I have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life.
Additional info: I named this account Ramos not realizing I could simply request the name, this mostly describes me other than the bio. First name: Julian. On youtube I'm known as zombieguy224. Character has blonde hair, short, but not buzz cut. Preferred armor: light. Prefered class: support. Helmet optional.
Bio: Hailing from (You decide), he was formerly a biomedical technician before joining a PMC and acted as a medic while serving in a variety of locations across the world, helping different countries quell civil disputes and providing protection in times of war . Fairly good with firearms and occasionally, EOD/defense drones, he reached the rank of Sergeant before a traumatic incident earned him honorable discharge.
You see, he had been fairly close with his squad's sniper, Anna, the other members of his company had always suspected there was something between the two, but had never truly known until the incident.
The PMC had been hired prior to the XCOM initiative, by (REDACTED) in response to what appeared to be alien like beings that had been attacking it and surrounding countries. His squad had been assigned to clear a suspected base of operations for the creatures in a quarantined urban area, Ramos and his squad were to breach and sweep through an unfinished building, while Anna provided overwatch from an adjacent rooftop. They breached the door and entered the half finished building, suddenly, weapon fire erupted from nearby buildings. It had been an ambush, in the confusion, the creatures attacked, he radioed Anna to call for backup, She responded, but was cut off by what appeared to be laser weapon fire, the things had found her position and were attempting to take her out. Backup arrived in minutes in the form of a gunship, which rescued Julian and the remaining members of his squad. They flew to Anna's rooftop in an attempted rescue, once they landed, Ramos moved up while the heavy gunner provided covering fire. He found her, wounded from a plasma shot to the side, and began to drag her out of there, just as he had reached the gunship, an explosion erupted near him, rendering him unconscious. His squad loaded both him and Anna into the gunship and escaped. Once they returned to base, the two were treated for injuries, ramos's leg had been blown off at the knee, and was later replaced by a biotic limb, Anna however, did not survive, her injuries were to severe and she died soon after she arrived at the base. Julian was distraught to learn of her death, he swore a vengeance against whatever the hell killed her, no matter the cost. Ramos was later discharged with a purple heart and bronze star. He was later recruited by the XCOM initiative to help fight the alien menace.
Feel free to change this however you like, but try to keep me alive.