Well-Known Member
So as far as I'm getting stuff together here, tomorrow is application day?
Tomorrow is the day we start rping, you're free to post your application(s) now if they're ready.So as far as I'm getting stuff together here, tomorrow is application day?
This is the basic scenario: It is one week before the official launch of Project X-COM, an organization that has been on standby for decades since an early scout ship crash landed on Earth (think the crashed UFO from Independence Day). Write a short story about what your character is doing when the first abduction attacks occur, whether they see it on the news, hear about it, or they are on location during one of said attacks. Then, end it 24 hours later when they are first contacted by X-COM, whether it be them simply receiving the invitation, or during an actual interview.A question about tomorrow: Are we supposed to already be recruited or know about XCOM the week before the invasion, or do we only figure out about it and get hired/conscripted after the fact?
(I have a project to do after school so I probably need to write an entry this evening so I can just post it tomorrow in the new thread.)
Alright, got it. I shall commence my writing.This is the basic scenario: It is one week before the official launch of Project X-COM, an organization that has been on standby for decades since an early scout ship crash landed on Earth (think the crashed UFO from Independence Day). Write a short story about what your character is doing when the first abduction attacks occur, whether they see it on the news, hear about it, or they are on location during one of said attacks. Then, end it 24 hours later when they are first contacted by X-COM, whether it be them simply receiving the invitation, or during an actual interview.
Now, you might want to specify where the first abduction(s) take place so we are all on the same page and not reporting it being in different places. (I won't be posting as well until at least 4:30 P.M. Central Time)This is the basic scenario: It is one week before the official launch of Project X-COM, an organization that has been on standby for decades since an early scout ship crash landed on Earth (think the crashed UFO from Independence Day). Write a short story about what your character is doing when the first abduction attacks occur, whether they see it on the news, hear about it, or they are on location during one of said attacks. Then, end it 24 hours later when they are first contacted by X-COM, whether it be them simply receiving the invitation, or during an actual interview.
Good point. The following locations are the sites of the first alien abductions (let's go with a nice, even ten):Now, you might want to specify where the first abduction(s) take place so we are all on the same page and not reporting it being in different places.
Finally, is first or third person preferred, or does it not matter?And I have one important rule about recruitment (For now, if I think of another, I'll post it):
No Threats, No Extortion.
X-COM is a solely volunteer organization. This project it too big and too important to have soldiers who are not devoted to the cause. I don't care why your characters are joining X-COM, whether it be for loyalty to their country, loyalty to the human race, protecting someone they love, expunging so kind of criminal record, because they were guilted into it, or for nothing more then a big, fat paycheck. But under no circumstance can a character join X-COM because the recruiter blackmailed them or threatened them or their loved ones.
Whichever writing style you are most comfortable with. I personally prefer third person with the occasional inner-monologue, but like I said, whatever you prefer is fine with me.Finally, is first or third person preferred, or does it not matter?
Deadline is something of a strong word. If you can't post your by by today, we aren't going to kick you out or anything. Take your time, and you can join in once you get a chance. we're just saying to try and have it done today since we're gonna Start working on "The week before" posts tomorrow. In the meantime, I'm gonna go over everything we talked about and post a rules list on the thread I posted all those alien bios.The deadline's today? A centralized thing for rules, parameters, deadlines and all that would be really nice.
You're not being "bitchy", it was a legitimate concern. I'm sorry I didn't compile the rules until now. Been a bit on the tired side. But I'm just about finished.Sorry if I seem bitchy, I'm just a little stressed from college and work, and I didn't even know characters were being posted in that thread until now. I posted my primary character. I want to make a civilian to foil against her since we can have more than one, but I'll need time to make it.
I like your enthusiasm, but lets hold off for now, at least until I'm done posting the official rules. Like I said, almost finished.By the way, if anyone wants a teaser to get them excited for the first posts I can totally compile that pretty quickly.![]()
Alright, should have noticed that, I shall wait patiently and edit my information if there's anything inconsistent.I like your enthusiasm, but lets hold off for now, at least until I'm done posting the official rules. Like I said, almost finished.
It's very good, but I am a bit skeptical about how it was presented, aka being post-base raid. I'm not too worried about learning more about Lusset, as I know we'll get numerous posts in the actual RP.Alright I just posted that thing I've wanted to post for a long time, might I add that I have stopped working on it a long time ago and so things might still be fucked up...but who cares as long as you get what I'm trying to say and it comes over professionally its all good to me. However I still love critic's so hit me with your best shot and fire away![]()