OOC X-COM Think Tank (part 4)


Well-Known Member
Yeah no that is absolutely bullshit. I've kept my shitty work laptop on windows 8, and not only does it schedule upgrades for me that I need to cancel lest I wake up to a brave new OS, but it also has a nasty habit of saying "you have 15 minutes to save your work, because I'm shutting this shit down to update". The whole forcing you to update thing with no way to back out is most certainly not consumer friendly.
I recommend disabling automatic updates if you haven't already. I read that's how you prevent 10 from trying to deepthroat you.


Well-Known Member
I recommend disabling automatic updates if you haven't already. I read that's how you prevent 10 from trying to deepthroat you.

And a good morning or evening to everyone one the site, cause the first thing I want to see in the morning is Windows 10 deepthroating its customer. Gonna start the morning off with a deepthroat, as ever morning should start as.


Well-Known Member
Not me. Screw women. Too hard to live with, too hard to please, and I have myself to take care of. Don't need someone useless to do stuff I know myself could do on my own.
More for me

Sorry, did you hear that? It sounded like someone making a joke that could be construed in a very insensitive light and then immediately retracting it.


Well-Known Member
Is this you coming out Tax? (Not for me. Not into guys at all, but relationships just aren't for me.)
*scribbles out theory on Marine's sexuality*

And... no? Not sure how you got that from what I said. I can't come out of the closet if I was never in there to begin with.
Unless I'm Houdini.


Well-Known Member
Enjoy a collab - not as long as the last one- that I feel very proud of how it turned out. Thanks go Marine for playing Artyom of course. Warming up to our steel recluse.


Well-Known Member
I swear to God, the people on the XCOM subreddit and the steam forums have done nothing but whine about how the DLCs conflict with the aesthetic of the game since the first pack came out. I didn't ask for this circlejerk, I just browse to steal any cool mod ideas for our story. XP


Well-Known Member
Whew lad, two collabs coming at'cha. I have our first mini mission to organize (which will hopefully set a precedent for how I want more minor missions to go) which will probably just be me but may include other people. As a refresher, the way mini missions are intended to work is to be overviews of an operation. I may go a bit more detailed with this one, perhaps showing banter before and after the operation commences and that sort of thing (I'm going to abstain from a mission briefing since that'll be part of the report itself) but the main body will be describing the mission as if it's an extended after action report.

In short, it'll take a lot less time than full-length missions.