X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

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New Member
No. That's too cruel, he will think he is being audited.
What if we put Zhang out in the front clear daylight in that room quoting "Your next", than "pop!" birthday balloons come out and everyone sings happy birthday.... than bluntly says along the lines " deeaaar maltusisdead fulller, happy birthday to you."


Active Member
He will go apeshit crazy and try to tear apart the base as he tries to figure out leaked his birthday.

However, he'll probably go through half a broom closet before collapsing because his inhaler is empty.
I had a thought. Let's say I get hired tomorrow (or whenever). How should I roleplay the delay between me signing up and actually getting hired? Would the little "interview" in my signup post retroactively take place while the fight against the aliens is taking place, or will I have initially been rejected only to have been called back at a later time?


New Member
Okay all this awesome roleplay and posts has gotten me to playing a game of classic. And for some reason on Steam I've ended up doing a Terror from the Deep op. Nothing quite like TPK...


Active Member
I had a thought. Let's say I get hired tomorrow (or whenever). How should I roleplay the delay between me signing up and actually getting hired? Would the little "interview" in my signup post retroactively take place while the fight against the aliens is taking place, or will I have initially been rejected only to have been called back at a later time?

You bring up a good point, it's implied that the aliens are more active they are still acting relatively covertly for the general populace. The terror levels are more an indicator of the governments controlling the area's confidence in XCOM and not the panic of the general population. That being said, active military personnel might have more insight than most. In your case, I'd presume Angel was told to wait and see (not told yes, not told no) after the interview but was left with enough idea of what was at stake to try to find out what most didn't know. A writing challenge for when you finally do enter the scene.


New Member
You bring up a good point, it's implied that the aliens are more active they are still acting relatively covertly for the general populace. The terror levels are more an indicator of the governments controlling the area's confidence in XCOM and not the panic of the general population. That being said, active military personnel might have more insight than most. In your case, I'd presume Angel was told to wait and see (not told yes, not told no) after the interview but was left with enough idea of what was at stake to try to find out what most didn't know. A writing challenge for when you finally do enter the scene.
Huh, I always imagine like the XCOM team just being blindfolded and bagged to keep their location secret, buuuuut thats just me.


You bring up a good point, it's implied that the aliens are more active they are still acting relatively covertly for the general populace. The terror levels are more an indicator of the governments controlling the area's confidence in XCOM and not the panic of the general population.

I don't really think of the aliens as "covert" at this point in time... The aliens have been doing terror missions all across the globe already. They are running roughshod everywhere XCOM isn't. For every repelled abduction, two go unabaited. Civilians should be afraid.

or will I have initially been rejected only to have been called back at a later time?

XCOM can't hire all the soldiers they'd like to; they're heavily underfunded at the start. They might have loved to have you on the roster, but couldn't afford to. Later on, they have the funding necessary to bring you in. (Just a thought.)
I don't really think of the aliens as "covert" at this point in time... The aliens have been doing terror missions all across the globe already. They are running roughshod everywhere XCOM isn't. For every repelled abduction, two go unabaited. Civilians should be afraid.

XCOM can't hire all the soldiers they'd like to; they're heavily underfunded at the start. They might have loved to have you on the roster, but couldn't afford to. Later on, they have the funding necessary to bring you in. (Just a thought.)
Well, I definitely have it easier than you. However, seeing as you've already written so much about Annette Durand in your fanfiction, I don't think you'll have any problem whatsoever. I'm pretty jealous of you, because you're practically guaranteed to become a part of this playthrough.

If Commander Odd is reading these, I'd like to know what his character's opinion of my file was. That would help a lot in my writing.


New Member
Well, I definitely have it easier than you. However, seeing as you've already written so much about Annette Durand in your fanfiction, I don't think you'll have any problem whatsoever. I'm pretty jealous of you, because you're practically guaranteed to become a part of this playthrough.

If Commander Odd is reading these, I'd like to know what his character's opinion of my file was. That would help a lot in my writing.
I shit, i remember reading your character file a while back, dude, it was pretty good. In all honesty, your one of the few recruits i want to see in this play through. Le commandant Odd did mention your bio in his season 4 set up thing-ma-bob, so him loving it should be enough.
I shit, i remember reading your character file a while back, dude, it was pretty good. In all honesty, your one of the few recruits i want to see in this play through. Le commandant Odd did mention your bio in his season 4 set up thing-ma-bob, so him loving it should be enough.
I meant in-character Commander Odd, actually. But thanks!
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