Starstream Think Tank


Game Master
Staff member
Anyone here a big fan of Big Trouble in Little China? It is my favorite John Carpenter movie, followed closely by In the Mouth of Madness and The Thing, and one of my favorite movies of all time. Kurt Russell, James Hong. Anyone? It's a great film. Please see it if you haven't.

Frostlich1228 (Alt)

Well-Known Member
So. I wanna ask all of you.

What is your favorite Villian song of all time? It can be from a cartoon, play, or movie. It just has to be a song by a Villian or even just an antagonist. :)

Frostlich1228 (Alt)

Well-Known Member
If I had to pick two...

I would go with Dr. Fucilier/Friends on the other side from The Princess and the Frog

But also because I think this song deserves so much more credit. Under Our Spell from My Little Pony: Rainbow Rocks.

I know. I know. But this movie was way way better than it had any right to be and the Villian songs are so well done in all these movies. The Sirens in this movie can control people with music and use infighting to gain more power. The way the song goes from quick paced beats to slow entrancing vocal sections is so well done as well as the fact that their evil laughter can actually be heard in the background of the song and it's just... So good.