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Game Master
Staff member
Glad to see that Ammy and Ashley could have a talk with... slightly less yelling. To be fair, Ashley, your compliments often sound condescending. Keep trying, though.


Game Master
Staff member
And... caught up.

And a quick note of the neural feedback gene mod, since one of you were asking and, lets face it, it wasn't really explained in the games beyond game play mechanics.

As I don't want it to make neural dampening obsolete, and avoid a scene of Albert and Modya sitting in the rec-room bar, lamenting that they didn't wait a little longer, feedback will work by sacrificing some of dampening's protection in favor of a backlash against the attacker.

Example: Albert has Neural Dampening, and Ayame has Neural Feedback(or at least, I plan on her having it). A pair of Sectoid Commanders try to mind-control them both. Albert's gene-mod would increase his likelihood of resisting it significantly. Let's say by 75%. Ayame's gene-mod will help her resist the attack too, but not by nearly as much. Let's say, by 30%. So the likelihood of her not being mind'controled is lower (not accounting for her own will), but regardless of whether it works or not, she'll send a backlash of the alien's own psionic energy, damaging it. So think of it as a big shield vs. a smaller shield covered in spikes.

Additionally, if someone with psionics has the neural feedback, they can turn the alien's attack back at them completely if they avoid damage all together, but only if they also know they ability.
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Well-Known Member
And... caught up.

And a quick note of the neural feedback gene mod, since one of you were asking and, lets face it, it wasn't really explained in the games beyond game play mechanics.

As I don't want it to make neural dampening obsolete, and avoid a scene of Albert and Modya sitting in the rec-room bar, lamenting that they didn't wait a little longer, feedback will work by sacrificing some of dampening's protection in favor of a backlash against the attacker.

Example: Albert has Neural Dampening, and Ayame has Neural Dampening (or at least, I plan on her having it). A pair of Sectoid Commanders try to mind-control them both. Albert's gene-mod would increase his likelihood of resisting it significantly. Let's say by 75%. Ayame's gene-mod will help her resist the attack too, but not by nearly as much. Let's say, by 30%. So the likelihood of her not being mind'controled is lower (not accounting for her own will), but regardless of whether it works or not, she'll send a backlash of the alien's own psionic energy, damaging it. So think of it as a big shield vs. a smaller shield covered in spikes.

Additionally, if someone with psionics has the neural feedback, they can turn the alien's attack back at them completely if they avoid damage all together, but only if they also know they ability.
*whispers* You said Neural Dampening twice. And Modya has it? I don't remember that. (Though he probably will get it)


Game Master
Staff member
He didn't get it yet? Because I thought he mentioned wanting it. It didn't come up during that fight, but he and Jessica did talk about it, so I figured...


Well-Known Member
He didn't get it yet? Because I thought he mentioned wanting it. It didn't come up during that fight, but he and Jessica did talk about it, so I figured...
My memory is failing me. I don't remember him mentioning Dampening.

Edit: I did a search. Modya never mentioned Neural Dampening. I talked about how it would be useful for him, but he never said anything about it.


Well-Known Member
And I've accidentally called Neural Feedback the wrong one in my posts here. For reference, Elene stole Feedback. She already had dampening, but wanted the shield with the spikes more.


Well-Known Member
"Ammelia was born at Fortuna Hospital in London, Her Mother, Elizabeth Thomas Gave birth to Identical Quintuplets but died shortly afterwards due to shock."
Twins. Greaaat. That's going to be confusing. I'm going to have to reread that post, because I missed one line in Ammelia's bio, and it made me think it was some weird dream. >_>
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