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Why not FOUR keyboards!Why not have three?
Why not FOUR keyboards!Why not have three?
Why not FOUR keyboards!
It’s not morning yo dolt.Good morning, how have your days been?
It was when I askedIt’s not morning yo dolt.
Hi!This is my account now. Fuck I hate my original MarineAvenger account is forever lost.
Marine rises again, the tertiary phoenix. Added him to our old convo together so he can access that properly.
I know but good to have you back Marine.”This is my account now. Fuck I hate my original MarineAvenger account is forever lost.
My official headcanon is that Marine is a food product. The marine avengers promotion was the most successful marketing choice Marine inc had ever made, however, Disney cut there funding. They attempted to create a low fat version called "Marine Lyte" to fill the gap, but the product fell short. Now the company is attempting to go back to it's roots by repromotion there classic flavor.This is my account now. Fuck I hate my original MarineAvenger account is forever lost.
*Tack whines in the background* Shut up, you're still dead!Soooooo. While I am somewhat lucid and awake, I wanted to talk a little bit about Terra Dolor 2. Not trying to steal any Thunder from thoughts about the KotR RP, just trying to get ideas early on. Nothing is set in stone yet, but I have ideas brewing about. Besides, maybe thinking about one fantasy RP will get everyone thinking about this upcoming one. I'd like to see a few more character bios up along side mine. :3
So, I have two things I want to ask. The first pretains to setting. I want everyone to chime in on this one. One issue the original XCOM sequel RP had was I set it at a future date without listening to what you guys were interested in. Possibly setting it farther in the future then you guys wanted and starting things off on a sour note.
So... I was thinking TD2 would be set around 17 years after the end of TD1. 3367. Start in the spring or summer perhaps? This date was chosen after much self deliberation because it gives time for the rise of a new generation of characters, including some that were born right at the end or after the end of TD1, while also not being to long for returning characters. Remember that lifespans a fairly long in TD1 (as far as max goes, people still die all the time thanks to monsters and disasters and accidents and good, old fashion murder). Humans live up to 150 years, and almost all other species live longer. The exception is Netzi characters, but the only Netzi Hunter in the RP... um... died...
So... 17 years good? Too long after TD1? Not long enough? I personally like this time skip length, but I can be persuaded with a good arguement.
The second thing I'd like to discuss about TD2 is "What I'd like to see in TD2 that wasn't in TD1." Please, give me at least one thing each. Though if you have two or three or ten things, share them. I can't promise they'll all be implemented, but I shall try my best to accommodate, and they'll give me ideas. Here are a few some of you might have that I can already imagine:
1) More Globe Trotting. We stuck around Serasam a lot in TD1. Some entire countries were seen only a few times, some only once or twice. I believe there were even one or two countries we never stepped foot in. We should implement some kind of fast travel system that makes it more feasible to visit more exotic and diverse locations this time around.
2) More Demons. I established that demons were esentially aliens from an alternate dimension but never got around to using them much. Other then the manor's resident child demon and a brief scuffle between everyone's favorite vampiric necromancer, there were only a few missions that involved demons. Maybe a loosened or fractured seperation between the two dimensions lead to more missions involving demons?
3) More Dragons. I established that something as mighty and awe inspiring as dragons were a part of this world but other then Drayce and his flashbacks, the only thing done with dragons was a single fight against a Chimera with some dragon parts spliced in. Need to figure out a way to incorporate them more into the story.
4) More Netzi. I feel I represented most of the species of the world fairly well. Humans, Thropes, Elves, and Light Elves all got their fair share of the spot light. It helped having a diverse cast. Netzi? Not so much. As stated before, only one player character was a Netzi, so other then him, the manor's resident perv, and a single villain, I feel Netzi were underrepresented considering the large role they play in the world. Let's change that.
5) More Vampires. Vampires somehow got more screentime then Netzi despite being an arguably less active part of the world as a whole, this in large part to a major villain and her primary opponents being vampires, but I'd like to do more with them, especially know that their country/ megacity has opened its doors. Maybe we can actually visit said city, something I had planned for the first story but never got around to.
That's all I can think of now. Any ideas of changes you'd like to see or additions you'd like me to make would be appreciated. Even if it is just expanding on what I've already said here, please everyone chime in.
More organized crime would be fun. Thanks! And don't worry, plans are in motion for those plots we didn't quite finish in TD1.*Tack whines in the background* Shut up, you're still dead!
Ahem... it would be fun to play with a time skip, but I also know Frosty had some machinations that were in motion, so I don't know if they'll clear it. I personally am up for a time skip, considering I've already made new characters for it. (To be fair, my only TD1 plot that I'd wanted to finish was Titania, if not Mags, charging after Korra to try and rescue her, but eh, ship has probably passed)
I agree, the Netzi were heavily underrepresented in TD1, and we definitely need more of them this time. And I will be tossing my hat into that ring again.
Vampires? Oh, no... more doms with spiked whips... it'll be interesting to see how the vampires are doing
One thing I did recognize that never came up was organized criminals. Usually, bandits never really posed a threat, and were just simple cannon fodder. I personally would like to see the developments of cartels, mafia, and the expanding of the Yakuza like group up in Stormrend. I'd love that kind of representation of danger present in the TD2.
I'll add more on if I think of it, but yeah... that's it. Me agrees otherwise with your thoughts.
*Tack whines in the background* Shut up, you're still dead!
Ahem... it would be fun to play with a time skip, but I also know Frosty had some machinations that were in motion, so I don't know if they'll clear it. I personally am up for a time skip, considering I've already made new characters for it. (To be fair, my only TD1 plot that I'd wanted to finish was Titania, if not Mags, charging after Korra to try and rescue her, but eh, ship has probably passed)
I agree, the Netzi were heavily underrepresented in TD1, and we definitely need more of them this time. And I will be tossing my hat into that ring again.
Vampires? Oh, no... more doms with spiked whips... it'll be interesting to see how the vampires are doing
One thing I did recognize that never came up was organized criminals. Usually, bandits never really posed a threat, and were just simple cannon fodder. I personally would like to see the developments of cartels, mafia, and the expanding of the Yakuza like group up in Stormrend. I'd love that kind of representation of danger present in the TD2.
I'll add more on if I think of it, but yeah... that's it. Me agrees otherwise with your thoughts.
As for me, I want to play the Kids, Pearl and Jasmine, of course, Jasmine will be having a much bigger impact in this story than her Mother did in the last. Which was intentional, Sylvie's story was meant to more lead up to the story of Her Daughter, but Sylvie will also be doing quite a lot here as well.
Also. I would like to see more Netzi, but you forgot about mine. *Veeti Cries*
There will be a lot more opportunities for The Lonely Queen of Blood to show how the years have changed her.
And finally, I think out of all the races, Fairies got the worst deal. So, I will have a new Fairy Character!
...maybe.Also. I believe Blackout has a certain Vampire/Thrope Kid that he wanted to play.![]()
Yes! Good point! Faeries didn't get much to do, did they? Need to change that...As for me, I want to play the Kids, Pearl and Jasmine, of course, Jasmine will be having a much bigger impact in this story than her Mother did in the last. Which was intentional, Sylvie's story was meant to more lead up to the story of Her Daughter, but Sylvie will also be doing quite a lot here as well.
Also. I would like to see more Netzi, but you forgot about mine. *Veeti Cries*
There will be a lot more opportunities for The Lonely Queen of Blood to show how the years have changed her.
And finally, I think out of all the races, Fairies got the worst deal. So, I will have a new Fairy Character!
Man I would love a time skip, there are so many of the next generation I wanna play as. Like Character and Esmerelda son see what he’s like since that boy went through hell before he was born. Alice a seclever daughter, the first vampire Demigod and her possibly revenge story on the queen of vampire. Point is I would love to play the next generation and we check up on our favorite group of raiders and see what they’ve been up to for seventeen years.Soooooo. While I am somewhat lucid and awake, I wanted to talk a little bit about Terra Dolor 2. Not trying to steal any Thunder from thoughts about the KotR RP, just trying to get ideas early on. Nothing is set in stone yet, but I have ideas brewing about. Besides, maybe thinking about one fantasy RP will get everyone thinking about this upcoming one. I'd like to see a few more character bios up along side mine. :3
So, I have two things I want to ask. The first pretains to setting. I want everyone to chime in on this one. One issue the original XCOM sequel RP had was I set it at a future date without listening to what you guys were interested in. Possibly setting it farther in the future then you guys wanted and starting things off on a sour note.
So... I was thinking TD2 would be set around 17 years after the end of TD1. 3367. Start in the spring or summer perhaps? This date was chosen after much self deliberation because it gives time for the rise of a new generation of characters, including some that were born right at the end or after the end of TD1, while also not being to long for returning characters. Remember that lifespans a fairly long in TD1 (as far as max goes, people still die all the time thanks to monsters and disasters and accidents and good, old fashion murder). Humans live up to 150 years, and almost all other species live longer. The exception is Netzi characters, but only one of the two Netzi Hunters in the RP... um... didn't die...
So... 17 years good? Too long after TD1? Not long enough? I personally like this time skip length, but I can be persuaded with a good arguement.
More of well everything, we didn’t really travel much I would like to see the country’s Norsca fought in getting rebuild. Also yea more Damon’s and dragons please, and yea we did kinda ignored the Neiz and the fairs didn’t we so we should show them off more.The second thing I'd like to discuss about TD2 is "What I'd like to see in TD2 that wasn't in TD1." Please, give me at least one thing each. Though if you have two or three or ten things, share them. I can't promise they'll all be implemented, but I shall try my best to accommodate, and they'll give me ideas. Here are a few some of you might have that I can already imagine:
1) More Globe Trotting. We stuck around Serasam a lot in TD1. Some entire countries were seen only a few times, some only once or twice. I believe there were even one or two countries we never stepped foot in. We should implement some kind of fast travel system that makes it more feasible to visit more exotic and diverse locations this time around.
2) More Demons. I established that demons were esentially aliens from an alternate dimension but never got around to using them much. Other then the manor's resident child demon and a brief scuffle between everyone's favorite vampiric necromancer, there were only a few missions that involved demons. Maybe a loosened or fractured seperation between the two dimensions lead to more missions involving demons?
3) More Dragons. I established that something as mighty and awe inspiring as dragons were a part of this world but other then Drayce and his flashbacks, the only thing done with dragons was a single fight against a Chimera with some dragon parts spliced in. Need to figure out a way to incorporate them more into the story.
4) More Netzi. I feel I represented most of the species of the world fairly well. Humans, Thropes, Elves, and Light Elves all got their fair share of the spot light. It helped having a diverse cast. Netzi? Not so much. As stated before, only two player characters were a Netzi, so other then him, the manor's resident perv, and a single villain, I feel Netzi were underrepresented considering the large role they play in the world. Let's change that.
5) More Vampires. Vampires somehow got more screentime then Netzi despite being an arguably less active part of the world as a whole, this in large part to a major villain and her primary opponents being vampires, but I'd like to do more with them, especially now that their country/ megacity has opened its doors. Maybe we can actually visit said city, something I had planned for the first story but never got around to.
That's all I can think of now. Any ideas of changes you'd like to see or additions you'd like me to make would be appreciated. Even if it is just expanding on what I've already said here, please everyone chime in.