Adramm's episode of JCYGPAL: Nice summaries.It's time for another episode of JESUS CHRIST YOU GUYS POSTED A LOT with your host Adrammalech:
Remainder of Albert's Covert Mission:
Dark flashbacks...easy to see why Albert had low Will to start.
Love a consistent alias.
Not a good run for Bartel.
That radio operator's a real dick.
"Just call him Viktor, no one has that name."
I get the feeling that the incubator was about to say "XCOM is OP"
AiriOne of the worst ways to go...
Does Ammy have PTSD yet?
Nevermind that EXALT lad learned a worse way to go.
Poisoned blade to the stomach...that's a pretty bad wound...
I'm actually surprised Albert lived. I thought Zeke was a for sure kick the dog moment to prep for a death.
Worse run for Abdel. Laser pistol consistency!
Incubators got rekt. Also, "butt-fucking great" got a chuckle out of me.
If Letz doesn't quote Taylor Swift soon, I'm going to request he be transferred out of XCOM.
Does Burton hate women or androids more?
Interesting guy, that Griffith.
Hey look, Burton did something. Then he got punched. Approval.
Gula got REKT.
Atka's response:
Very well done beginning. It's good to see the weight of command still affecting her.
Gabriel's looking good
Sunny's response:
Poor Jean
Is Alice going to turn into an AI matchmaker now, once she finishes collecting data?
Interesting questions raised.
Ayame's response:
Mary's wound would need to be pretty dern lucky, and I'm glad it was. We need a good pervert to offset the evil perverts on base.
That Airi confusion. Only slightly sadistic
Two bedside lovers...played sweet, still weird to think about...
Marine's post:
Saka is adorable. I'd say Ellie should watch out, but that was covered. Still, we know she's open-minded...Desmond could fill a Mary-like role, right?
I hope Elene gets more exposure to emotional people like this, she needs it :3
As for Griffith: