Terra Dolor: OOC Discussion & Think Tank

Frostlich1228 (Alt)

Well-Known Member
In regards to your recent post with Alice... Idk... I want to be honest.

I wish the fight would've been longer first and foremost, I was so hyped to see Babani fight but she just went down like a bitch.

And this is probably just me but, It seems kinda unrealistic that Alice has not lost even one of her named allies. Which kinda goes back to my previous point about Babani going down like kinda a bitch.

I don't know, maybe I'm just in a bad mood right now. I don't really like saying bad things about othee people's post cause I know you worked hard on it and seeing it critisized hurts.

It could be that she was meant to go down quick causr she's not used to fighting and didn't know about the reaper. I just kinda wanted more, although maybe that's actually a compliment on how good you both write.


Well-Known Member
In regards to your recent post with Alice... Idk... I want to be honest.

I wish the fight would've been longer first and foremost, I was so hyped to see Babani fight but she just went down like a bitch.

And this is probably just me but, It seems kinda unrealistic that Alice has not lost even one of her named allies. Which kinda goes back to my previous point about Babani going down like kinda a bitch.

I don't know, maybe I'm just in a bad mood right now. I don't really like saying bad things about othee people's post cause I know you worked hard on it and seeing it critisized hurts.

It could be that she was meant to go down quick causr she's not used to fighting and didn't know about the reaper. I just kinda wanted more, although maybe that's actually a compliment on how good you both write.

It's alright to wish for more Frost, but trust me Blisk is cannon fodder so don't get attache. But as for the last two expect some casualties, I do want Alice to start losing people since she's getting close to her home stretch.


Game Master
Staff member
In regards to your recent post with Alice... Idk... I want to be honest.

I wish the fight would've been longer first and foremost, I was so hyped to see Babani fight but she just went down like a bitch.

And this is probably just me but, It seems kinda unrealistic that Alice has not lost even one of her named allies. Which kinda goes back to my previous point about Babani going down like kinda a bitch.

I don't know, maybe I'm just in a bad mood right now. I don't really like saying bad things about othee people's post cause I know you worked hard on it and seeing it critisized hurts.

It could be that she was meant to go down quick causr she's not used to fighting and didn't know about the reaper. I just kinda wanted more, although maybe that's actually a compliment on how good you both write.
You're absolutely right. Because I didn't push harder, one of the strongest of the seven became one of the weakest. I made her look like she had no battle experience and she went down like a punk when she should have tested the limits of her opponents, even without her wraith companion. It is one of those mistakes I'll end up looking down on when this is all over.


Well-Known Member
You're absolutely right. Because I didn't push harder, one of the strongest of the seven became one of the weakest. I made her look like she had no battle experience and she went down like a punk when she should have tested the limits of her opponents, even without her wraith companion. It is one of those mistakes I'll end up looking down on when this is all over.

Well we have two more chances.


Well-Known Member
Zombie I don’t mind redoing it, we can do it on Friday. That way I’m free and we can make it more dramatic, pluse After all that Alice been through I want her to look a little bit stronger in the fight.


Game Master
Staff member
Zombie I don’t mind redoing it, we can do it on Friday. That way I’m free and we can make it more dramatic, pluse After all that Alice been through I want her to look a little bit stronger in the fight.
You do know that Alice not looking strong isn't the problem, right?

Frostlich1228 (Alt)

Well-Known Member
You do know that Alice not looking strong isn't the problem, right?

I think he means Making Babani tougher will also make Alice look stronger by beating her.

I want you two to enjoy yourselves, just be careful how you write, it can hurt other people's enjoyment.

Just, try to leave what your characters do open for a response. Instead of going, 'His sword connects with her leg" rather say, "He swings his sword towards her leg."

Above all though, be patient, but don't be afraid to be firm. I'm often scared myself to interrupt and push things for fear of ruining something, but you won't know unless you suggest it.


Game Master
Staff member
Far all my bros who sided with Microsoft, I just stared a playthrough of the PS4 exclusive Until Dawn, so if you have never played or seen a playthrough, please watch. Even if you have, please watch.

Note I am going into it almost completely blind, so I have no idea what to expect or what paths and choices to make to avoid getting the characters hurt, maimed, or killed. Let's see how many characters I can keep alive.

And no spoilers please. Not even small ones.