X-COM Mission Parameters
Terror Mission
Operation: Hatching Chrysalis, April 27th, 2018
Location: Moscow, Russia
Time: 2000 Hours
Mission Details:
It is obvious now that the series of attacks over the last week were meant to weaken us. More then anything else, the aliens wanted to break us down, offensively and defensively, in order to leave us unprepared for now. In the future, we may have to make the tough decision to pass over smaller missions in order to prepare for missions like this, but that is for later. For now, we have another crisis to avert.
The aliens have launched an attack in the heart of Moscow. The purpose seems to be for little more then spreading chaos and confusion, and striking fear in our hearts. The Russian Council members our outraged by our inability to prevent this from happening in the first place, and I don't think it needs to be said how bad it would be if they were to withdraw from the X-COM project.
The alien forces are ripping Moscow apart. While the alien ships have withdrawn for now, alien ground units are still in the area. The beings we now refer to as 'Floaters' are known to be amongst the attackers, as well as a new alien. We don't know much about it. The few eye witnesses that have lived long enough to talk about them describe creatures that resemble arachnids made of crystal. Use extreme caution, we don't know what they're capable of.
There have also been reports that the panic has spread so much, there are humans viciously attacking one another, so be wary of this, as your primary duty will be the rescuing of civilians. You must succeed in your mission. Failure is absolutely not an option.
Number of Soldiers for this mission: Sixteen (16) soldiers and four (4) SHIVs, divided into four units
Soldiers Names:
Unit 1:
L.Corp. Shimizu, Megumi (Scout) (1)
PFC. Christel, Sylvia
PFC. Walker, Desmond
PFC. Brankino, Pastel
SHIV Unit 1: "Jabberwock"
Unit 2:
SPC. Yamazaki, Ryan (Gunner) (2)
SPC. Imahara, Grant (Assault)
SPC. Cross, Ammelia (Sniper)
PFC. Andrews, John
SHIV Unit 2: "Bandersnatch"
Unit 3:
SPC. Clark, Issac (Sniper) (2)
SPC. Jacobs, Scarlet (Rocketeer)
SPC. Harnet, John (Support)
SPC. Summer, Holly (Engineer)
SHIV Unit 3: "Jubjub"
Unit 4:
SPC. Townsend, Devin (Support) (2)
SPC. Volodarskii, Heavy (Infantry)
SPC. Palmer, Erman (Assault)
SPC. Shake, Letz (Rocketeer)
SHIV Unit 4: "Taqukaq"
(1) Squad Leader
(2) Unit Leader
Gear: Players' characters' will be equipped with the following supplies:
- Primary weapon: Either a Laser Shatterray, Laser Carbine, Laser Rifle, or a Heavy Laser Rifle. Cross may also choose a Laser Sniper Rifle.
- Armor: Phalanx Armor
- Secondary Weapon: Either a Laser Pistol, a Heater, or a sawed-off shotgun.
- Equipment: Two (2) of the following; a medikit, Alloy plating, Reinforced Armor, a battle scanner, an AP grenade, a HE grenade, a flash-bang grenade, a smoke grenade, a chem grenade, a high-capacity magazine, a targeting module, or an Arc Thrower.
Special Equipment Note: If one of players' characters does not take an Arc Thrower, assume one of the NPCs have one.
Unit One Will be dropped within the Kremlin walls. Overlooking the Moskva River to the south, it contains the Saint Basil's Cathedral and Red Square to the east, and the Alexander Garden to the west, as well as five palaces, four cathedrals, and the enclosing Kremlin Wall with Kremlin towers.
The fortified structure has kept most of the alien forces out, but as some of the aliens can fly, don't expect it to be completely empty of alien forces. There are are plenty of structures to act as cover, as well as those strange pods. Search thoroughly for any hidden civilians.
Unit 2 will be sent to one of the cities poorer residential areas. With the civilians in this area having had a hard time evacuating, the aliens hit them pretty hard. Cover will come in the way of overturned vehicles and more of the pods.
For all areas, announcements will be given out from the dropships as they fly over the city, as well as over all emergency stations. Civilians will be instructed to be on the look out for flares and sound beacons your team will periodically use. This will lead to most of the civilians evacuating from the buildings as you approach, but you may still need to search some of the buildings.
Do not worry about sending civilians back to the dropships. They will all have a an accompaniment of heavily armed soldiers and automatic turrets to keep them safe.
Unit One:
Two (2) Units Containing three (3) Chryssalids
Two (2) Units Containing three (3) Floaters
One (1) Unit Containing four (4) Floaters
Three (3) Lone Zombies, wondering about.
Unit Two:
Two (2) Units Containing three (3) Chryssalids
One (1) Unit Containing four (4) Chryssalids
Two (2) Units Containing three (3) Floaters
Two (2) Lone Zombies, wondering about.
One (1) Lone Zombie from which a chryssalid erupts.
Special Enemy Note: Failure to quickly dispose of a zombie quickly will result in the birth of more chryssalids, so quick disposal is recommended.
Conditions for Completing the Mission:
(1) Successful elimination of all alien forces
(2) Evacuation of as many citizens as possible
(3) Successful evacuation from the combat zone
Special Completion note: Regardless of how the mission is completed, the success or failure of this mission will have as much to do with how many civilians you rescue as with how aliens you take out.
Civilians: It is estimated at least 99.99% of the citizens have evacuated the city on their own (or have fallen to the aliens). These leaves an estimated 1,150 civilians left. With the remaining civilians spread across the city, it is estimated around 200 civilians will be in each section of the city you will be sent to. We doubt, with the constant threat of the aliens, you will be able to save all of these civilians. As many as half of them could be lost by the time you land. What will be judged by the Council is not necessarily how many people are saved, but the vigor you show in your efforts to save them. Work hard but safely, and do what you can to rescue as many people as possible.
Notes from Central:
As the last of Dropships took off, four holding the few soldiers the base could spare, the Commander slumped into a chair, her face the perfect picture of anxiety. She looked in despair at the names of the soldiers above their vitals on the screen before her, and slowly reached forward, pressing her finger against Ammelia's picture. Speaking softly into her earpiece, she said, "Ms. Cross, it's Comman... it's Morrigan. I'm speaking to you privately. I just want you to know, I'll be counting on those special eyes of yours, but I don't need to lose you. I can't afford to lose any of you. I know the limits of those eyes of yours, so I want you to stick close to the others if you find an unknown person. With the reports of humans attacking other humans, I don't want you to be taken out by someone you're trying to save. Just... just be careful."
She switched off Ammelia's comm, and hit Desmond's. "Mr. Walker, this is Morrigan. Listen to me, we both have our... opinions of one another. We both have our trust issues. So I hope you can appreciate what I'm about to say; I need your help. The alien's constant attacks have left us unprepared for this. I stuck L.Corp. Shimizu with three rookies because she is the best suited to keep you all alive. And I believe she can do so. But I also put you on that squad for a reason. With your... unique abilities, I'm counting on you to watch everyone's backs. And as much faith as I have in Mrs. Shimizu, she's not infallible. If... i-if she should fall, I'll be counting on you to get those rookies home. I know it's unfair, putting that much pressure on your shoulders, but... I have no choice. I... trust you won't let me down, Mr. Walker. Good luck."
Bradford stepped up behind the Commander, who quickly turned off the comm. "Are you okay, Commander?"
Her voice cracking a bit, Morrigan said, "I... should be the one leading them. This was my fault. I shouldn't have tried to go on every mission, to stop every attack. I'm responsible for every soldier we lose, and the least I could do is be out there, putting myself in danger with them."
Bradford placed his hand on her shoulder. "Your place is here, Commander. The troops are counting on you to lead them from here. And the soldiers have faith in the unit leaders you chose, so you should to."
"I do... but..." The Commander shook her head, and simply watched the video feed, completely silent until the first plane reached Moscow airspace.
Terror Mission
Operation: Hatching Chrysalis, April 27th, 2018
Location: Moscow, Russia
Time: 2000 Hours
Mission Details:
It is obvious now that the series of attacks over the last week were meant to weaken us. More then anything else, the aliens wanted to break us down, offensively and defensively, in order to leave us unprepared for now. In the future, we may have to make the tough decision to pass over smaller missions in order to prepare for missions like this, but that is for later. For now, we have another crisis to avert.
The aliens have launched an attack in the heart of Moscow. The purpose seems to be for little more then spreading chaos and confusion, and striking fear in our hearts. The Russian Council members our outraged by our inability to prevent this from happening in the first place, and I don't think it needs to be said how bad it would be if they were to withdraw from the X-COM project.
The alien forces are ripping Moscow apart. While the alien ships have withdrawn for now, alien ground units are still in the area. The beings we now refer to as 'Floaters' are known to be amongst the attackers, as well as a new alien. We don't know much about it. The few eye witnesses that have lived long enough to talk about them describe creatures that resemble arachnids made of crystal. Use extreme caution, we don't know what they're capable of.
There have also been reports that the panic has spread so much, there are humans viciously attacking one another, so be wary of this, as your primary duty will be the rescuing of civilians. You must succeed in your mission. Failure is absolutely not an option.
Number of Soldiers for this mission: Sixteen (16) soldiers and four (4) SHIVs, divided into four units
Soldiers Names:
Unit 1:
L.Corp. Shimizu, Megumi (Scout) (1)
PFC. Christel, Sylvia
PFC. Walker, Desmond
PFC. Brankino, Pastel
SHIV Unit 1: "Jabberwock"
Unit 2:
SPC. Yamazaki, Ryan (Gunner) (2)
SPC. Imahara, Grant (Assault)
SPC. Cross, Ammelia (Sniper)
PFC. Andrews, John
SHIV Unit 2: "Bandersnatch"
Unit 3:
SPC. Clark, Issac (Sniper) (2)
SPC. Jacobs, Scarlet (Rocketeer)
SPC. Harnet, John (Support)
SPC. Summer, Holly (Engineer)
SHIV Unit 3: "Jubjub"
Unit 4:
SPC. Townsend, Devin (Support) (2)
SPC. Volodarskii, Heavy (Infantry)
SPC. Palmer, Erman (Assault)
SPC. Shake, Letz (Rocketeer)
SHIV Unit 4: "Taqukaq"
(1) Squad Leader
(2) Unit Leader
Gear: Players' characters' will be equipped with the following supplies:
- Primary weapon: Either a Laser Shatterray, Laser Carbine, Laser Rifle, or a Heavy Laser Rifle. Cross may also choose a Laser Sniper Rifle.
- Armor: Phalanx Armor
- Secondary Weapon: Either a Laser Pistol, a Heater, or a sawed-off shotgun.
- Equipment: Two (2) of the following; a medikit, Alloy plating, Reinforced Armor, a battle scanner, an AP grenade, a HE grenade, a flash-bang grenade, a smoke grenade, a chem grenade, a high-capacity magazine, a targeting module, or an Arc Thrower.
Special Equipment Note: If one of players' characters does not take an Arc Thrower, assume one of the NPCs have one.
Unit One Will be dropped within the Kremlin walls. Overlooking the Moskva River to the south, it contains the Saint Basil's Cathedral and Red Square to the east, and the Alexander Garden to the west, as well as five palaces, four cathedrals, and the enclosing Kremlin Wall with Kremlin towers.

The fortified structure has kept most of the alien forces out, but as some of the aliens can fly, don't expect it to be completely empty of alien forces. There are are plenty of structures to act as cover, as well as those strange pods. Search thoroughly for any hidden civilians.
Unit 2 will be sent to one of the cities poorer residential areas. With the civilians in this area having had a hard time evacuating, the aliens hit them pretty hard. Cover will come in the way of overturned vehicles and more of the pods.
For all areas, announcements will be given out from the dropships as they fly over the city, as well as over all emergency stations. Civilians will be instructed to be on the look out for flares and sound beacons your team will periodically use. This will lead to most of the civilians evacuating from the buildings as you approach, but you may still need to search some of the buildings.
Do not worry about sending civilians back to the dropships. They will all have a an accompaniment of heavily armed soldiers and automatic turrets to keep them safe.
Unit One:
Two (2) Units Containing three (3) Chryssalids
Two (2) Units Containing three (3) Floaters
One (1) Unit Containing four (4) Floaters
Three (3) Lone Zombies, wondering about.
Unit Two:
Two (2) Units Containing three (3) Chryssalids
One (1) Unit Containing four (4) Chryssalids
Two (2) Units Containing three (3) Floaters
Two (2) Lone Zombies, wondering about.
One (1) Lone Zombie from which a chryssalid erupts.
Special Enemy Note: Failure to quickly dispose of a zombie quickly will result in the birth of more chryssalids, so quick disposal is recommended.
Conditions for Completing the Mission:
(1) Successful elimination of all alien forces
(2) Evacuation of as many citizens as possible
(3) Successful evacuation from the combat zone
Special Completion note: Regardless of how the mission is completed, the success or failure of this mission will have as much to do with how many civilians you rescue as with how aliens you take out.
Civilians: It is estimated at least 99.99% of the citizens have evacuated the city on their own (or have fallen to the aliens). These leaves an estimated 1,150 civilians left. With the remaining civilians spread across the city, it is estimated around 200 civilians will be in each section of the city you will be sent to. We doubt, with the constant threat of the aliens, you will be able to save all of these civilians. As many as half of them could be lost by the time you land. What will be judged by the Council is not necessarily how many people are saved, but the vigor you show in your efforts to save them. Work hard but safely, and do what you can to rescue as many people as possible.
Notes from Central:
As the last of Dropships took off, four holding the few soldiers the base could spare, the Commander slumped into a chair, her face the perfect picture of anxiety. She looked in despair at the names of the soldiers above their vitals on the screen before her, and slowly reached forward, pressing her finger against Ammelia's picture. Speaking softly into her earpiece, she said, "Ms. Cross, it's Comman... it's Morrigan. I'm speaking to you privately. I just want you to know, I'll be counting on those special eyes of yours, but I don't need to lose you. I can't afford to lose any of you. I know the limits of those eyes of yours, so I want you to stick close to the others if you find an unknown person. With the reports of humans attacking other humans, I don't want you to be taken out by someone you're trying to save. Just... just be careful."
She switched off Ammelia's comm, and hit Desmond's. "Mr. Walker, this is Morrigan. Listen to me, we both have our... opinions of one another. We both have our trust issues. So I hope you can appreciate what I'm about to say; I need your help. The alien's constant attacks have left us unprepared for this. I stuck L.Corp. Shimizu with three rookies because she is the best suited to keep you all alive. And I believe she can do so. But I also put you on that squad for a reason. With your... unique abilities, I'm counting on you to watch everyone's backs. And as much faith as I have in Mrs. Shimizu, she's not infallible. If... i-if she should fall, I'll be counting on you to get those rookies home. I know it's unfair, putting that much pressure on your shoulders, but... I have no choice. I... trust you won't let me down, Mr. Walker. Good luck."
Bradford stepped up behind the Commander, who quickly turned off the comm. "Are you okay, Commander?"
Her voice cracking a bit, Morrigan said, "I... should be the one leading them. This was my fault. I shouldn't have tried to go on every mission, to stop every attack. I'm responsible for every soldier we lose, and the least I could do is be out there, putting myself in danger with them."
Bradford placed his hand on her shoulder. "Your place is here, Commander. The troops are counting on you to lead them from here. And the soldiers have faith in the unit leaders you chose, so you should to."
"I do... but..." The Commander shook her head, and simply watched the video feed, completely silent until the first plane reached Moscow airspace.
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