X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

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I'm pretty interested to see the outcome of Odd's... uh... "less than perfect resolution" of ME2. I'm going to assume you've all watched his play-through or otherwise don't give a damn about the game, but if I'm wrong, I'ma put a
right here just in case you have yet to see what exactly went wrong. I'll still try to be relatively general so that going past it you don't recognize a name.

Honestly, one of the worst people to lose. One of two characters to return as a squadmate from ME2, someone is now not going to have a partner because of her death, and she is necessary along with one other character to obtain an "optimal resolution" to a particular conflict. I'm interested to see which option Odd chooses next game.


My own first play through nearly took a similar turn. I sent Grunt back with the crew (my reasoning being "He's a walking tank, ain't nobody gonna get past him") and I took Garrus with me to the final fight. If I hadn't also taken Mordin, there may have been a few casualties. Instead, got a perfect ending, chose the Renegade option for a Paragon play through (For the same reason I kept the Genophage cure - much pain went into it's making, may as well make it worth it). My second playthrough immediately took a wrong turn because one of my friends said Grunt was a good fire team leader. As a result, Tali took one of Harbinger's hadoukens to the face whilst trying to close the first door.
I'm interested in what everyone's favourite class is. My first class was an Infiltrator (which in ME2 and 3 I regretted), my second was a Vanguard (which in ME2 and 3 I loved) and my third and current class is a Sentinel (which in ME2 I loved and ME3 I love slightly less because they nerfed tech armor. I loved that auto-replenish, dammit). I have yet to play as any of the other classes.

Zain Shah

Well-Known Member
My favourite class is either infiltrator (because you can avoid some fights with cloak) but the most fun to play is a sentinel because you are basically a walking tank.

The reason why I didn't get the complete trilogy is that it is classes as an 18 in the UK whereas mass effect 2 and 3 had a rating of 16 in the UK for some reason and so my parents would not have let me get it.:p

Also have you seen the default choices for shepard if you don't import a save. It's so bad. Here's a link http://www.gamefront.com/mass-effect-3-psa-what-to-expect-if-you-dont-import-from-me2/
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Well-Known Member
Different doesn't mean worse - in reference to the 'less than perfect' ending. For one, I've already seen and played that route and one where the outcomes in ME3 are not ideal, they're both great in their own way. I'm still meaning to do a playthrough of ME2 with minimal survivors to see what would happen in ME3. Besides that there's the fact that ME2 is just terrible at warning you of anything; I screwed around a bit too long after the IFF mission and lost half the crew and I lost three crew members because my reasoning was different from whoever designed the game. For instance, all game they talk about Miranda being amazing with biotics (something I hated because it was never acknowledged that my character is a more amazing biotic-badass than any other character, something that ME3 does do) so I picked her to hold up the shield, resulting in me losing Garrus because it turns out she's shit at anything she does. Thanks for being clear about that, game. So, in the end, I think it's great that Christopher decides to go on with his initial result (which really isn't that bad, especially compared to mine) especially because it's 'less than perfect'.

As for classes - I love Adept and Vanguard just for spamming biotics in ME3, as you may have figured.


Well-Known Member
I love ME, played all of them, cant wait for ME4 It's gonna ROCK, hopefully it will be when turians and humans had their first contact war. That would be aaaaaawesssssomeeee.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't implying worse, although it does sound a bit like it. Only used the phrase "less than perfect" because it was less than what is commonly referred to as a "perfect" ending.
Now I sound like I'm nitpicking. I give up, not going to try defending myself from the all-seeing and all-knowing gaze of the almighty Grelite. I can only pray he/she doesn't incinerate me in my seat.
I personally keep trying to tell myself "Ok, you've done a perfect ending the last time/two times, this time you need to let someone die just to see how ME3 compensates," but I can't bring myself to do it. I love all the characters too much (and maybe it hasn't helped that all of my romances - Tali, Garrus and Liara - have been squadmates. I get even more attached to them then. Except Ashley. ME1 Infiltrator Shepard made a terrible mistake there). Nor can I fully commit to a Renegade run because my moral compass just says "How could you not make Miranda talk to her sister? As if you wouldn't." I've never yet destroyed the Genophage cure, never let Wrex die, never not supported my team. At times I think "I'm doing a Renegade playthrough, why am I picking Paragon options?" Life lesson: I need to be more of a dick.
Actually, writing this has made me decide to do a complete Renegade playthrough where I always pick the Renegade option regardless of consequences. Hrmm. After Sentinel. Need to pick the only option I didn't want to this time.
Which reminds me. You know that conversation between Legion and Tali after both their loyalty missions have been completed? On both my semi-Renegade playthroughs I've been unable to solve the argument via Renegade option without pissing someone off, but in my Sentinel playthrough I was somehow able to Paragon my way out of that. Scary person with glowing red eyes and really bad scars across their face and a very large Renegade meter can only decide to calm it down in a good way as opposed to saying "Stfu and get back to work"? I have no idea how that works.
Vanguard told Legion to back off then talked to him immediately after and told him they lied to Tali. It worked out, I guess.
Besides that there's the fact that ME2 is just terrible at warning you of anything.
Which is why I sent Grunt with the crew back to the ship. Could have sent Mordin or Tali for far less risk, but no, I decided to send the defenseless crew back with the walking tank instead of the geneticist or the alien with a high-tech screwdriver.


Well-Known Member
I give up, not going to try defending myself from the all-seeing and all-knowing gaze of the almighty Grelite. I can only pray he/she doesn't incinerate me in my seat.
You walk away unscathed this time, insignificant insect.

In all seriousness, I understand the passion people have developed for these characters and that seeing people play without them may make you feel like they are experiencing less of the game somehow. The sort of things some people wrote to Christopher after his refusal to redo the ending is INSANE, though. So much rage over someone else's playthrough.


Well-Known Member
Well, to play devil's advocate, it has major implications as you said along with the fact that "she" is one of the most obsessed over characters in the series (never got it, personally). Also, ME is a game primarily based on lots and lots and lots of choices, and while someone making a different choice than you did is understandable, having a major character die inadvertently would be where most people go back and try again.

I think people just felt robbed, the same way someone would if they got a message that said "btw major character died, totes avoidable, no retry" during the credits. Since he didn't really react to it much, I think those people assume that when he actually gets the bill for pressing on, he'll regret sticking to his ending now.

(edited to pronouns, thought we were avoiding story spoilers not LP spoilers :p)
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Well-Known Member
I'm interested in what everyone's favourite class is. My first class was an Infiltrator (which in ME2 and 3 I regretted), my second was a Vanguard (which in ME2 and 3 I loved) and my third and current class is a Sentinel (which in ME2 I loved and ME3 I love slightly less because they nerfed tech armor. I loved that auto-replenish, dammit). I have yet to play as any of the other classes.

Engineer All the Way, I just love the engineer's particular skillset, Fire Blast, Ice Blast, and also the Awesome Drones :3


Well-Known Member
I personally love Soldier class, got a gun for all kinds of situation ;D

Rocked from ME1-ME3 Soldier, but not saying I haven't tried the other classes, I like Adept and Senitel too, Vanguard was also great in ME2.


Well-Known Member
My main class in mass effect is the solider,there is no situation that my weapon can't handle.

now I have played all the other classes, and in mass effect 2 and my favorite backup classes are,the infiltrator and adept.


Well-Known Member
I don't like engineer because I can't feel the impact of what my drones are doing directly. With adapt, vanguard and sentinel you're blasting people away with sheer biotic awesome and it feels great.


Well-Known Member
Nah, I joke. To each their own.
I personally mostly like it because it doesn't sacrifice story - or depending on your opinion, it's attempt at a story - for graphics or anything like that. I miss the days when graphics were going to be shite regardless and gaming companies allowed themselves to focus on providing some level of immersion. It's rare nowadays that you'll get the standard that we used to have, despite all of the "advances" we've made. You'd think that, even if a companies sole concern is money, they'd still want to keep their customers onside rather than defacing "classics". Prime example, that new MGS game that was essentially a demo. Not good in terms of PR. And if you're going to charge $80 for a game, you better make damn sure that it has both single player and multi player rather than just one or some weird hybrid of the two.
I'm starting to rant. Gonna shut up before I write another 1000 word essay.


Well-Known Member
Well, I did it. Even though it's my least favourite game in the series, I beat ME2 in the last two days saving only Legion (my Geth puppy) and Zaeed just to see what ME3 is like without the others. It was surprisingly hard to kill Miranda.
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