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Operator 21O
Staff member
His wings are gray and trailing,
Azrael, Angel of Death,
And yet the souls that Azrael brings across the dark and cold,
Look up beneath these folded wings,
And find them lined with gold.

-Robert Gilbert Welsh


Well-Known Member

Fuck that guy! >: D

Thinks he's so fucking special cause his friends died. Welcome to the club, motherfucker!

And now you made their sacrifice worthless by getting yourself kicked out of X-Com, way to fucking go!

*Composes myself*

Uhm... Sorry...


Game Master
Staff member

Fuck that guy! >: D

Thinks he's so fucking special cause his friends died. Welcome to the club, motherfucker!

And now you made their sacrifice worthless by getting yourself kicked out of X-Com, way to fucking go!

*Composes myself*

Uhm... Sorry...
Wow! Went a little overboard with that reaction! (And I approve).

All I have to say is... sorry to any one else that wanted a piece of him (though, to be fair, Eva did get to knock him out).


Game Master
Staff member
Tomorrow, I'll be posting one, possibly two, mini mission tomorrow to let our NPCs cathc up, and I'll be finalizing the next Ethereal mission, which will be worked on as soon as Pixy is available. In the meantime, for our Final Fantasy fans, I give you a picture I am surprised I didn't think to put up until now.



Well-Known Member
Wow! Went a little overboard with that reaction! (And I approve).

All I have to say is... sorry to any one else that wanted a piece of him (though, to be fair, Eva did get to knock him out).

Sorry, people like that make my blood boil...

That's what the entirety of my days in Middle and early high school were like... Everyone hated me in middle school... Literally everyone! They did nothing but go out of their way to piss on me and anyone even slightly associated with me, including my love interest at the time.


Game Master
Staff member
Sorry, people like that make my blood boil...

That's what the entirety of my days in Middle and early high school were like... Everyone hated me in middle school... Literally everyone! They did nothing but go out of their way to piss on me and anyone even slightly associated with me, including my love interest at the time.
Oh, no, I hear you. I think every class has that one kid that everyone seems to pick on, even though no one knows why, even the bullies. That was me from the age of eight to about sixteen (when I moved to a different school district and could start over without the target painted on my face).

I watch shows and PSAs about bullying and think, "These are great... but... where were they when I was a kid?" I seriously can't remember anything. No commercials, no episodes of Static Shock, no Taylor Swift songs. The only... ONLY thing I ever saw in regards to this was that one guy from the Breakfest club, and an episode of Walker: Texas Ranger, in which a boy is driven to suicide by his bullies. It is sad that any real attention to this problem had to come from kids being pushed to shooting up their schools.

I mean, the phrase 'children are cruel' is older then me, right? So what the hell?

So I feel you, Frost, I really do. That's why Burton survived his mission. Because to simply kill him off would have been too easy, and it would have turned my into some hack writer, like Stephen King and his nonredeemable bullies from every Stephen King movie ever (sorry if you're a fan, but movies based on his books usually suck... hard). Burton had to have a chance to redeem himself, and only in failing that was he put down.


Operator 21O
Staff member
Got a heavy one for you, I seriously warn you, DO NOT READ if you are easily squeamish. (Or do and be emotionally scarred by me.)


Well-Known Member
That's why Burton survived his mission. Because to simply kill him off would have been too easy, and it would have turned my into some hack writer, like Stephen King and his nonredeemable bullies from every Stephen King movie ever (sorry if you're a fan, but movies based on his books usually suck... hard). Burton had to have a chance to redeem himself, and only in failing that was he put down.

Speaking of which, how are people feeling about Luxuria's redeemability after my post :D


Well-Known Member
Oh, no, I hear you. I think every class has that one kid that everyone seems to pick on, even though no one knows why, even the bullies. That was me from the age of eight to about sixteen (when I moved to a different school district and could start over without the target painted on my face).

I watch shows and PSAs about bullying and think, "These are great... but... where were they when I was a kid?" I seriously can't remember anything. No commercials, no episodes of Static Shock, no Taylor Swift songs. The only... ONLY thing I ever saw in regards to this was that one guy from the Breakfest club, and an episode of Walker: Texas Ranger, in which a boy is driven to suicide by his bullies. It is sad that any real attention to this problem had to come from kids being pushed to shooting up their schools.

I mean, the phrase 'children are cruel' is older then me, right? So what the hell?

So I feel you, Frost, I really do. That's why Burton survived his mission. Because to simply kill him off would have been too easy, and it would have turned my into some hack writer, like Stephen King and his nonredeemable bullies from every Stephen King movie ever (sorry if you're a fan, but movies based on his books usually suck... hard). Burton had to have a chance to redeem himself, and only in failing that was he put down.

The worst part is the few friends I did have sort of drifted away from me as I aged. My two best friends from childhood got caught up in their lives and I barely see them anymore, my love interest from middle school into high school even moved away. But you guys are my friends now, all of you. When I joined the site three years ago I felt that I had finally found a place where people like me for me, not how I look or act, and I still feel that today. You all have really helped me get through some of the tough times I've had over the past few years, and I just can't thank you enough.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of which, how are people feeling about Luxuria's redeemability after my post :D

My feelings on that would need to be expressed along the complex plane from 0 to ∞+i, just so I could tell you that I need a bigger graph.

...calculus too much?
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