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Game Master
Staff member
So, the Base Assault Mission is in the works. It'll be a big one, essentially like three mini missions blending into one larger one. So if you're on that mission, don't be surprised if I start messaging you a bit early for it, don't be alarmed, I'm just making sure everything goes smoothly.

Additionally, I plan to do something... significant during the base defense mission. I'll leave it at that for now, though I encourage you two make guesses about what that will be (probably an easy guess). In about a week, I'll reveal what that is, and then you'll have something else to guess at in regards to it.


Well-Known Member
I think it got most, if not all, of them...but yeah, it may be TOO subtle for some of the final ones. Not everyone knows all the characters of zombie so well.


Operator 21O
Staff member
New Desmond post is up, with Gemini as a guest, a part 2 is coming and all I will disclose is shit be getting real...*Yes that is a scientific term*


Operator 21O
Staff member
As promised, the second part is up. This was something that was heavily suggested by two people I know, (You know who you are!) and well it happened, not saying any more but there is no going back now.
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