I dunno, I mean if that happens I personally atleast would be... lesserly motivated to join. I mean that could wreck the entire roleplaying aspect. Because taking the augmentation for becoming a mech soldier is giving up all of your limbs to turn yourself into a living weapon, with the only purpose to serve and kill.... Thats not a light thing for anyone. I mean imagine it for yourself, you, a regular soldier get forced to an operation that will remove all of your limbs and replace them with less than useful mechanical limbs while outside of combat, and into a giant mech in battle. You literally get forced to be turned into a weapon. How would you feel about that? Some of the genetic mods I wouldn't exacly personally mind like the bone genemodding which increases your regeneration(?) or the one that allows you to jump higher. Most of the genemods don't change you exacly too much, I mean I would probably be fine with most of the genemods.