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Well-Known Member
BTW, Taxor, I just caught that Super Mario Galaxy reference. Interesting. Unusual, but interesting.
You actually just made me realize that there's a few issue with that post in terms of format and clarification. Thanks much, fixing it now.
Plus, I always thought those guys who demand you machine-gun their mouths with noms were a little... strange. Even for a space faring plumber who ingests mushrooms on a regular basis.


Operator 21O
Staff member
Desmond, Aya and Eve have a little three way between them. It was something nice to fill in the lack of stuff I have done.


Well-Known Member
Then maybe you what, Eve? Oh God, don't tell me that another girl is going to...I don't think my soul can handle the crushing. X_X Nor could Atka's.


Game Master
Staff member
Then maybe you what, Eve? Oh God, don't tell me that another girl is going to...I don't think my soul can handle the crushing. X_X Nor could Atka's.
Atka: "It's not fair! Why are all the girls hitting on Desmond? Why aren't all the girls hitting on me?"

Ayame (pokes her head in the doorway): "What was that, Atka?"

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Game Master
Staff member
Oh. I thought Eve was implying she was interested in Atka. Misread that situation.
You did. Hmm... I guess I can see how you could misinterpret it in that way, but... I don't want to imply people should make brass assumptions, but if she was interested in one of two people in that question, one a man and one a woman, why would you automatically think 'Lesbian! Another lesbian, no other possibility.'.
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