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Game Master
Staff member
As far as power balance and all that, it would be inevitable that this might happen with the reclaiming of a country. I had no preference one way or another.

So why did I pick India, then? Because I was playing a game of Long War, and it was the country that dropped out on me first. I felt it would work for us, because we hadn't had a mission there yet

Now, in terms of people coming and going, I still have some planning to do, so I'd say you have until Monday afternoon to make a decision. As for Ammelia, she'll still have something to do, since it'llbe about a week (in universe) until we go there, and another one to two weeks (in universe) until we finish, so she should recover in time to handle a mission that takes place outside of India. And for her not going? What can I say. Emily was supposed to go on the first covert op, but missed out due to an injury. I don't want anyone to make their characters invinsible, but if you plan on them being injured, feel free to ask me if anything is coming up that they might miss out on. I am always here, even when I'm not.


Well-Known Member
I shall reiterate what Zombie said. If you don't read the missions in their entirety that we all worked so hard on...we will find you. We will feed you to chryssalids. We will end you. Not necessarily in that order.


Well-Known Member

Beta Team's section of mission, Fortress, is posted.
And Frost, you got your wish. XCOM didn't kill the Chryssalid Queen.
He picked Control. I shudder to think of what could have happened had he picked Synthesis.

Penny will be staying. No reason for her to go. Not even sure if that was an option for a non-soldier, but I'm putting this here regardless. As for the Overseer... well, he could already be there for all we know. I don't even know where he is, and I created him. He will, however, be focusing on India in order to rebuild his information network there and reestablish his former influences. So if EXALT wants to take advantage of his lack of attention elsewhere...

Hang on. Do they even know he's helping X-COM yet? I don't think that was ever addressed.

Why not do both? (La Bamba plays in the background)


Operator 21O
Staff member

He picked Control. I shudder to think of what could have happened had he picked Synthesis.

Penny will be staying. No reason for her to go. Not even sure if that was an option for a non-soldier, but I'm putting this here regardless. As for the Overseer... well, he could already be there for all we know. I don't even know where he is, and I created him. He will, however, be focusing on India in order to rebuild his information network there and reestablish his former influences. So if EXALT wants to take advantage of his lack of attention elsewhere...

Hang on. Do they even know he's helping X-COM yet? I don't think that was ever addressed.

Why not do both? (La Bamba plays in the background)
As far as Viktor knows, the Overseer would be a myth to him. Obviously he would have heard of him but he couldn't possibly know the Council hired him.


Well-Known Member
I take it back. He picked the "Screw this" option. Having read it myself now, I can say that you, sir, should be a lawyer. Expert use of technicalities.

I once got a fortune cookie that made the same observation on ideal jobs as you did. Was quite freaky.


Well-Known Member
And in case anyone is wondering, I played the abductees in each of the 'team' missions. And Zombie, of course, was a guest as Ayame on mine.


Game Master
Staff member
At the risk of everyone missing it in light of the mission post, I put up Midnight Mischief, the next part of what I am calling the 'Kitty Posts'. Please check it out when you get a chance. I think you'll find it interesting, and I'd like to know what you guys think.


Well-Known Member
At the risk of everyone missing it in light of the mission post, I put up Midnight Mischief, the next part of what I am calling the 'Kitty Posts'. Please check it out when you get a chance. I think you'll find it interesting, and I'd like to know what you guys think.

More reason not to trust cats, in my opinion. And I'm not saying that just because I'm a bird person..


Well-Known Member
At the risk of everyone missing it in light of the mission post, I put up Midnight Mischief, the next part of what I am calling the 'Kitty Posts'. Please check it out when you get a chance. I think you'll find it interesting, and I'd like to know what you guys think.
For some reason he reminds me of TEC from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year door. Something about his calm demeanor and the way he talks to her briefly and then Brigid (Peach?) goes to sleep afterwards.
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