally stood up and looked at Tecunte." Why would you heal me or help me what so ever that's something you never answered before."

Tecunte sighed. "Because I see some potential in you, Alice. Someone who knows what she wants and is willing to take It, no matter who stands in the way." She shrugged. "And the chaos you'll spread is a good bonus. We have been at each other's throats from the beginning. It would be nice to change that."

Alice started to stand up, and she walked to the goddess were she was face to face with the goddess." Fine then we can try working together, so the thin I need is to return to my old home."

"Old home? In the Megacity?" Tecunte raised an eyebrow. "Sure that is a good idea?"

"I need you to teliport me there, there are a few things I need from my old home that I can't get anywhere else."

Tecunte nodded. "You got it. Though I suggest leaving the help here. Less conspicuous that way." She closed her eyes for a moment, then snapped her finger, opening a portal to an alley near Alice's home.

Alice sees how dark the area she's in, and slowly came out the alley. "Yep this is the lower city of Drăculești, home sweet home. Tecunte I want you to look around and tell me what you see, this being your first time here and you being a god and all that." Alice covered her head with her cloak and covered her face.

Tecunte scanned the area. "What I see, huh? Well... It is nice and dark, something I can get behind. The gothic architecture is a plus. These are some fancy streetlights. Must draw a lot of magical energy to keep them lit all day long." She breathed in. "Really fresh air despite being closed off. Must be a system in place to recycle the air. But..." She groaned a little. "Too peaceful for my liking. Vampires walking among non-vampires. Too clean. No obvious signs of crime or chaos. No signs of a human being ravaged and drained in the darkness. Too... bleh."

"That's because this is the vampire area, if you look above you that's were the are we can't go up there no matter what even when it's night. MY people are living under the city, and human can come down here if they choose to. Come on were right next to my old home." Alice started to walk to her old house, the house it self looked abandoned and wearing down. Alice kicked the door down and made her way inside, Once both were inside Alice closed the door. Alice can see that her home was covered in dust and cobwebs.

Despite this, there were disturbances here and there, like someone had been in it. Nothing seemed to be missing, however. It hadn't been cleared out, nor had it been looted. It was as if someone had been keeping it as it was, and aside from needing a lot of cleaning and maintenance, everything was as it had been.


Game Master
Staff member
The Defiant One
Part Four

"Not bad," Tecunte said. "Bit musty. Hope this wasn't how clean you usually kept things. The one bit of chaos I'm not a fan of is when it comes to cleanliness."

"It not." Alice went to the side of the room and looked at the family portrate, the picture showed Alice father mother and a way younger Alice.The man in the picture looked like a hardened man and with hate in his eyes, the woman looked much more kind and softness in her eyes. And then there was Alice looking much happier then she is now. "Huh memories those were good times."

"Who's the other girl?" Tecunte asked, referring to the blond girl next to Alice.

"That's my sister Lilith, always the good one the one that wanted to give the humans a chance even though she fought in the war. Always beveling in second chance no matter what, moron."

"And yet you refer to the image here as 'good times'. What changed? What made you think otherwise?"

"Believe it or not I was not as hatefully to humans when I was younger, I actually had some human friends. Then I read about the war and heard about it from my father and sister, the things they did to us to protect themselves and make all the defenses were horrible. I even snuck out the city, and when I found some humans I told them what I was and was attacked on sight."

Tecunte grinned. "I'm sure that didn't end well for them."

"No it didn't that was the first time I got a taste of blood from the source, and I enjoyed then I got imprisoned for killing a humans and leaving the city. Any way were waiting time, let's get moving."

Tecunte nodded. "What are you looking for anyway?"

"There are a few things that I need, magic books information on old vampire tribes from back in the day an and a certain ax." Alice made her way through the house and found most of the things she was looking for, there was one more thing she was looking for. Alice stood in front of her fathers room and opened a secret passage to a what looked like a forge.

Tecunte followed her, the suddenly slowed. "There is someone in there..."

"What, what do you mean no one knows about this place other then my family!" Do you know who it is?"

Tecunte pulled an apple from her cleavage. Holding it up, it turned into an orb that she gazed into. "It's a child. Young... blonde... red eyes. It... looks just like the girl in the portrait."

"Lilith what is she doing here." Alice rushed down the stairs and made her way to the forge. When she made her way down there, she saw the person and was confused to who it was.

Despite the passing years and her being older then Alice, Lilith still had the body of a young girl just entering her teens. She was walking around the forge with a nostalgic look. She turned her head towards the entrance and gasped. "Alice!"

"What are you doing here, you have no reason to be down here at all!" Alice trying her best to hold back her emotions something she hasn't felt in years."

"I... I have no right?" Lilith scoffed. "I lived here, just as you did. I might have moved out a long time ago, but I like to visit every now and then. Who am I to trust to look over It? My deceased parents or my anarchist sister? Both seem equally unlikely."

"Anarchist! I'm thinking about my race, and I'm trying to set us free from this prison city. But not you, you like every vampire here are contempt living down in this pit."

"This is not a pit!" Lilith shouted back. "Our city is magnificent and beautiful, and made to protect us from the sun! I love our home... And you used to see its beauty too..."

"Yes I did because I thought this was it, I thought this was the world! Then I got out side, I saw the moon the stars for the first time in my life and I saw humans that didn't live in the city. And because of me living her I thought they wanted to talk to me, but boy was I wrong. They came at me with touches and fire magic like I was an animal! And I killed them, my first ever killed don't you see we were never meant to live like this. stuck in the bottom of this city like rats scurrying in the dark,living off scraps of blood ou yea this is the dream right here huh!"

Lilith took a few steps towards her. "Please, Alice. I'm trying. I'm doing everything I can to change the Elders' minds. What happened to you changed my view of things too. I don't want us to stay cramped us in here either. But it is a slow process. And they way forward is with humans, not against them."

"They had three hundred years to change there minds, and they didn't. "Alice looked at her sister she being a lot more calm now. "I've been out there sis, the world doesn't remember us they think were dead. The Vampire is nothing more but a myth I visited a guild a few months ago, completely bundled up long selves heavy pants and there guards didn't question me. I went to a bunch of other places that I attacked Caravans raider camps, all didn't think I was a vampire until it was to late."

Lilith looked down. "I want to change that. The war was over a long time ago. It is time we open our doors. I... I am sorry for the pain you endured. Continue to endure." After a moment, she asked, "Why have you returned? How did you get back into the city?"

"Were is Gorehoul our family ax, more pacifically fathers ax I need it."

"To continue your reign of death and destruction?" Lilith walked over to a row of weapons, each impressive in their own right. She did not reach for any of them, however, but instead between them, pulling out the weapon Alice desired hidden in the shadow. "To behead more innocents?"

"To my credit I did not behead anyone, don't do anything stupid with is sis." The ax it self looked mincing like something a vampire would have. "That weapon is part of our family history Lilith don't do anything with it."

"I know more of our family then you. Including our role in the great war. Of the sacrifices you..." Lilith let out a long breath. "I tire of fighting with you. Am am your sister. We may be on opposite sides, but I still love you. I long for the day when you will retur-"

Lilith slumped to the ground, unconscious. Leaning down from behind her, Tecunte picked up the axe. "That was close. About to get all mushy." She smiled at Alice, tossing the axe to her.

Alice grabbed the ax and drove it into the goddess of discord, she drove the ax dipper into the goddess and dragged her into the ground.

Tecunte grit her teeth angrily. "Are you out of your mind?"

"Shh." The ax started to look different it started to get sharper as if taking the blood like a vampire,the rust around it started to return to it's former glory." Death is what makes this weapon, the more blood it takes the stronger the weapon becomes. That was also a warning you ever hurt my family again and this Ax will find it's way into your heart as long as you don't do that then were fine, now come on I need to not only work on my magic but change somethings with my war band."

"We're leaving?" Tecunte stood up, rubbing her sore shoulder as it reattached to her torso. "What about her? You know who she is and you know the power she has, and even if that wasn't so, she saw you and knows you have an ability to reenter the city. Would it not make sense to deal with her now?"

Alice looked at her Ax and looked at her sister. "Bring her along, she will be my prisoner."

"Sounds like an even worse idea," Tecunte muttered, but shrugged, lifting the girl up and opening a portal. "Hope you know a pretty strong confinement spell to keep her powers suppressed." She grinned. "On the other hand, the Band of Seven just saw you in Serasam, so they would never suspect you could abduct someone on the opposite side of the world." She cackled as the three entered the portal and returned to the castle.

Once through the portal Alice looked to Rumi. "Rumi since you were a part of the seven, you probable know how to capture a vampire for a long period of time, do you not?"

Rumi nodded. "I have a few enchantments that can drain them of their vamperic strength and leave them as weak as a normal human."

"Good chain her up, and Crixus get the others together it's been a while since we raided."

Insane Darkness

Active Member
Insane Darkness and Black0ut proudly present…
Forgiveness and Promises

The day was fairly bright, as Titania was led by her original companion. The sounds of clashing swords, and shields echoed in Titania’s ears as they made their way slightly past, not quite to the grove, but far enough away that they were no longer in the Training Grounds. “Where are we going, Jay? I know you said it was a secret but still… do I have to wear a blindfold?”

“Yes. Yes, you do.” Jay replied, as he spotted the other person who he needed for his ‘surprise’. Jay began to untie the blindfold letting Titania see for herself what he had in store for her.

Faith sat in a chair, fidgeting faster than ever before. Her nervousness felt like a knife constantly stabbing her through her entire body. Just let this be over… she thought, fiercely closing her eyes. As footsteps approached, she looked up to realize that Jay and Titania were standing in front of her, the latter completely blindfolded. She stood up slowly, as to not attract the unneeded attention of Titania herself while she had one of her senses blocked; Faith’s only saving grace for now.

As the blindfold fell, Titania’s eyes flitted up and down, left and right, until they finally settled on the Duck Thrope. Titania tensed up, not at all prepared for the situation, but ready to leave if the conversation turned sour.

“Like we agreed on, tell her how you feel, and don’t leave anything out.” Jay urged, taking a step back to give some sense of privacy.

Faith shuffled forwards, trying to hide her hands behind her back to appear less nervous than she was. She slowly looked into the eyes of her predator, feeling the life-or-death adrenaline seek its way into her bloodstream. She took a deep breath before starting with, in Doloran, “Y-you asked f-f-for an apol-logy… So, umm... I-I’m sorr-ry for st-standing up to y-you… I th-thought you would lik-ke it if-f I had a-a mind of-f my own… Please d-don’t b-be m-m-mad at me an-ny longer-r…” Tears built up and fell down her cheeks simultaneously, Faith herself seemed surprised by the water droplets making their way down her face. She quickly moved a shaking arm to her face, wiping them away with her baggy robe sleeves.

Titania’s heart ached at the sight of Faith, but her anger at the implications of what the apology entailed. She didn’t respond, a flurry of emotions passing through her face as she was undecided on feeling.

Jay gestured for Faith to keep going, not wanting to interrupt the crucial moment with idle words.

“Ti-Titania… Moth-ther… Please… If ther-re’s an-n-nything I c-can do-o… Just… Just tell me…” Faith sank to her knees, her robe pooling around her. She laid her face in her hands in an attempt to become smaller, weaker and closer to the ground, more vulnerable.

A soft hand slowly and gently, almost hesitantly in its care, lifted Faith’s face up. “I… I’m not… I… oh gods, this is going to be hard… I want you to be a free, independent woman, Faith. I want to show you that I do care about you outside of training… but the looks you give me, like you think I’d hurt you… that’s what I’m upset about. That’s the only thing that’s… well, hurt me.” Titania tried to explain, kneeling down to pick up Faith and hold her.

“I’m sorry…” Faith repeated over and over with random intervals of stuttering, leaning into Titania’s touch. Tears poured down her cheeks like mini-waterfalls, uncontrollable and unstoppable.

The Wolf Thrope rubbed her back, trying to soothe the Duck Thrope to some small degree. As she did so, she began to sing an Elven song that Jay had recently taught her, a ballad of sorrow that expressed pain and loss.

“M-my mother us-sed to si-ing that t-to me all-l-l the tim-me…” Faith tried to explain between gasps and stutters. “W-we wer-ren-n’t the r-rich-chest fam-mily ar-round… Loss-ss was a-a big-g thing in-n my l-little v-villag-ge…” Faith wanted to say more, but she thought it better to say it when her crying wasn’t influencing her voice.

Titania continued her song, rocking Faith back and forth. As she did so the Light Elf slowly started to leave, knowing that Titania wouldn’t be too happy with his deception and that after she was done consoling Faith, that she was either going to lecture him or do some ‘sparring’ with him.

Faith almost literally melted in Titania’s arms. She stayed silent, as to not disrupt Titania’s singing. She made her best attempt to keep her sniffles as silent as possible, but some, she thought, were a bit too loud. The one thing she thought while she slowly relaxed into Titania’s embrace was that she hoped nobody would come to watch her in her weakened state.

As Titania finished her ballad, she asked in the most soothing voice she could muster, “Are you bit better?”

Much to Faith’s dismay, a couple of Hunters stood afar, watching the interaction with intrigue, either drawn to Faith’s crying or Titania’s singing.

“I… I suppose…” Faith murmured. “I-I’m sorry… Again…” Faith folded her hands in front of her, looking to her right at the ground.

“Just… don’t forget who I am. I’m not some wild beast that will hurt you. I’m pretty sure that you’re the closest thing I have to a daughter, and I’m proud of you every day.” Titania replied, gently setting the Duck Thrope down.

Faith stood up, stretching her hands to the sky and taking a deep breath. When her heels fell to the ground again, she turned around to face Titania. “I-is there anything you would l-like to do? I would pref-fer to get aw-way from peer-ring eyes-s…” Faith shuffled in place as she spoke.

Insane Darkness

Active Member
Forgiveness and Promises

“We can go to the nearby town if you want, or we can go into my grove. Your choice.” Titania offered, giving a glare towards the growing crowd.

“Grove?” Faith tilted her head slightly.

“Near here is a grove that I tend. It is connected to the training grounds, but is removed enough from it that it is its own area.”

“I mean… I don-n’t mind either choi-ice…” Faith responded.

“That’s more your choice than mine.” Titania insisted, trying to get Faith to make a choice.

“B-but… I don’t know wh-hich one i-is better-r…” Faith argued, shrinking into herself ever so slightly.

“Just pick one, as it doesn’t matter.” Titania urged, taking a few steps back to pressure Faith into making a choice.

“I-I mean, f-first impressions are misl-leading…” Faith trailed off, hoping that Titania would end up choosing for her.

Titania said nothing, still walking backwards, as more staff and Hunters came to stare at the rather weird display.

Faith continued to mumble to herself before realizing that even more eyes stared upon her. Quickly, she transformed into her Duck form and flew away from everybody’s judging glares, her eyes squeezed shut while still capable of avoiding any obstacles in her path.

Titania sighed and chased after the Duck Thrope, transforming only after she was away from the other Hunters.

Faith flapped her way to the top of the guild manor, finding the most accessible place to hide on its roof. She then cowered in place, hoping nobody would be dumb enough to climb the building just to find her.

But there was one dumb enough and she climbed up, partially reverting so she could climb, before reaching the top and transforming back into a wolf. Calmly, she walked forward and gently nommed on the Duck Thrope, before laying down and cuddling the Duck.

Faith nearly jumped from her position, but she could tell who it was that decided to climb the building like a, dare she think it, stupid person. She then calmed herself and receded into the warmth that her new mother was willing to share with her.

The two remained like that for an hour before Titania reverted back into her semi-human form, so she could talk. “Is this better?”

Out of courtesy, Faith returned to her original form, scrunching herself into the smallest ball that she could in order to conserve warmth and space. An edge of distaste etched her voice as she responded to Titania’s question. “Is it better that I am no longer being viewed as a zoo animal in the midst of humans? Yes, I do think this is better…”

Titania raised an eyebrow, “Got something you want to say about humans?”

“N-no… That’s not wh-what I meant…” Faith started, her edge losing its sharpness that it once had, “I mean-nt that the-ey looked at m-me like I was a-a wild an-nimal-l… L-like I was a-a frea-eak…”

“You’re not a freak, Faith. And… while some of them may think that, most do not. I think if anyone saw a crying girl who shivering, they’d want to make sure she’s okay. Plus, do you really think that most people would try while I’m around, The scary, bloodthirsty Wolf Thrope? But… you gotta start standing up for yourself, ‘cause I won’t always be here for you…” Titania said with a slight melancholy to her words, laying down to hold Faith once more.

“I-I am capable of stan-nding up for my-yself… It-t’s just this s-stutter-r that mak-es it so diff-fficult…” Faith morosely replied.

“Yet, when in Elven or when battle happens, you talk normal.” Titania replied in slightly butchered Elven.

“It’s not like everybody speaks Elven, though… Not to mention perfectly…” Faith continued with the depressing factual statements, the last one in Elven.

“Stop trying to look at all the bad things in life, Faith. Or no more snuggles for you.” Titania declared, raising an eyebrow once more.

“But you’ve never given me snuggles before,” Faith shot back, raising an eyebrow of her own as a smile pulled at her lips.

“W-well, you won’t have the chance to get more! Umm… Or it’s hugs. And I like hugs, so… just don’t be so pessimistic okay? Please?”

“I make no promises, Titania. You might go without hugs for a while. The world is a dark and dangerous place, after all. It’s obviously up to a tiny little Duck Thrope to pess… um… pessimize?... over all of it. Obviously.” Faith flashed Titania a mischievous smirk.

“I can still lay on you… so just watch it. Or else I must lay on you with all my sleepy power… in fact… it’s happening, I’m falling…” Titania started, giving a fake snore as she rolled over Faith giving several more snores, as she cautiously opened her eye to slits so she could watch what Faith would do.

“Nuu! I has been squieshed!” Faith pretended to push against Titania’s weight, only to wave a finger at her to push Titania into the air above her. “Psych.” Faith grinned again, facing Titania’s back.

Titania turned and grabbed Faith’s arm, still snoring. With a fair amount of strength, she lifted the Duck Thrope into the air and snuggled with her once more, “What a…. nice… pillow.” She murmured.

“Oh nooo! You can’t do this to a defenseless Duck Thrope! I am not a pillow!” Faith whisper-screamed, pretending to fight back against her grip. “This is illegal, I tell you! Why must you commit such a terrible act upon such a helpless creature?!”

“Because you’re adorable…” Titania murmured, a smile on her face as she still pretended to sleep.

The sudden compliment caught her off guard, forcing her into speechlessness. Her muscles softened as she let them both down onto the roof again, closing her eyes herself. “Thank you…” she whispered.

“No problem, my daughter. Just… try to cheer up every once in awhile. And if you can’t by yourself, come see me. Okay?” Titania propositioned, looking at her adopted daughter.

“I’m going to have to get used to you calling me that, aren’t I?...” Faith commented sarcastically, ignoring while still digesting the more touching part of what she had to say.

“Promise me, Faith.”

Faith sighed, before creating an oath of sorts. “I promise, by the law created between mother and daughter, Wolf Thrope and Duck Thrope, female and female, guildmate and guildmate--” Faith glanced at Titania to see if she wanted her to continue listing off other things to call themselves.

Titania merely rolled her eyes, still wearing a smile.

“that I, Faith, the Duck Thrope, shall seek help from Titania, the Wolf Thrope, if I, Faith, the Duck Thrope, feel like I, Faith, the Duck Thrope, cannot cheer up.” Faith paused, before asking Titania, “Is that good enough, Titania, the Wolf Thrope?”

“Sure is, ya ham. And I, Titania, Wolf Thrope, and new mother of, Faith, she who raises me into the air a lot, accept this as an official promise, and if it is ever broken, reserve rights to nom on you in my wolf form.”

Faith faked a gasp. “Not in wolf form!”

To emphasize her point, Titania transformed back into a wolf and proceeded to nom on Faith.

“Nooo! How could you do this?!” Faith continued to fake-struggle until Titania decided to stop.

Within a few moments the silver wolf stopped and merely curled around the Duck Thrope’s feet, letting out a real yawn as she struggled to stay awake from the sudden transformations.

Faith conjured a soothing breeze for the Wolf Thrope, before asking her, “Why don’t you head off to bed? It’s no good if you’re tired.”

Titania raised her head and shook it, still defiant even in the face of impending sleep.

“Okay. Suit yourself.” Faith jumped off the ground slightly, returning to her duck form and landing on the Wolf Thrope’s head before sitting down right on top of it.

Titania yawned again, deciding whether or not she would continue messing with Faith and ultimately decided against it, before falling asleep.

The wind blew calmly through Titania’s fur as Faith slowly drifted to sleep herself. Her feathers provided a coat from the calming wind, making it easier for her to fall asleep as she poofed up to catch as much wind as she could. She nestled deeper into Titania’s fur until sleep eventually took her as well.


Game Master
Staff member
ExoGrim & ZombieSplitter53
Part One

Havenbrook Manor/Guildhouse
Indoor Training Room
June 8th, 3349
1:45 p.m.

After spending some time learning how to read with the help of Elma, Melinda went back to her usual wandering of the manor. She walked up and down the halls, taking note of the people and conversations around her. This became a regular thing for her, listening to the many problems and facts of others lives. Some Melinda found to be rather boring, while others she could relate to to some degree. The shadowmancer soon found herself at the training field, watching the many Hunters practicing for their next mission.

"Melinda!" She was surprised to see Lady Havenbrook walk over, covered in a layer of sweat indicating a healthy workout. "How are you adapting to the manor?"

"I'm adapting quite nicely." Melinda responded. "It's been a lot easier than I originally thought it would be."

Mina nodded. "Good to hear. And you've been getting along with everyone despite your... special powers?"

"Everyone has been surprisingly supportive." Melinda answered. "Most the people here have actually been helping me control my magic."

Mina smiled at that. "Eraqus has taken a special interest in you himself. You know, you might not see it now, but in his youth, he had a really, really hard time controlling his anger. And his magic thanks yo his turbulent emotions. Maybe that's one of the reasons he wants to help you so much. But... you didn't hear that from me."

"Right." Melinda thought for a moment. "Anything else you'd like to talk about?"

"No, but..." Mina held up an old, beat up pocket watch. "Forgot to wind this and I'm running behind on a few things. You mind doing me a favor?"

"Sure, what do you need me to do?" Melinda inquired.

"A number of our Hunters will be going to Stormrend soon. We have a few jobs, and there is some business to take care of. But I haven't gathered all the traveling supplies and items from storage. The ones in charge back there are slacking. You mind checking on them for me?"

"I can do that." Melinda answered. "I was planning on joining the travel there myself, so it'll be nice to help out."

"Good to hear. The main storage is in the back of the West wing, past all the rooms. Big double doors." Mina turned, then quickly spun back. "Oh! And stop off at the kitchen first and get a couple cucumbers."

"Ummm... Sure." Melinda said before making her way down to the main storage room.

The storage room was ripe with the smell of wooden boxes and various food. The amount that was stored back there was incredible, yet understandable with how many people lived and operated in the manor. The last thing Melinda expected to find there, however, was a huge tank of water in one corner. Ten by ten feet, it stuck up five feet and another ten underground. Besides a green tint, the water was fairly clean, a magic purifier on the bottom. It had several fish swimming in It, as well as a couple frogs on lilipads floating on the surface.

Melinda wandered inside the storage room, seeing if there was anyone inside.

After a few seconds, she heard something hissing. From around one of the shelves, a green, webbed hand grasped in, an angry eye peaking out at her.

"Umm... Hello?" Melinda approached the figure. "Are you the one in charge here?"

The figure rushed out from behind the shelve. It was small, like a child, with feminine feature. It had green skin, webbed toes and fingers with small claws on them, a turtle-like shell, and what looked like an upside down bowl on its head. It charged Melinda angrily.

Melinda entangled the figure with her shadow magic. "Hold it right there. I'm not here to hurt you. Lady Havenbrook sent me to check on things."

"Havenbrook not your friend. Eat! Devour! Kill!" The creature lashed out angrily, unable to get free but desperately trying none the less. As it did, another one peaked out behind the corner, though it didn't look so ready to attack.

Melinda looked at the creature with an unamused look. "You realize that the only thing keeping from snapping your neck is Lady Havenbrook... right?"

"Did you bring them?" the creature in the back whispered? "She'll calm down if you give her one."

"Bring what?" Melinda stated, before remembering what she didn't grab. "So that's why Lady Havenbrook told me to grab some cucumbers..."

The one in the back nodded. "There are some in the box on that really tall shelf. It is up there so we can't reach them. You should give her one with you name carved into it."

Melinda used her shadows to open the crate and take a cucumber out of it. She pulled out her dagger and quickly carved her name into the vegetable. She released the figure and held out the cucumber. "Hungry?"

They looked up and sniffed the air. Immediately, their eyes soften, their claws vanished, and their gnashing mouth turned into a smile. "Yes, yes. May I have one, please?" she asked, bowing her head respectfully.

"Here you go." Melinda said as she gave the figure the cucumber.

She giggled as she sat down, briefly reading the name before munching on it. The smaller one walked over, wearing cute, dark green overalls, more practical for working then the other's yellow swimsuit. "Thank you," he said, bowing his head while holding the bowl on his head in place. "Sister is still attuned to the old ways, and attacks those who invade our territory." He looked at her, looking envious of her snack.

"Would you like one as well?" Melinda stated as she pulled a second cucumber out of the crate.

He smiled. "Yes, Yes! Um... p-please."

Melinda handed him the cucumber. "Well, now that peace has been established, Lady Havenbrook wanted me to check in on you two and make sure everything needed for the travel to Stormrend is ready."

"Is that all you wanted?" the female asked. "Why didn't you just say so?"

"She was trying to," the boy muttered, munching on his own treat.

Ignoring him, the other extended her hand. "I'm Lana, by the way. This is my little brother, Mana."

The shadowmancer shook the young one's hand. "Nice to meet the two of you. Though, if you don't mind me asking... are you two Thropes or some race I haven't heard of before?"

"We are Kappa," Lana said with a smile so bright, it was hard to imagine she had on such a wicked face earlier. "We're from Stormrend."

Mana nodded. "Eternal servants to Lady Havenbrook. Would you like to take a swim in our room?"

"No, thanks for the offer though." Melinda replied nervously.

Lana nodded, some water spilling out from the bowl on her head. "Come on. We'll show you the supplies." She extended her hand to Melinda.

Melinda took the offered hand. "Ready when you are."
Last edited:


Game Master
Staff member
Part Two

She was led to the corner of the room opposite the tank, by the doors exiting the manor. There were huge crates stacked up next to it in a neat pile, more then a traveling group of travelers would need. Likely, a lot of it was for the Stormrend branch of the Organization. It was an impressive sight, one that left Melinda wondering how a pair of child-sized creatures managed it. "You can inspect it if you want," Lana said. "But it is all there. We do good work. Will you tell the master we do good work?"

Melinda rubbed the back of her neck. "This should be enough, I'll let Lady Havenbrook know that everything's ready to go."

"And she'll come visit us to check herself?" Mana asked.

"Unfortunately, she's extremely busy right now, so not likely." Melinda answered. "I"m sorry."

Both of their expressions fell. Mana started to sniffle a bit, and Lana patted him on the shell. "Well... Please tell her we did a good job. Please tell her we are working really, really hard, okay?"

"I promise I will." Melinda said with a smile. "And I'll see if I can convince her to check in on you two."

They both gave her a big smile at that. "Thank you!" they cried out, both bowing. A bit more water poured out from Lanka's head, and she quickly ran off to their tank. Mana chuckled and gave Melinda a small wave. "Thank you for visiting."

"No problem." Melinda stated before leaving and heading off to report to Mina.

She found her in her office dying off her hair after a shower. Something seemed different with those thin clothes on. Was Lady Havenbrook's belly always that round? "Hey, Melinda. That was fast. The green duo didn't hurt you before you gave them the cucumbers, did they?"

"No, they didn't." Melinda stated. "Though, as I did admittedly forget about the cucumbers, I had to restrain on of them temporarily."

"Oh?" Mina reached into her ice box. "How did you calm them down? I'm assuming it was the female one, right?"

"Yeah, Lana attacked me on site." Melinda stated. "Luckily Mana knew of a crate of cucumbers in the storage room."

"Damn," Mina muttered. "They found they crate again. I'll have to move it again. Only a matter of time until they find a way to get to them and eat the whole crate..."

"This is just me talking..." Melinda started. "But I feel like they'd be less inclined to ransack the cucumber supply if you took some time out of your schedule to pay them a visit."

Mina narrowed her eyes. "Did they put you up to this?"

"No." Melinda answered honestly. "I took it upon myself, seeing as they were very disappointed to find out you were busy."

Mina sighed. "Sit down. I have a little story to tell you."

"Okay." Melinda replied as she sat down.

Mina sat across from her. "A close friend of mine here urged me to take him to Stormrend for the first time a couple years ago. It was only after I arrived that I found out he really wanted to go because I hadn't had a real vacation in ten years. I was... annoyed, but I tried to make the most of it. One morning, I got up early and decided to take a stroll by a river. I saw these signs with these strange drawings on them. I didn't realize they were meant to be warning signs until it was too late. Guess who jumped out of the river at me."

"Lana?" Melinda guessed.

"Yup." Mina leaned back. "Little monster tried to grab me and drag me into the water. I was to be an early morning snack, and if I had been a normal person, I wouldn't be here. Luckily, I was able to fight her off. Even found her weakness when I was able to knock all that water out of the indentation on her head. She went down like a brick and started to shrivel up. But then... I did something stupid..."

"What was that?" Melinda inquired.

"Well, her little brother came out and was crying, and she looked so sad and pathetic, so I... I helped her. Grabbed some water from the river and filled her up." Mina shook her head. "Turns out when you save a Kappa, they vow to serve you... for all eternity. And now, they won't leave me alone. I gave them work so they'd stop following me around, but it is never enough."

"Is that so..." Melinda thought for a moment. "I guess that isn't the best thing to have to deal with, now is it."

Mina shook her head. "What does one do when they have a pair of individuals that want to be treated like slaves? The nicer I am to them, the worse they get. I'm pretty sure they haven't stepped a foot out of that room since they got here."

"The way I see it, if they want to work, you should let them." Melinda remarked. "I don't feel any reason to keep someone from doing what they want to do, even if it is something as weird as being your slave."

"I suppose so." Mina rested her cheek against her fist. "I just feel guilty about it, even if Lana tried to kill me. I wish they would accept some sort of payment..."

"Sometimes you just have to accept the fact that life does strange things and can lead to strange encounters and endeavors." The shadowmancer pointed out. "No matter what you do, they will never change their minds, so you just have to deal with them as they are."

Lady Havenbrook let out a long breath. "Fine, fine. I'll... visit them from time to time. If that's what they want as payment, then at least it is something..."

"Whatever makes you and them happy." Melinda yawned. "Hopefully I can get some sleep on the way to Stormrend. Your beds are a little too comfy for me to adapt to."

Mina laughed. "I'll keep that in mind. Make sure you get ready. You'll be leaving pretty soon."

Melinda got up from her seat and bowed. "I'm already ready to leave at a moments notice. So, I'll be seeing you soon? I can't imagine the situation in Stormrend being that hard to deal with.

Mina tried to hide a grim look. "I sure hope you're right about that."

Melinda noticed the tinge of doubt in Mina's voice. "Do you not trust in Lady Arlia's capabilities?"

"Oh, I trust her," Mina assured the woman. "But there is no telling what will happen. And with us being directly challenged by the goddess of discord, I can't help but worry she is connected to this... or this bad feeling that something bad is going to happen."

"I'm sure we'll be fine." Melinda reassured. "The faster we can fix the problems there, the sooner we can move on to other trouble some regions. And if we're lucky, we'll be able to fight off this Goddess no problem."

Mina smiled. "Thank you, Melinda. Your optimism is encouraging."

"Well, it's kinda something that comes with starting in the bottom." Melinda remarked. "Speaking of which, I'm starting to remember some of my encounters with my mother... and I recall her mentioning some family relics... do you by chance know where the bandits that took them may have ended up?"

"I have a few connections with some underground individuals," Mina mentioned. "Give me a list, and if they are high enough in value, I might be able to track them down."

"They were a dagger, a bracelet and a amulet." Melinda explained. "All of them possess shadow enchantments and combined, they can be used for a ritual."

"Do they have specific names?" Mina asked as she jotted down some notes.

"I don't remember them." Melinda replied.

Mina nodded. "If you do, let me know." She smiled. "In the meantime, I'll start looking."

"Thank you." Melinda bowed once more before heading for the door. "We'll be back as soon as we can."

Mina nodded. "Good luck."


Well-Known Member
Dhalexpert & Marianavenger

The dragon and the sorceress

Have Brook manor

April 28 3349

2:27 pm


Elma still doing what Charter told her to do, climbing up the food chain is still hunting rabbits and gutting them. Her new companion Sam just looks at her and eats the rabbits she finishes buching. After a while Elma to her surprise stopped gaging at the sight of guts and blood of the rabbits.” Ou god the one thing I didn't want to happen is sort of happening, but there just wild animals so it’s alright if I feel nothing for them right?” Elma said to her new wolf who just looked at her and tilting his head.” And i’m talking to my wolf already, great.”

From nearby, Elma would hear a slight rustling from one of the trees.

Elma quickly turned around, she made a small fire ball in one of her hands. "Wh.. Who's out there, I..I'm armed..and i'm a mage so come out." Elma said a bit nervous of who was watching her.

A small ball of fire shot out from the leaves towards her.

Elma made a small sheild of ice to block the attack. "Drayce come now is that rely necessary, you could come out there. Because if you don't I will hug you until you embarrassed."

"Well then there is even more reason not to come out!" The intruder to her hunt blurted.

"Alright that's it." Elma went into the bushes she pushed the leaves and vines away, her high class of life made this even more annoying to her. Elma pushed one vine to the side only to have another hit her in her face." Ow, Drayce were are you?"

She heard a raspberry to her right, Drayce sitting next to her wolf petting him as he ate her rabbit. "Foo tlow."

"Ugh you know Charter said you didn't like wolves." Elma sees the rabbit Drayce is chewing on."Please tell me you didn't just steal from a baby wolf?"

Shaking his head, he gave the other half to the wolf.

"Aw, look at you being nice to a wolf pupy. That's cute, any way how are you Drayce the last time I saw you you were in the doc office, are you feeling better?"

The dragon Thrope nodded once. "Better then I was. I saw you leave earlier and wanted some more fresh air."

"Will that's good to hear your feeling better, and able to walk again. Say out of curiosity um can you really turn into a dragon?"

Drayce tilted his head, and then began to look very sad. "Yes..."

Um ca... can I see, I mean I never seen a dragon before?"

"N-No... I... I can't..."

"Ou come on please, I wanna see. I always wanted to see a dragon, I love seeing them in books and people around her already saw you in that form. Pretty please." Elma acting like impatient child that wants a dog.

"I can't Elma... I... I don't want to kill you." Drayce whispered. "I can't control it."

"You can't." Elma sat next to Drayce." You can't control it, but you're a dragon isn't that you're you know natural from?"

Drayce took on an even more forlorn look. "I am only a Thrope, Elma. And whenever I turn into a full dragon, I kill innocent people. Last time, it took my grandfather a lot to get me back to normal."

Elma frowned." I heard about that with thrope, that when you go into your beasts come out you can't control yourselves. That's ashame, I was kinda hoping to see that form of yours but if it makes go insane then I understand."

"It is nothing really that special." The teen said with a blush.

"Not spec, do you hear yourself you're a dragon! The creator of legends. People write all kinds of stories about them and there power and freedom." Elma boasted

"And for weeks I was stuck in a cage like any other animal." He complained.

"You know I've been thinking about that, some part of me thinks you could have gotten yourself free but you didn't. Because you didn't want to hurt people that didn't know you were captured."

"Wrong." Drayce whispered. "I, killed them all when I got free."

"Well so much for that, wait the scar on your back is that how you got it? I'm assuming someone had to fight you?"

"They shot me with a ballista."

Elma looked at Drayce unsure of what to say, so Elma leaned closer to Drayce and hugged him." I know this isn't much, and probably won't help at all. But I'm sorry to hear that happened to you."

Drayce hunched down, depressed. He put his arms around Elma, putting his head against her chest. "I want to go home..."

"I know you do, but instead of being homesick why not make this your home. Yes my world is cruel and there is evil all around. But there is some good around, like this guild so why not try and make this home it will be hard but give it a chance."

Drayce sighed. "You can only have one home though."

"Home is we're you make of it, I may not know everyone here. But there good people, so for now anyway see if you can make this place home at least for now." Elma said smiling at Drayce.

Drayce snuggled with Elma, enjoying her embrace.

Elma held him tightly, and came up with a fun idea." Say want to help me hunt rabbits, there pretty fast but it should be fun."

"You know dragons are apex predators right? There are no better hunters." Drayce childishly contested.

"I'm sure you are, but after hunting rabbits for a week I beg to differ. But I'm sure you can use the fun, since you were with the doctor for a while."

Drayce nodded, climbing onto her back to ride Elma.

"Hay I'm not a mount, Ou forget it as long as you're having fun I guess." Elma carried Drayce on her back, as the pair ran through the frost for rabbits.


Well-Known Member
Dhalexpert & Zombiesplitter53

On word to Stormrend

On a boat heading to stormwind.

Elma looked over the river, it being the first time she traveled by water." Wow the water looked so beautiful I can't believe were heading to Stormrend!"

Charter was sharping his sword, using Slone as a pillow. "Elma don't get to excited, well I guess you could since this is your first assignment."

"Don't listen to your brother." Eraqus muttered from a few feet away, leaning over the side of the boat. "You get as... urk... excited... as you want... ugh..."

Elma looked at Eraqus, um are you ok Eraqus? Are you feeling sick or something?"

"He's sea sick sis, which means for as old as he is he's not used to being on a boat. Ha probable shouldn't have eaten before coming here Eraqus."

"I can't go... the whole way without..." The Elf gagged and dry heaved. "And who are you... calling old?"

"Old in human years buddy, i'm just messing with you. besides it's been a while since Ive been to Stormrend also." Charter looked at Elma. "Are you going to be alright, this is your first assignment?"

Elma smiled at her older brother. "Well i'm nervous of course this is my first mission, so i'm excited but also nervous."

Eraqus slumped against the railing, taking several deep breaths. "D-don't worry. We'll give you an easy one. And your brother will be there to hold you hand," he teased.

Elma puffed her cheeks in annoyance. “He will not be holding my hand, I can take care of myself."

"Elma you've been hunting rabbits and nothing else, so hopefully you won't get to involved in the fighting." Charter said with some worry in his voice.

Eraqus waved his hand. "Come on, Charter, I was just messing with her. I'm sure she'll be fine. I mean... she's a Van Dam, right?"

"You've seen me fight, i'm good can't I be a worried big brother for once in my life."

Elma hugged Charter tightly. “But you are a great brother, your training me to be a hunter so you already a great brother."

"I'm an only child," Eraqus said. "Probably. Pretty sure. Point is, I guess I don't know what it is like to worry for a sibling. Or any family."

Elma looked at Eraqus. "Aw that's so sad, I mean don't you feel lonely?"

Eraqus shook his head. "No. I mean... not really." He shrugged maybe a little when I was growing up.

"Aw that's so sad weren't you close to your mom and dad?"

Eraqus chuckled. "Yeah, uh... I never met them. I mean, obviously I had to meet at least my mother at some point, but... my earliest memories are of being on the streets... alone. Maybe they died. Maybe they lost me. Maybe they abandoned me. I don't know. I don't know if they loved me. What they originally named me. I don't even know how I survived my early years."

"That's so sad, that's the saddest thing I ever heard and you can't even find them or remember what they look like."

"Ugh, sis like I said the world is cruel and something tells me that when we get to stormrend things are going to get interesting. The land of firearms, ugh boy i'm going to have some trouble there."

Eraqus took a swig of water at spat it off the boat, trying to get the taste of bile out of his mouth. "Why's that? Not a lot of experience against firearms?" He shot Elma a smile to show he appreciated the sympathy.

"Yea, guns are the only weapons I never mastered or got a hold of. Also guns aren't that cammon around the world."

"Hum, maybe I could get a gun to make up for some close range battles." Elma said enthusiastically

Eraqus sagged a finger at her. "Careful with that. There is a reason why they aren't that common. They are dangerous, and a bit on the unreliable side. That's why I love the old reliable sword." He leaned towards Elma. "Beside, you know that hand cannon Lady Havenbrook has? Pretty damn powerful and reliable itself. Know how much it cost?"

"I don't know probably a lot of gold silver and copper coins?

Eraqus nodded. "Whatever your thinking over, multiply it by about ten. That is how much a decent firearm cost."

Elmas eyes widen." Yea I'll stick with magic, and try learning new spells."

"Good call." Eraqus rubbed was stomach painfully. "Either of you ever been to Stormrend?"

Charter nodded." Yea a few times, it not to bad, the king and queen aren't to bad. But that's because if they loose it, then they can be kicked from power including their kids."

"We'll, they only have one daughter..." After a pause, Eraqus added, "W-who went missing a few years ago, of course."

Elma tilted her head." Really because I heard she returned home a few weeks back, which in itself is odd. Why would she be gone for years and then suddenly come back."

That's a good question," Eraqus said. "Who knows? Maybe We'll get to ask her ourselves."

"That's assuming we get close to her, parents lost there kid once I'm sure ther not going to lit anyone near her. Much less someone with dire wolf."

Eraqus looked over to Slone. "He is doing surprisingly well for being on a boat."

Slone layed on the ground with his eyes closed." That's because he's sleeping, surprisingly he likes riding on boats it's a change of pace for him."

"I'm surprised we convinced them to let him on, even with Lady Havenbrook's influence." Eraqus slowly wobbled to his feet. "Wonder if he's looking forward to Stormrend food as much as we are."

"Ou he is, there are certain elk there that are huge largest elk in all of Terra with whit and red stripes. Slone loves hunting them."

"Well... speaking of food, I don't want to lose anymore of my lunch..." Eraqus wobbled towards the door off the deck. "Gonna lay down before anyone else sees me in this embarrassing state."

"Try not to fall over board!" Character yells.

"Think he'll be ok?"

"He'll be fine sis, he's just not used to boated." Character strached and layed back on Slone." I think I'm gonna catch up on some sleep."

"Huh guess I'll just read some of my spell books, figured out if I can learn a new spells or not."


Game Master
Staff member
Frostlich1228 & ZombieSplitter53
See You In My Dreams
Part One

"Erin!" Shouted a voice through the laboratory door. "Erin are you in there?"

The Rabbit woman jumped a bit, the actual rabbit she was working with getting scarred and jumping on to the floor. "Yes?" Erin called out as she chased after the animal.

"It's Betty!" The voice called.

"U-um... Are you busy?" A second voice asked.

"Not especially. Get back here, Si." She finally caught the rabbit and walked to the front.

"Erin, I zhink I have an idea zhat you'll want to hear. It came to me suddenly, but I zhink it could work." Betty replied, sounding cheerful for the first time in a while.

This put a small smile on Erin's face as she put the bunny away. "Okay. Tell me."

"I... I zhink I might have a way we can... see Eliza..." Betty smiled, her happiness even evident through the door.

"See Eliza?" Erin gave her a sad look. "I... appreciate your enthusiasm, but how could we possibly..."

"It's actually somezhing we've already done... It... Might be a little risky though..." Betty admitted, her enthusiam dipping slightly.

"We'll do our bests to keep you all safe. I wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened to you." The second voice spoke again, still muffled from the door.

Erin titled her head. "Is that you, Magdeline?"

"Mmhm." She nodded her head. "I ran into Betty today... and she came up with something I could help with." Mags explained.

"Okay." She waved the two over. "Please, come in. Tell me all about it. No need to be shy as the woman who saved our dreams."

Betty quickly pushed the door open, aware that it hadn't been locked but not wanting to intrude. As they stepped in, Magdalene quickly replied. "I-I didn't do it all, I wouldn't have been able without everyone's help..."

"But none of us could have done it without your personal assistance." Erin guided them over to one of the cleaner tables. "And now you wish to help us again. Please, what can you do for us?"

"It was Betty's idea, maybe she should tell it..." Mags looked over as Betty confirmed with a nod.

"It came to me recently, you know how we located Methos in ze dreamscape?" The Fly askedn "Well... Mags said somezhing zhen that I only just remembered, she mentioned zhat if we focused on someone the dreamscape would lead us to zhem."

The Sheep nodded, "It makes sense, it's the world of dreams, recalling things about someone should bring you to them... "

Erin nodded. "I see. And you believe we can use Magdeline's affinity to the realm of dreams to find Eliza in her dreams?"

"Mmhm. We could even talk to her! I..." Betty sighed, her energy draining once more. "I want to show her we haven't forgotten her... To show her she's still not alone out zhere..."

Mags looked over to the Engineer, frowning sadly as she spoke.

Erin reached over, patting her on the hand. "I... I think it is a wonderful idea! And it is pretty late now. There is a decent chance that Eliza is asleep as we speak."

"I... Won't be dishonest with you two... It could be dangerous, but I trust Baphomet, I'm sure he can get us to her safely." Mags warned, looking between them.

"Don't worry, I have full faith in you Mags." Betty gave her a soft, reassuring smile.

"Agreed." Erin cleared her throat. "I'm sure I speak for both of us when I say we're willing to take the risk. Though I don't want to force you to take the risk if you don't want to."

Mags shook her head. "No... I'll do it for you... I uh... I know how the two of you feel right now... It's the least I can do... I wish I could do more even..."

Erin stood up. "I'll mix the spell to let us share the same dream so we can start together."

"I'll ready my harp to put you both to sleep." The Sheep girl nodded.

"Mags... Zhank you." Betty said as she stood up, but Mags just shook her head.

"I'd do it a thousand times Betty."

Shortly after, they all laid down on a trio of cots on the edge of the lab. Erin handed out the potions and downed her own. "This will be my first time in the dreamscape. I will be counting on you two to help me not get lost."

"I won't let you get lost, neither will Baphomet..." Mags replied standing over the beds. "And ... If worse comes to worse... we should be able to find you the same way..."

Erin nodded, laying down and closing her eyes. "Let us begin."

Mags agreed, strumming her glowing harp to put them to sleep, the carefully chosen notes making the air feel thicker, sleepier, or at least their perception of it as it passed through their ears.

Erin's eyes fluttered open and closed a few times, admiring Mags' beautiful music for as long as she could. Finally, she opened them fully. It was raining, thunder and lightning occasionally streaking across the sky. The rain streaked across her face and soaked her black robes. She stared somberly at the pair of graves before her, watching as a robbed figure with boney hands slowly shoveled dirt on the caskets.

"Erin... I'm sorry..." Betty spoke, standing next to her in a black dress.

Erin reached over, grasping her hand. "I just wish... I could have done something..."

"Are you ready for your turn?" The gatekeeper looked up at Betty, his decrepit, barely human features peaking out from his hood.

"I'm not. I'm not done yet. I won't leave Erin." Betty crossed her arms in defiance.

The man cackled. "Very well. Just know that we will be waiting for you. Always waiting." He pointed is boney finger at a grave with Betty's name on it.

She continued to look defiantly until, off in the distance, a black mass formed in the shape of two massive arms, each one holding one of her parents.

Betty took a few steps back, shaking a little as she glared, the fog gaining two massive red eyes and beginning to laugh.

Erin released Betty's hand, but only to pull out a wand. She stood between Betty and the fog, holding her weapon up and preparing to attack if need be.

Betty shook herself together, raising up her weapon towards the skeletal gravedigger, ready to protect Erin.

All of a sudden however, the fog parted and Betty's parents vanished as a small lamb came into view. "Well, we meet again."

Erin blinked, slowly lowering the wand. "Right... right. Just a... dream."

"But the fears are real. The emotions." The lamb spoke in it's booming voice. "I take it I am to aid you once more."

Erin nodded. "Yes. We come seeking your help to communicate with someone. Where is your charge?"

"My charge?" Baphomet confirmed, walking forward towards them. She's already here."

As he finished speaking, Magdalene walked up from behind them. "S-Sorry I'm late..."


Game Master
Staff member
See You In My Dreams
Part Two

Erin shook her head. "It is okay. Just... strange dreams." She looked at the gravekeeper, still shoveling dirt. "As if I would subcomb to fear like this..." The gravekeeper half turned his head, his eyes glowing red.

"I'm not scared of what holds my parents." Betty said.

"Such certainty you two have." Baphomet chuckled.

Erin shook her head. "Can we go? How do we get out of this dream?"

Baphomet transformed, reaching out his hand and clawing open a tear in thin air. Almost as soon as it formed, it began to spread, looking into it revealing the raw dreamscape Betty had seen before.

It was different in some respects, though. It was still an oddity, but it seemed more stable. In addition, strange creatures floated too and fro. Likely, these were normal inhabitants that had been in hiding when the Nightguants were acting up.

Erin closed her eyes, and slowly floated up. "Whoa... this will take some getting used to. How does the bibliophile do it so effortlessly?"

"Esmeralda? What do you mean...?" Mags asked, giving her a confused look.

Erin waved her hand in the air. "She likes to use her wind magic to float around. It is a bit unnerving to watch. She does it so casually."

"It's a little weird at first, but you'll get used to it." Betty replied, her fly wings having formed once again.

Erin smiled at her. "Show off." She floated off out of the dream as it melted away. "Come on. Away from this depressing scene. Let's find our girl."

As Mags and Baphomet followed after, the gravedigger glanced over to Betty. "Your Nightguant is right. You can run from your fear, but it is still there." A frightening grin spread under his hood, his features darkening. "If that wasn't the case, I wouldn't be here."

"We'll get over you..." Betty replied, stepping through the portal with Erin and Mags onto a large, floating platform, entities all around them.

"Baphomet, all we have to do is picture her, right?" Mags confirmed.

"Yes... But you still need to get there... Luckily, I can do that just fine." The Nightgaunt stated.

"Then I hope you won't mind if we stay close while looking for her." Erin closed her eyes and concentrated. "I really hope our memories of her will suffice. With the rate of growth, who can say what she looks like now?"

"Appearances alone mean little, what was she like? What did she do? What did you do together? These memories will find her more quickly, these are true memories, appearance is superficial..." Baphomet explained.

Nodding, Betty focus on her memories of little Eliza, particularly their Lady Nicola's day together as a family and the day she hatched, both of which caused her eyes to well up a little.

Erin too thought of the day she came into the world, as well as the later days when she started to warm up to Erin. A small smile crossed her face as she tried to avoid the bad times and thing of the good.

Baphomet looked out into the void, seeming to pick up on something as the dream bubbles flew past them, many at first, then fewer and fewer. It finally came down to the last twenty, which hovered it in air around the island.

As Betty saw this, she instinctively felt like they needed more, so she regrettably recalled her current, most vivid, strongest memory of Eliza... The day she was taken away. As Betty recalled it, her tears flowed faster, but at least ten of the bubbles dropped away leaving only a few.

Realizing what she was doing, Erin concentrated on doing the same. Her heart ached as the last of the dreams floated away, leaving just one.

Baphomet brought it down slowly, holding it in it's hand as it turned to show it to them. "This would be the one, correct?"

Erin placed a hand against It, her face lighting up. "It is!" She cleared her throat. "Ahem... I mean, I believe so. I can feel her demonic Od. It is clear even in this realm."

Betty placed a hand against it, feeling a similar sensation. "Zhat's her... Zhat's my little girl..."

Baphomet sighed slightly, gripping the sides of the orb and pulling it apart into a larger portal. Before they went in, however, the Nightgaunt warned them. "Be careful not to wake her up while you're in there... You'll be ejected from the dream, I'll do my best to make sure she stays asleep however, it's not particularly difficult..."

Mags stepped up towards them, asking, "Do you... Want me to come too?"

Erin quickly nodded. "Please do. This is possible because of you. It would be a shame to leave you behind."

"I wouldn't like it any other way." Betty replied, holding both Erin and Magdalene's hands. "Ready?"

"Ready." Erin moved forward, entering the sleeping demon's dream.

The dream they world they entered was very sterile looking. Very clean. It was split down the middle, the left side being well lit, the right quite dark. Both sides looked like laboratories, but there were various paintings and displays on the left. "These look like Lady Havenbrook's collections and my lab, but I don't recognize the lab items on the right," Erin said.

"Let's see if we can find Eliza..." Betty replied, looking around. "Zhis other lab... Might be where she is now..."

As they wondered into the darkened lab, they soon came across a viewing room. Realizing they were the ones inside it, and tall, dark figure in a lab coat and a face shrouded in darkness stepped forward on the other side of the glass. He held up and orange sheet of paper. "Orange... or... red?" he asked in a booming, distorted voice.

"What ze..." Betty squinted, pressing her hands against the glass, trying to will it to open, but nothing happened.

"That won't work... After all, this isn't your dream, it's not like the dreamscape." Magdalene spoke, ignoring the figure.

"Are you saying Eliza did zhis?"

"Maybe not consciously..." Mags pointed out.

The figured stepped forward. From the wall, a magical rod extended towards them, sparking with electricity. "Orange... or... Red?!"

Erin cleared her throat. "Maybe... this is a representation of Fairaven's testing and such."

Betty look at the rod, then gritted her teeth. "Zhat's... I warned him I would..."

"This is awful..." Mags whispered to herself, backing away from the rod. "We... Should look for another way out, touching that is going to hurt..."

Erin nodded, and the trio walked off the side. Everything was huge and forboding, like they were small, and they felt smaller as they walked along. Finally, however, they came across a large door with light coming out the crack. As they got closer, a familiar looking stuffed animal poked its head out.

"Zhat's hers!" Betty exclaimed, kneeling down to get a better look.

The teddy bear's expressive eyes looked her up and down, and after a few seconds, it seemed to recognize her. It quickly waved its paw, and pushed open the door. Beyond was a lavish version of Eliza's room at the manor, everything seeming to shimmer and glow. The shelves were lined with the various toys and items she had been given. These included four dolls that looked like cartoonish versions of Sylvie, Aemilia, Zulik, and Charter.

On the edges of the room were three beds instead of two, one apparently added for Betty, and it was the loveliest of the three. And against the wall, opposite the door, Eliza later nestled in the arms of her Teddy bear, looking as small and innocent as the day she hatched.


Game Master
Staff member
See You In My Dreams
Part Three

Betty covered her mouth as she saw her Eliza, emotions flooding into her as she took a step forward. "E-Eliza? Sweetie?"

Magdalene looked around the room, then at Eliza a somber smile on her face as she compared the previous room to this one. "So this is her... she looks so kind and innocent..."

Erin nodded, trying to hold back a tear. "That's because she is. I guess she retreated to a simpler time, but with memories of the good..." She looked up, her smile faded. The roof was like a glass ceiling, swirling darkness and dark figures on the other side. "This is her shelter. Her retreat from the harshness of her reality."

Betty knelt down, "Eliza... It's me... It's Amam. It's Amam and Erin..."

She slowly stepped down, walking towards her. Eliza outstretched her arms, reaching up at Betty.

Betty's heart beat faster and faster, her eyes welling up as she reached down and picked up the little girl, clutching her in her arms like a lost treasure while rubbing her head. "My Baby... My sweet baby... Amam is here..."

Erin stepped over, wiping tears from her eyes.

"I missed you," Eliza whispered. "I looked, but I couldn't find you no matter where I went."

"We're just... Away from you right now..." Betty said sadly, holding her close. "That's all..."

"I don't... understand." Eliza gripped her tightly. "How far away?"

Betty gripped her tightly, "Very..."

Even Magdalene felt the pain they were feeling, she never got such a chance, but, seeing what her sister was going through and still being unable to help... Would she even have wanted it?

"We never wanted to leave you... I... I... You mean ze world to us..." Betty continued, seeing the lab from before obviously tormenting her.

"We'll be able to see you again soon, though," Erin insisted. "F... Fate itself is on our side. We are destined to be together again. It is only a matter of time." She bit her lip. "What... what goes on with you here?"

Eliza remained silent, nuzzling her face against Betty's chest.

"Do... Do zhey... Hurt you?" Betty clenched her fist.

Eliza was silent for a while before saying, "They used to. When I would misbehave. When I would ignore them. When I would try to get free. But I don't do that anymore. I am a good girl. I do as I'm told. I do their tests. Then, maybe, they'll leave me alone. Maybe... I'll see Amam and Erin again."

Betty clenched her teeth, "I... I warned him... I told him..."

Magdalene closed her eyes as she listened, the display hurting her deep down.

"I... Destani lied to us..." The Engineer's cheek twitched slightly. "Zhat's good sweetie... You will come home soon..."

Erin looked up at her. "I'm different now. I'm bigger. I'm not a little baby anymore. Will you... still want me if I'm different?"

"Of course! A million times! I don't care if you're twenty feet tall now, you'll always be my little girl..." Betty stated, pulling back to look at her face. "No matter how you look, we'll be a family I swear it..."

Eliza smiled, a few tears rolling down her cheeks. "I love you, Amam."

"Amam loves you too..." She said quietly, gripping her close.

Mags couldn't watch any more, stepping just out of the room as the two of them spoke. "Baphomet... Baphomet are you there?"

A portal suddenly opened near the sheep, the Nightgaunt's upper body appearing out of it. "Yes?"

"Isn't there any way we could... Get her out of here from her dream? Couldn't we... I don't know, take her astral form with us?" Mags suggested, but the dream creature just shook his head.

"If we were to take her astral body from her dream, her conciousness would be separated from her waking body..."

"T-Then maybe we could... Bring her into the waking world or... If that didn't work we could put her in a happy dream until we can get her." Mags tried to brainstorm ideas.

"If we were to do that, her physical body would become unresponsive, in a state much like you were in at birth, alive and with a heartbeat, but with no cognitive brain function..."
Mags' protector elaborated further.

"And? She wouldn't have to answer their questions or do anything anymore right?"

"Yes. But we don't what her captors would do then... If they detected no brain function in her, they may decide to... Dispose of her physical body at worse, or preform more dangerous tests on it at best... Both of which would make her body unusable, she'd be trapped..."

"You... You really think they would... She's a little girl! You think they'd toss her out like trash? That's awful!" Mags covered mouth with both hands, reacting with visible disgust.

"Mortals hearts can hold evil greater than any demon, monster, or wicked thing..."
He said, leaving on that sentence as Mags looked back into the room sadly, seeing them still embracing eachother.

"I know..." The Sheep added simply, her thoughts turning towards her sister once more.

Erin placed a hand on the sheep-woman's shoulder. "Thank you. That you are so moved by someone else's plight is heart warming. But please don't let it hurt you too much. This meeting is inspiring, and it reminds me of how great it will be when we get her once more."

"Erin... I've... How Betty's acting..." Magdalene hesitated, "I've seen in before... I'm getting a terrible feeling of Deja Vu..."

"What do you mean?" Erin asked softly. "Do you know someone else who has gone through this?"

"My Mother..." Mags sighed. "My sister was taken by slavers... We didn't know where she was or what was happening to her for almost five years, but we... we heard horror stories about what happens in Themosa..."

"My Ma... She couldn't take knowing that they were doing that to her... it was hard for all of us, but her most of all..." The Farmgirl explained sadly. "Eventually she just... Couldn't take it anymore and left... My Pa always thought it was after Carol, but we never saw her again..."

Erin slowly wrapped her arms around Mags, hugging her tightly. "I'm sorry. This... that you went through that, and still helped us knowing... I'm so sorry."

"That's why I helped you... It wasn't just because you're my friends..." She replied, looking back at Betty silently embracing Eliza. "I think... We need to be there for Betty... Her heart's just being battered right now..."

Erin nodded. "She puts out a strong front. While I am dealing with my own torment, I am left to wonder if I have neglected help her with hers..."

"I know it's hard... Gods do I know..." Mags suggested, "B-Because... This is the same kind of situation that broke my family..."

"I'll make sure the same thing doesn't happen to ours." Erin smiled at Mags. "You know, we're looking for Betty's parents right now. This includes looking for clues in Serasam and Themosa. Perhaps we can look for clues about your mother too."

"Really? You would..." Mags smiled happily. "Thank you. I-I don't know where we would start though..."

Erin shook her head. "We can just start with a name, and see where that takes us."

"Maribeth Annahsvere..." Mags said, the name having gone unsaid for so long it felt foreign to her. "She picked my name... She decided on one like hers..."


Game Master
Staff member
See You In My Dreams
Part Four

Erin nodded. The room started to shake, various objects melting away. "What's happening."

As things shook, Magdalene looked back into the room to see Betty looking around with Eliza in her arms. "Is the dream collapsing!?"

The Flygirl looked back at Eliza quickly, "Eliza sweetie... Stay strong, like you've been... We're coming, I'm going to make zhem... I'll make zhem regret hurting you... Zhen we can live happy..."

Eliza leaned up, kissing Betty on the cheek. "I will stay strong for you, Amam." She smiled widely. "I will show you what a big girl I am now."

"Good... Good good... I'll get you away from zhose terrible people even If I have to give my arm to do it..." Betty said with determination, a determination which gave Magdalene a worried look.

The room continued to shake, the ceiling starting to crack. "We... we better go," Erin said sadly. "We don't want to be here when a dream ends with such turbulence."

"Okay..." Betty replied, standing up. "I'll never stop trying to get you back, sweetie... Never."

As she said that, a portal, courtesy of Baphomet, opened up behind her. "Hurry. I can't hold this dream together for much longer!"

"I love you, Eliza." Erin gave her a quick kiss on the head, then quickly ran for the portal.

As Magdalene passed through, Betty stopped for just a moment looked and at the demon girl once more. "I love you..."

Eliza nodded as the ceiling started to shatter. "I love you more."

Betty smiled, an obvious sadness in her eyes as she ducked through the portal, coming back into the raw dreamscape and landing on the island from before.

After she landed, Baphomet dropped the portal, it began collapsing and 'popped', causing the bubble to disappear. As it did, Magdalene approached the Fly as she was slowly getting up. "A-Are you alright?"

Betty looked away for a moment. "I... No..."

Erin placed a hand on her arm. "We'll get her back. You believe that, right?"

"Of course I do! But... Zhey... Zhey hurt my little girl! Our little girl!" Betty exclaimed in rage through welled up eyes. "I... If... I... don't know if I can keep waiting like zhis Erin..."

Erin lightly held her arms. "Please, Betty... you need to be patient. What happens if our actions end up making things worse?"

"How much longer does she have to be zhere, treated like zhat? D-Destani didn't give us a date, it could be months Erin!" The Fly asked, her hair falling in her face.

Erin sighed. "I don't know. But I'm sure Destani knows, and he must have been confident that it would have been soon enough. Please... don't let this tear you apart. Don't..." She lowered her head. "Don't let it tear us apart..."

Betty was quiet, unable to figure out what to say, tears still wetting her face. "I'm sorry... I... I feel like I'm just... Losing control... I feel like how I felt when I lost my parents..."

"Betty... You're strong... You can get through this..." Magdalene comforted, kneel down beside her. "You have us..."

"And I know that I will never leave you," Erin insisted. "The god of Death couldn't pull me away from your side."

Betty stood up slowly. "Zhose... Zhose terrible scientists will get what zhey deserve... I don't know how, but zhey will... I'll make sure of it..."

"Betty... I know it seems impossible but... The best thing to do is just... distract yourself..." Mags suggested, not just to Betty, but also to Erin. "Do something fun, something together... Eliza will get out, and when that day comes... You'll be there with her... as a family."

Erin lightly gripped Betty's hand. "She's right. We have to be strong for her, okay?"

"Okay... She's being strong for us, after all..." The Engineer stated, wiping her tears away.

Erin smiled at the pair that had helped them. "We're ready to go home."

"Okay." Mags nodded at Baphomet, confirming as he focused.

After a moment, the orbs whizzed by once again, bringing them back to their original dream portal. "Baphomet should be able to wake us up from here. Ready?"

"Once I thank him too?" Erin bowed her head to the Nightguant. "Thank you so much. We owe you again."

"My intention was at first merely to aid Mags... However... Mortals are ruthless and cruel, willing to destroy others for only minimal gain... I've seen it's effects... I admit... I wished to prevent mortal cruelty from destroying any more lives so easily..." Baphomet explained, showing a almost caring side towards others besides Magdalene.

"Unfortunately, they likely feel justified." Erin smiled at Betty. "I only hope we can show them how different we feel when we see them again."

"Yeah... We'll show zhem..." Betty stated, leaning over to kiss Erin's cheek. "Until zhen... I have my precious Bunny..."

"And I have my impeccable insect," Erin returned.

"You two are just perfect together... I hope me and Zulik will be this good..." Mags smiled, looking to the side.

"You and... Zulik?" Erin asked in surprise. "I did not think Zulik had it in him. Always so stoic and... alone. I do hope he can do you justice."

"I hope I can do him proud." Mags replied, signalling for Baphomet to wake them up.

The Dreamscape quickly faded, the bubbles and environment vanishing as they faded out of it. Suddenly the three of them sat up, awake and free from sleep.

Erin wiped her eyes. "I'll need a little more of that soon, but..." She looked over to Betty. "I think the three of us should head door to the pub for a little while. Take Magdeline's advice and... try to distract ourselves with something fun."

"I... I guess we could play cards together... How does zhat sound?" Betty considered, looking over at the others.

Erin nodded. "That sounds lovely."

"I think I'll go set things up." Mags smiled as she left the room, but before Erin could follow, Betty lightly gripped her arm.

"Erin... I'm... Sorry for raising my voice at you earlier..." The Tinker said sadly, looking off to the side.

Erin frowned. "Please don't be. I understand, I really do. I just... hope I am enough to help you through this."

"You are..." Betty looked into Erin's eyes, holding her hands in hers and blushing slightly. "Erin... I've been zhinking... I zhink... I would like to have a day just for us... And at ze end I'd like to... Finally take... Ze next step with you..."

Erin nodded. "A day alone would be quite nice. But... take the next step... where?"

Betty tried to hold it in for a moment, but couldn't stop herself from laughing, Erin managing to cheer her up enough. "You're so innocent you're making me seem like ze dirty one!"

Erin blinked a few times. "Dirty? What would... oh..." Her cheeks reddened a bit. "H-how foolish of me, um... I mean... if you would... would like to..."

"I would love to... Unless, you'd like to wait longer? With everyzhing recently, I'd understand if you don't zhink it's a good time..." Betty asked.

Erin lightly gripped Betty's hand and smiled nervously. "I... I would love to 'take the next step' with you, Betty."

"Mmhm. But let's save it for our day together. For now, let's play cards." Betty smiled happily, rubbing her hands lightly.


Active Member
ZombieSplitter53 and ExoGrim: Home

City of Kushan
8:27 p.m.

It was night fall when the Havenbrook Hunters finally arrived in the first major city of Stormrend. They had passed through several smaller villages and towns, small and peaceful. Simple, really. As the second largest city, Kushan was anything but. People were moving to and fro, the magical street lights painted shadows to and fro, and the various gambling dens and restaurants were up and running. It was different in many ways to the Capital, but to Arlia, in all the ways that mattered, it felt exactly the same. For the first time in so long, she was home.

The group was setting up in an inn in the center of the city. Mina had made arrangements for them to spend the night before heading to the capital, where the Stormrend branch of the Havenbrook Organization was located. As the others settled in their rooms or had a drink downstairs, Eraqus looked out at the city from one of the balconies. "Fifteen years," he said to himself. "And yet, even with the recent civil war, it all feels the same."

Arlia was in her room, spinning one of her kunai in her hand lazily. Though it was nice to be home, she still hand a mission to do. With an impostor posing as her and Malder killing gods knows who, she was anxious and worried through the whole journey. The way she saw it, the faster they get to the capital, the better. Arlia took a moment to step out of her room, noticing Eraqus at the balcony. "Enjoying the scenery?" The assassin asked as she approached, still spinning the blade on her finger.

"You know..." Eraqus smiled. "In all my years, I've been to so many places. So many countries. And they all have their ups and down. But next to my home country, I have always found Stormrend to be the most serene... and beautiful."

"Stormrend has always been known for it's majestic land." Arlia pointed out. "The beauty of this place has always been home to me, no matter where I am."

"After the war... after the fighting was over, why didn't you return home?" Eraqus asked. "Were you afraid of the trouble you would be in for leaving in the first place?"

"No, it's not that..." Arlia stopped the blade and lowered her gaze. "After everything that happened during my time on the battlefield, I was afraid that it would effect me too much for my parents to be able to deal with. I felt like it would be best for me to help the world through different means than returning home... because I didn't think I'd survive being home."

Eraqus nodded. "You were afraid. So you ran away." He took a deep breath. "I know that feeling."

"You do?" Arlia inquired.

Eraqus nodded. "Late teens. Friend of mine got in trouble from her father... physically... for being friends with me. I ran away. I told myself it was to protect her, but... I was being a coward. She probably thought the same. Joined a Fairaven Hunter's Guild to toughen up. Failed at that. I ran to the Dutchy, saying it was to toughen up... but instead of going back to Fairaven, I joined a Guild in Kemar... Which I eventually ran away from." He shook his head slowly. "Ran away a lot in my youth. Wonder... if I am really any different now."

"Everyone changes with time." Arlia pointed out. "Even with our flaws, we learn how to adopt new ways, new fates. During my time I've known you, I've never had a reason to believe you were a coward."

"Thanks. The feeling is mutual." The Elf glanced at her. "You think of them? Your parents?"

Arlia sighed. "Yes, I think of them at times. Mostly wondering what they're doing and how they're managing without me. It must be harsh, huh? You're only child and heir to the throne has gone missing and you don't even know where to look because of how well she covered her tracks."

Eraqus looked back over the city. "If I'm being honest... yeah, kinda. I don't have any kids, but I can imagine not knowing where they are or what they're doing, or even if they are still alive, must be hard to deal with."

"Well, it'll be nice to go home... and see them again." Arlia remarked, a tearing slowly escaping her eye.

Eraqus looked over and noticed. "Oh... look, I didn't mean... sorry. I tend to put my foot in my mouth a lot."

"Oh, no... it's just." Arlia started, as more tears fell down her face. "Malder is there... I barely managed to defeat him last time, so I don't know if I can do it again. That and, the longer it takes us to get there, the more of my family he kills."

Eraqus gave her an encouraging smile. "But you did beat him last time, right?"

"Yeah... but I should've killed him." Arlia looked away from him. "Then this would've never have happened."

"Why didn't you?" the Elf asked.

"Because something told me that it was wrong... that he needed a second chance." The princess explained.

Eraqus nodded. "You made a mistake. But one of a good heart. We'll stop him. You have support this time, right?"

"Right." Arlia gave him a weak smile. "And hopefully things will go better this time."

"Right." Eraqus patted her in the shoulder. "So... what should we know about him. Battle tactics, skills, magic, background, favorite color. Anything you think will help in a fight."

Arlia wiped the tears from her eyes. "He's extremely fast on his feet, making him hard to hit in most situations. He has chi on his side, as well as wind magic. Other than that, he's smarter and a lot more cunning than he let's off. If anything, he's someone you want to be careful about having on your bad side."

Eraqus chuckled. "Like you?"

Arlia rolled her eyes. "Very funny."

He shrugged. "Have to bring some levity where we can." He stepped away from the balcony. "We have a few small missions to work with your cover when we get to the capital. To avoid any curious eyes, Davon agreed to let us stay at his place."

"That's good to hear." Arlia stated.

"Get some rest," Eraqus suggested. "We have a lot more travelling to do tomorrow." He walked back towards his room, calling back. "And try and relax, and enjoy being home."

"Alright... I'll do that." Arlia walked to her room and slowly drifted of to her own sleep.


Active Member
ExoGrim and Frostlich1228: A Good Night's Sleep

Having set out to Stormrend, Melinda had taken the time to get some sleep while the carriage took them to their destination. Though most would not be able to sleep in such conditions, the shadowmancer had learned to sleep in such ways to be comfortable. This had reached the point where it became hard for her to sleep in actual bedding at times... often opting to sleep on the floor in order to get decent rest. So, for the most part, Melinda was out cold.

Juxtaposed to her, Sylvie was laying down with her eyes wide open and bags under her eyes, having gotten next to no sleep on the swaying mechanical contraption. "Ughh... How close are we..."

Melinda opened her eyes briefly. "I wouldn't know, but, from what I heard, Stromrend is quite a ways away."

"I'm never going to sleep in this thing..." She growled lightly, holding her pillow around her head.

Melinda, who had been sleeping without a pillow the whole time, sighed. "I guess sleeping in these conditions is something you have to acquire through practice rather than naturally."

"I couldn't sleep on my way to the manor either..." She held her mouth.

Before Melinda could respond, the carriage stop. They had arrived at Kushan, the second largest city in Stromrend. The two ladies were escorted to the place where they would be sleeping, as night had fallen on their way there. And once again, Melinda had lost her ability to sleep, due to the nature of the bedding and the comfortably of the material.

Sharing a room with Melinda, the Huntress looked over to the side at her. "Well... This is a bit of a... Reverse, isn't it?"

"Yes, you could say that." Melinda muttered. "Having lived on the streets for so long, I can't seemed to get used to having my own bed."

The Huntess let out a yawn. "On the streets? Really?"

"Yes... I was born and raised on the streets on Bevland." The pale woman answered. "I was unable to learn about the culture because I wasn't able to be apart of it."

"We don't have problems like that in my home, resources are spread evenly, we all work together." Sylvie stated.

"Yeah, not everywhere is like that." Melinda stated, having gotten off of her bed and laid down on the floor. "Some people and places are less fortunate."

"The divide out here is... Massive. The lows are crushing and the highs are towering." The Huntress stated, rolling onto her side to better look at her.

"It's a divide that we all have to get used to." Melinda moved so that she was laying on her side. "There's little to no way to change it."

"I'm not so sure about that. It's a product of greed after all, remove the source of greed, then spread the wealth, right?" The Green haired maiden suggested.

"Except that it's not so easy to take away someone's gold." Melinda countered.

"But it can be done." She raised a finger towards Melinda.

Melinda sighed. "Though your optimism is appreciated... it takes more than a simple removal currency to deal with greed."

"It should be punished, obviously. Those people are hurting everyone by hoarding, though I guess they don't care..."

"Sadly, the world isn't so black and white." The shadowmancer remarked. "Not everything is as simple as it looks."

"Seems pretty simple to me." Sylvie shrugged.

Melinda paused for a moment, before bitterly saying. "You'd be surprised at the complications this world provides."

After a moment of silence, Sylvie recalled her first hunt and her fight with the manticore. "Yeah... You're right about that..."

"An unfortunate truth of this world." Melinda seemed to shiver as she spoke, as if she was recalling a dark memory.

"So... Why did you decide to go to Stormrend? Why did you choose to go on this mission?" Sylvie asked curiously.

"I felt that my assistance was needed." The shadowmancer stated. "I felt that I would be needed to help deal with the situation in that region."

"And that's it? No personal interest at all?" The Huntress asked, confirming.

"Nope." Melinda confirmed.

"Okay. I would've thought you were coming here to try and find out more about your mother." Sylvie responded, adjusting her pillow.

"From what I know, I doubt she would have been in Stormrend during her time alive." Melinda explained. "She spent most of her time in the western part of the land."

"Isn't that why you said you were here, though?" She continued, propping up her head with her hand.

"I joined the guild to find out more about my mother." The shadowmancer corrected. "Stormrend is merely an obstacle that stands in between me and the hunt for that knowledge."

"But you don't have to go there, so it doesn't need to be an obstacle." Sylvie pointed out. "You wanted to help people, right?"

Melinda paused for a moment. "It's not just that. I have... a bad feeling about what's going to happen. Something doesn't feel right."

"Never go against your gut. Your instincts don't lie. That's one of the first things I was taught as a hunter." Sylvie spoke, nodding towards her.

"And what if my gut is telling me that something bad is about to happen?" Melinda inquired, sounding nervous.

"Then be on your guard. Watch yourself, watch your fellow hunters, even if they think you are overreacting- no, especially if they think you're overreacting." The Huntress advised.

"Alright then... I'll do just that." Melinda said confidently. "Whatever it takes to make sure everyone makes it out safe."

"You're an impressive fighter... I'm glad to have you with us here." Sylvie said honestly, she was however, still a little uncomfortable deep down with Melinda's dark magic.

"That's good." Melinda yawned. "We should get some sleep... and hope my hunch is wrong."

"Yeah... Let's see what Stormrend will offer us..." The Neren'tevan woman replied, leaning her head back into her pillow.

Melinda placed her own head on the hard floor, eventually dozing off after a while.


Well-Known Member
A pirate queen and her kingdom

Across the sea

3:57 Pm

Alice and her bandit crew sailed across the sea of Tera, for the past few weeks Alice has been rading small towns and villages as well as a few shipyards and her cargo is getting full. Her sister being held under the ship for her own safety, she has been sailing for days sinking ships as she went along. “Land ho!” One of her bandiest shouted

Alice made her way out of her captain’s quarters and looked at the island, and looked on her maps she gathered. “Hum what Island is this, it’s not on any map that I’ve seen. Hum get me a boat Crixus you and me will go check this place out, something about this place seems off.” As Alice and Crixus got into a boat and her crew set it down into the water. ” Be on your guard Crixus who knows what we will face here.” As Crixus rows there boat to the island they are meet with a group of six men, one stepped forward looking at the two unknown guest.

“Well visitors, its been a while since we got some new faces. So what brings you to our humble little island?”

“And who are you exactly, and what is this place? Alice questioned.

The man in questioned looked like he was in his mid-thirties and have a rough exterior, his head was bold and he seemed like he is in good shape. “Names Gage and I’m the seconded in command of this little haven and were you landed is an Island filled with bandits, so here’s how this is going to work. If you’re a trader you will give us what you have and you will be able to leave this place. Now if you’re a rider or mercenary you still have to pay for contribution.”

Alice looked annoyed under her hood, she looked at the man in frustration. “And what if I choose not to pay?”

“Then your ship will be shot out of the water and we will keep you captive.”

Alice gripped her ax thinking about driving her ax into the man shoulder, but she chose otherwise thinking about her sister who’s on the ship. “Fine were raiders now do you mind telling me what this place is?”

The man smiled and opened his arms. “Welcome to Athea this is a bandit’s paradise so your fried there will be staying here while you take me to your ship and I will see if your worth letting on this island or if your just some no good bandit that got lucky with her haul.”

Alice eyes squinted and she looked at Crixus.” Stay here, and if any of them attack you kill them in self-defense of course.”

“Yes mistress.” Alice got back on her boat with Gage and started rowing it back to her ship.

Back on her ship Gage saw few hundred bandits on board Alice ship.” Ou well then guess you’re not a armature after all so where is your haul?”

“Down below but stay close to me, or you’ll be eaten.” Alice lead Gage to the lower part of the ship, all around them were zombies yelling at the sight of gage.

“Whoa so I see you’re a necromancer huh, wouldn’t have expected that. So um where is this haul you have?”

“Don’t worry were almost there, just stay close.” Alice led Gage to the storage area, were there was tons of sugar, rum, food and of course plenty of gold silver and copper coins. As well as juleary.

“Wow so you do have plenty of goods, hum well then you can bring your ship into the doc. We will take your sugar and some of you food and rum.”

“Very well thanks for that.” Alice went top side and steered her ship into the port, once there Alice got off her ship as her crew started off loading there goods.” Ugh this should fetch us a wonderful price, at least it will keep the men in check.

As Alice off loaded her cargo, someone was watching her and the mysterious person drinks her cup she stands up and walks to Alice. “Well hello there it’s been a while we seen a new face here, judging by the hull you brought you’re a damn good raider or a veteran pirate?” The woman in question was wearing a white shirt with a black over coated with a pirate skull on the back of it, she was also wearing a weird hat. The hat was large and side of it was folded with a feather in it.

Alice looked the woman up and down and she felt a present from her, like she does with other vampires but something was off about her something Alice felt only in the vampire city. “It’s good to meet you and no I’m not a veteran pirate or raider, I’ve only been doing this for a few months.”

“Wow a few months and you already have this many on your side, say why don’t we go inside I would like to talk to you in private.” The mysterious woman escorted Alice to what seemed to be her home. “So what do I ou the pleasure for seeing a vampire to my part of the world.” The woman drank, a glass of what looked like red wine.

Alice looked at the woman in surprise.”Yo.. You can tell I’m a vampire, how you’re A I thought something was off about you. You’re a Dhampir. Aren’t you? A filthy half breed!”

Fifthly half breed huh, you’re a purest huh. Well that’s rare because most will agree with that, but then again I haven’t been to the main vapire city in six hundred years.”

Alice eyes widened. “Six hundred! How can you live this long without people noticing?”

“Most people never see me number one, and number two No one knows who made this island so they didn’t question also there bandits.”

“Wait so your six hundred years old so that means you were a part of the vampire war then so surly you humans to!”

The woman put her hand up to stop Alice.” I don’t hate humans, and yes I was a part of the war. I saw were it was going and left the main lands and found this little island.”

“You left!? You abandoned your people for this!”

“And what are you doing?” the woman took of her hat, under her hat her hair was tied up and her eyes one half was red and the other yellow. “So tell me little vampire miss “Pure blooded”, why are you here? Last I header we lost the war and we stayed in the city, so unless your exiled why are you out in about?”

I escaped that prison, I’m building an army to take that city and give my race the freedom it deserve.”

“Why? Why are you raising an army to take back that city, I mean it’s been three hundred years and they still haven’t changed their minds why save them why not leave them to their fate?”

“Because I will not let my kind die because of the fear of some scared old bats!”

“Hum so you’re trying to raise an army for the sake of your race, well I could respect that hell I made this island out of my own determination so you think you can take the vampire capital? Fine how about you stay here for a little bit and see if you can get some to join you?”

“Wait so your letting me recruit bandits to my side?”

“Ou don’t worry, I will ask for something in return just not yet so go around the island and see how many you can get to join you.

“Well thanks for that, well I better get started then.”

“Take Gage with you, he can introduce you to the other groups and get you close to them.”

Alice nodded her head, and left the building once she does that the red haired woman smiled at Alice. “Ou I can’t wait to see what you can do young one, I can’t wait to see.”


Well-Known Member
Part 2

“Hum The red haired woman stepped out her home again. “Hay Purple hair lady, I’m not done with you yet.” She walked down to Alice and looked at her up and down. “Hum despite being a vampire your far too nice, and pretty to boot. Your men fallow you because why?”

Alice looked confused. “Because I offed them gold and can keep whatever they want from our raids.”

The red haired women slammed her hand on her forehead. “By the gods no wonder they fallow you, I’m sure most are thinking how they can get rid of you. What else did you do?”

Alice looked confused. “Well I let them have their way with my Thrall after she tried to kill me?”

“What!” The red haired woman got inches away from Alice face. “You let you men have their way with your Thrall! That poor pink haired woman, being your thrall is bad enough but serving her to your men. I be surprised if she’s not being raped constantly!”

“That does not happen!”

“Why not, you let your men think they can take what they want you offered them your Thrall. Which I’m sure you survived by luck just by looking at you, you’re an armature brand new to the world and have no idea how it works!”

Alice started to step back slowly, this being the first time she’s being talked to like this since her mother. ”You... You … don’t… know.”

“What is your name young one?”

“My name... it’s…its Alice Valentine.”

“My god that name, Alice Valentine yea that will terrify people all across Terra. You look like someone that only kills if she has to and scalpel for deception, in short you do what you do for survival only.” The red haired women shook her head. “Come with me, you’re going to learn to be a true bandit no an overlord that all of Terra will fear.” The woman walked ahead with Alice fallowing her.

“So um how are you going to teach me this, what am I missing what can I do to rule.”

“There is no book on ruling kid, but for you. You need to learn the type of person you want to be first, so your bandits what do you want them to be? I have bandits that raid for gold, make weapons and armor and sell them all over, other tame animals. So what will you be?”

“I want to be all of those, I want my clan to put the world on its head and make the greatest army the world has ever seen.”

“Hum and how do you plan on doing that? Hum, do even have a plan at all?”

Alice looked like she wanted to speak but said nothing.

“I figured as much, come on I know the store owner her what you have on is good put its missing something.” The two women entered the shop and a man looked at the red haired women and Alice.

“Scarlet, good to see you again who your friend is.

“Her name is Alice, and she’s a complete armature to us bandits and pirates who wants to take over Terra. Alice this is Benedict one of many tailors on the island can you look her over.”

The man looked at woman up and down.” Well you look like you stole that off a corpse.” Alice looked down and continued to say nothing. “Take it off.”

“What no I’m not going to.”

Scarlet ripped Alice close, the same way Alice did to Rumi, and Alice cheeks turned red.

The man wrapped Alice bust in a yellow tape.”Hum breast size 41-43, and hips 41-42. A sexy devil.

“Eye mind finding her something proper.”

The man went to the back and brought out a red vest, black boots a black over coat and a feathered hat. Alice took the close and put them on.

“Ou this is much better, I feel like I can breathe even though I don’t need to.”

“Good now you’re looking like a proper pirate, but now you need Charisma and for you. You need an act. Thanks Benedict and payed him as they left.

“An act, I don’t get it what do you mean an act?”

“The world is your stage honey, all you have to do is play your part. For you why not play the demon.” Scarlet turned around and looked at Alice. “Show me the face of intimation.”

“Um Ok.” Alice closed her eyes and tried getting angry as her eyes turned black.

“Hum not bad for lesser people, if you play the some punk with a weapon then only farmers and children will fear you. But appear as a demon then all people will fear you, and you need to find out how you’re going to do that. You men were just kicked out one of my bar because they couldn’t behave themselves, so show them who’s in charge.” Scarlet went with Alice to her ship were her men were in an up roar.

“Men.. Men... Men!” Alice yelled and her men ignored her, Crixus heard her and came to her side but Alice told him to wait by her side.

“Here you go this will come in handy.” Scarlet handed Alice one of her pistols. “All you have to do is point the end with the hole at someone and pull that end your thumb on though point it in the air first.”

Alice squeezed the trigger and the gun fired the boom it made surprised Alice and got her crews attention. “Good now that I got your attention, there’s going to be some changes men. Number one you will not be hording the all the gold, and seconded you will be trained daily you will practice every day until I say you are finished and third Rumi is no one’s play thing if you ever touch her again I will rip your arms off and feed it to you.”

“What!” A large man clearly taller than Alice stepped forward.” Is this a joke, we had a good thing going here and you say were going to train and not have fun with that bitch Thrall of yours!”

“Yes is there a problem of that?” Alice slowly getting adjatated.

“Heh the only reason we fallow you is because you killed our former bosses, and say we can have all the gold we can have but now you’re trying to put a stop to that. No I think we don’t need you in fact I think I can do a better job then you.” Her men cheered behind him.

Crixus started to move forward, but Scarlet stopped him from moving. “I said fall in line.” Alice eyes turned black in anger.

The man smacked Alice and kicked her in her stomach forcing Alice to her knee. “Your no leader, ha this is my ship now my crew and my first order of business is for you to get off my ship.” The man swong his Dane axe at Alice.

Alice grabbed the axe before it can dig into her and she slowly stood up, she remembered what Scarlet said about playing the demon. When she looked up her eyes were black like before but her red pupils started to come out, and her teeth looked like a sharks. Alice then pulled the arm forward and kicked the man all the way to the other side of the boat, she then broke the weapon over her knee. “So you think you will take my ship and my crew? You all want to show a mutiny for that shit head.” Alice smiled at her crew.

The man then got up, and started to charge Alice. Alice using her powers to get behind Scarlet and took her second pistol. “I’m going to need this.” Alice then shot the man in his knee taking him to the ground the man screamed in pain as he gets to a knee, Alice walked to the man and Alice slapped him having him slide across the ship.

“This is your captain huh!? Crixus tie him up and have his back facing me, then get those four spiked swords.”

Crixus did what he was told and tied the man up and gave her the swords, Alice started to remove the hilts from the swords. “Let me remind you fucker who is in charge here, see I’m in charge around here you do what I tell you. You will train Daly you will stop messing with Rumi and you will start making weapons not hording my gold and you will act like professionals when on this island! Because if you don’t this will be the punishment for betraying me.” Alice walked to the man and put the end were the hilt was and forcer it into the mans back, the man yelled in pain, Alice drove the sword deeper and deeper until it was near the man spine. She then repeated the process three more time until the man passed out in pain, Alice then turned to the her crew her eyes still looking like a demon. “Now Why ary you standing around, we need more ammo get to fucking work your worthless maggots!” The crew ran off the boat to do what they were told.

Clapping could be hird from the edge of the boat. “Now that, is how you inspire fear in someone. Is he dead?”

Alice eyes went back to normal and looked at Scarlet. “No not yet any way, I’m going to leave him like this and keep the swords there for all to see what happens if you betray me.”

“That’s the way, I will be taking my guns back now.”

Alice returned the guns back to Scarlet.

“Thanks you still have a long way to go kid, but you played the part of the demon well.”

“Ou I have future plans for this, it felt good being that, have any more tips?”

Scarlet put her arm around Alice. “Ou kid you are going to be the most terrifying person on Terra when I’m done with you."


Well-Known Member
The fallowing is a colabe with Dhalexpert & Zombiesplitter53

Family bonds

Bandit island

After talking to the leader of the island Alice returned to her ship, mostly to check on her pensioner/sister. Once on board the ship Alice went into her chambers were here sister was chained up with a bag on her head. Alice removed the bag and looked at her sister.

"So how are you sis, comfortable?"

Lilith glared at her. "You have me chained to the wall with a sack over my face. What do you think?" She tugged at the chain. "Honestly, I don't see the point of the bag. I can tell we're on the water." She tugged some more. "What are these chains? Why can't I transform?"

"Those chains are enhanced to canceled our powers, i'm very familer with them after all. I wore those around my wrists, ankles, and neck for the past one hundred and fifty years in that prison. There not very comfortable are they sis." Alice said smiling at her sister, enjoying seeing her in chains for once.

Lilith sighed. "Please, Alice. Stop this foolishness. You can not hold me like this. They will find out, and when they do, you'll have more then just the Band of Seven to deal with. Release me and we can talk."

"I'm not you Lil, I don't keep family in chains for hundred of years." Alice took the chains off Lilith hands and ankles but kept the one on her neck on. Alice keeled down and looked at her sister. "Now if I let you go you can't go any were you understand that right?"

Lilith slowly nodded. "I'm not you, Alice. I can actually be trusted."

"Hay i'm not all bad, besides I won't leave you to rot like you did me." Alice took the chain off Lilith neck.

Lilith rubbed her neck. "I wasn't leaving you to rot. You were paying for your crimes. Murder. Experimentation. Illegal learning and use of necromancy. Conspiracy to overthrow the government." She leaned forward. "You were ten years away from parole. Do you have any idea the strings I had to pull to get your sentence reduced from 250 years to only 115?"

"Well nice to hear you haven't given up on me, I did miss you." Come on you need to see something."

Lilith was reluctant. She was a captive, after all, and despite her desire to help Alice, she knew she was dangerous. Still, she nodded, following after Alice.

Alice took the bag off her sisters head and put a hood on her and escorted her outside, once Alice opened the door Lilith looked around Alice ship. "Rumi Crixus will you come and meet my guest." Crixus came to Alice side and awaited orders.

"Yes mistress, is there anything we can do for you?"

"Not yet." Alice turned to her sister, this being the first time she saw what Alice has been doing since she escaped. "So Lily still don't think I can take Drăculești?"

Lilith scoffed, keeping her face low so the sunlight didn't burn her. "Just because you have a ship and a few... Rumi?"

Rumi clenched her fists, shaking a bit. Her hypnotic loyalty to Alice was being put to the test in this moment. "M-mistress... you captured... h-her?"

"Yes Rumi I captured my sister, I'm not going to do anything bad to her. Crixus watch my sister for the moment." Alice put her arm around Rumi and took her to the side of the ship.

"You alright Rumi? You seem to be shaken up a bit."

"She... sh-she's your sister?" Rumi's eyes darted about. "Do you know who that is?"

"Well it's been a few hundred years since I last saw her, so what of it?"

"I... I-I didn't know your sister was..." Rumi shuttered a bit. "Is it safe to have her here? With her power? With everyone who will be looking for you?"

"Well, the seven don't know were we are yet. But this was the better option, the goddess bitch wanted me to kill her."

Rumi gave her a curious look. "This is better because she can make a good hostage... or because she is your sister?"

"Both, you could see this as a backup option if things go to hell. But for know just let me enjoy having my sister around, despite everything I did miss her she's all I have left of my previous life, and my family."

Rumi nodded. "Of course, mistress. Though... if things don't go well, you always have... me." She smiled sweetly.

Alice rubbed Rumi head." That I do, and I'm happier for it. Now I need to go and have a talk with my sister, something that was interrupted last time."

Rumi nodded. "I'll go check on the men. Make sure they aren't getting scurvy or anything." She bowed her head, and walked off.

"Right, leaves me with the hard part." Alice walked to her sister, and ordered Crixus to go with Rumi." So despite being my captive, what do you think of the outside world?"

"While I wish you had brought me out here at night so I didn't have to worry about my skin melting off, it is quite lovely," Lilith answered honestly. "Just as lovely as I remember it."

"Trust me it's better at night, seeing the moon and the stars there so beautiful. Something you will never see in that under belly of a city."

Lilith shifted to the side. "Is this the reason you kidnapped me? To try and convince me to join your mad crusade by showing me how pretty the sky is? Because it won't work..."

"I kidnaped you because it was better then killing you despite what you think of me you're still my sister and the only family I had left. That was the reason."

"Oh?" Lilith smiled at her sister. Her child-like appearance made her smile look all the more sweet. "That means you can let me go, right?"

"Yes but I'm not going to, and there's a reason for that."

"And I am sure it is a wonderful reason for that," Lilith muttered.

Alice sighed and looked at her sister." Look Lily there are things at play here that you don't know about. Powerful being guiding me to certain things."

Lilith sighed. "There are things you don't know about too, Alice. Things the Elders have kept secret for three hundred years. Things... mother and father died for..."

"Really so what are the elders secrets then, what is it mom and dad died for?"


Well-Known Member
Part 2

Lilith hesitated. "I... I-I can't tell you. Not only is it an important government secret, it... it would likely only serve to anger you more."

"Fine i'll tell you my secret then, there is a god that wan't me to take over the vampire capital. She came to me the first day of escaping and offered me so many things, which she never gave her sister was a much better person then this bitch."

Lilith looked up at her with disbelief. "You're working with a pair of goddesses? I find that hard to believe." She looked out at the sea, obscured by her hood but still beautiful. "Though that does explain how you were able to knock me out, especially since you didn't seem to move. So which goddesses? War? Chaos? Moon goddess up to trouble again?"

The goddess of discord, and there was the goddess of darkness but." Alice nails digged into the rail of the boat. "She's dead, or I think she is her soul is still around, her sister killed her right in front of me I saw her turned to dust right before my eyes. I tried to face that bitch but, she's a god and I didn't stand a chance. I at least buried the goddess of darkness ashes at least."

"That's... a lot to take in," her sister admitted. "But... how does one kill a goddess, even another goddess? I thought the whole point of being one is you can't die."

"She had some kind of vile filled with some kind of liquid, I don't know what it was but if I can get my hands on that then I can kill that bitch herself. But that's for another day, so your turn sis what are the council hiding?"

Lilith remained silent for a while, wondering if she could withhold the information. Wondering if she could get news of her sister's unusual ally out to someone. Wondering if she could escape. Impossible. I can't transform without more of my power, or until the night comes. And to what effect? The only nearby land is this Island. I have no idea where I am... Finally, she took a deep breath and said, "The... the war was... a ruse. From the very beginning, the Vampires never intended to take over."

"Whaaaaaaat!" Alice eyes went black and her red puples started to pierce through the blackness of her eyes, her teeth looked razor sharp shard teeth she looked like a demon. She slowly steeped forward to her sister. "A lie, we lost thousands of our kind and the people we turned hundreds of thralls that we forced to be thralls. Millions of lives lost, our mom dad and brother died. What i'm doing now to bring us back to that glory days to give us more land, you mean to tell me all of that is for a lieeeeeee!"

Lilith held up her hands. In her weakened state, she was all but defenseless. "Calm down. Let... Let me explain before you fly off the handle."

Alice looked at her sister, and started to calm down and started to turn back to normal. "Alright then start explaining, why did so many of our people die for nothing. Why give us the illusion that Terra would be ours."

"It wasn't for nothing," Lilith insisted. "You were to young to remember, but the world was utter chaos. Wars raged constantly. Murder. Famine. Widespread death. Even the Vampires were not immune to this." She shook her head. "Don't you see? The war was to save the world! By giving us a common enemy, them... and giving them a common enemy, us... the world was united in a way it had never been. And it is because that reason that Terra Dolor has thrived!"

"So our family died to save the world, in order for the world to be saved, most of our race needed to die. and stay confined to one city for hundreds of years, never seeing the sky or breath real air. Yea the world came out great while we live in the gutter."

"We have sacrificed much, yes. Someone had to, and we were the strongest." Lilith grabbed her sister's arms. "But we are close to reentering the world at large! I am so close to convincing the Elders. Can't you see that all you are doing is reinforcing their doubts? Do you want our sacrifices to for nothing?"

"No I don't, but it doesn't matter. Ether I do it, and most of you get to live, Or the goddess of discord get's someone else to do so. I just want our people to be out of that city, I don't care for humans not after I was hunted down like some kind of wild beast."

"Damn it, Alice." Lilith turned away. "So stubborn. Can't let things go, even after centuries. At least stop lying to yourself. This is more about your own revenge and ego then our people. We both know, if you succeed, you'll be the one on top, ruling over all below you."

"Relay yes this is about my revenge, I want to kill those that impression me. So yes this is about my vengeance, but what I say is true. The city will fall ether by me or someone else. And the someone else will kill everyone in that city."

"And you will only kill... what? 80%? 70%? Considering most if not all will stand against you..." Lilith scoffed. "I want to go back to my cell now. The price for this fresh air is too much for me..."

"You have a better idea, then outside of seeing our race slowly dying? I'm trying here alright I see no other path that does not include eating for hundreds of more years, and by that point there will be no more vampires only those half breeds left."

"I have tried reasoning with you. I see no point in continuing to try." Lilith folded her arms. "As far as I am concerned, you left your sister, Lilith Valentine, back in the city. I am Liliana Alexandra Valenestra, and I am your captive. So I suggest you return me to my chains before I do something desperate like jump overboard or take out that poor girl you have turned into a Ghoul."

Alice grabbed her sister by the throat. "Mess with who I consider my kids, sister or not I will rip your arms off. And now that you told me mom and dad died for what I considered a dead dream, and since you consider me the anarchist of the family my new name will be Alice Black. And I will do whatever it takes to git my kind out of the city and get us more land, and have the world bow to the vampire race, or die beveling I set us free. As long a that city is gone and you have no home to go to, my race will be forced to go through what I did and we will see what the world thinks about vampires running around again." Alice let go of her sister, and called over Rumi. "Take her back to her cell."

Rumi watched the spectacle with a spot of fear, and needed a moment to come to her senses. "Y-yes, mistress! Right away!"

She rushed over, helping Lilith off the ground. Lilith glared at her sister, anger on her face but a tear escaping her eye. "You're a monster. The exact kind of monster those boys accused you of being. Mother and father... would be so ashamed."


Well-Known Member
Part 3

"Q-quiet!" Rumi snapped, and dragged her along.

"Rumi when your done with our guest, grab Crixus we need to have a meeting." Alice said keeping her back to them.

Rumi dragged Lilith down to the hold and into her cell. "I... I am sorry. She is kinder then she lets on. You simply do not understand her point of view."

"Maybe... but neither do you." Lilith suddenly grabbed Rumi's arm, flipping her forward several feet. "Not in the state you're in."

Rumi quickly jumped to her feet. "You don't want to do this. I am a professional vampire Hunter, and in your weakened conditioned, you'll only get hurt."

"Is that right?" Lilith rolled her neck. "We shall see about that."

Twenty minutes later, as the sun started to sink below the horizon, Alice and Crixus were waiting on deck, the latter getting impatient, when Rumi finally walked above deck, rubbing her arm and sporting a black eye. "S-sorry I'm late, mistress."

"Good of you to show up." Alice took off her hat and looked at her thrills." Listen up, what my sister told me has me on ends. She told me that the vampire war was based on a lie, that the world needed to unite so my race banded together to make the world band together and bring peace."

Rumi opened and closed her mouth in surprise. "I, um... I never knew that. I wonder if any of the other of the Band was told that."

"Probable not, but according to my sister. The world was in caouse, famine destruction everything that bitch god wants. Except my race were the one to sacrifice them selves and be hated by the world, as you can see that peace lasted a few hundred years and war is coming again. But what is the vampires didn't have to sacrifice themselves but instead helped the other races with a common threat."

"What threat would that be?" Rumi asked. "Not you I hope. I don't want the world all against you."

"Well that's to bad were going to be that treat, I will not let my people take another sacrifice."

"Master we can't do this, you can't make yourself a target for the world. You will die form this." Crixus said in a panic.

"I'm fine with that, I will be the treat the world needs after all it's all a show and the world will be my stage." Alice went to her hat and started to put something in them.

"What... what about Tecunte?" Rumi asked. "Won't she be upset if she finds out your doing that instead of simply taking over? She might... you know... do something bad to you."

Smoke seemed to be coming from what Alice was doing, she put her hat back on. When she turned around four fuses on her hat and the sparks that came from them. "Like I said the world is a show, show the world the devil and all me and monster alike will join to stop it." Alice eyes once again went black with the red puples and her teeth becoming razor sharp, she slowly walked to Crixus and Rumi.

"See if I give my pray something to fear, some hellish creature form a fevered dream. Then they will kneel begging for their god, and kneel for their life before they die!" Alice got in both Crixus and Rumi face and made a demon like growl.

Rumi shook a little, lowering her head in fear. "I-I just... h-hope you will remember... w-who your allies are... m-mistress."

Crixus also shook a little and lower his head in fear. "Y-yea just remember who you allies are."

Alice rubbed both Rumi and Crixus head. "Of course I do." Her face returned to normal. "Like I said the world is my audience including that bitch god, we just pretend to be her loyal servant then when an opportunity shows we take her down. But first, reaper."

The creature in question stepped out of the shadow of the mast, as though he had been there the whole time. "W-we should n-name him something other then reaper," Rumi joked, mostly to relieve her own tension and try to get the goosebumps to leave her arms.

"Hum, Maaier I have a question for you. Can you resurrect let's say a whole city of people?"

The Reaper was silent for a few moments before answering. "Even with our powers combined, we could not maintain that many dead for more then a few hours."

"Well then we use fear, We will march to the vampire city and force them to surrender with an overwhelming force. Which means i'm going to have to bring a few of the pirates/ bandiest to my side. So the plan is, we attack the vampire city and try to scare them into submission, if they won't surrender then we attack and we will resurrect who we can and let them leave the city."

"Mistress..." Rumi stepped forward. "Maybe... I can, um... recommend something that will result in less loss of life on both sides."

"Very well, please Rumi what did you have in mind."

Rumi rubbed her wrist nervously. "Well, mistress... why not take over through fear instead of force? I-I mean... look who you have in your hold. Think of what you could do with her alone. Then... Then think of what you could do... with the Elders." She stepped forward, and in a low voice, said, "Why slaughter thousands of your kind and risk losing everything by taking on an entire city of vampires..." She smiled. "When you can take the whole city by simply capturing twelve elderly men and women?"

Alice twisted part of her hair in her fingertips, and smiled." That's not a bad idea, to capture the elders and force everyone to surrender, it might just work."

Rumi nodded. "Why make someone submit by beating on their body when pointing a sword to their heart does the same thing? Those Elders might seem like a bunch of crotchety old fools to you, but to the citizens of the city, they are worth a thousand vampires. Capture them, and you'll hold the whole city, the whole race, hostage."

"Hum, well in order for this to work I need your former comrades who by now know your with me. So going to have to get them."

Rumi again rubbed her wrist nervously. "Mistress... you know I am loyal only to you, but... if possible, can we take them all... alive?"

"That's the plan, we take the seven alive and make them join us."