X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

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Active Member
Space Jam brings back a lot of nostalgia but I think it is one of those movies which should stay in the past.

Speaking of movies, I've heard the Amazing Spider Man 2 movie is rubbish; anyone want to confirm or deny that? I am juggling whether to watch that or Captain America: Winter Soldier.
Winter Soldier is probably the best comicbook movie to ever come out, I really liked Spiderman 2 though. They're both worth watching.

Zain Shah

Well-Known Member
My friend told me that the electro and rhino they used in the movie don't follow their amazing spider man comic counterparts. Apparently, rhino just has a metal suit and electro is not in his traditional amazing spider man costume.


Game Master
Staff member
My friend told me that the electro and rhino they used in the movie don't follow their amazing spider man comic counterparts. Apparently, rhino just has a metal suit and electro is not in his traditional amazing spider man costume.
I heard that, despite what the trailers may have led you to believe about his role, Rhino was in the movie for about two minutes at the end. Also, for some reason, the movie decided that Oscorp would be the source of practically every villain.

Other then that, I've heard mostly positive things about it. The exception to this is The Spoony One, who had a rant about how much it sucked that was longer then the movie, expressing his disdain over everything, from the way Electro was created, to the stereotypical characters, to the way the love story was portrayed, to disappointed Dennis Leary.


Game Master
Staff member
I agree. I love Wolverine, he's a great character, tons of fun, awesome powers, no one can deny that. I also love Chinese food. But if I had Chinese food for dinner every day, eventually I'd be dying for a good, old-fashioned burger. Wolverine is cool and all, but there are a lot of other cool mutants, damn it. Can we give them a chance. Let's see Shadow Cat again. Or Nightcrawler. And Gambit definitely deserved more then that stupid glorified cameo.
Space Jam brings back a lot of nostalgia but I think it is one of those movies which should stay in the past.

Speaking of movies, I've heard the Amazing Spider Man 2 movie is rubbish; anyone want to confirm or deny that? I am juggling whether to watch that or Captain America: Winter Soldier.
The amazing Spider-Man 2 is AWESOME!!!!!! Andrew Garfield does way better than Toby Maguire.mAlso the winter soldier is pretty good also.

Zain Shah

Well-Known Member
I think they're trying squeeze all the wolverine they can out of Hugh Jackman before he inevitably will become too old for the role. I don't think they will have a 60 year old Jackman playing wolverine.


Well-Known Member
I agree. I love Wolverine, he's a great character, tons of fun, awesome powers, no one can deny that. I also love Chinese food. But if I had Chinese food for dinner every day, eventually I'd be dying for a good, old-fashioned burger. Wolverine is cool and all, but there are a lot of other cool mutants, damn it. Can we give them a chance. Let's see Shadow Cat again. Or Nightcrawler. And Gambit definitely deserved more then that stupid glorified cameo.

Yeah! I would love to see a Gambit or Nightcrawler Movie! That Would be awesome! :D


Game Master
Staff member
Don't mean to change the subject, but I recently discovered something I never knew before. Anyone here ever played Onimusha? Made by Capcom, it Started out as a ninja version of Resident Evil (much like Dino Crisis was a dinosaur version of Resident Evil, and Devil May Cry was built off an engine meant to be Resident Evil 4), it evolved into a pretty kick-ass samurai/demon slaying series.

Genma Onimusha was a re-release of the first game for the X-Box a year after it's release on the PS2. The new additions were mostly hit or miss, but one new thing I loved (a lot of people hated it, but I loved it), was the addition of a common element in Capcom games; a pursuer, in this games case, a porcelain doll with huge blades in her sleeves that attacks you in various rooms and can only be damaged (can only be touched) by a fully leveled sword. She was like a feudal Japan version of Alma from the F.E.A.R. series. I especially loved the different camera angles she'd appear in.

What I never knew until a few days ago was that the doll has a name; Ayame. Now how interesting would that have made season three? It's the middle of a battle, the aliens are kicking our collective ass, and suddenly, a pissed of Ayame shoots out six swords out of her sleeves and starts swirling around like a tornado, chopping all of the enemies into pieces.

(Sigh) A soldier can dream.

Zain Shah

Well-Known Member
Is anybody looking forward to some new releases? I personally don't think watch dogs will be that good so I have my eyes on destiny.


Well-Known Member
Is anybody looking forward to some new releases? I personally don't think watch dogs will be that good so I have my eyes on destiny.

I have the opposite opinion on Watchdogs, as I personally have high hopes for it. Also can't wait for Ace Combat: Infinity, though as usual for most new games I lack a console to play it on.


Well-Known Member
I just got back from watching the new x-men movie,and the movie was pretty cool.Now the time travel concept makes no damn sense but the actors pull it off so well that you believe it,and that's all i'm saying about the movie..


Well-Known Member
Don't mean to change the subject, but I recently discovered something I never knew before. Anyone here ever played Onimusha? Made by Capcom, it Started out as a ninja version of Resident Evil (much like Dino Crisis was a dinosaur version of Resident Evil, and Devil May Cry was built off an engine meant to be Resident Evil 4), it evolved into a pretty kick-ass samurai/demon slaying series.

Genma Onimusha was a re-release of the first game for the X-Box a year after it's release on the PS2. The new additions were mostly hit or miss, but one new thing I loved (a lot of people hated it, but I loved it), was the addition of a common element in Capcom games; a pursuer, in this games case, a porcelain doll with huge blades in her sleeves that attacks you in various rooms and can only be damaged (can only be touched) by a fully leveled sword. She was like a feudal Japan version of Alma from the F.E.A.R. series. I especially loved the different camera angles she'd appear in.

What I never knew until a few days ago was that the doll has a name; Ayame. Now how interesting would that have made season three? It's the middle of a battle, the aliens are kicking our collective ass, and suddenly, a pissed of Ayame shoots out six swords out of her sleeves and starts swirling around like a tornado, chopping all of the enemies into pieces.

(Sigh) A soldier can dream.

I've Never Heard of that game before, It sounds really fun though!
I would like to See Ayame zipping around the battlefield Slicing up Aliens! :3


Well-Known Member
What I never knew until a few days ago was that the doll has a name; Ayame.
I just fell out of my seat.
Why are dolls so damn creepy?

It's the middle of a battle, the aliens are kicking our collective ass, and suddenly, a pissed of Ayame shoots out six swords out of her sleeves and starts swirling around like a tornado, chopping all of the enemies into pieces.


I've also been having longer-than-usual showers on the off chance Grelite decides to mess with me and I start smouldering. I live in fear.


Game Master
Staff member
I just fell out of my seat.
Why are dolls so damn creepy?
[From wikipedia]

Uncanny valley

The uncanny valley is a fundamental portion in the theory of why humans fear non-living objects such as dolls. The theory explains that as an object, such as a robot, moves towards becoming more familiar in human likeness from its functionality, it slowly becomes more popular because of familiarization to the object from the standpoint of a person. However there is a huge gap from this point to a regular healthy human and that is the uncanny valley. This span of space is where things which lose their similarities to humans goes but as soon as it become more human-like it suddenly has a spike into a more positive response from people.

I've been researching it a bit, since my character for season five (which I hope I will get into this time) has automatonophobia, and I don't give a character a trait unless I feel I have a good grasp on said trait (you should have seen the amount of research I put into synesthesia for season three). As one who is used to making characters for RPGs, I've actually put a lot of work into her, which of course means I'll that much more disappointed if I'm passed over again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
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