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Well-Known Member
Well, you know what they say about power corrupting. It is all a manner of keeping those people in check, reminding them of the dangers of becoming corrupted, and, sadly, having a plan to take them down if need be.

Put in a more complicated way, trust is important, but never summon Xel'lotath to take care of Ulyaoth unless you have a Chattur'gha-based spell ready to take care of her.
You guys are giving me ideas... >:3


Well-Known Member
Well, you know what they say about power corrupting. It is all a manner of keeping those people in check, reminding them of the dangers of becoming corrupted, and, sadly, having a plan to take them down if need be.

Put in a more complicated way, trust is important, but never summon Xel'lotath to take care of Ulyaoth unless you have a Chattur'gha-based spell ready to take care of her.

Eternal Darkness, niiice~.


Well-Known Member
Well, you know what they say about power corrupting. It is all a manner of keeping those people in check, reminding them of the dangers of becoming corrupted, and, sadly, having a plan to take them down if need be.

Put in a more complicated way, trust is important, but never summon Xel'lotath to take care of Ulyaoth unless you have a Chattur'gha-based spell ready to take care of her.

The universe is a yawning chasm filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience.

Jellyfish Bros for life.


Well-Known Member
The plot thickens for the lad Nico.

And just because the psi guys sound evil doesn't mean they are evil. They have to sound scary and evil in the aliens' heads, or their panic abilities wouldn't be much use.


Well-Known Member
The problem is we could be... I mean, who's to say the Ethereals weren't good people once. :/

Come on, the Ethereals are nothing like us. Sure, they're psychic, and they sound sinister. But they're all crazy about enhancing things with genetics and...well, they kidnap other species...but they do experiments on other...I mean, they're attacking structures that...well, they look really weird.


Game Master
Staff member
Come on, the Ethereals are nothing like us. Sure, they're psychic, and they sound sinister. But they're all crazy about enhancing things with genetics and...well, they kidnap other species...but they do experiments on other...I mean, they're attacking structures that...well, they look really weird.

A lot of it comes down to perspective, and what you actually do with what you have. Frost has a point. Who is to say the Ethereals weren't a human-like race at first that became corrupted by their power, and that humans couldn't become the same. And I don't mean in a Purge movie way, or any of that shit, so don't you dare! I mean gradually, over time, where the pursuit of power makes you forget over time what is humanity, and you lose yourself to it over many many generations.

In the end (because, like I've said before, it all comes back to Batman), it reminds me of the origin story of the creeper in the DCAU. A reported who is driven mad by the same chemicals that made the Joker, but despite this, he is still a good man underneath, and fights for good instead of becoming another Joker. And hence the reason he is later seen in the Watch Tower in JLU.


Game Master
Staff member
Oh, and Adramm, I've been meaning to ask. Is there a 'thing' between Emily and Nika, or is it just a case of 'It's a dream so it does have to make sense' thing?


Well-Known Member
How secret is the whole Incubator debacle? I would imagine Morrigan would want the incident as compartmentalized as could be, but it would also be really hard to hide.


Game Master
Staff member
How secret is the whole Incubator debacle? I would imagine Morrigan would want the incident as compartmentalized as could be, but it would also be really hard to hide.
The incubator's presence, its death, and its manipulation of Brigid would be well known. Morrigan would make most of the information public for three reasons; so everyone was on high alert when the thing was still running around, so everyone would know that Jessica was free of guilt, and so there would be closure on the missing soldier.

The only thing that wouldn't be widely known is Brigid's abilities, but since one of Brigid's escorts was present, it would leak out, and rumors would spread. It would also be known to anyone with access to the official paper work. So it would only be a matter of time until that gets out, so it is only loosely being kept a secret.
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