Stop shouting, we can hear you. Also, happy new year.HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!
You're two hours ahead I think in Washington which means, you're about an hour's time difference to me... I should be good. I'll pass the message to Insane, let him know when he should get out of bed.
Wow I completely forgot about Insane, don't see him that often.
He's very... isolationistic, and antisocial. He still wants to write with you all, tho.He's still around.
That's good. He is invited of course. I just want everyone to enjoy the fight.He's very... isolationistic, and antisocial. He still wants to write with you all, tho.
That's good. He is invited of course. I just want everyone to enjoy the fight.
There will be a multitude of monsters to fight. Anything in the list of monsters will be available for you guys to battle. Mostly there will be cultist, but it would be boring if that is all we fight.
There will be two phases to the fight, so don't kill or wound a character in the first fight only to be annoyed they aren't available for the second.
There will be a bit of a twist, a Chekhov's gun, maybe a deus ex machina or two, and a painful decision or ten.
My biggest hope... my prayer... is that you all enjoy it and it leads to a satisfying end to the main story. Though remember that the story will still be open for side stories, such as the war in Themosa, Betty's parents, and the Raiders hope for a home of their own.
Yes, indeed. I want to do plenty more with those two.And Oliva and Lilith thievery.![]()
Yes, indeed. I want to do plenty more with those two.
This just reminded me, so Imma spoil: The White Knight ain't dead... well he is, but he isn't. It's complicated and will be explained in post battle. The actual fucking document (And yes I mean a document that fucked my mind because of how long it is) is currently 52... probably fifty three pages. And I'm trying to saw it in half to make it... well, postable. To keep in reference how long this hidden secret has been around, it was started when Black first started doing stuff. It is a project that hopefully will be posted. Expect a shitton of lore for black, shit about the war, and other stuff. Also, I leave it up to Zombie to decide if he wants to read through fifty some-odd pages of lore. *Black0ut is currently experiencing mental trauma due to the ridiculously large collab he did with Insane, please message him later.*Oh! Since Black0ut did, I'll share who is joining the fight. For you guys, and so I have it written down and remember.
Platinum Knight
I was thinking of including the Band of Seven, but I already have ten characters, so they'll stay out unless needed.