Terra Dolor: OOC Discussion & Think Tank


Game Master
Staff member
What a... Specific holiday...

Speaking of holidays, what month is it in Terra Dolar right now?
My last post put us at Jan. 27th. Only 2 weeks until Lover's day, favorite holiday of the God(dess) of Sex, Lexina! Perhaps in nine months, a new demigod will be born, if you know what I mean... heh heh.


Game Master
Staff member
But she also trust Slone, and what he does. So puppy touching, proceed with caution.
Trusts Slone, attacks Slone... all the same.

Not a big deal, but I should probably mention that there is no monster called a Werewolf in Terra Dolor... in a manner of speaking.

The reason is because we have Thropes. And we have Wolf Thropes. Like Titania. Titania is a Thrope with Lycan-like features that can turn into a part woman, part wolf creature. As in, a Lycanthrope (which is the technical term for a Werewolf). If anything, the term werewolf might be seen as a racial slur to her.

Fear not, though. For those who wanted to fight werewolves, there are Lycans. These are beast men that are esentially always in a half man, half beast state. So kill them to your heart's content.
