OOC X-COM Think Tank (part 4)


Well-Known Member
Alright, there will be two entries from Marine on the bio thread, then two more from me, then the Chief of Maintenance from Pixy, then the Chief of Intelligence from Zombie, and finally a certain head of ADVENT from Pixy. Then I'll start throwing down what 'normal' bios need to go up after that.


Well-Known Member
In other news UFOpedia is back and so cool. It's sections are set up like the menus from the games.


  • haha.PNG
    19 KB · Views: 314


Well-Known Member
Beat Legend today. Looked at the post game stats. Days Wounded - 1337. Perfect.
YOu know what I hate more than anything? The fact that the aliens path towards you even in concealment. I have true concealment on, and I was making use of it to get to a relay that was literally the entire map away and impossible to get to without trying to stealth... and... every enemy group nearly cornered me. I took 2 bullshit wounds because I had to pull back, engage two pods at once, and then ignore a third one after having to deal with a drop with 2 turns left just to ensure the relay went down. I'll post pictures telling the story later.


Well-Known Member
YOu know what I hate more than anything? The fact that the aliens path towards you even in concealment. I have true concealment on, and I was making use of it to get to a relay that was literally the entire map away and impossible to get to without trying to stealth... and... every enemy group nearly cornered me. I took 2 bullshit wounds because I had to pull back, engage two pods at once, and then ignore a third one after having to deal with a drop with 2 turns left just to ensure the relay went down. I'll post pictures telling the story later.
I didn't know that was a thing but it explains a lot. That's actually dumb.


Well-Known Member
So the ADVENT sniper mod has some... interesting interactions. It activated because another pod spotted me and the sniper's squadsight made his own group trigger. Then a stun lancer from his group dashed - from the fog of war and somehow telephoning - from beyond the confines of the corner of the map behind me and missed. It was... weird to say the least.


Well-Known Member
"Wow this patch fixes a lot of major issues with gamepl-"
  • Graze is no longer a chance for 100% shots. Targets being shot by a concealed attacker cannot dodge.

    -proceeds to wipe forehead with towel vigorously-


Well-Known Member
We're so close now. I have 3/5 of my intro chain written... On... Er... Paper. I'll type them up soon though, will likely finish oday or tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
May attach these to my bios since I know a couple of other people were considering reference pictures. The first one I've used for Atka before, and while the hair color is still wrong and it lacks the fauxhawk ponytail she is now rocking (reference picture for that in particular attached to this post) it works well still. The second one I owe thanks to Dahl, since he made an apt comparison between Yakone and the character in the reference picture (even if Yakone has black hair, close enough). Then Shen and Tygan have pictures from the wiki.

Atka Reference (Zeronis 'Mechanic')

Yakone Reference (Overwatch 'Tracer')
Tracer Yakone.jpg

Shen as Depicted (XCOM2)


Tygan as Depicted


Atka's Ponytail

Atka Fauxhawk.jpg


Hey guys. Hope everyone's excited for the new campaign. I'd say good luck, but then I remembered I already said that. So instead here's some games come to life.:)
