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Well-Known Member
I'm feeling that.
Look at all I've done so far in the past couple of days:
“How’s Uncle Sam?” Penny asked as her father sat down next to her. She frowned when he nearly spat out the water he’d been drinking. “What, did I say something bad?”
I know. Productive.
I might actually have a part for you in regards to the mission that could be worked on Monday/Wednesday. I'd like to do it with you if possible, but if that doesn't work out I can at least give you the guidelines.


Well-Known Member
I'd like Ammy do to something to help take down the Honored Overseer, she owes Bunny that much after the pain he caused her. :)
Um... mission wasn't exactly structured that way. The way it works is we have Desperatio's six human psions split into sets of two, three groups total. Then Desperatio and Jiokjiok.

What we did today:

Desperatio vs Albert's Team (Included Modya and Buniq, so you got half of what you wanted)
Atka and Desmond vs Germael and Gradneil
Aya and Fay vs Rampel and Jophiel

The other fight is Ashley/Mary vs Rehael and Emily vs Kafziel.

And potentially going to do an attempt to board our ship by the enemy as this is going on, which I will probably assign Tax/do with Tax.

Ammy and Eva aren't psions, so they weren't assigned to any of those fights because it was psion vs psion.


Game Master
Staff member
So, for now, the main thing we have left is Taxor's thing, which he can do on his own or with Gem, and the last psion fight. This will require Pixy, Dahl, Frost, and Adramma to be able to come together. In the morning, when I am not about to pass out, I'll start a conversation with you four, and we can work out the time. The sooner, the better, obviously, and if it needs to take more then one day, so be it. This week was set aside for this, but if we finish several days early, that is more time that we have to work on solos and collabs before the Temple Ship.


Well-Known Member
Um... mission wasn't exactly structured that way. The way it works is we have Desperatio's six human psions split into sets of two, three groups total. Then Desperatio and Jiokjiok.

What we did today:

Desperatio vs Albert's Team (Included Modya and Buniq, so you got half of what you wanted)
Atka and Desmond vs Germael and Gradneil
Aya and Fay vs Rampel and Jophiel

The other fight is Ashley/Mary vs Rehael and Emily vs Kafziel.

And potentially going to do an attempt to board our ship by the enemy as this is going on, which I will probably assign Tax/do with Tax.

Ammy and Eva aren't psions, so they weren't assigned to any of those fights because it was psion vs psion.

Buniq's fighting Desperatio?!

*Ammelia has a heart attack*


Well-Known Member
I might actually have a part for you in regards to the mission that could be worked on Monday/Wednesday. I'd like to do it with you if possible, but if that doesn't work out I can at least give you the guidelines.
I'm ok with this.
I could potentially do it with you on Tuesday night (my Wednesday midday), but otherwise I'm unable to make a time that isn't 4 in the morning or something equally ridiculous. If all else fails, I've got enough time on my hands to do it solo, so that isn't an issue. I'll try and make Tuesday, though.


Operator 21O
Staff member
Um... mission wasn't exactly structured that way. The way it works is we have Desperatio's six human psions split into sets of two, three groups total. Then Desperatio and Jiokjiok.

What we did today:

Desperatio vs Albert's Team (Included Modya and Buniq, so you got half of what you wanted)
Atka and Desmond vs Germael and Gradneil
Aya and Fay vs Rampel and Jophiel

The other fight is Ashley/Mary vs Rehael and Emily vs Kafziel.

And potentially going to do an attempt to board our ship by the enemy as this is going on, which I will probably assign Tax/do with Tax.

Ammy and Eva aren't psions, so they weren't assigned to any of those fights because it was psion vs psion.
If you guys want additional help, I can lend a hand in as well. Have about 5 or 6 characters who can.


Game Master
Staff member
Quick schedule of what will be happening over the next couple of weeks. If we have some time after this mission, as I said, we can do some solos and collabs, as we might finish early.

After this, we'll have two missions left; the temple mission against Phobos, and one final-final mission involving Conquest and War. Don't want to go into specifics, but I will mention that fight now (assuming I haven't already) because I have learned that withholding information for the sake of suspense often leads to frustration.

Now, while everyone will be involved in the big Phobos fight, and several with War and Conquest, people will, over time, be knocked down and out during those fights, as for dramatic effect, I want them to boil down to two characters, one main and one support. And in an attempt to give everyone something, and to have them link up with their opponents, here is what I've got.

OH: Pixy, of course, is having his big fight with the OH, and a fun one at that. That fight is done, and I will say, what Al does to secure the victory works great. Can't say who the second person that it boiled down to is, but you can probably guess.

Phobos: Atka, supported by Jan'tiala. Atka is the most connected to Phobos, having been in contact with him before he ever came to Earth, and is the most fitting personality wise. Her support is obviously Phobos' daughter, for obvious dramatic effect.

War: Desmond, supported by Eva. As I've mentioned before, War is immune (completely immune, no exceptions) to mental-based psionics. And, obviously, he is a powerhouse. As such, he will need to be faced by X-COM's powerhouses, and I like the idea of the ever loyal soldier, doing his duty despite reservations, taken out by the two that started out as spies.

Conquest: Emily, supported by Ammelia. The roommate thing is obvious. Emily should be the one to finish Conquest off as the ultimate struggle between the man pushing for the total elimination of the Ethereals, and the woman insisting on peaceful negations, and I'd like to bring Luxuria in if possible for the sake of revenge. Ammelia should be the support because psionics won't be very useful during the fight, and she doesn't have them, I like the idea of what is essentially the final boss being put down by the least modded or enhanced soldier, and the fact the Conquest used Jan'tiala's name essentially as a curse to keep her in line, while Ammelia used it as a means to try and connect with her, and was the first one to hear it in X-COM.


Game Master
Staff member
Also, this might seem a bit silly, but somehow, I didn't notice that the word I had come up with for an Ethereal's partner, a laʒier, was being referred to as a bazir. My mistake for not correcting it the first time. And don't worry about correcting it in previous posts, I did that myself. I feel silly, since the first time it was done was during a collab... with me...:oops:


Well-Known Member
Also, this might seem a bit silly, but somehow, I didn't notice that the word I had come up with for an Ethereal's partner, a laʒier, was being referred to as a bazir. My mistake for not correcting it the first time. And don't worry about correcting it in previous posts, I did that myself. I feel silly, since the first time it was done was during a collab... with me...:oops:

Well, when Ammy used it, she sort of didn't know what the exact word was, so it still makes sense. :)


Operator 21O
Staff member
Post solo, turns around and watches in horror as content depraved people rush at me. Yes, I did a solo as a little catch-up. Nothing too important is discussed, it is more of just a catch up than anything else and to actually give you people something to read. For those of you wondering where Minato and Saka are, i would have written them but I couldn't think of anything for them atm so they got left out. They are basically just doing what everyone is doing so you are not missing out.


Well-Known Member
Also, this might seem a bit silly, but somehow, I didn't notice that the word I had come up with for an Ethereal's partner, a laʒier, was being referred to as a bazir. My mistake for not correcting it the first time. And don't worry about correcting it in previous posts, I did that myself. I feel silly, since the first time it was done was during a collab... with me...:oops:
I actually knew it wasn't Bazir but I couldn't find the keys to the replacement for the z.


Game Master
Staff member
I actually knew it wasn't Bazir but I couldn't find the keys to the replacement for the z.
That's fair. Technically, it is a phonic symbol, known as the voiced palato-alveolar sibilant (that's a mouthfull), represented by ʒ. It is used in English, but is most prevalent in French. The 'J' in Jean and Jeanne's names uses it (ʒa & ʒan), as well as Jan'tiala (ʒan'teeala), it is the 'g' in garage, and the 'si' in vision. I usually... copy and paste.
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