Well-Known Member
Part 3
"Do I look... okay?" Titania asked, blinking with a skin-colored mechanical eyelid.
“You look perfect I gotta admit Sunny I can barely tell she was injured.”
“I hope so, because this was a pain. First I had to cut into the new healed skin and clean it out, then I had clean the bone as well. After that I just had to adjust the eye and like it with her brain, over all it was easier then doing your stuff.”
The foxgirl however wasn't listening to this, as she took out her laser sword, activating it on it's lowest setting which made the blade grow to a singular foot. She twirled it around carefully, making sure not to accidentally hit anything, but fast enough to test out if the eye could keep up with the blade.
Satisfied after a few moments, she deactivated the sword, and tapped it against her side. "I'll make sure to pay you back with as much money as I can, as soon as I can, Sunny."
“You can pay me back now, Look there’s a monster out there and it’s kinda ruing things for us hunt it down accept the reward money and we’ll be even.”
Titania offered a predatorial smile. "Which direction is it?"
“Go to the hunts marshal he’ll tell you, Ou tri not to die on this hunt.”
“Yea yea I got it come on foxy time to test your new eye.”
Titania offered a friendly smile towards Sunny as she followed Blisk out. When they got far enough away, Titania started to speak. "So... Sunny did bring up something that makes me curious: if you don't bring other people when they get hurt, why am I a special case?"
"Because based off my last bounty there's something coming and we need all the people we can get, not to mention seeing you all sad because of a missing eye is just miserable to watch. Now you got and eye again and don't you feel so much better?"
"I do. But..." She booped his nose. "Sixty thousand credits, or an equivalent hunt, is a lot to spend on a relative stranger. Not that I mind too much, but it is a little weird." She twirled her handle around, playing with it absentmindedly.
Blisk growled at having his nose touched. "Call it a future investment, besides the monster here shouldn't be as bad. Well I say shouldn't be but the things we hunt could tear apart most of the other races. So in saying that keep on your toes."
"I will. I don't intend to die today, so I guess you'll be stuck with me bothering the hell out of you." She took out her pistol from between her cleavage and looked over her weapons. "Besides, cutting into it and then firing multiple times inside should weaken it significantly, whatever we're fighting."
“Ou you have no idea what we’re getting into, if a monster is giving us trouble it means we might be in a hell of trouble. But hay I got your back no matter what.”
"I know. You'd be depressed if you couldn't keep watching my ass all the time." She teased, her tone becoming a little more serious. "Besides... I'm very, very pissed off already. That means I'm going to tear thing thing apart, and I'm not going to let any wound stop me from killing it. So don't worry so much. I'll be fine fighting on a Kotavorg's world."
“Works for me. The two made there way to the hunting marshal office were they took the Bounty for what was called a wraith. Since Blisk didn’t have his weapons the provided him with a assault rifle and smg, and escorted them to the gate.
"So what got you scared, Blisk? You've been more paranoid ever since you came back from the mission in the station." Titania extended her blade to three feet and held it to the side, ready to use it at a moment's notice.
“Because if you knew who those two worked for you would be to.” As the forcefeild opened revealing the massive jungle in front of them Blisk loaded his weapons and went into the dence trees with Titania behind him.
"And who do they work for?" Titania pressed, scanning around for any potential threats.
Blisk looked around and saw some weird claw marks along the trees and ground.” A terrible pirate woman possibly the worst Tamarin in the galaxy.”
"So if I fought her, who would win?" Titania asked, her ears perking up at the distant sounds of rustling leaves.
“I don’t know I fought you but never fought her.” Blisk sniffed the air and started to run forward after a few seconds he saw a corpse of another Kotavorg and a local animal. “Hum poor young one, you weren’t ready for what was out here.” Blisk looked him over and saw that he was strangely pail as well as the pray.” Looks like our monster is a vampire type predator.”
"Tarsaw le Granti, homzin... Fraxin?" Titania asked, as her translator finally burned out and rendered her into her normal language.
“Great and I don’t speak Dondondari, Hum ou.” Blisk then tried to figure out how the could communicate all while finding tracks along the way.” Alright so Titania pretty sure you don’t understand me but I will explain as best I can, if you’re attacked I need you to scream. He explained by flicking Titania head and yelling. If you find tracks.” Blisk pointed to the pail corpses and showed her a club he made and waked it on a tree.
Titania nodded, pausing a few moments before opening her mouth. "Raxim... Is... hard to speak... but can. Can understand. Study. V'lek... I'm... r-r-rusty." She said a bit slowly, her voice far more timid and shy than it usually was.
“It’s ok we can figure this, just be patient and we can. Move!” Blisk quickly grabbed Titania and brought her closer to him as he used the springs in his leg to jump back a great distance. As a scythe like claw came down behind Titania, Blisk continued to dodge the attack until his back was against a tree. The monster in question had two scythe like claws on its back along with two regular arms, it’s body was very slim and ghostly with tentacles as it’s legs. It screams could be heard all around the forest as it went in for another attack.
Blisk still holding Titania close to his chest, quickly switched to the marriage carry position as the attack cam it cut through the tree causing it to fall. Blisk used the falling tree as a distraction to use his leg and spine augmentation to there fullest, he jumped fifty feet into the air onto the top of another tree. As he looked down he could see the monster looking for them.” Sorry about that.” As he looked down at Titania who was lightly shaken.
She booped his nose, deactivating her sword to do so.
"Dantamir... thank you, Blisk." (Cute... thank you, Blisk.) Titania offered a rather cute smile, while her organic eye showed some of the nervousness she had at nearly being impaled.
"Do I look... okay?" Titania asked, blinking with a skin-colored mechanical eyelid.
“You look perfect I gotta admit Sunny I can barely tell she was injured.”
“I hope so, because this was a pain. First I had to cut into the new healed skin and clean it out, then I had clean the bone as well. After that I just had to adjust the eye and like it with her brain, over all it was easier then doing your stuff.”
The foxgirl however wasn't listening to this, as she took out her laser sword, activating it on it's lowest setting which made the blade grow to a singular foot. She twirled it around carefully, making sure not to accidentally hit anything, but fast enough to test out if the eye could keep up with the blade.
Satisfied after a few moments, she deactivated the sword, and tapped it against her side. "I'll make sure to pay you back with as much money as I can, as soon as I can, Sunny."
“You can pay me back now, Look there’s a monster out there and it’s kinda ruing things for us hunt it down accept the reward money and we’ll be even.”
Titania offered a predatorial smile. "Which direction is it?"
“Go to the hunts marshal he’ll tell you, Ou tri not to die on this hunt.”
“Yea yea I got it come on foxy time to test your new eye.”
Titania offered a friendly smile towards Sunny as she followed Blisk out. When they got far enough away, Titania started to speak. "So... Sunny did bring up something that makes me curious: if you don't bring other people when they get hurt, why am I a special case?"
"Because based off my last bounty there's something coming and we need all the people we can get, not to mention seeing you all sad because of a missing eye is just miserable to watch. Now you got and eye again and don't you feel so much better?"
"I do. But..." She booped his nose. "Sixty thousand credits, or an equivalent hunt, is a lot to spend on a relative stranger. Not that I mind too much, but it is a little weird." She twirled her handle around, playing with it absentmindedly.
Blisk growled at having his nose touched. "Call it a future investment, besides the monster here shouldn't be as bad. Well I say shouldn't be but the things we hunt could tear apart most of the other races. So in saying that keep on your toes."
"I will. I don't intend to die today, so I guess you'll be stuck with me bothering the hell out of you." She took out her pistol from between her cleavage and looked over her weapons. "Besides, cutting into it and then firing multiple times inside should weaken it significantly, whatever we're fighting."
“Ou you have no idea what we’re getting into, if a monster is giving us trouble it means we might be in a hell of trouble. But hay I got your back no matter what.”
"I know. You'd be depressed if you couldn't keep watching my ass all the time." She teased, her tone becoming a little more serious. "Besides... I'm very, very pissed off already. That means I'm going to tear thing thing apart, and I'm not going to let any wound stop me from killing it. So don't worry so much. I'll be fine fighting on a Kotavorg's world."
“Works for me. The two made there way to the hunting marshal office were they took the Bounty for what was called a wraith. Since Blisk didn’t have his weapons the provided him with a assault rifle and smg, and escorted them to the gate.
"So what got you scared, Blisk? You've been more paranoid ever since you came back from the mission in the station." Titania extended her blade to three feet and held it to the side, ready to use it at a moment's notice.
“Because if you knew who those two worked for you would be to.” As the forcefeild opened revealing the massive jungle in front of them Blisk loaded his weapons and went into the dence trees with Titania behind him.
"And who do they work for?" Titania pressed, scanning around for any potential threats.
Blisk looked around and saw some weird claw marks along the trees and ground.” A terrible pirate woman possibly the worst Tamarin in the galaxy.”
"So if I fought her, who would win?" Titania asked, her ears perking up at the distant sounds of rustling leaves.
“I don’t know I fought you but never fought her.” Blisk sniffed the air and started to run forward after a few seconds he saw a corpse of another Kotavorg and a local animal. “Hum poor young one, you weren’t ready for what was out here.” Blisk looked him over and saw that he was strangely pail as well as the pray.” Looks like our monster is a vampire type predator.”
"Tarsaw le Granti, homzin... Fraxin?" Titania asked, as her translator finally burned out and rendered her into her normal language.
“Great and I don’t speak Dondondari, Hum ou.” Blisk then tried to figure out how the could communicate all while finding tracks along the way.” Alright so Titania pretty sure you don’t understand me but I will explain as best I can, if you’re attacked I need you to scream. He explained by flicking Titania head and yelling. If you find tracks.” Blisk pointed to the pail corpses and showed her a club he made and waked it on a tree.
Titania nodded, pausing a few moments before opening her mouth. "Raxim... Is... hard to speak... but can. Can understand. Study. V'lek... I'm... r-r-rusty." She said a bit slowly, her voice far more timid and shy than it usually was.
“It’s ok we can figure this, just be patient and we can. Move!” Blisk quickly grabbed Titania and brought her closer to him as he used the springs in his leg to jump back a great distance. As a scythe like claw came down behind Titania, Blisk continued to dodge the attack until his back was against a tree. The monster in question had two scythe like claws on its back along with two regular arms, it’s body was very slim and ghostly with tentacles as it’s legs. It screams could be heard all around the forest as it went in for another attack.
Blisk still holding Titania close to his chest, quickly switched to the marriage carry position as the attack cam it cut through the tree causing it to fall. Blisk used the falling tree as a distraction to use his leg and spine augmentation to there fullest, he jumped fifty feet into the air onto the top of another tree. As he looked down he could see the monster looking for them.” Sorry about that.” As he looked down at Titania who was lightly shaken.
She booped his nose, deactivating her sword to do so.
"Dantamir... thank you, Blisk." (Cute... thank you, Blisk.) Titania offered a rather cute smile, while her organic eye showed some of the nervousness she had at nearly being impaled.