Jhon Markith
Active Member
Just when I get around time
Did I miss a video somewhere? Why does everyone keep saying Anna Stone was injured?
Did I miss a video somewhere? Why does everyone keep saying Anna Stone was injured?
Anja was injured. Not Anna.Did I miss a video somewhere? Why does everyone keep saying Anna Stone was injured?
when does commander odd start writing journals?
Chris, may I ask (continent wise) where do you live? Not in a perverted way, I just wanna know your time zone (estimative) or you could tell me your time zone, or infact you don't even need to answer because I'm just curious as to when you would be online.
DAMNIT STEVIE IM EXCITEDDDDDDDDmight be a little longer, having trouble uploading
im just joshing u manI don't have what you would call the best PC or connection, just be patient, itll be done soon enough, hopefully