Man, Dragonivon, you are getting scary. When does the movie based on your Zhang come out?
I like the idea of post-encounter briefings for the troops with moving pictures. We know how humans move, but imagine the shock when you see your first chryssalid jump 20 feet onto the roof you felt safe on! The material will be edited, of course, no soldier deaths visible, but as long as there is no chance of learning by doing, learning by watching is the next best thing. I disagree with the "watch stupid things done by your comrades" idea, though. You watched one guy do something stupid on video, he's a) embarrassed in front of his comrades for life and b) no one will be able to trust him any more, since that moment will stick in your memory.
I'd start with Ichi the Killer, read 'Sanctuary' by Sho Fumimura, and then perhaps watch Triad Election or perhaps the original Oldboy. Though I admit, my mental image of Zhang would make for a very interesting (if bordering on Tokyo gore police) movie.
As for showing some mistakes, you seriously underestimate the type of positive and negative conditioning even your most basic Marine drill Sergeant inflicts on the troops he's training. There's a reason that they will point out the fuckups in a squad with particular zeal. To make sure the fuckup doesn't happen again being the primary reason. The secondary reason is to illustrate in no uncertain terms what happens if you don't remember your training on the battlefield. If you think a Marine drill Sergeant is the slightest bit concerned about embarrassing someone in front of his comrades, especially when training them specifically for war, then you need to reread some history.
Your point about 'as long as there is no chance of learning by doing' is exactly why Zhang would be an advocate for using alien prisoners in live-fire exercises. Or at least live-rubberbullet exercises, that way you could reuse the prisoners after Vahlen gets a chance to see how they heal from various traumas. Heck, in the case of standard Sectoids he would advocate putting them in a fighting octagon and letting soldiers beat the hell out of them with fists and feet. Since standard sectoids are almost pathetically weak there would be very little actual risk AND it would drive home the point that they can be beaten. Remember the scene with Annette being so shocked that the aliens could be killed at all during 'Deluge'? To the population in general, the aliens are unstoppable killing machines. The first step for a military is to make their soldiers feel like they CAN win the fight against the enemy.
Again, the tactics that Zhang would consider 'reasonable' probably has nothing to do with what CommanderOdd would consider reasonable. And I already see that as one point of character conflict to work on in the journals ahead. Mostly revolving around Zhang having very specific ideas of what it takes to win, borne of a lifetime of experience surviving the worst the Chinese underworld has to throw at him, and it's certainly not pretty and utterly ruthless. But he's the one still standing, scars and all.