Starstream Think Tank


Game Master
Staff member
Saw da Sanic da Hedgehorg this weekend qith my niece. You know you're a big nerd when you obviously enjoyed it more tgen the child demographic it was targeting, but it had just enough nostalgia and adult humor to catch my eye and make me laugh. It really is a good movie. Not great. Not fantastic. But much better then the train wreck most people were expecting. I'd even go as far to say that I would not only be okay with a sequel, I hope it gets a sequel. Go see it if you have an interest in the blue blur, would like a nice, family friendly acyion flick with some nods to the adult fans in the audience, or saw and enjoyed Detective Pikachu for what it was and want a similarly good time with a movie that respects the lore and background as much but doesn't expect you to be as knowledgeable with the source material as that movie did.


Game Master
Staff member
Also, with work fluctuating and all as we transition into a new company, of course wanting to make sure I devote time to this and the next RP(s), and my adventures into an MMORPG, my uploads are going to slow down a little on my YouTube channel. They needed to slow down anyway, since I was uploading so often I doubt a lot of people could keep up.

I'll be doing Dragon Age: Inquisition every other day for sure (unless something comes up). I am very much enjoying it, and I'd recommend it and the first two games, especially Origins, to anyone interested in that style of game. I'd like to thank Frost for getting me into it.

As for the days without DA:I, I'll do a 30 minute video of one of the other three games on my channel when I have time, but I can't always promise one. I might, in fact, start focusing on one of the three to make things easier on me, probably Sonic Forces since it is the shortest of the three, then Shadow of the Colossus.

So sorry if you're really enjoying my FF7 playthrough (if... anyone is really watching it). It is a RePlay of the game after all, just with commentary this time around. I promise to get back to it once I finish two of the other three games, which will likely be both the 30 minute games since, even at a hour every two days, Inquisition is a long game and I doubt I'll be finishing it anytime soon.